too much

step by step
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He broke his promise.


Actually promises.


And he would never fulfill those.


Neither did he will ever promise something again.


More like he can't.


Nara watched the people around her dressed in black from head to toe. How they bowed to photo of the brother she loves the most in her whole life, in the whole world. How they approached her parents and told them that everything is going to be alright, how they comfort her crying seven years old little brother, Jinyoung, and how memories of the tragedy passed like a blur. 

She dressed in black traditional clothes that matched with her parents' clothes, and of course little Jinyoung's black suits too. Nara stood there, looking at the rather big photo placed on top of the casket that covered with lot of flowers. He was smiling, his donkey front teeth was showing. 


How dare he, she scoffed internally while glaring at the photo with anger.


A hand dropped by her shoulder, pulling Nara back to the reality as she looked up to the person in front of her. A very beautiful young woman was standing there, hands grasping on her shoulder rather firmly, as if she wanted her to know that she supported her. "Can we talk?" She asked her softly. Nara turned to look at her parents as they gave her a small nod, signaling to take her time with the beautiful woman. 

She nodded, replying the older girl before they walked off to the serving room, where most of the guests were drinking and eating with the solemn looks on their face, clearly expressing their sadness over her older brother's death. Nara and the girl sat on one of the empty table as they sat across each other.

"My name is Iseul, and I'm your brother's girlfriend," there was a slight pause and a sniff came from her, "or is it an ex-girlfriend now?" She simply chuckled at her own words. Nara watched her looking up at the ceiling, probably trying to hold back her tears as one drop fell to the side of her face which she quickly wiped with the back of her hand.

The younger girl nodded and gestured her to drink the water in front of her, which Iseul gladly drink it to ease her heart. "Sorry, I'm getting emotional," She dabbed the tissues in her hand to her eyes as she wiped the wet substance away, "I'm really sorryㅡ for not protecting your brother."

Nara shook her head. then gave her a smile, telling her with gesture that it was really okay for her to cry. It's not like Hoseok was her family's alone, he was hers too. 


"You're more bautiful than in the photo," Iseul smiled at her, which the latter nodded in thankful manner. "Hoseok always told me about you, he even showed me some photos of you two from you were a little. He practically carried your baby photo with him everytime," the woman chuckled.


"Ah, right."


Iseul dug into her bag then pulled out a white envelope, placing it on the table th

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dalgijam #1
Chapter 1: Nara can't talk? Am I right?
Anyway, looking forward to how this story will develop. Fighting! :)