
Baby, Me and You.. We're the Perfect Two.

A/N: Just so you guys know, this has no actual plot. I decided to write this because I am craving for 'pet Woohyun' stories and it's so rare to find. I bet I already read all existing ones of that kind. So, I started to do one myself. Now, I will trust this saying by most WooGyu authors, "WooGyu writes itself."
Therefore, here's how WooGyu wrote itself. haha //hides


002. When they go out night



The two arrived at the park after a few minutes of walking. Namu immediately went for the swings with Sunggyu shortly following after him. They both sat down and started swinging lightly, but with the younger more enthusiastic as usual. He pushed his two feet down the ground while moving backwards then abruptly lifting them to wiggle childishly. The swing shot forward making the wind blew a few strands of Sunggyu’s caramel hair. His two fingers automatically fixed his bangs which covered his eyes. He turned to the boy on his right.

“Namu-ah~”, he called softly.


“Dad told me today that I’ll be training for work in six months.” The words halted Namu from his swinging and slowly turned to the older.

“Six months?”

“Mhm. But I’ll be at home on the weekends. I asked dad to spare me on Saturdays. After six months, if I finally got the position, then I can go to the company whenever I wanted to. It’s not like he can stop me from spending time to take care of you. I already agreed to his plans. It was enough.” Sunggyu explained, hoping Namu will understand.

“Okay.” The younger nonchalantly replied.

“Okay?” Sunggyu was not expecting such answer. He imagined Namu to be dramatically whiny after saying that. Maybe he expected him to cry too and beg him not to leave him alone in the house.

“You will still come home after your work, right hyung?”

“Of course.”

“You can still eat breakfast with me in the morning?”

“Well, I will be earlier starting from Monday but we will still eat together before I leave.”

“When you are not tired, will you still play with me and go out at night?”

Sunggyu laughed at this but still nodded anyway.

“Then, I will try to understand and will be good while you are away. As long as you keep your words, it’s a deal.” Namu offered a hand towards Sunggyu for him to seal it. The action accompanied by a somewhat serious voice by the younger made Sunggyu burst into laughs.

“Where have you learned that?”

When all he received was a frown, he ruffled the boy’s hair playfully and preceded to link his pinky finger to the younger’s small ones. “It’s a promise.”

Namu grinned at that, satisfied with their little agreement.

“Hyung can we have ice cream?” the boy suddenly asked.

“Okay, wait here and let me–”

“No, you wait here hyung, I can do it!” Namu excitedly ran to a nearby ice cream parlor, right across the park.

"You don't have money, pabo" Sunggyu just said to himself as the younger was already on the other side of the road.


Only a few minutes later, he saw him walking back dejectedly, an obvious pout decorating his chubby cheeks. When the boy arrived in front of Sunggyu, he opened his palms towards the older's face, his eyes avoiding his hyung's and stared on the ground.

"I forgot I don't have money. The ahjumma won't give me the ice creams even though I told her I will pay after I get back to you. So, will you give me now?" Namu muttered lowly, quite embarrassed.

His hyung took the opened hands down, not releasing it yet and began to play with their fingers. He then looked up to Namu, smiling. The boy infront of him lifted his face to him, confused. He didn't know his cheeks scream, 'Hey, try me. I'm pokeable!' And Sunggyu don't wanna miss the chance.

Fingers started poking both of Namu's cheeks, causing him to puff. That made his cheeks to rise up higher and making him more 'pokeable'.

"Hyuuuuung~" The boy whined. His face was probably red by now.

"Okay, okay" Sunggyu hesitantly stopped his newfound hobby. "How about I will go with you to get the ice cream?"

"Nope! I will do it hyung. Just give me the money now, please?"

'He's persistent huh?' Sunggyu fished out his wallet and took bills, handing them to Namu's waiting hands. With that, the latter started to sprint once more.

 "Don't run! Be careful, you might trip!" He scolded.


Namu came back with two cones, holding out the vanilla flavor to Sunggyu. He knew it was his hyung's favorite flavor, he told him once. He smelled like it, too, and it's his second favorite scent (strawberry being number 1).

"What's yours, Namu?"

"Blueberry." The younger returned to the ice cream after answering.

"Can hyung taste it?" The older asked again.

 "No. You have yours, hyung. This is mine." Namu said as he pointed to their respective cones.

"But it's my money you used to buy that." Sunggyu whined back but the other ignored him, focused on lapping at his ice cream.

Suddenly, Sunggyu held his hand which holds the cone, and smeared some ice cream on top of his nose.

“Hyung!! What did you do?!” The boy was truly surprised at the other’s actions.

He was about to remove the sticky fluid on his nose but Sunggyu halted him by holding his wrist. “Let me take care of it.”

The older said simply, like what he was about to do is a completely normal thing. He leaned closer to Namu, his other hand gripping the swing to support his body. The younger boy still stared at him confusedly. Upon nearing the cream-smudged nose, he slightly parted his lips and quickly darted out his tongue as he closed the gap, tasting the treat from the younger’s nose. He pulled away a bit to see there’s still some left. He leaned in once more, successfully cleaning the small, pointed nose.

“Hmm... it’s yummy. But I love my vanilla more.” He said to the blinking boy and continued to eat his abandoned ice cream.

“Hyung, you’re weird.” Namu uttered and also returned to his blueberry.

After they finished, Sunggyu remembered something.

“Namu Namu~” He called as he dig into his jacket pocket. “I have something for you...” He gave a small rectangular box to which the boy received happily.

“What’s this, hyung?” Namu beamed at him.

“Open it and see.” Sunggyu smiled.

Pushing the cover excitedly, Namu saw a silver bracelet lying prettily on the box. What made him smile widely was the carved letters on the middle spelling out his name, along with a heart beside the letter U.

“Hyung… it’s beautiful.” He looked up to his hyung with sparkly eyes. Sunggyu was now in front of him, kneeling on the grass, while waching the boy admire his present.

“Let me put it on you.” The older man offered as he took the bracelet, delicately clasping it on Namu’s wrist. After doing so, he received a tight hug from the younger which resulted to knocking both of them down.

“Thank you, hyung!!! I love it! I love it! You’re really the best hyung ever~! Namu continued to hug the elder, trapping him with his body and arms.

Sunggyu laughed heartily at the younger’s cuteness and proceeded to return the hug.

“You’re welcome, my Namu.” He replied while patting the other’s lower back softly.

They stayed lying there for a while, peacefully looking at the evening sky, until the older decided they must go home.

“Let’s go?” Sunggyu got up. Namu also sat up but only to shake his head vigorously, causing his beanie to slip down his head because of the movement. The older giggled and reached out to put it back in place, covering Namu’s pinkish ears.

“We need to return now, it’s getting cold. We also need to sleep early. Hyung will prepare breakfast for us. Don’t you want to eat with me before I leave for work?”

“I want to, of course. Then let’s go, hyung.” Namu cheekily smiled, his eyes crinkled prettily.

They helped each other to stand up and began walking back to Sunggyu’s flat. Namu’s both arms circled around Sunggyu’s waist and the other embraced his shoulder from the side, seeking warmth from one another.


A/N: How was it? /sobs/

I wanna thank all of you reading, those who subscribed, upvoted and commented.
You really made me so happy. I'm sorry I hadn't reply, I'm busy lately but I promise I'll reply to all of you this time. Keep sharing your thoughts, okay? Also, point out any mistake, I wanted to finish the chapter fast and it's probably a mess. I'm not satisfied with how it's written. ;;;;
Thank you for waiting patiently. I love you~~^^



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160810 Chapter 3 will be up soon~


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Chapter 2: Wish u could up date this story,, its realy cuteeeee
Chapter 2: This is so cute ^^
Chapter 2: Update please <3
Chapter 2: Just want to ask. What do you mean by 'human pet', though? Is Namu like, a hybrid? Or a human? And how did he became Sunggyu's pet?
Aigooju #5
Chapter 2: Awwwww babiesssssss ♡♡♡ wanna some kisses there too
Chapter 2: Omg they're really cute couple. I cant help but smilinh when i read this story. Ohya,maybe you could tell us about how gyu has a -cute namu- pet?
Chapter 1: Hwaaa i love this. Why namu is so cute? And 15 yo namu is awwww
Chapter 1: Hwaaa i love this. Why namu is so cute? And 15 yo namu is awwww
Chapter 1: namu is so cute \(^o^)/ and the story is intetesting..
really looking forward for the next chapter ^^