Night time

The Taste of the Future
 Title : The Taste of the Future: (drabble) Night time

Author : AechaPark

Words count : 603

Genre : Family, Romance, Fluff


Yuta laid down beside his wife who was busy uploading photos they took the whole day on her private facebook account using her cellphone.


“Kaachan, let’s rest?” Daichi adjusted herself on Yuta’s shoulder as her husband embraced her. They liked this kind of intimate position, just laying beside each other while Daichi used Yuta as her pillow. Sweet, intimate body language that said they were contented on their relationship.


            Daichi snuggle slowly on her husband, “touchan, thank you”. Yuta hummed as he brushes her hair softly. He liked touching Daichi’s hair, the locks are short but soft. He found it cute and attractive at the same time. And Daichi had kept her hair in the same length as how Yuta liked it.


“for what?”


“for everything.” She smiled facing her husband and staring deeply in his eyes.”This day, this life, this family, for everything, I’ve never been so contented in my life and that is all because of you.”


The light of the moon was illuminating on his face, and Daichi saw the softness in his eyes. Yuta caresses her face and smiled softly. He nod and drop a sweet kiss on his wife’s forehead.


 “You don’t have to thank me.” Yuta’s deep voice sounded like the bass of the guitar strum like a sweet melody in Daichi’s ear. He continued “Because everything we have is because of you. You saved me, from the loneliness of my past. And it’s just because I love you, our kids, and this family. I love all of you, and I love you so much Daichi.” She felt moved; Yuta didn’t really talk about the past he had, only in quite few occasions that was called for, but in rare times like this, Daichi felt the tugging feeling on her heart.


She hated the thought of her husband suffering from the loneliness when he was still a teen ager, she hated how fragile her baby Tako and was struggling alone. Because, just like him she had been there. And through fate, and hard work by the both of them, the two met and fortunately fell for each other.


            Daichi believed that Without actions, fate won't work. All struggles and problem she faced just to be with Yuta, all pains and failures and the thought of giving up in the middle have been paid off.


Fate worked her magic because she had taken all the actions and efforts needed to be with the man she ever dream of.


The man of her dreams noticed her and fell for her. You thought only fairy tales had that kind of love story? No, I believe not. These two beautiful hearts meeting by choice was made by fate. And that is the kind of fairy tales that exist in the real world.



Yuta greeted her goodnight and closed his eyes. The day was long and he needed to prepare for another long day tomorrow. He was tired from playing with the kids but they had too much energy that almost drained up all his power. He immediately fell asleep as soon as Daichi left a peck on his lips.


Daichi felt the steady beating of her husband’s heart and closed her eyes. The slow thumps lulled her to sleep and soon she drifted to a restful dream.


Life wasn't about luck; Life was about Hard work and Actions that would lead you to the path where your dreams would come true. And that was the path that these two persons took. That was the path where they both cross at the same time and fell in love in the journey together.


As what I've said, this is a head cannon guys. 

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HikaruSoul93 #1
Asdfgsaadgg mah kokoro...those morning kisses adfssfAfjys <3