Entry 5

Tormenting Me

After a long working day, In Ha eventually made it home, after working overtime. She walks to the kitchen, making herself a sandwich. Being really tired, she heads straight upstairs to her room. There In Ha changes her clothes. Doing so her earring falls to the floor, while picking the shiny piece of accessoire up, she sees something under her bed. Curious she reaches out for it and lifts it from under her bed, wiping the dust off the book in her hand.

What's this doing here? With a bitter smile she lays on her bed with the book in her hands.


Entry 5: September 2013


Dear diary,


finally I'm out of Middle School and now things can start anew, in my first year of High School.

This is a new beginning. So I thought...


In reality life just became my living hell and all of that is just because of ONE personYou want to know his name? Well, it's Lee. Jong. Suk. I hate him and I always will hate him. My first day in High School was the worst ever, but not to compare with the rest of my High School years to come.


“Choi In Ha, stop spacing out in my class“, the teacher, Mr. Kim shook me out of my most terrifying thoughts. “It's only the beginning of the year and not to mention, that this is a new school for you and you're already acting like this. Please pay attention“. He kept scolding me.

“Yes, I am sorry, songsaengnim“. I mumbled looking down on my desk.

I wasn't spacing out, because I wanted to. It's because of the person who is in the same class with me and is only sitting a few seats away from me. It's Lee Jong Suk, my worst enemy.


Thirty minutes earlier.


“Lee Jong Suk? Is he here? Does anyone, know him or knows where he is?“ Mr. Kim asked the class.


My classmates shook their heads as a response. No, no one knew where he was. I sat there shocked about the name I had just heard.

“What? Jong Suk? That can't be, right? There is no way that he is here too.“ I whispered to myself. “It's a common name, right?“ I said to myself to calm me down.


The moment I finally calmed down, the door opened and a tall boy with hazelnut brown hair rushed inside the classroom. Everyone started, whispering. Especially the girls were out of themselves.


But I, I was totally shocked and sat there terrified. My eyes couldn't leave him. They followed him, as he walked to the teacher. “I'm sorry for being late.“ He bowed. The young boy turned to the class and introduced himself. “Annyeonghassaeyo, naneun Lee Jong Suk imnida, please take care of me“. The girls squealed.


As he looked back up our eyes met, his lips curled upwards to the side as he was smirking at me.


I gulped, as I felt my whole world crashing down on me.

Now sitting here I wished this day would just end real fast. I don't want to encounter him and I do not want to see his damn face.

The bell rang and it's now time to change classes. The girls in my class immediately hurried to Jong Suk and started questioning him. If he had a girlfriend and so on.


“Sorry, ladies, but I have something to do. So just head to class without me, 'kay?“ He winked. Nodding their heads in a trance, they walked out of class without him. As soon as the classroom was empty, I felt a dark presence strolling towards me, as I was packing my belongings. The presence stood before me. Slowly I looked up and stared at his dull eyes.

“Is...is there anything you want from me?“ I carefully asked, knowing damn well what's going on. He just stared at me and slowly came closer, while I was backing away. Until I felt the cold hard wall on my back. That's right, he had cornered me. Lee ing Jong Suk cornered me. Not daring to meet his eyes, I looked down at the white floor.


Without giving me the chance to grasp the situation, he pressed me against the wall, his leg between mine, his arm leaning on the wall over my head and his right hand cupping my chin, forcing me to look up. His face was dangerously close and I had never been this scared of him, as in that moment. Yeah, sure, in Middle School he harassed me and made my school life ty. But this situation right now is different. We never had body contact like this and I hate to admit, but this is making me really nervous.


Sternly the human I call a beast looked at me. “Hey, there, how's it going? In Ha.“ Jong Suk whispered in a raspy voice to me.


“What do you want from me?“ My voice came out in a soft whipser, barley able to hear.

Even though I wanted to sound confident,I failed. Miserably. He looked at me and chuckled. “My, oh my, what happened to you? Not so feisty anymore, aren't we?“


“Leave me alone.“ I tried to avert my gaze, but he pulled me by my chin to look at him again.


“Awh, but what to do? I like tormenting you. If you weren't there, I'd be bored to death and we don't want that, right?“ He spoke while grinning at me.


And that is where I lost it and snapped. “WHAT!?“ I shouted at him. “If I weren't here you'd be bored? Is that why you're doing this to me? Because you are bored?! Because you have nothing else to do?“ “After everything you have done to me, this is your reason?!“ I breathed out. At first the young man in front of me looked quite astounded, but then he put that smirk on his face and answered. With a simple “Yes“, I was so shocked, angry and hurt that I couldn't even say anything. I looked helplessly up to him, tears stinging my eyes and my body going numb.


“You are the worst.“ That was the only thing I said to him before I brushed his shoulder, as I walked passed him.


What I didn't see was Jong Suk watching me slightly unsure of himself, as I walked away from him.


Finally lunch break came, of course I have no friends “yet“. It's always like that. I never had the chance to make friends. Either it was because of you know who or I was just too scared to aproach other girls, because in the end Jong Suk would ruin it for me anyways.


So I spent my lunch break alone, well almost.

I heard the opposite chair squeak as the monster Lee Jong Suk sat across me.

I tried to ignore it, like I always try, but we all know it doesn't work like that.


“Are you just going to ignore me, even though this handsome man is sitting with you at a table?“ He asked curious his head resting on his hands, as he was staring at me.


“Can you not just leave me alone? You're drawing unwanted attention.“ I told him while looking at the many people in the cafeteria staring at us or more staring at him.

“Okay then, how about this?“ He asked while he stood up and walked leisurely towards me.

I looked up at him wondering what he's going to do. BIG MISTAKE. In that moment he reached for the soup I had on my tray and poured it all over my head and upper body. In that moment everyone here in the cafeteria had gasped.


Even though, the soup was hot as the sun. I was frozen in my place and couldn't react at all.

I just stared at him. And he laughed. He was laughing and soon everyone here in the cafeteria joined him. Some even took pictures. Realizing what was going on, I grabbed my things and ran out of the cafeteria to the girl's bathroom.


Panting, as I stood in front of the sink, starring into the mirror. I looked like a mess.


Jong Suk did many, many things to me, but pouring food all over me. He had never done anything like that. I felt devastated. He was mocking me into the depths of despair. And I could do nothing about it. Unbelievable


With all my effort I picked the noodles out of my hair, while tears were streaming down my reddish cheeks and into the sink. Draining down the pipes with the water I used to “wash” my hair.


My hair wet as a puddle I sat in my last class for the day. Science.


The good thing is the person I despise the most is not in this class with me. The bad thing is I'm so cold.


My whole body is shivering from the coldness and bitterness inside of my slowly vanishing warm heart.


What shoud I do to stop this?


Yours sincerely, In Ha.


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Number2elf #1
Chapter 3: I forgot about this story... but I enjoyed the chapter! Its interesting
Number2elf #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god that was like really harsh! But im curious what happened to them in middle school ?
I havent seen many pinocchio stories around lately so this is exciting :) its really good
Chapter 2: Jong Suk's too violent here. :(( and Shin Hye..poor her.
Whatever happened makes me curious, though. :D

Update soon, author-nim~~~
Number2elf #4
Chapter 1: I'm a er for stories like these XP. Update soon?