

Meeting Seokmin's cute friend and his equally cute big brother at the park has definitely make Jeonghan's babysitting duty way better that expected. Seungcheol x girl!Jeonghan. Domestic AU.


OrangeBright requested domestic AU the other day and this is what i can came up with

warning: a bit shoujo manga-y i guess, title taken from CNBlue's really lovely song (i changed it from i really like you, in case you are confused)

still not 100% done writing this one, halfway through chapter three right now

thanks for reading, leave a comment or kudos if you like it~



posted @0218: happy birthday to my cute cute bias DK and his equally cute baby brother Vernon! hope you guys have a great year ahead (ノ•ヮ•)ノ*・゚✧

say hi to me on tumbr! 


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xxchocooo #1
Chapter 3: Holy crap I see Jeongcheol starting
Arjei14 #2
Chapter 3: Just found this one.
Cuuuu....uuute >_<
MeloTao123 #3
Jeongcheol is BAE!!! Was fangurling a little too hard while reading this!
Chapter 3: Jeongcheol is love jeongcheol is life,
soonseok too <3
Chapter 2: I dont mind too if they date hahaha! Soonseok is adorable,
hyachiko #6
Chapter 1: Its a nice plot. Love the possesive seokmin. Thank you dear author. Waiting for your next chapter.
Chapter 1: Aaaaa, thank youuu
I love it, especially how seokmin love jeonghan very much... So cuuuute
Oh nice interesting story ^_^