Natural Drift

Bus Rides & Sleepy Misses
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Two days later, around one in the morning, Junmyeon is walking out of a local bar towards his college dorm-room. He'd been inside the bar for a few hours, having a few drinks and sitting alone while feeling sorry for himself. As he walks while passing by closed stores and such, his mind goes back to what's been bothering him for a while now. Specifically, about him and his boyfriend. And about how they're drifting apart.


They haven't seen each other in person in the longest time and daily calls have turned into monthly ones. Daily texts don't get answered anymore, emails don't get responses, and the last time they video chatted was three months ago.


With a sigh, he crosses the street and walks onto another sidewalk, and soon makes it to the small hill that leads directly to his college. Once he trudges uphill, he glances at some people that are talking in the parking lot and spots a woman from one of his classes who sees him too and gives him a lazy smile and a head-nod as a greeting. He gives a shy wave back in response and walks towards the building for the dorms.


Once he's gotten inside with his access card, he walks down the hallway towards his dorm-room and slowly twists the door-handle open. The lights are off and he can hear snoring coming from Chanyeol's side of the room as he steps inside. After glancing over at him, he lets out a hum when he sees Chanyeol asleep and wrapped up in a cocoon made from that thick black and white blanket of his.


Then, as he lets go of the door and moves towards his side of the room to turn on his lamp, the door quickly slams shut and he winces and turns to Chanyeol, who groans while shifting his body around a bit in his sleep. Junmyeon then takes out his wallet and keys and everything else that's in his pockets, and places the items in a safe place before shrugging off his jacket and dropping it near his bed--feeling too lazy to put it in the hamper near it (and further adding to a pile of clothes that looks as high as three ant-hills).


Even though his breath reeks of alcohol and he's been wearing the same clothes for many hours now, all he can find the energy to do now is to take out his contact lenses and place them in their case before plopping his down onto his bed and yawning. He then lays back and shifts around a bit until he's curled up on his side, and brings his blanket up to cover himself as his eyes slowly close shut.




Chanyeol wakes up six hours later with a deep frown on his face because of a dream. The dream wasn't bad though, in fact, it was pretty nice. But, the dream involved him and Kyungsoo...doing things and yeah he's got it worse than he thought.


He's pretty sure that Kyungsoo doesn't know though, seeing as how they only ever meet if Baekhyun is there and even then that's rare these days. And Baekhyun sure as heck doesn't know--Chanyeol's sure that he'd feel so awkward if he did. And, it's not like he'd ever even get with Kyungsoo anyway since he's like eighty percent sure that Kyungsoo hates him. (Because whenever they all do meet, Kyungsoo tends to metaphorically and literally push him away.)


He brings his hands to cover his face and sighs before moving his hands down to the sides of his cheeks and then pushing his hair away from his eyes. Slowly, he sits up and turns to look over at Junmyeon's side of the room to see Junmyeon still in bed, breathing lightly under his covers with his back facing him.


Chanyeol's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he stares at him. Usually Junmyeon would be gone on Friday mornings because of an early morning class (which Chanyeol tends to for since he has no classes on Fridays himself.)


Chanyeol mentally shrugs in the end, figuring that maybe Junmyeon's class got cancelled, and then pushes his sheets off of himself and gets up from his bed to walk over to his shoe rack for some bathroom slippers. After putting them on, he opens the door and walks out of the room to head down the hall towards where the bathroom on their floor is to relieve his bladder and such.


Later, when he comes back into the room, he sees Junmyeon to his back now and yawning while rubbing at his eyes with his thumbs. Chanyeol ends up yawning himself and greets the other man in a slightly gruff tone and thinks to himself that he should get some water soon. Junmyeon doesn't answer back, just continues rubbing at his eyes, and Chanyeol's eyebrows tilt upwards in concern when he hears the other man sniffling.


, he's crying, he thinks.


"Uh, Jun?" he asks cautiously. Junmyeon stops rubbing at his eyes and Chanyeol squints, not really able to see Junmyeon's face clearly without his contacts on. "You...okay?"


He steps a bit closer to him, but then Junmyeon murmurs for him to leave him alone. Chanyeol frowns at that but complies and moves towards his side of the room to sit do

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9/11/21--Hey, so I finally finished cross-posting this fic onto my AO3! (Under the same name: reddoll123)


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Chapter 9: I love this <3
Chapter 52: Loved that ending :D
TaeKwonDo12 #3
Chapter 10: This is a very cute story so far!
My Xiuhan Feelz are so into this... like I know it's a kaisoo fic (and I totally love them) but I'm so emotional for Xiuhan... can't wait to read all of it :P
Chapter 46: it is so funny how chanyeol seems to put his foot in his mouth...that was so funny! poor guy...sehun freaked out....minseok and luhan are so sweet :)
may73084 #6
Chapter 46: I don't understand Chanyeols character. Why does everyone dislike him??? I know he can say some stupid things but he's really nice and friendly and just wants to be friends.
Chapter 46: Kaisoo re progressing. I am so happy.
Chapter 29: I wanna slap Kyungsoo but at the same time huh him because I understand how embarrassing that could be but it’s not Chanyeol’s fault. I hope they make up real soon
Chapter 28: OML does this mean that we’re gonna have more krisho moments? I fricken love krisho
Chapter 23: I dunno how I feel about Chanyeol confessing to Kyungsoo but at the same time I’m happy he did. I really want to know why Kyungsoo stopped being close with him though. And poor Jun.