Chapter 5

Case Closed

"What would you like, Gui Gui?" Aaron asked gently as they stepped into the restaurant. He was holding her hand in his.

Before Gui Gui could answer, Calvin jumped in, "Chunie, what would you like to order?" He wrapped his arm around Chun's shoulders and asked with a sweet voice, mocking Aaron's.

"I don't know. Why don't you choose for me, Cal?" Chun replied with the same tone, with his head rested on Calvin's arm.

"You two!" Gui Gui let go of Aaron's hand and tried to knock those two down with her small fist.

Chun and Calvin ran toward a table and settled down. They pointed at the other costumers that were looking at Gui Gui questionably. She had to back down when she realized where she was. "I will take care of you two when we're out of here!" She whispered and sat down on the opposite chair.

Aaron and Ella joined in a few seconds later. Aaron sat beside Gui Gui while Ella had to sit next to Chun. He seemed a little uneasy about this.

"Let's order!" Chun said cheerfully. "Excuse me!" He ordered dish after dish. The others watched him in awe.

"How come you eat so much but don't gain weigh at all?" Gui Gui asked curiously.

"Well, it's because I work out everyday!" Chun said proudly.

"Liar! You work out only on weekends. Sometimes not at all for weeks!" Calvin used this chance to hit Chun's head. "That's for lying to us!"

"Who said I'm lying?"

"I did!"


"Will you two cut it out?" Ella snapped them back into reality.

"Oh, we're sorry..." Chun smiled sheepishly.

"They're like that. Always bickering like an old couple!" Aaron said.

"Oh no you didn't just call us that!" Calvin shook his head.

"What if I did?" Aaron challenged.

"Hey, what are you going to do to my boyfriend? Do you want my new buddy, Ella, to teach you a lesson?" Gui Gui warned.

"No!" Both of them were save from further threats when a waitress came out with their food.

"Let's dig in, everyone!" Chun picked up the chopsticks before everyone else get a chance to look at the food, and started eating.

"You really a pig! I don't get how you passed all the exams to become a detective?" Calvin teased. He couldn't live through a day without teasing someone.

"Calvin, you're jealous of me! Just admit it!" Chun swallowed his food and said.

"Jealous of you? I won't be jealous of you even in a million years!"

"Yeah, yeah , yeah!" Chun ignored him and continued eating.

Ella was watching them all this time, and she had to say, they were behaving like little kids! This new team was strange...Everyone was like family.

"Ella, are you OK?" Gui Gui asked when she noticed Ella was staring into a distance, and didn't touch her food.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine," Ella replied with a smile, which, unknown to her, put Chun in an idled mode. This, lucky or not, went unnoticed by the others.

Another thing that they didn't notice was Jiro....

He sat at the other side of the restaurant, with his back facing them.


Zhen his TV, waiting to hear any news of the sacrifice he had discard at the river bank. To his pleasure, the news categorized it was "Shocking news". It showed pictures taken at the river bank: the three black bags, the dismembered body of an unidentified female, and the detectives responded to the scene.

"Around 8 o'clock this morning, a dismembered body of a female, between 25 to 30 years old, was found at the river bank. Detective Aaron Yan and his girlfriend, Ms. Wu Ying Jie, or otherwise known as Gui Gui, saw three large black bags came floating down the river. Detective Yan's instinct made him retrieved the bags and discovered the gruesome scene. Immediately afterward, the police arrived. The body is currently undergo an autopsy to verify the cause of death. No evidence was found......" He turned it off. That was enough.

"Aaron Yan and Gui Gui? The famous detective and his journalist girlfriend. No wonder he's so familiar," he thought.


"Wow, that was fast! They got the news even before we finish our lunch!" Chun exclaimed at the TV.

"That was supposed to be my headline for tomorrow!" Gui Gui pouted. As a journalist, she couldn't pass such a headline to someone else.

"So you agreed to be my girlfriend just to get the headlines?" Aaron asked, pretended like he was hurt.

"NO! Of course not!" Gui Gui defended herself immediately. She looked scare. This was what she afraid he would think.

"I'm just kidding!" Aaron laughed.

"You jerk!" Gui Gui punched him repeatedly on his arm.

"Ouch! I'm sorry!"

"Ooh, you dare to make her mad!" Chun said, pointed his index finger at Aaron.

"You're dead!" Calvin added.

"I said I'm sorry! Ouch!" Aaron was laughing although he was in obvious pain.

"Still laugh?!" Gui Gui punched him harder.

Ella looked at them and smiled. She couldn't stop herself. They were such a cute couple.

"Gui Gui, let's go back to the station now. It's getting late!" Aaron said. He stood up and pulled his arm away from Gui Gui's reach.

She followed him. "You come back here!"

"Waite for us!" Chun called out. He threw a few bills on the table and got up from his seat. Calvin and Ella did the same.

On their way out, Aaron met someone he never expected to see, "Jiro?"

"Aaron Yan," Jiro said coldly. He was surprised to see Aaron here, along with Gui Gui. But he hid it well. All he showed them was an icy stare.

"Jiro?" It was Gui Gui's turn to be surprise.

"Uhm, I think we're blocking the exit here. Let's get out of here first," Chun pushed them out the door.

When they were completely clear from the door, Calvin said, "Aaron, Jiro is our new teammate, along with Ella."

Aaron didn't say anything. He returned Jiro's cold stare with an indifferent look. Gui Gui jumped in between the two of them, "Hey! Can you two snap out of it? Stop acting like little kids!"

"Gui Gui, is that how you greet who was once your best friend?" Jiro asked her, but his eyes were still fixed onto Aaron's face.

"If you two stop staring each other to death, then I will reconsider the fact that you were once my friend."

"Aaron Yan, you better be careful. Now that I'm here, I will win back what's suppose to be mine," Jiro threatened. Aaron didn't flinch. He stood his ground.

"We will see," Aaron said calmly.

Jiro walked passed him. His shoulder touched Aaron's.

"What's wrong with his memory? It had been years, and he still remembers it," Calvin said.

"The easiest way to engrave something into your memory is trying to forget about it," Chun said thoughtfully. His statement shocked Ella.

"Wow, Chun, I didn't know you're a philosopher!" Calvin said surprisingly.

"It's true," Aaron said. The more you try to forget something, the harder it stayed inside your head.

Ella didn't know what happened between Jiro and Aaron that could caused such hatred. She didn't want to be rude and ask about it now. Neither any of them wanted to say more about the topic.

"Let's go," Ella decided to act like nothing had happened.

"Yeah," Chun and Calvin agreed. All three of them headed for their cars. Aaron and Gui Gui remained where they were.

"Aaron...." She whispered his name.

"Promise me. Promise me that you will never leave me," Aaron's voice was trembling. Jiro's threat became so vivid in front of his eyes. He was afraid that Jiro would steal her from him...How would he live without her? She was his heart...

"I, Wu Ying Jie, promised that no matter what happen, I will never leave my boyfriend, Aaron Yan, behind!" Gui Gui said determinedly. She put her hands together to make a heart shape, "My heart will always be with you." She placed it on his chest, where his heart was. Gui Gui smiled broadly. Her eyes sparkled brilliantly under the burning sun...

"Thank you, Gui Gui," he pulled her into a tight hug. "I will never let you go. Never!"

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
update please juseyo huhuhu
luhans-vaqina #4
update soon
update soon
update!update!update!update!update!update! when are you planning to update?!? when?!? please update!
you need to continue writing this! please update!
cocoapuff #8
Please update soon :D
dana2083 #9
dana2083 #10
Do update soooon!!!