Right Before Your Eyes


Hello all! 

This is the first time I have written a drabble for WonTaek~ 

I am not new to fanfic writing, but this was my first try in years and I will admit that I am more rusty than ever.

So please, feedback is welcomed :)



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Chapter 1: Just beautiful, sweet and cute! Good thing, Wonsik realized his true feelings! WonTaek forever!
KittenChingu #2
Chapter 1: That was beautiful <3
Ravisgurl #3
Chapter 1: This was really cute! Thanks for writing this!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 1: Aww it was a bit sad, not too much, and really cute :)
And mother hen Hakyeon is still here huh?? X)
Chapter 1: omigosh this was awfully cute
i tend to favor the section style of writing where a short snippet jumps to another and then again, it's pleasant and easy to keep up with :'^)
thank you for writing this! you did a good job~