Day 6028

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Day 6028



The next day, a Sunday, I wake up as Kim Hyoyeon, a.k.a. Hyo. Loves to dance, afraid of spiders, and a proud owner of her dog, Vivian.

                In ordinary circumstances, I would think this was going to be an ordinary day.


Minho emails me, saying he wants to meet up, and that if I have a car, I can come to his house. His parents are away for the day, so he doesn’t have a ride.

                Hyo tells her parents she’s going to do some dance battling with a few of her friends. They don’t question her. They give her the keys and tell her not to come too late.




Minho is only 15 minutes away. I figure I won’t have to stay too long. I’ll just have to prove to him that I am the same person as yesterday. Then that’s it.

                He looks surprised when he sees me. I guess he didn’t really believe it would be true. He looks nervous, and I chalk it up to the fact that I’m in his house. I recognize it, but it’s become a blur to all the other houses I’ve lived in.

                He takes me to the living room – this is where guests go.

                “So it’s really you,” he says. “In a different body.”

                I nod and sit down on the couch.

                “Do you want something to drink?” he offers.

                I tell him water will be fine and he goes to get it. I don’t tell him that I plan on leaving soon, and water probably isn’t necessary.

                I hear Minho come back in and don’t look up. So it’s a jolt of surprise when a voice that isn’t Minho’s says, “I’m so glad I have a chance to meet you.”

                It’s a man with slightly silver hair and a gray suit. He’s wearing a tie, but it’s too loose at the neck; this is casual time for him. I stand up, but there’s no way to meet his eyes.

                “Please,” Reverend Lee says, “there’s no need for you to stand up. Let’s sit.”

                He closes the door behind him, then chooses an armchair that’s between me and the door. He is twice the size of Hyo, so he could easily stop me if he wanted to. The question is, does he?

                I decide to come on tough.

                “It’s Sunday,” I say. “Shouldn’t you be in church?”

                He smiles. “More important things for me here.”

                This must have been what it was like when Red Riding Hood first met the big bad wolf. What she felt must have been as much intrigue as terror.

                “What do you want?” I ask.

                He folds hid leg across his knee. “Well, Minho told me the most interesting story, and I’m wondering if it’s true.”

                There’s no use denying it. “Minho wasn’t supposed to tell anyone!” I say loudly, hoping Minho hears me.

                “While for the past month you’ve left Minho hanging, I’ve been attempting to give him answers. It’s natural that he should confide in me when he’s told such thing.”

                Lee has an angle. That much is clear. I just don’t know what it is yet.

                “I am not the devil,” I say. “I am not a demon. I am not any of the things you want me to be. I’m just a person. A person who borrows other people’s lives for a day.”

                “But can’t you see the devil at work?”


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Chapter 44: I'll probably agree with @LeeDaeHyun, Authornim. Please let our Taeyeon have a happy ending iwht Jessica. Even though this is angst. I still want to see Taengsic in the end.
Chapter 44: i rrally hope you can make the sequel of this story author :') poor tae ... somehow i hope tae will find a way to stay in one body and i know there is consequence like he forgot about all the things he did when he's wandering plus meeting sica . then he meet sica 'again' tadahg the story goes on !!
Chapter 44: so, if taeyeon (somehow) get back to her old body, who's the one who keeping her body alive? i mean her original body is still alive and breathing, right? her body only soulless, right?
Chapter 44: I read this because I saw it was adapted(conversion) from a novel. I've never read the novel but did some research when I started reading(this). I'm guessing Author sshi did not alter it in any way? Because I recognize "I am not the devil." "And just like that, for the first time in my life, I run." :)
Thank you for not changing it Author sshi, it ended on a nice note TBH with Tae being selfless. I'd say it's more of an angst story rather than fluff. But I personally love angst fic. It hurts when Jessica couldn't brush off thru shape and gender.. This is quite a deep story. I feel sorry for Tae the whole time. Author sshi, if you ever feel like writing a sequel well I have some suggestion :)

In the sequel, let it be 10 years later or less(I prefer 10 so it'll be almost their real life age). One day Tae wakes up in Kim Taeyeon's body, a woman whose life somehow makes Tae immediately feels like home the first time ever in her entire existence. Kim Taeyeon has a heart condition, and at the end of the day before Tae would be separated from the body she had a fatal cardiac arrest. Kim Taeyeon's soul has been destined to be carried to heaven on that very day but in a few minutes of brain activity after death, Tae hasn't left the body so Kim Taeyeon's body was brought back to life with Tae being the new inhabitant, permanently. Kim Taeyeon's family and friends are happy she was saved, it was a miracle but it was more of a Tae's destiny. She brought bliss to Kim Taeyeon's family, and Tae finally has a family to call her own. Author sshi, you can take it from there. Please let Tae meet happiness, certainty, closure and of course, Jessica :) Let them reunite, let this story have a happy ending, it would make hundreds of people happy(your subscribers)!

lovesoshiforever #5
Chapter 44: It's the end ? I can't believe it ! (T.T)
There are so much quetions left unanswered..
Too heartbreaking.. poor Tae, all he can do is running far far away from Jessica's life
leleipuppy #6
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: can you make a sequel for this. Tae will have his own body and come back to Jessica. Pleaseeeee.
Chapter 44: please update soon
HyeJeong_ss #8
This story is definitely one of a kind. Glad I stumbled over this :)
#currently reading the discussion in Goodreads about the original story because the ending affected me so much. i hate it to the higher gedree. fxck.

ben-o9 #10
Chapter 44: We definitely would need a sequel to this! Tae cant leave!