The Lost Time


Park Chorong thought that she was contented with her life.

She lived in a small, but cozy apartment, she had a job as a teacher with more-than-enough pay, and she had a loving boyfriend who adored her to death.

Who would ask for more? As a person who agree money is not the main goal of life, it was enough for her. Of course, at the age of twenty-seven, she'd said no to adventure. Woohyun loves her and so does she, and the thoughts of settle down with would flow into her mind like a normal aging person with a boyfriend would.

But a letter bringing the news of a certain step-brother that she never heard of comes into her mailbox, and for a while, she considered to let herself drown into the deepest part of her memory, of her youth, of the lost time in which she never remember.


#ParkChoRongformyLove #advancesorryfortypos #advancesorryforgrammarmistakes


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Chapter 4: makes me curious hahahaha
btw... this is woorong fanfic right?
Chapter 3: Update please author! It's a nice story.
Chapter 3: It's getting more interestinggg please update soon ❤❤❤❤