Lu Han: I want to be Married Too

Meet Wu Sehee
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i heaved a sigh as i stare at Sehee, that was her third cup of bubble tea. 

The secret was finally out. Sehee has finally find out that her beloved Yifan-gege is currently inlove with a certain Kim Junhee. and instead of congratulating them(like a normal person would) Wu Sehee is pouting and upset and currently to wreck her diet(believe me, she never gets fat. She will forever be flawless and y in everybody's------- most specially Jongin's eyes). Sehee is acting like a brat like now and it make me want to roll my eyes of how verly dramatic she has become

"Yaah, WU SEHEE stop sulking!!!" i exclaimed as i heaved another sigh. Sehee pouted and looked at Jongin like a kicked puppy. Jongin sighed and pull Sehee to a hug

"Noona, Sehee is a bit sensitive you know" Jongin said rubbing Sehee's back as that brat nuzzled Jongin's neck.i wanted to laugh right now as i watch the younger ones act like a lovey dovey. Minseok and I had been betting about this but it seems like, Minseokie is winning. 

we betted on when Jongin would finally man up and admits that he likes Wu Sehee. it seems like Sehee needs to make the first move( which she had been doing since the very beginning. but it seems like Jongin is too into the role of the eternal bestfriend of Wu Sehee.)

'Jie-jie, should i accept her?" Sehee asked me as i sipped my coffee. I can sense how skeptical she is with the thought of Yifan dating and being engage. i heaved a sigh as i took her hands into mine

"You see, Yifan is a grown up man. he doesnt need someone protecting him. but rather, its time that your gege stand up and be happy with the one he loves. be it Junhee or any girl that your brother will fall for" I explained as patient as i could.

Sehee is a good girl. really. She is often misunderstood because of her adventurous nature. Sehee loves to pull pranks alongside the beagle couple. But whe n it comes to Yifan, Sehee can be a little overprotective. Ever since Xiao Qian, Sehee had enough of the lifeless Yifan. Yifan who had lose all the things that he treasures the most. I know how it broke the younger. we all saw how yifan was, He barely eats and spends his time studying and locking himself in his room.  he almost died because of starvation and dehydration. And thats what scares Sehee the most


After all,Yifan was all she had.


Jongin pat Sehee to sit down beside him and he held her close. I smiled at the view infront of me. Sehee .maybe an annoying brat but she can be a n obedient baby when it comes to jongin, why cant they just be together?

'Sehee-ah,why dont you meet Junhee first before saying that she is going to ruin Yifan-hyung" Jongin suggested as he caressed her head like a f

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 35: i can´t waitfor the end
2442 streak #2
Chapter 35: hi! i hope you're better now!
personally, i don't mind if you take as much time as you need... but if you're ready to update again then I'm looking forward to it! :)
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 34: go chanyeol go
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 33: poor xingie ;_;
layhan forever
2442 streak #5
Chapter 34: congrats on finally taking action Yeol! so what's gonna happen now? I'm so curious of his plan to lure Kyungsoon out of her room!!!

btw, thanks for the update!!! it's been 2 weeks without real updates before you posted this!!!
2442 streak #6
Chapter 11: rereading the entire story and I can't not comment on this chapter... Jongdae's proposal is the best from all the proposals I've read in fics! :)
2442 streak #7
man, I forgot what happened in the last available chapter already! but reading the Kyungsoo POV update, somehow it wasn't important to get into details of what happened anymore, it's more important to focus on how dumb Yeol is!!! OMFGGGGGGGG I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM!!!

and now Kyungsoon is sulking and isolating herself in sadness when there's no reason to coz the idiot Yeol FEELS EXACTLY THE SAME WAYYYYYY UGHHHHHHHH... Yeol you better end Kyung's misery soon! you idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

YIXING THO!!! I mean, there have been hints of his unrequited love from the previous chapters... but this is so painful!!! Sehee and Jun have been pushing him to confess still, but how would Yixing find it in him to confess if things are flowing so smoothly for XiuHan??? and now a baby??? HOWWWWWWW? :(

btw, Yixing was so cute being he only male to accompany the ladies! HAHA well, it was actually the ladies who accompanied him for coffee, but it sure doesn't look that way! HAHA and all those pretty ladies with him... kyaaaaaaa

I cannot with Johnny giving Sehee cake tho! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at least he was brave enough!
Chapter 33: Aww poor yixingie
wi2nqs #9
Chapter 32: Love your story..
luckydream05 #10
Chapter 32: Omg..I just found this story in 2019.. What the hell I'm doing all the time. Btw,I love you story. Now Chanyeol go get you girl!!