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The next morning dawned and the girls woke up, one by one. They settled for bowls of cereal and sliced fruits for brunch and then gathered in the main room to plan out the rest of their day.

"So, any ideas?" Jimin was the first to speak, excited with the start of a new day.

The other members pitched in their ideas, coming up with all sorts of suggestions. Choa suggested they rent out bicycles from the nearby town and ride around the area, but Seolhyun promptly reminded her that Jimin and Mina didn't know how to ride them. Chanmi mentioned that they could explore the area and take a few pictures, but then shook her head saying that they couldn't possibly spend the rest of the day mindlessly wandering around. It was then that an idea came across Yuna's mind.

"Seolhyun and I took a path to the lake yesterday." Yuna looked at Seolhyun, who nodded her head.

"It was really beautiful!" Seolhyun reimagined the scenery. "We can go there again, all together. The path is clearly marked and it isn't too far from us!"

Content with Yuna and Seolhyun's suggestion, the others agreed to visit the lake.

"Alright then, it's settled." Jimin made her way out the door. "Come on, girls, let's go!"

When the girls had arrived at the lake, they were filled with awe. The beauty of the water, glistening in the sunlight, and the cool breeze that followed set an enchanting atmosphere. Choa, Jimin and Chanmi immediately ran and dipped their feet in the water, while Yuna, Mina, and Youkyung sat along the shore, enjoying the scene. Hyejeong and Seolhyun, of course, embarked on a mini-date, isolating themselves from the rest of the group, enjoying each other's company.

"What are you doing, Mina?" Yuna asked. The little girl started carving out some figures in the sand.

"I'm drawing us!" Mina smiled.

"U-Us?" Yuna stuttered, her face grew red after thinking of cuddling with Mina last night.

"Yep! You, me, Youkyung-ie, Hyejeong-ie, Seolhyun-ie, Chanmi, and the two oldies over there!" She pointed at Choa and Jimin, who were torturing Chanmi with their old mom and dad jokes.

"Ah..." Yuna frowned a little, disappointed that Mina's drawing wasn't exclusive to her and Mina alone.

"Would you take a look at those two over there?" Youkyung interjected, referring to Hyejeong and Seolhyun. "I swear those two stick to each other like they're dating."

Hyejeong and Seolhyun were a ways off, standing at the edge of the dock, replaying the classic scene from Titanic. Seolhyun spread her arms wide, while Hyejeong hugged her from behind, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"You don't say," Yuna laughed. To her, it was blatantly obvious that the two girls were more than a pairing, but to everyone else, the two were just a little too attached.

"Do you ever think you'll experience love like that?" Mina asked.

"Love?" Both Yuna and Youkyung stared in confusion. Yuna was flustered at the very thought of Mina asking her about love, while Youkyung simply had no idea what Mina was referring to.

"Uhm... Is that not the right word?" Mina scratched her head. "Not love... uhm. Friend...ship?"

The other two just laughed at Mina's mistake and began to poke fun. Mina began to pout, which only made Yuna smile even more.

"How can someone be so cute?" Yuna was lost in thought, staring at Mina. She felt her cheeks burn red and she couldn't resist the ends of her lips from curling upward.

"Hey, guys!" Choa called out to the others. "Come over here, let's take a picture together!"

"Come on unnie, Youkyung-ie you too!" Mina grabbed Yuna and Youkyung and ran to Choa.

After taking a group photo and a few too many selcas, the girls started to head back to the cabin.

"Hey! No matter where you go." Jimin chanted. "The pretty girls are..." She pointed at Chanmi.

"AOA!" Chanmi continued off.

"You know!"

"I know!"

"I'm good, I'm hot, I'm fresh, I'm fly." The two sang in unison. "Brave sound!"

"Ugh, looks like those two are at it again." Youkyung shook her head. "How much longer do we have until we get back to the cabin?"

"Well," Yuna thought back, "We first have to get to the place where the road branches off, then we just walk back for about... ten minutes?"

"My god, this is so much work. My back is killing me." Choa massaged her back. "I'm getting way too old for this."

"Don't worry, Choa-unnie!" Seolhyun gave her a light push from behind and looked ahead. "The path divides up there; we're not that far from home now!"

"But guys?..." Youkyung said quietly, her voice shaking nervously. "D-Do you guys see what I see?"

The other girls looked at Youkyung with confusion. Youkyung was rarely nervous, but something had clearly gotten into her. Youkyung pointed ahead, and the girls took a glance at what Youkyung was looking at.

"I-Is that... Is that a b-b-bear?" Chanmi stuttered, hiding behind Jimin, who started to take slow steps backward.

"C-C-Calm down guys," Jimin tried to reassure herself that they'd be safe. "L-Let's just w-walk back home slowly..."

It was then that the bear raised its head and noticed the group of girls. Guarding its territory, the bear stepped forward getting closer to the girls.

"RUN!!!!" Jimin shouted and ran, grabbing onto Chanmi and Choa.

The bear also began running after them and the girls, caught in a state of panic, ran away. Yuna, who was leading the group, was closest to the bear and began to fall behind the other girls. When she tried to sprint to catch up, she tripped on her own foot and fell. The bear came within a few feet of Yuna and stood on its hind legs.

"P-P-P-Please....." Yuna inched away hoping for some way of escape.

As the bear growled and was about to attack, a loud ruckus occurred.


Mina, who saw Yuna trip from a distance, saw the bear approach her. Mina recalled that in some survival stories, people would fend off bears by scaring them away. She grabbed the biggest wooden stick she could find and ran toward the bear, screaming and waving her hands in the air. The bear was frightened by the sudden noise and fled into the mountain.

"Yuna-unnie!" Mina ran to Yuna and gave her a hug. "Are you hurt?"

"M-Mina..." Yuna fell into Mina's embrace and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for saving me..."

The other members also came back, hearing Mina's screaming.

"What happened??? Are you guys okay?"

"The bear was about to attack Yuna-unnie!" Mina explained. "I managed to scare it off, but I don't know where it ran off to..."

Yuna, still scared, refused to let go of Mina and only held her more tightly, burying her face into Mina's shoulder. The girls laughed at the irony of the situation as Mina told the others what she saw.

"Wait, Yuna-unnie, YOU were the one tripped and fell?" Hyejeong gave her a doubtful look. "That's... unusual."

"Isn't Mina-unnie usually the one who gets herself into trouble?" Chanmi began to tease Yuna.

"Wow, who knew that the all-capable Yuna would need saving from our local clutz?" Jimin scoffed. "Come on, let's hurry back home before we encounter something even worse than a bear. Like a dragon or something!"

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ChungHamster_Kim #1
Chapter 6: Author nimmm~~~ Please Updateee~~ It's so good and very well written! <3
Chapter 6: The confession kinda cute though. Please update soon, author-nim! ^^
cupcaketree123 #3
Chapter 6: Omg this story is so gooooood. And poor Mina is struggling so hard here :(
Please update again authonim~
yvet_951 #4
Chapter 6: please update soon
Kang-Baechu22 #5
Chapter 6: I just lost my i'm,
Chamlu #6
Chapter 6: Hmm i wonder what will happen next chapter , its all going to be fun
Chapter 6: Mina and Yuna finally realize their feelings.. yass
Yuna, just confess already~
jhulye_kwony #8
Chapter 6: Ommona...maeng ahh so cute,very innocent hahaaha
seolhyun so freaking lost his Dongdong hihii mian new coment unni authornim
asice16 #9
Thank u author-nim ^^
asice16 #10
Chapter 6: Thank u author-nim ^^