The most beautiful thing in the world

Return of Superman, 10 years later.

"One summer, I joined a summer program in England. One of the task was I have to write about one of the most wonderful thing I've ever seen in my country, and that time, I wrote about the cherry blossoms. Ever since I was a kid, my dad would bring me and my onnie to a park near my house for a picnic under the cherry blossom trees. I remembered looking up and all I could see was the pink flowers, not the sky. I remembered about the food my mother made for our picnic, and the dress my onnie lend me. So I guess, I loved the cherry blossom the most, because it reminded me of my family..."


"Appa, where are we going?" Yoohyun asked his father from the backseat. The three of them, once again, were going to spend 48 hours without Mommy. Yonghwa already prepared this trip for him, Yoohyun, and Yeonae. He realized Yoohyun and Yeonae spent a lot of times being inside; their apartment, the playground, even his studi ot FNC. The kids probably never went to the countryside, and so for this special trip, he already arranged a vacation to Kanghwado. 

Being in Kanghwado was like taking a trip down the memory lane. He first came here 16 years ago, with his 'wife' during their time filming We Got Married. He gave her two rows of unplanted sweet potato fields and they spent the day working in the field and having fun. Later that night, she gave him his favorite present --and it still is, even after all these years and all those presents she gave him-- ever: singing Love Light --he spent countless sleepless nights carving the words and melody until it became a perfect love song just for her-- and giving him their couple rings. 

"Kanghwado... ah, I have a lot of memories in that place." Yonghwa smiled, looking at the camera and touching his neck nervously. "I first came here with my wife.. ah.. maybe 16 years ago? Ah I think it's 16 years ago. She's not my wife yet, hahaha.. well she is, but it's all just for a show..." he laughed at the irony of how a show that was supposed to make them potrayed a married life together did bring them together. 

"My kids.. I don't think they've been to the countryside before. Never played in the dirt or even saw how a sweet potato became a sweet potato." he nodded and played with his wedding ring. "So I think it's going to be good to bring them to the farm, see where the food they ate everyday came from. Just.. having fun with nature." he grinned. 


"Alright, we're here!" Yonghwa stopped the car in front of the familiar farmhouse. The owner came out from his house and waved his hands excitedly when he saw it was Yonghwa. 

Yonghwa got out from his seat and opened the back door. Yoohyun already got out from his car seat and as soon as Yonghwa opened the car door, he jumped outside. "Whoaaa, there are so many trees, appa!" he exclaimed. 

"Let me out! Let me out! I wanna see! Oppaa!!" Yeonae whined and Yonghwa took her out. 

He took their backpacks and held both Yoohyun and Yeonae's hands, and together they greeted the farm owner. 

The old farm owner died two years ago, and now his oldest son was in charge for the whole farm. Yonghwa came here whenever he has time, to get Seohyun her favorite mini sweet potatoes. 

"It's nice to finally your kids." the farm owner said, ruffling Yoohyun's hair. "It's good to see you, hyung." Yonghwa shook his hand. 

The owner showed them around the farm, telling the kinds about the plants and trees around, even let Yoohyun rode the tractor which was parked behind one of the house. Later, they went to the sweet potato field and the owner told them how to take out sweet potatoes. 

"That used to be your field, over there." the farmer said, pointing at the far end of the field, which was covered with sacks of sweet potatoes. "We took them out yesterday, and they were really big!"


"Yeah, they tasted really nice. Do you want to bring some for your wife?"

"Of course, thanks hyung."

The kids were beyond happy. Yoohyun ran around everywhere, and Yeonae did a really good job taking out sweet potatoes. 

"Appa, look!" Yeonae said, taking out a sweet potato after struggling for a few minutes. 

"Whoaaa, it's really big, Yeonae!"

"It looks delicious!" little Yeonae said, tossing the sweet potato to the side and began plucking the next one. 

"Of course it is."

"Yeonae-ya, Yoohyun-ah, do you know... appa and omma used to came here.." Yonghwa began. 




"Before both of you were born." Yonghwa smiled, helping Yeonae taking out a sweet potato. 

"And when was that?" aske Yoohyun. 

"In 2010."

"That's a long time ago, right appa?" Yeonae said. Yonghwa nodded. "Indeed." he realized how many years have passed since he and Seohyun first stepped foot in Kanghwado together. It really was a long time ago.

"I gave your mother a sweet potato field, two rows of them. For her birthday present."

"Did you and omma also taking out sweet potatoes?" asked Yoohyun. 

"No, we were planting them." Yonghwa said. "And then we went fishing."

"Is fishing fun?" asked Yoohyun. 

"Well... it's not."

Yeonae laughed. "Then why were you doing it?"

"Because being with your omma is fun!" reasoned Yonghwa. 

"Will we go fishing later, appa?" asked Yoohyun. He was always curious about fishing since he saw Jonghyun's photos from his fishing trip.

"Of course we can, but it's not like how your uncle Jonghyun did it in the ocean."

They continued with field work until noon, and they took breaks at the gazebo, much like the one Yonghwa and Seohyun went to in 2010. The owner brought down some soy bean paste soup, with side dishes and fruits, and the kids gladly ate them. 

"Yeonae-ya, is it yummy?" Yonghwa asked, dusting Yeonae's cheeks from soup. 

Yeonae nodded. "Really yummyy!!"


Later that afternoon, the farm owner helped Yonghwa set up his tent in front of the fishing pond. The old fish pond was closed all those years ago, but the farm built this small pond for private fishing, and Yonghwa later taught the kids how to fish. 

He made them some grilled fish and miso soup, and together they ate in front of the bonfire. 

"Yoohyun-ah, how is it?" Yonghwa asked his son. 

"Today's really fun!" Yoohyun answered, playing with his toy. "Can we come here more often?" 

"Do you want to?"


"Yeonae, you want to?"

"Yes!" Yeonae answered, taking a bite of her marshmallow. 

"Okay then, we can come here every once in a while. Next time, let's bring omma!"


"I realized my kids needed vacation more than I do." Yonghwa said, answering to the PD question of: "How was your first outing with Yoohyun and Yeonae?" 

"I think it may be exhausting for them to move from one place to another so much in a day. Because me and my wife are working, they spent their day at the daycare or my wife's parents' house everyday. We didn't see each other often, especially me because I was busy nowadays. And I think being with them, doing some field works with them, really meant a lot for me."

"They only saw the skycrappers everyday, because we live in an apartment. We don't have any garden, we cannot even grow a tree inside our house. And when I saw my kids running around happily in the countryside, I'm thinking of buying a house with a garden so they can play outside."

"Seeing them smile, seeing them being carefree in the nature.. it really was the most beautiful thing in the world for me."




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Chapter 6: Waiting :)
Chapter 6: such a sweet family ... time wf kids is indeed precious ...
Chapter 6: Please come back to us, author-nim. This story is so unique and interesting. hope you can update soon. Gomawo!
Universrun #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim very nice story really love it
Chapter 6: thankyou for update author-nim<3
Chapter 6: Much awaited update. So sweet that Yonghwa brought them to the farm during their WGM days. It was a success as their kids enjoyed the country side. I do hope he gets a house out there so they can enjoy nature and not be stuck in their concrete jungle. Despite their busy schedules they are doing their best to be better parents. Yonghwa is such a good dad noticing that his kids needed a vacation more than he does. Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Firacardosh #7
Chapter 6: First of all, I really down't know how this is happening. How could you guess it right author-nim? It's really hilarious sometimes to see that Goguma, especially the authors, have a interesting imagination. and somehow it became true! Llike this story, even though in reality Yong oppa just helping Rohee dad for one day. And he went with Jonghyun oppa instead Hyun unnie. But, sincerely I really hope I can see YongSeo couple in this TV Show with their adorable child. Let's praying together author-nim ^_^
I like this story, it feels so real! The way you write this story, very light but it also give me feels like you told they true story. I could see despite their busy schedule, YongSeo couple always tried their best for their Kids. I believe YongSeo couple will became a good parent's :)
Please continue this story author-nim, I'll be cheering for you. Fighting! Thank you for updating this story. Ii hope I'll see your next update soon :)
pinkblueys #8
Chapter 6: whoohoo, , , you are back dear authornim, , , im glad you continue this story, , , looking forward for the next chapter ^^
allussi #9
Chapter 6: Wooooowww...beautifull it authornim...please update soon...
AraDin90 #10
Chapter 6: awww.. <3 so sweet~ love it! ^_^