Green Eyed Monster

Green Eyed Monster


Beakhyun thinks Instagram is the worst thing that mankind ever had the idea to develop and should be banned for use. It is evil. It should not be used at all costs. People on Instagram should stop before their souls are doomed to eternal damnation. People especially young girls who have like a million followers, body of a goddess and a gorgeous pair of lips should definitely not be on instagram.

"Hey Baek?" Chen nudges his friend's shoulders who was busy glaring at his phone looking like he could chuck it at any minute. "I think it's about time you stop contemplating on how to end your phone. Please have mercy, the thing has done no wrong to you," he jokes and earns a huff of indignation from the older and promptly leaves Jongdae to look for something better to do. Baekhyun does not appreciate the condescending tone. Jongdae just does not understand anything at all. He does not have an Instagram.

So he marches out of the hotel room despite his friend's calls to come back and bumps to Sehun and Chanyeol looking like they're ready to go out too. Great. Just the guy he wanted to see, still looking like a male god with his towering height and makeup free face. He wants to punch him in the face for being this perfect.

"Hyung, we're just gonna go out and buy sweets. You wanna come with us?" Sehun asks, missing the obvious pout on the brunet's face.

"I don't feel well Sehunnie, I think I'll just rest for a while. Why don't you just buy me something yummy while you're out?" he asks the younger, intentionally making his voice sound sickly sweet and whiny. He clutched on the taller's shirt for effect. The poor kid didn't even notice what he is doing.

"Well, take some rest hyung and drink plenty of water. I'll bring something good for you later," the maknae smiles and ruffles the elder's tresses, Baekhyun would normally bite off people's hands for doing that, but he resists the urge. This action obviously earning a questioning look from the giant.

"Bye Sehunnie, take care of sasaengs!" Baekhyun lively chirps and bounces off to Kyungsoo's room.

"Hey, did you notice if there's anything wrong with Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asks the younger as they watch the brunet skipping towards the room at the farther end of the hotel corridor. The guy totally just acted like he was not standing in front of him.

"He said he's not feeling well?" Sehun answers unsurely, not really understanding the question. "We should go hyung! The sweets will not wait for us!" the younger tugs on Chanyeol's sleeves.

With a quick final glance towards the brunet acting weird, Chanyeol just nods and walks with Sehun, hoping that his gut feeling about this is wrong. He wishes his Baekhyun is okay.




"And why the hell are you pouting?" Kyungsoo asks with a roll his eyes as he settles down back on his bed currently occupied with an uninvited guest. A minute ago, he was peacefully resting, reading a script that needs to be studied only to be disturbed by a disgruntled Baekhyun who manages to sneak in his room before he could even close the door.

"I am not pouting Kyungsoo," Baekhyun answers, muffled by the pillow smooshed against his face.

"Yeah, and I am not about to shove this script down your throat if you don't stop grumbling about some stupid technology," Kyungsoo threatens and smiles in satisfaction at the look of horror on Baekhyun's face when he whips his head around to stare at the smaller.

"Why must you be so violent Soo? Are you not aware that violence does not solve anything?" Baekhyun huffs and buries himself under the comforter, shielding himself from the coldness of the room, probably even the coldness of the occupant too. He's seriously bothered that Kyungsoo might hold true on his threat.

"If you're not here to talk about what's bothering you, then feel free to leave anytime Baekhyun," Kyungsoo dismisses the elder's statement on his tendency to resort to violence and tries to focus instead on his script again. The room dives into silence after that, only the soft humming of the aircondition unit could be heard.

"Do you think Chanyeol can be attracted to females who have lips like Angeline Jolie's?" Baekhyun whispers a few minutes later, not standing the silence, he really never was the kid who could behave for long periods of time.

"Full lips are considered a y asset no matter the gender last time I checked," Kyungsoo answers passively, flipping his script to another page. "Hence, the reason why fans love my heart-shaped ones," he mutters and continues to read through another page. He spares a side look on the lump beside him and sighs.

"Is this about your thin lips? Baek, people love you for your voice, you know?"

Baekhyun just bites on his lower lip and chooses to stare at the ceiling. Yes, he's feeling very insecure about his lips right now. It's not very plump and does not look very enticing to kiss or nimble on. They're thin and most of the time chapped although he keeps on piling up lipbalms on top of it. So thin unlike someone he knows who have lips so luscious he swears it would result to kisses that would be downright sinful.

"I don't know why you're being very insecure right now but please remember that at least a few thousand of girls have been screaming your name just a few hours ago," Kyungsoo comments offhandedly, not able to bear the look of the pouting male beside him anymore.

"That's not enough," Baekhyun mumbles, because a thousand is nothing compared to a million followers.

"I don't know what's eating you up right now, but please remember you are Byun Baekhyun, member of EXO who can sell out a concert in less than 3 seconds. People love your voice and your crazy attitude, even with those thin lips of yours. If anything, people go crazy over your rectangular smile and droopy puppy eyes," Kyungsoo lectures him before finally giving up on his script. So much for studying.

The room is plunged into silence once again after that and Kyungsoo thinks the other has fallen asleep, except a few minutes later, he hears a mumbled "Thank you". He smiles and just shakes his head in disbelief. An insecure Byun Baekhyun, well that was a first.

Later that evening Byun Baekhyun updates his IG.

Sheets covering his lips and cute eyes staring right at the screen.

He hopes it's enough. He hopes he's enough.








No, really, I'm dying with all that's happening with ChanBaek recently. I might switch ships to SeBaek OTL







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Lavi55 #1
Chapter 4: Well then i guess i'll be crying until next chapter T-T
BBKimkaaaaaa #2
I just read this... I'm a er for jealous!cb

Ate Ri I'm begging you huhuhuhuHu
Chapter 4: Still waiting for the next update ;_____;
stupid Yeol!
chanbaekfantasies #4
Chapter 3: And you have to pull the SeBaek card here huh?! Who are you tying to trigger Chanyeol or me?! Hahaha

But seriously this stuff you got here is good! This needs a follow up because ChanBaek should be back together. And how can you resist when you're a big er for coming back together themes ayt? Hahaha!

I love u Ri! More stories from my fave author please!!!
Chapter 4: I love this, oh man jealousy always gets me. It's so frustrating~^^
sahar_exol #6
oh come on love you~
Chapter 4: They are both dumb dumb. Why they cannot make up? They are in love, get over it you guys!
CuTAEpie #8
Chapter 4: And i just knew ud write about this ;; but but the end of the chap i can't sobs
This story is giving me so much sebaek feels. You have a lot of sebaek moments (as well as chanbaek moments). Don't get me wrong I love Chanbaek but sometimes Chan deserves to suffer. I hope you updated soon!!