Chapter IV

My Salvation
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  My Salvation (4)



“Today isn’t really my lucky day. Damn it!”


I don’t know what’s going on. Ugh, that’s it. That’s why I feel weird this morning. Where did I get this phone? It ; we have the same model and color huh?


Anyway, I’m so late. Today, I’m going to Jessie’s and Sunny’s shop. Well, I need this too.


I already texted Sooyoung and Yoona that I’m not going to work because they will find me, that’s for sure. Those two keep on bugging me about my love life. Screw that love life. I have no luck in that thing.


I’m already at the parking area but it seems that there’s no space for my car. And so I compose my message to Jessie using my real phone.


To: Jessie

Jessie! I have no space to park my car. What should I do? I can’t leave my car here right?


From: Jessie

Wait, you’re outside? I’m coming. I’m going to move my car for you.



Jessie is so sweet. She’s my best friend since college. It’s just that I choose to work where my hometown is while she stays here. But we don’t stop contacting each other.


“Hey Tiff! Let’s go inside.” Jessie said.


“Oh-oh, yeah, sure.” I said.


“I’m going to introduce you to my other friend, by the way. She was actually in the party yesterday but apparently she wanted to go home so we let her.” Jessie stated.


“Really? What kind of person is she?” I asked.


“Don’t worry, Tiff. She’s nice but she’s kind of afraid towards other people but anyway I think you can get close to her. I know you.” Jessie winked at me.


“Oh that one is our table. See that midget seating by the window? That’s her. Try to talk to her, Tiff. I’ll be in the kitchen and get you our best dishes.” Jessie added.


“Wait, wait. You’re leaving me with her? How am I supposed to talk to her? And wait, I thought you’re free today and you still want to hang out with me, right?” I asked.


“You can do it. I believe you. Ask her some questions. And yes, I will still hang out with you, just wait, Tiff.” Jessie answered.



I’m walking towards this girl who I barely even know. We’re complete strangers, and I think she will not speak to me or won’t even look at me.


“Hi.” I said




I’m waiting for Jessica, she said she’s going to check her friend but until now she hasn’t return.


Suddenly I heard someone, No, it’s not me who she’s talking to right? I didn’t look at her.

Next thing, she just sat right in front of me and flash her smile.


I’m shocked, surprised and stunned for a moment. It’s her. It’s Jessie’s friend. My hands were sweating so much. My legs were bit shaking. I am so damn shy and nervous but why am I like this?


“Hi.” the girl said.


I’m contemplating whether to answer her or just look at her but in the end;


“H-hello.” I said.


One word just came out to my mouth and yet I still stuttered. It’s embarrassing.


She smiled at me again.


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 15: Lol tiffany is always with Sooyoung so that's why she is becoming like her... hehehe
ahverryblue07 #2
Chapter 14: Youre story is so good! Update fast authornim. :))
1120 streak #3
Chapter 14: Hahaha Fany acting childish is adorable
1120 streak #4
Chapter 13: Your back ^_^... Aww I really want to know what happen to the player Tae.. welcome back.
1120 streak #5
Chapter 11: Yeah they are good again and thank goodness authourssi you let them know now
1120 streak #6
Chapter 10: Haha fany don't worry Seobaby will take care of your son there
1120 streak #7
Chapter 7: Aww they are friends now and maybe later lovers? Hahaha... tiff even if tae isn't an architect anymore she can help you with the designs of the next branch
1120 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hmm I think taeyeon was her by some stranger who wants to befriend her or vice versa and does want that to be repeated again by Taeng you can count on Fany she's a good person if not Jessica let her be alone with you
powerxx #9
Chapter 2: Hmm... Authornim, i think your 2nd chapter is repeated. Try to read the whole chapter if u dont get it :)
aroenk83 #10
Chapter 4: What was happened to taeyeon actually... It seems that she was hurt badly...I'll wait for the update.....this is interesting.