I'm sorry

I'm Sorry

Your POV 

It was midnight, and you began to worry because Jaebum hadn't returned from work yet. He had told you that he would be busy after work and would be back home soon, but was 6 hours soon? Maybe for him, but for you it was too long of a wait. You paced around your room several times, thinking whether you should call him or not. You decided not to because he might be driving right now, so you began to wait a little longer. You decided to go to bed, and just then the front door opened revealing a flower scented Jaebum.

"Where were you?" You said, with a hint of anger in your voice. He didn't reply like he thought you would, so you said it again. "I said, where were you?"

"Go to sleep Y/N, I'm too tired for this." Jaebum said. You couldn't help but feel a bit depressed with the tone he used to talk to you. What happened to the loving Jaebum? Did he too, notice that you two were drifting apart rather quickly? You couldn't help, but think that one day Jaebum would walk out of that door and never come back again. Jaebum sighed and walked to your shared bedroom, opened the door and slammed it shut. You decided to sleep on the couch today because you didn't want to make him even more angry.

The next day you woke up rather early. It was 7:00 am, so you decided to start the morning with a quick jog. Jaebum used to accompany you when you went on your morning jogs, but lately he hasn't been doing that. You walked up the stairs to your bedroom, carefully turning the door knob, so you wouldn't wake Jaebum, but to your suprise he was already up. Smiling at his screen. "Good morning, Jaebum!" You said cheerfully, hoping he would at least give you a quick kiss on the cheek, but he didn't. He looked up and then continued looking at his screen again. You were trying very hard to not run over to him and take a peek at his phone. You wondered what could be more important than a quick good morning. You sighed and went to the bathroom to get ready for your morning jog. After you were done using the bathroom, you went to your closet to pick out an outfit. 

"Oh, Y/N...Um I'm going to go out with...um...a friend so I probably won't be coming back so soon today." You turned to him and quickly nodded. At least he had still remembered about you. You both headed your ways. You said bye to him, but he didn't reply back. You sighed and decided to not go jogging anymore. You headed toward the coffee shop to release some stress. You picked the coffee shop that you and Jaebum went to many times before you two grew distant. 

"One Vanilla Latte please." You say to the person behind the counter. A few minutes later the person gave you your drink. You thanked the person and sat down at an empty table. You saw a couple walk down the road, looking ever so passionate about their relationship. You wished that you and Jaebum were like that. You observed them more. The way they looked at each other, the way they kissed, so passionately. You observed the guy more because his actions reminded you of Jaebum, and that is when you realized it. That person was Jaebum. You rubbed your eyes just to make sure that your eyes weren't playing tricks on you,  but it wasn't. What you saw, was what you saw, And nothing could heal the heart Jaebum had broke just now. A few tears had managed to fall, so you quickly wiped them. You threw your cup away and walked out of the cafe. What you saw today explained the flower scent on Jaebum last night, and the bright smile he had this morning. That's why he hadn't said I love you to you all week. He had been saving it all for her. You ran the rest of the way to your shared apartment. Once you got to your apartment, you quickly ran up to your once shared room and began packing you stuff. Once all your stuff was packed up, you ran out of the apartment with your suitcase not knowing where to go.

Jaebum's POV and a little bit of Your POV too.

Jaebum found himself disgusting, he was angry at himself. He had broken up with his other girlfriend because he realized he loved you more. He now regretted all the things he had done to you. When he had arrived home he found a note saying, we are done.... on the table. He ran up to the bedroom to see if you were there, but you had already left. He panicked, he quickly texted you, but you didn't reply. He tried calling you but you didn't reply either. He ran out of the door hoping to find you. He started to walk around the neighborhood hoping to find you around. When he finally spotted you he quickly ran up to you to give you a back hug.

At first you panicked, but then you felt the familiar pressence. You turned aorund and found Jaebum looking at you. You broke into tears which made Jaebum wrap his arms around you tighter.

"I thought you said you loved me," you managed to say through your tears.

"I love you, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I still love you a lot." Jaebum said with tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

"I can't seem to hate you, I'm afraid that once I forgive you, you'll do the same thing again."

"Y/N I won't, I'm sorry, I love you, what I did was disgusting and I don't know what to do with out you." He caresses your cheek, and gives you a peck on your lips. "I'm sorry, can we start over and forget about everything in our past?" You sniffle and nod. "Thank god," Jaebum said. Once again Jaebum kissed your lips and all you could feel was love and care.





HI guys! Thx for reading this! Please leave a comment that way if you want to read more of Jaebum and OC fics I would be glad to write them! Please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 1: You should probably write a longger one ^^ it's great ..
PinkPebbles #2
Hi Guys! Is it good? I really don't trust my writing skills..... Let me know if I should write another one and I will write as soon as possible!