Chapter III Your Blood Can Serve as an Attractive Quality that You Possess.

The Undead Next Door


He leapts like a dog chasing the butcher's sausages, although the muddy hair of his obstructed his line of vision, Yunho's keep running, chasing the man clads in dusty broken white loose shirt  and khaki pants.


As he takes a step back he stumbled on the rubbles of this annoying old house, Changmin doesn't know why, the creature in front of him is no threat to him but, he feels his goosebumps are rising when the mutated man ferociously baring his teeth full of plaque and jump to his direction. Changmin runs, he better to respect his judgment although, he hates to run with his brand new suede oxford shoes.

He uses the hand rail to propel himself and jump to higher ground, before that man manage to grab an inch of his shirt.

"Stop it! I mean it. You! Degenerate!" Changmin said while he's taking a broom, which shape looks like a broom made of broken uneven twigs. He draws the distance with that "rotten person", considering his hair seemed messy beyond help and his skin is colored like a person whose blood frozen and formed mild discoloration here and there.

"Wrawrr bryuu rnng arrway."(Why are you running away?) Said Yunho, slightly raised his hands up, he's confuse by this situation. His prey seldom runs and just screaming in fear and submit, so it's always easy for him to chow them down.

"This is my house, you dimwit! Go away before I call the police! Changmin yells at him and takes out his smartphone. The battery is dead. He forgets to log out from Clash of Royals, and it killed his battery.


Yunho takes that moment to strike at the poor broom, it broken in half and make a way for him to push the person in front of him whose face's screming in horror, down and low below him. That man who he held down, punch him on the nose, it bends his nose in weird position but, Yunho doesn't feel anymore or we could say that he's quite immune to punches although it's sting a bit. He opens his mouth and shows his evenly arranged teeth, then takes a quick chomp.

Changmin does his best to shield his neck from that bite with his injured right hand. Sacrificing a partial of his wrist's flesh, that’s torn away in a shape of crescent moon. He feels faint, losing blood when he's thirsty is really not a good idea, and he must replenish it sooner or, later will be the demise of his existence. Sometimes, Changmin wish that he can pick his own meal and doesn't need to pick the one that someone shoves in front of him on unideal situation. Often, the choices are not his. Changmin grabs that man tattered collar, try to choke him with his own pitiful shirt and deliberately tangled his legs with that man's so he cannot move. He makes a mental note to himself; remember to buy a dental kit to meticulously clean his teeth. He swiftly leans closer to the man's ear and whisper.

“Just drop dead, you piece of moldy bastard."

Changmin pierced the man's parched skin, and drinks mouthful of clotted dark liquid from the home invader until he feels the urge to vomit. It was vile, rotten to the core of the cell.

He had no choice but to retch the liquid that reek of decay.


"Oh, he must get affected by the plague that started six months ago and basically, I must cut his head to stop his aggression." Changmin thought while he still does his best to pry his own fangs from the creature that still try to latch his own teeth on Changmin’s skin.



There is a tingle on his skin. When his prey bitten him, it’s not unpleasant. But, it is surprising. His consciousness should have been gone since he was changed into a zombie. Trill exhilaration runs deep on his atoms, permeated on his skin as he regained his newly force.

Yunho yanks his neck away from the collar that choked him, and goes in for the kill.

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HominYC #1
Chapter 4: will changmin turned into a zombie too ? I do not want him to die
HominYC #2
Chapter 2: So this city it's full with supernatural creature!!
I hope yunho would not hurt changmin any further
HominYC #3
Chapter 1: Your story ts original though it's so scary but I will try to bear with it
taranalove #4
Chapter 1: This is so lovely... hope to read more... please upate soon... thank you very much