Intermission of the old couple

Of one imp and his stray cat

Intermission of the old couple


Hongbin thought he was a very lucky man.

He’d made his dream come true when he started working as a professional photographer, he had friends that were weird, loud, and crazy and the best he could ever ask for, and there was the most important thing too – he was marrying the woman he loved.

Yeah, he was pretty damn lucky.

‘I can’t believe we are finally getting married.’ Hani smiled, echoing his thoughts as she marched through her coffee empire and made sure they were ready to close.

‘I can’t believe you are working the day before the ceremony.’ Hongbin chuckled, following her and helping with whatever he could.

‘Well, I couldn’t have the girls do it. I need them to be on top when all hell breaks loose tomorrow.’ Hani said, nodding as the last of the chairs were put in place and all her lovely machines were shut down. ‘Not that we didn’t go for the simplest possible ceremony.’

‘I still think it’s a feat that you listened to your mother and promised to wear a white dress instead of jeans and a VIXXED t-shirt.’ Hongbin chuckled, leaning over the counter to peck her.

‘Hmm, well I think the real feat is that Hyuk promised to show up.’ Hani smiled, tilting her head to ask for another peck.

‘Wasn’t a hard task, just had to ask Sungjae instead of him.’ Hongbin grinned, obeying the silent request.

Because Han Sanghyuk decided to settle down, his wanderings coming to an end. And he managed to stun every single one of them silent, when he waltzed into the café one June afternoon – after so spectacularly disappearing for months – and introduced his mysterious muse who he chased all across the country, telling them all that he would find his own place and stay in Seoul with Sungjae for good. And so another wacky one was added to their group, fitting in without effort.

‘And now one just has to wonder, when the last of VIXXED will finally settle down...’ Hongbin said, shaking his head.

Because Wonshik was still on his journey to find love.

But Hongbin thought he was happy anyway - no matter how much he whined – because he was discovering himself thanks to music and matured under the pressure of his work. And maybe that change would allow him to meet someone who appreciated his passion and matched him perfectly…

‘Wonshik is hopeless.’ Hani rolled her eyes with a warm grin, because she adored Wonshik in that sisterly bothersome way. ‘He will marry his music.’ she chuckled, leaning against the counter too so her nose touched Hongbin’s.

‘That’s what you said about Taekwoon-hyung too.’ Hongbin reminded her, nuzzling her nose.

‘Well, I didn’t know the guys hid someone like Jaehwan from us.’ Hani shrugged. ‘Would have been way more painless too, if someone had taken it up on themselves to introduce them properly…’

‘Why? Fateful meetings are more fun.’ Hongbin smiled.

‘You only say that because you managed to avoid getting on my wrong side - those two started off very differently.’ she deadpanned, moving back to roll down the shutters.

‘Fine, that’s true.’ Hongbin said and stayed where he was, gaze following Hani’s movements as he continued to smile, unable to stop.

Meeting Hani was not exactly by accident. Hongbin knew her thanks to Wonshik, but never had the courage to ask the older girl out. She had always been independent, confident and immensely beautiful with quirks that not many knew about - being extremely blunt was one of them.

So naturally she was the one in the end who got fed up with Hongbin’s silent procrastinating and dragged him away on a date.

And things just fell into place after that, like pieces of a complex puzzle...

‘Stop trying to sound poetic in your head and help me.’ Hani said, sending a flat look back at him. ‘Hyojin-noona does that much better anyway.’

‘Aww, come on. Don’t rain on my parade.’ Hongbin pouted exaggeratedly. ‘Who knows, I might end up writing lyrics for VIXXED.’

‘Please, don’t – stay at being a backup bassist.’ Hani smiled, letting her hair out of the bandana that held it in place.

‘Right, right… And keep on practicing in case Hyuk escapes again just as Hakyeon decides to propose to Eunji, and you have to perform on their wedding sans a bassist.’ Hongbin chuckled, stepping up behind Hani to pull her against his chest, swaying with her softly.

‘It’s a quite likely situation actually.’ she chuckled, leaning her head back against his shoulder. ‘So just polish your skills and try not to outgrow your leather pants.’

‘Are you implying that I’m fat?’

‘Oh, absolutely.’ Hani teased.

‘Then how about some workout so I will fit my tuxedo tomorrow.’ Hongbin grinned, pressing a kiss to her neck as he squeezed her waist.

Hani just laughed, turning around in his embrace to wrap her arms around his neck. ‘And will you take responsibility if we are late for our own wedding?’

‘Are you saying I need that much workout?’ Hongbin raised a brow.

‘Nah, I’ve just remembered how good you look in that tux.’ Hani smirked and Hongbin pressed a kiss to her lips.

‘Well I still want to see you in your dress, so let’s make sure we are not late.’ he winked, lifting Hani up and made his way towards the stairs leading up to their apartment as her laughter echoed through the café.


If they began their wedding day a bit late, then it was for the girls to worry about and up to the guys to make sure everything else was ready.

And maybe there were some tears, quite a few neck-chops and that much more laughter involved in the process till they walked the aisle in the park, surrounded by the people they loved.

And it was perfect like that.


Lucky, that’s what he was.


I failed to give enough loving to Bin, so I could not resist~
And I tried to give the others a bit of a closing too, a glimpse of where they are headed.

Next update is epilogue time, stay tuned~

PS. Did your water polo boys win, woman? Cause you def worked quicker to catch the match :D

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I'm hungover, my beta is hungover and we are drunk on the concept films and teaser pics, but worry not! Last chapter is underway~


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: I love this!!! The ending was so perfect! Keo <3<3<3 Thanks for writing this
Chapter 8: Love the story ^^ but sad bc it ended... thanks for writing this fic
KensDoll #3
Chapter 8: This was so beautifully written~ thankyou so much for writing this ♡
Chapter 8: omg i just read this in one go and it was so cute! I love the way you wrote the words and the flow of the story. How there wasn't angst yet the questions about the relationship were still present and intriguing. I'll definitely be looking forward to more stories from you in the future :D P.S Will Wonshik ever actually find a partner that isn't music ;)
Chapter 8: omg that was really great!! i love your stories and this is probably my favourite now :) the end was so good, thank you so writing this
ravenclaw23 #6
Chapter 8: I really, really, really enjoyed reading this.
Thank you so much for writing it!!! <3
AnnBGG #7
Chapter 8: Survive? No, but I'm prepared for your tears of joy, woman. :D
I still like how you incorporated your poem you've so unsuccessfully nagged us with. Your reader is right, you can paint with words.
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 8: So much fluff!! (* ˚᷄ 艸 ˚᷅ *)
That ending was just too cute x3
Loved it... Just... Yeah
Chapter 8: I was about to log out and go to sleep, when I saw that you updated,so guesa who's going to class sleep-deprived later hehe. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it. Not one bit. Nuh-uh. The epilogue was perfect (I can't recall ever commenting here before, this fic is perfect btw) just perfect. I have no other words. The end was fluffy w just the right amount of ual innuendos (too sleepy to add anything else) This is great. Good job author!
(I hope to read more fics from you after the comeback. I pray we all survive)
Chapter 8: Bwaaaaaaa {T-T}
its over........
but it was such a lovely ending <3
you painted a beautiful thought-scape for us, Thank you.