
Bus Ride


And so the bus rides home went on for the rest of the semester.

Six months. Three weeks. Two days.

And on the last day of school before the semester ended, Heechul finally plucked the courage to ask Kath one question.

As usual, he waited for her at the café across the bus stop. Her class ended rather late today, so it around 6 when she walked out of the school’s doors. Heechul got her some cookies to eat on the ride home. He knew how much she liked cookies.

“Heechul! It’s late, you didn’t have to wait, you know.” Kath said as he approached.

“It’s nothing. Besides, I want to make my friend gets home safe.” Heechul replied. “Here, have these cookies. We have to travel at least two hours. It’s the last day for most schools.”

“Thank you so much! You know, my brother says that you baby me too much. I think I might agree with him.”

“Would you, really?” Heechul asked, one of his eyebrows raising, he was clearly amused.

“I said I might, Heechul.” Kath said with a small smile. “Thank you, really.”

“You’re welcome.”

The bus came along and Kath claimed the window seat again. Heechul mocked irritation but laughed it off.

“You know, if you want the window seat, all you have to do is beat me to it.” Kath said with a laugh.

“I will. Next time.”

“That’s what you always say.” Kath pulled of a face and settled onto her seat.

“I will!

“Fine. Deal, okay?”


“And if you lose, you’ll buy me cookies every day.”

“What?” Heechul laughed loudly. “Fine I agree.”

“Yay! Thanks!” Kath gave Heechul a one-armed hug.

It was more than what Heechul could hope for.

Two hours more on the bus and they did nothing but talk. Heechul prized those opportunities the most. There was no rush, no pressure, and no awkwardness. Just two classmates catching up on each other at the end of the day. Just him getting to know more about his favourite girl.

When their stop approached nearer, Heechul noticed that Kath had gone silent. He turned to look at her. She was asleep already.

“Aish, this girl.” He muttered to himself. When the driver called their stop, he carried Kath carefully on his back. He took his time walking. Obviously, she had pulled an all-nighter for the final exams that they had earlier in the morning. He sat her down on the bench across the fountain, and let her head rest on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Kath’s eyes fluttered open. She looked around and saw Heechul looking out at the fountain. She couldn’t believe that she had fallen asleep already.

“Sorry about that, Heechul. I didn’t get enough sleep last night.” Kath said.

“It’s okay. At least you weren’t alone when you fell asleep.”

“It’s embarrassing. I rarely fall asleep when I go home.”

“It’s fine, Kath. Really.” More than fine.

“Well, I’m gonna try and get some proper rest from now on.”

“As you should.” Heechul said. “Come on, I’ll walk you home. Your brother must be looking for you.” Heechul held out his hand to help her up. Kath took it and swung the bag of cookies on her other hand.



“I never did ask, do you have siblings?”

“A sister, Why?”

“Oh, so that explains why you seem to like to take care of girls a lot. I find that really nice of you.” Kath leaned onto Heechul.

“That’s because a man should always take care of a woman.”

“That’s what my brother always says! I bet the two of you would get along fine.”

“That’s nice.” Heechul agreed quietly.

They stopped in front of Kath’s house.

“Thank you again, Heechul. Goodnight.” Kath hugged Heechul tight. “Get home safe, okay?”



“I need to ask you something.”

“What’s that?”

Deep breath, Kim Heechul.

“Would you find it alright to be my girlfriend?”

One, two, three.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Heechul looked at her, a huge smile forming on his face.


“Seriously!” Kath laughed and hugged him again. “I’d love to be your girlfriend, Kim Heechul.”

“Thank you, Kath.” Heechul hugged her back.

“Don’t you love bus rides?” Kath asked before she went inside her house.

“I love bus rides. But you know, I love you more. Goodnight, Kath. Saranghae~” Heechul texted her before he drifted off to sleep that night.

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Chapter 3: Aigoo~ Heechul! :3 Cute story! <3
Stay safe and health heenim... Saranghae oppa!!! (✽˘⌣˘✽)
Obata-sama #3
Awww, reading this made me so happy. <br />
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#4 sweet^^ i wish i knew a kind and caring guy like heechul! i always catch the bus but i'm always alone-.-"<br />
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i miss heechul oppa<333
superchelle #5
Cshinmi #6
If Heechul and Kath got close when they rode the bus. Me and ____ got close because of the train. :)
this was cute :))))<br />
now i miss heechul more ..
awwww heechul's totally my bias! <3
Wow~^^ Nice ^^ Looking forward to the next chappie~~^^