Starting out

Just a noob
More than one hour later, the four girls headed home. Solji found herself in Jooseung's room, looking for anything that could look like a hint for the title of the game her brother was addicted to. The boy was at university at the time, or more like on his way home; so she didn't have much time until he arrives home. But she wasn't able to find a single clue, and time was extinguishing. She ruffed and stomped out of the room, frustrated, right on time to hear Jooseung entering the front door. Suddenly, she had an idea.
"Seunggie-oppa! Let's go out to eat!" Solji invited as soon as he took off his shoes.
"Maybe later, Sol. I have stuff to do." He declined, ruffling her hair.
"Oppa!" She whined with aegyo. "We never hangout anymore... I bet you're goin gto play that game again..." She followed him to his room.
"Don't be like this, Solji-ah!" Jooseung turned his computer on, the booting was actually fast. "I promise to go out with you as soon as I finish today's mission." He sat down on his chair, at his desk, and clicked on a 'D' icon on the desktop, ignoring the fact that his sister was attentively looking at the screen. The game loaded, and a couple of huge logos appeared before a huge 'Diablo III' smoothly appear on the screen. Solji too note and sighed.
"Okay, oppa. If you forget your promise, you will have to pay." She said before calmly rush to her own room and look for how to play this game called 'Diablo III'. 
She found it really quick, and started the procedure that wasn't really complicated. Solji found it at, and used her brother's credit card to buy. Well, she did say he'd pay, didn't she? What would take long, she figured, would be the download time, as for the game was quite heavy.
While waiting, Solji logged in the pc version of the chat app to check who was online at that time. It happened that everyone was on, and she announced she had put her plan into action. She divided her attention between chatting and reading the game guide. Almost two hours later, she received the notification telling her the download had completed.
After another half an hour, the game was fully installed and operating. Choosing a character took her a bit of her time because she didn't know what kind of character she wanted to play with. Upon remembering her brother and how much she wanted to hit him sometimes, mostly because of that very same game, she decided to go for a Barbarian. When she was finally done with the class choosing, Solji chose the story mode; the game began and she was amazed by the opening video.
Even though Solji managed to read the game guide, she found out the practice was a lot tougher than theory; it was her first online game in the pc after all. She managed to finish the first quest with a lot of effort and failing a couple of times. After a moment of thinking, Solji decided to leave her pride aside and ask for help on the global chatbox. Unfortunately for her, that day there was a lot of troll users online. A lot of mean jokes were made toward her, words she wouldn't even dream to say aloud were used. Ten minutes later, she was on the verge of crying when a private message popped up, drawing her attention.
"Yo! Don't mind those jerks. I'm gonna help u." It was from an user called Elly.
"Really?! Thank you!" Solji gulped her tears and tried not to scare the person away.
"Really :) Let's add each other as friends to make things easy. Let's do it in both ways." The user typed back.
"Both ways?" Is there more than one way to add as a friend?
"As characters and as users. This way I'll be able to find u faster with the other character I will make to accompany u." Elly explained. Solji wondered why the need of another character to help her, but then she looked at Elly's level and stated it was very high.
Elly explained how to add as a  friend. She also asked Solji to install a chatting program that would let them call each other. She even shared a link to download it. Solji would do anything to please that stranger. She really wanted that help. After the program was installed and that Elly person was added, Elly initiated the voice chat.
To her surprise, on the other side of the line a slight deep feminine voice spoke.
"Hi." The voice was strange, yet familiar. But Solji couldn't figure from where. It's neutral tone helped on her nervousness. 
"Hello." Solji greeted back after a couple of seconds. Still, it was awkward.
"Are you ready? I will teach you everything I know, and help you out." Elly asked in a confident voice.
"Yes!" Solji replied with all her determination. She heard a small chuckle from the other girl.
At first, Solji was having issues in keep up with Elly, but after three struggled completed missions, the girl was starting to learn the way. Elly had incredibly a lot of patience, and always praised her when she did something right. She also happened to be quite a good teacher. She explained what Solji had to do and let the girl do the work herself; she was there being the support character. Solji learned relatively fast and after four more completed quests, it could be said that the girl was doing pretty good. They were kind of a good duo. 
The hours passed so fast that when Elly said it was getting late and she needed to go, Solji was actually surprised. She also had school the next day, and it was already 4 am! This would give her about three hours of sleep! The two bid goodbye to one another and rushed to bed.
A bit more than three hours later, Solji dragged her feet to her classroom. She was so sleepy she didn't notice a body approaching her from her front.
"Solji-unnie! Good morning!" Heeyeon's voice reached her ears and she finally looked up. Solji gave Hani a small smile.
"'Morning..." Solji half greeted her friend. But she just wanted to reach her desk and throw herself at it. 
"Unnie, what happened? You look so tired." Hani was really worried, hence she never saw the older woman in such a bad state.
"Nothing serious. I found someone to help me with that game, and we ended up staying up until very late." Solji explained groggily.
"Ah, that!" Hani giggled. "This is not healthy, and will give you dark circles. Hyojin-unnie stayed up until late as well. I left her at home because I didn't want to be late for class." Heeyeon patted Solji's back.
"I hope the first class won't be anything so important because I really need a nap." Solji sighed. "I just hope I don't do this again. I only slept for three hours! I feel like crap..." She whined. 
"Don't be like this, unnie. You will get used to that if you want to be on high level fast. It is for your fraternal bonding in the future." Hani pointed out.
"I don't want to get used to that!.." The older girl whined more.
Hani just laughed and hastened. "Let's go to class. The bell will ring soon." She gently pushed Solji towards her classroom with the girl pouting. 
But Solji did exactly the opposite of what she wanted. Everyday after school and club activities, she headed straight home, did her homework, and turned her pc on to play. Usually, she'd wait for Elly to be online, but she started to feel comfortable to play a couple of stuff on her own. She actually enjoyed Elly's help, and soon the girl started to grow on her. When there was updatings or maintenance on the game server, they'd call each other just to chat. In three weeks Solji reached a level where she could hang out with Elly's main character without being a burden.
Meanwhile, her friends noticed her change. Solji barely hang out with them anymore. In the first week, Heeyeon was okay with it; but in the middle of the second week, she started to be all dramatic. Hyerin now regretted giving such a stupid idea to her umma-unnie; she obviously lost her partner in eating after school. Junghwa was finding everything amusing. She knew sooner or later Solji would stop being so addicted and would go back to go out with them after class.

A/N: Again, this is not how Diablo III works, but in the story it is like this to make things flow like I want! Annnnnnnnnnnnnd Only one is sooooooo good *o* I'm listening nonstop hahaahah See ya next part! thanks for reading~~

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I just changed a couple of things on first part because now i know Solji's brother's name o/


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Myhime20 #1
Chapter 4: Aww, I really liked the story!
Chapter 4: After our talk about Lesol I HAD to read this again and skebkekee OMG I SWEAR IT ALWAYS GETS TO ME! When Lesol have more physical actions I’m like dying. Like the part where they called Solji the Mom, Le the dad and Hyerin as their child... I SHIP THE FAMILY <3 oh gosh I’m so thankful you wrote this :’) *upvotes a billion times*
Chapter 4: I seriously love Lesol so I was so happy when I found! The plot was amazing and the way you write really flows well! I usually don't read the gaming themes stories but this one was worth it (since it kinda included it). I too am a sister who has a brother that constantly plays games more than hanging out is Amen Solji! It was sad when LE cried (I imagined her crying and just couldn't take it ><) AGGHH THIS STORY MADE ME SMILE SO BIG AND BE HAPPY!! And those drawings are wonderful! I seriously love the first one :D
Chapter 4: Cute story ^^ Thank you for writing <3
Chiqinna #5
Chapter 4: Mama~ *huggies* I love the art of them~ and nice endings~ :3 Hyojin was so sweet~~ hehe and romantic >< thanks again for the fic~~ hope you can write more soon~ \/
Chapter 4: Your drawings are great! I really like them :D

What a great chapter really. I like how the game was still the focus of everything and that it was the platform Hyojin used to get her girl. Also the supportive siblings is great. We knew Hani would be fine with it but to see Solji's brother all excited about his sister dating a girl was funny and cute.

Thank you for the lovely story!
FillDir 306 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is a really nice story. Really! Good job, Author-nim! :D
Autor-nim...: *put some aegyo*
Update the new chapter pleeeeeaaaase
*^* ♥♥
propertiesofpd #9
Chapter 3: Lesol starting yayyuuuu