Jinyoung's Birthday Party

Still Believe

“Jacks, what should I do for Jinyoung’s birthday tomorrow?” Mark was in Jackson’s coffee shop.

“Just buy him a new book Markie.” Jackson said while making an Americano for their last costumer.

“He’s too busy to read some books Jackson.” Mark placed his head on the counter.

“Just prepare a small birthday party for him, hyung.” Bambam came out from the kitchen.

Mark suddenly straighten up and he looked at Bambam with a light bulb above his head. “You’re right Bambam, he love birthday parties!”  He stood up and walked towards the younger and hugged him so tight. “Thanks Bambamie!”

“You’re welcome but hyuuung I can’t breathe.”

“Hey hey, don’t kill him. I’m still going to marry him.” Jackson said as he broke the hug.

“Possessive.” Mark murmurs as he walked to the front door and flipped the sign of the coffee shop from open to close. “I’m going to pick up my Jinyoungie now so I’m leaving first. Bye, lovebirds.”

“Just call us if you need some help for tomorrow, hyung.” Bambam shouted.

Mark beamed at him and nodded his head and walked out from the coffee shop.


Mark woke up early than usual and he was greeted by Jinyoung’s figure who’s sleeping peacefully while hugging him. He smiled. What did he do in his past life to deserve this beautiful angel in front of him? He kissed the younger’s forehead and peck his lips before he pulled himself slowly and get off from the bed without waking up the younger. He went to the kitchen and he saw Mrs. Park preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, aunty.” Mark greeted her. “You’re preparing breakfast? Let me help you, aunty.”

Mrs. Park smiled. “Good morning, Markie. I’m preparing a peace offering breakfast for our Jinyoungie but it’s almost done.”

“Err, peace offering breakfast?”

Mrs. Park nodded his head. “Yes, today is his birthday right? But sad to say I can’t celebrate it with you guys since I have a conference in Busan for 2 days.”

“Ohh… so that’s why.”

“Yeah, but I’m sure you will prepare something for him right?” Mrs. Park smiled at him.

Mark rubbed his nape and shyly nodded his head. “It’s just a small birthday party. Bambam suggested it.”

Mrs. Park clasped her hands. “That’s great! You know Jinyoung really likes birthday parties. He will surely love it!”

“Thanks aunty.”

Mrs. Park helped Mark on how to prepare the said birthday party event for the younger. She gave him a list of Jinyoung’s favourite food with their ingredients and the materials that Mark needed for the party.



Mrs. Park saw Jinyoung approaching her while rubbing his eyes. “Good morning, mom.”

“Good morning, sweetheart. Happy Birthday!” Mrs. Park happily exclaimed.

Jinyoung frowned, he blink his eyes multiple times then… oh right, today is his birthday but he completely forgot about it. Nice!

“Ohh yeah, I just forgot about it but anyways, thanks mom.” Jinyoung smiled and he hugged his mom, he pulls away when he remembered someone. “Mom, where’s Mark hyung?”

“Oh Mark?” she turned his back as she tried to think of an explanation for the older. “He left earlier saying that he needs to go to Peniel. Jackson’s friend, the one that owns the café that Mark is currently working on.”

“Oh Peniel, that guy. I know him.” Jinyoung said as he sat in the dining area.  “Mark hyung didn’t even greet me.”

Mrs. Park giggled. “I’m sure he will, maybe later.” She placed Jinyoung’s breakfast on the table that she made a while ago. “Here. I made a peace offering breakfast for you.”


“Well, I have a conference in Busan for 2 days and because of that I can’t celebrate your birthday with you and Mark.”

Jinyoung started to eat the food that his mom prepared for him. “It tastes good.” He gave a thumbs up. “It’s okay mom, have a safe trip and don’t forget to call us when you reached their safely and also call us when something happens okay?”

Mrs. Park smiled as she nodded his head. She sat down beside her son, joining him in his breakfast.


When Mark came home from buying all the things that he needed, the house was already empty. There’s no sign of Jinyoung and Mrs. Park so he called Jackson and Bambam to help him prepare Jinyoung’s birthday party.

After a few minutes, Jackson and Bambam arrived and they started to prepare everything before Jinyoung come home from work. Jackson decorated the house while Bambam and Mark joined forces to cook all Jinyoung’s favourite dishes.


It was already 6PM when they finished everything, the 3 slumped their exhausted body on the couch as they try to regain their energy. Mark stood up and went to his and Jinyoung’s room to take a relaxing shower while the two take their shower together to another bathroom.

It’s 10PM already but Jinyoung was still not yet around. Mark tried to call the younger but Jinyoung is not picking up.


“That’s all for tonight, thank you so much everyone.” Jaebum said after his presentation.

Everyone bowed to him and started to get out from the meeting room.

“Jinyoung?” he called when it’s only the two of them left in the room.

“Yes?” Jinyoung answered while gathering his papers.

Jaebum walked towards him and stand in front of the younger. “Why are you avoiding and ignoring me?”

Jinyoung looked up and made a step back when he noticed that they were so close. “I’m not avoiding you Jaebum-ssi.”

“Then why are you –“ Jaebum didn’t even finish to what he was saying when Jinyoung’s phone rang.

Jinyoung looked at his phone and he saw Jackson’s name. Weird. Jackson will never call him in this hour.

“Hello Jackson?”

“Jinyoung, where are you?”

Jinyoung looked at Jaebum before he answer Jackson’s question. “I’m still at the office, we were having a meeting but it’s already done. Why?”

Jinyoung can hear Jackson sighed on the other line. “It’s supposed to be a surprise but… Mark prepared a small birthday party for you and he fell asleep while waiting for you.”

Jinyoung widened his eyes. “What?! Okay okay I’ll be there right away.”

Jinyoung hang up the phone and grabbed all his things then left the room, leaving Jaebum standing and trying to process what was just happened.

Jinyoung run to the bus station but it seems like the last trip already left then he saw Jaebum’s car approaching him. Not again Jaebum, please!

“I think you need a ride, get in.” Jaebum ordered.

Jinyoung shook his head. “No, I’m fine Jaebum thanks.”

“The bus for the last trip already left.” Jaebum said.

And that hits him, what is he even doing here when the last bus already left. He groaned and get inside Jaebum’s car.

“I need to go home right now. My fiancé prepared a birthday party for me and he already fell asleep while waiting for me.” Jinyoung said in a worried tone.

“It’s your birthday?” Jaebum was shocked, he didn’t know that it’s the younger’s birthday.

Jinyoung nodded his head.


When Jinyoung arrived, he was greeted by a great silence. Really great! He saw all the decorations that they made, his eyes landed on Bambam who’s sleeping on the couch. He look at the kitchen and he saw his fiancé sleeping on dining table. Jackson came out from the bathroom and he saw Jinyoung with Jaebum.

“Hey Jinyoung, you’re here.” Jackson whispers. “Get out first, I’ll wake them up. Just act like you didn’t know anything.”

Jinyoung nodded and they follow what Jackson said.


“Guys Jinyoung is here!” Jackson shouted.

Bambam and Mark woke up, they fixed their selves and checked if everything is still set. Jackson and Bambam hold the party poppers and prepare their selves. Jinyoung slowly opened the door and he stepped inside with Jaebum.




Jinyoung covered his ears when Jackson and Bambam started to twist the party poppers and it exploded with a lot of confetti scattered to the air. Jinyoung smiled as he looked up and then he look at his fiancé and ran towards the older. He hugged Mark so tight, the older wrapped his arms around Jinyoung.

“Happy birthday baby…” Mark whispered to Jinyoung ears.

Jinyoung just nodded his head and hug the older so tight. Mark heard a sniff and he pulls away to look at Jinyoung.

“Awww my baby is crying.” Mark said while wiping the younger’s tears and he hugged Jinyoung again.

“Hyung, thank you so much. I’m so sorry if I made you wait for so long, I didn’t know that you prepare something like this for me.” Jinyoung said as he sniffed.

Mark pulls away and cupped the younger’s face. “I’m willing to wait even if it takes forever as long as it is you and I’m willing to do everything just to make you happy.”

Mark slowly leaned to Jinyoung, the younger closed his eyes then a pair of soft lips landed on his. Jinyoung started to move in sync and Mark returned the kiss wholeheartedly. They pulled away when they heard Bambam and Jackson cleared their throat.

“We’re still here lovebirds.” Jackson said.

“I’m sorry.” Jinyoung laughed and he looked at the person behind him who’s standing there the whole the time and watched the whole scene. “Oh Jaebum-ssi I’m sorry, I almost forgot that you’re here.”

“Mark, Jaebum send me here because I failed to catch the last bus that’s why he’s here.” Jinyoung explained.

Mark smiled. “It’s okay Jinyoung.”

“Hyuuuung ~ can we eat now? I’m really hungry.” Bambam whine.

They all laughed and started to gather in the dining table where Mark and Bambam cooked a lot of foods. Jaebum refused to join them but Mark invited him so he just accept it.

After eating their late dinner, they sat on the couch, they watched some movies, talked about Jackson and Bambam’s relationship, Mark and Jinyoung’s wedding. Jaebum also told them about his past and Youngjae, they felt sorry about what happened to his lover.


It’s almost midnight when Jaebum, Jackson and Bambam decided to go home. Jaebum let Jinyoung had his day off for tomorrow.

“Thank you so much guys for helping Mark hyung in preparing this party, I really appreciate it.” Jinyoung said happily while sending the three in the front door. “… and Jaebum-ssi thanks for sending me home.”

Jaebum just smiled at him and went to his car. Bambam and Jackson hugged Jinyoung before they made their way to Jackson’s car and left. Jinyoung closed the door and they started to clean everything.

“You’re seem so good towards Jaebum today.”  Jinyoung said as he walked towards the older.

Mark looked at him and sighed. “I was shocked when I saw you entered the house with him, but when you explained to me why he’s even here I thought to myself that maybe I had to thank him for sending you here and so I treated him nice even if I’m having a hard time controlling myself not to punch him.”

Jinyoung just laughed at him. Mark scowled and left Jinyoung to clean the kitchen. Jinyoung follow Mark and helped him.


The two were lying on their bed, Jinyoung snuggle closer to Mark and his arms was wrapped around the older while Mark caress Jinyoung’s cheek.

“Mark hyung…” the younger called.

Mark hummed.

“Thank you for everything.”

Mark giggled. “I just made a small birthday party baby.”

“It’s not small for me. You just made everything so perfect.”

Mark lifted Jinyoung’s chin. “I always wanted everything to be perfect just for you.”

Jinyoung smiled.

Mark looked at Jinyoung and the younger smiled at him lovingly, his smile that always melt the older and make his heart flutter. Mark caress Jinyoung’s smooth cheeks, he slowly leaned to Jinyoung. The younger was startled, he hold his breath as Mark slowly leaned to him then suddenly Mark stopped and Jinyoung released his breath that he was holding a while ago.

Their faces were extremely close right now, Jinyoung would be lying if he can’t feel his cheeks burning. Their breaths were fanning to their faces then suddenly Mark closed the gap and kissed the younger. Jinyoung gasped with Mark’s sudden action. Mark slowly moved his lips against Jinyoung as they slowly closed their eyes and started to feel the kiss. It was slow and sweet but it got heated, Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Mark’s neck while the older shifted his position so his hovering above the younger.

Mark’s hand travelled to Jinyoung’s chest then to his stomach that was still covered with his shirt as he kissed the younger passionately. Jinyoung can feel his heart beating so fast and he can feel the butterflies in his stomach.

Mark bite Jinyoung’s bottom lip and it made the younger moaned into the kiss. “Mark…”

Mark pulls away as he gasp for air. Mark looked at Jinyoung and he pressed his forehead against the younger. “I’m sorry Jinyoung, I know you’re not yet ready.”

Jinyoung shook his head and Mark looked at him. “I want you Mark.”

Mark widened his eyes and his mouth hang opened. Did he hear it right? Jinyoung wants him? “A-are you sure J-Jinyoung?”

Jinyoung shyly nodded. He can’t bring himself take a step back, he wants the older right now.

“O-okay” Mark said and he lowered his head and kissed Jinyoung again.

Mark lifted Jinyoung’s shirt up and over his head, he dip his head and placed pepper kisses to the younger’s jawline down to his neck. Jinyoung moaned when Mark into his milky white skin leaving beautiful red marks in his collarbone.

Marks hand ran over Jinyoung’s bare chest down to his stomach and he looked up to see his fiancé. “You’re so beautiful.”

Mark trailed kisses to Jinyoung’s chest down to his stomach and belly button. Jinyoung huffs a breath, his hands gripping at Mark’s shoulder and he can feel himself growing hard.

Jinyoung can’t explain the sudden need for this thing to happen, he just let himself being drown into Mark’s touch. Every touch was so gentle as Mark handle Jinyoung with care. That night Jinyoung gave his everything to Mark. Short gasps and loud moans leave his mouth as the older take his first.




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raygien1515 #1
Chapter 39: The special chapter tho ♥
raygien1515 #2
Chapter 37: JxklzcmzlkmczlkmclksdfmlKASMLKASMD?KASMIKSDMFlkASfmlsdmflzsvzslkfmsdfsldzkjfsdlkfzsl <3
Chapter 39: AW I LOVE THIS FIC SM ♡
Chapter 39: the best fic ever ♡♡
Chapter 39: aw <3
Chapter 19: WHYYYYY?!?!?! WHY AM I CRYING?!?!?!
Chapter 2: // sobs in a corner //
cherreeeng11 #8
Chapter 39: What a happy ending could be
Sshrh96 #9
Chapter 39: This ff was so good. i finished this story in one day. How good is that? Hahaha. I just love it so much. write another ff abt markjin but please dont make the reader to swollen eyes again. i cried too much!
badaddiction #10
Chapter 39: This is epitome of perfection..I'm glad that i came across this.so beautiful.thank you authornim.