A Beginning from the End


   Finally, the love between Seungri and G-Dragon comes true.But what about BigBang's future?


   Seungri stared at GD peeping from behind the curtain at the leaving audience. Before he can walk to him, TOP came by to take his position. He rest his hand on GD's shoulder as they had a mysterious conversation. Gloom, Seungri walked his way to his dressing room, ignoring the thought of his plan.

   Deep inside, with every tease they gave to each other, and GD's moves on him, Seungri felt an odd pain in his stomach that made him blush. He actually does love GD. His mind flashed back to the time GD kissed him on stage behind his towel, and how he backed away immediately. The smile on GD's face meant nothing to him, but his sorrowful eyes did. That was a long time ago, and Seungri knows that what GD did showed how much he actually did love him. Of course, Seungri always does the same acts with him, but they are always to get the crowd screaming and pay-back for with GD always does. But at this moment, with this concert ending their tour, Seungri couldn't fight the secret deep down him anymore.

   "Yo, Seungri," Taeyang called from down the hall. "Are you okay?"

   Seungri, noticing that his hands are balled up into a fist and he was taking huge steps, turned around with a straight face. "Yeah," he said with a tight smile. "Just a bit exhausted from our concert. Almost got teary-eyed." He laughed a fake laugh to get Taeyang to leave him alone.

   Taeyang nodded. "Okay, just checking. You seemed tense." He walked the opposite the direction to Daesung, playing his drums in the other room.

   Inside his dressing room, Seungri took of his jacket and stared at himself in the mirror. "You missed your chance," he said to himself, throwing the jacket on the rack. As he was about to take off his shirt, someone was knocking at his door. Before he could open it GD was already walking inside nonchalantly.

   "What's up, Seungri?"

   "Nothing. I saw you looking out to the audience." He watched him through his mirror.

   GD layed down on the sofa, drapping his towel on his forehead. "It was depressing to see our fans leave, felt like a bullet to the heart. But then you remember that we gave them something to never forget. After all, they are your Everything." He chuckled, and got up to where Seungri was wrapping his arms around his waist.

   With his habit, Seungri was squirming to free himself, that is, until reazling that GD was hugging him tighter. That's when Seungri gave in.

   "Woah, you normally won't stop doing that," GD acknowledged, resting his chin on Seungri's shoulder. GD stared at Seungri through the mirror, watching every move he makes. "Whatever," he said, releasing his grip. "I'm going to find Daesung and help him-"

   "Hyung, wait." Seungri grabbed GD's hand before it reached the doorknob. "I have to tell you something."

   At first GD was surprised, but then turned into a funny look. "Oh, okay. Now you want to play." As he was about to give Seungri a noogie, Seungri, who still held onto GD's hand, pulled him closer and embraced him tightly. 

   "Hyung, please listen to me." This time Seungri was close tears. "If I would've told you this before then this wouldn't have ended so soon."

   GD, now in complete surprise, ask, "What are you talking about?"

   Seungri pulled away, but still had his arms around GD. "Hyung, with everything you do to me on stage, are they real? Every touch, every tease. Are they true?"

   Speechless, GD backed away. pain brought to Seungri as GD, still staring at him, found the doorknob and ran out, leaving Seungri in a state full of sadness, but can't cry for such a riduculous thing.



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Chapter 2: Awww they are naughty ❤
Chapter 2: oh hot!hot!perghhhhh hot!...i need jump to swimming pool right now......ert couple!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww so sweet!!
KawaiiVJRBaby #4