Love is...

Return of Superman, 10 years later.

"It's a beautiful February morning in Seoul. The kids were just sleeping while Yong appa was preparing breakfast. It's his first time being alone together with Yoohyun and Yeonae, but appa's really skillfull. I guess Seo eomma really taught him a lot. Appa, please make delicious food for the kids..."

Yonghwa looked at the recipe book Seohyun made him. Yes, his thoughtful (and perfectionist) wife made her a handmade book about the food he should make for the kids. Everything was using healthy ingredients such as vegetables (Yonghwa didn't know and why did Seohyun even expected him to make a chicken and carrot nuggets? Like, did she thought he's a chef or something??) and numerous fruits. She made them colorful, like how he liked it, and with lots of drawings and photos. Now Yonghwa knew why Seohyun kept taking photos of her foods.

She even made a list of the foods Yoohyun and Yeonae liked, and how they liked it (warm milk before bed, iced chocolate milk while watching pororo, etc etc etc). Yonghwa wondered when did she has the time to make all of these. 

Today he's decided on something easy: toast with peanut butter and banana, and some oats. He knew both Yoohyun and Yeonae loved oats.

"Appa..." sleepy Yoohyun came to the kitchen. "Appa what are you making?"

"I'm making some breakfast for you. I'm sure you're going to like it." Yonghwa patted Yoohyun head. 

Yoohyun yawned and nodded. He then went back to the bedroom to wake Yeonae up.

Yonghwa set the plate as his kids climbed their respective high chairs. "Please be careful." he said. He hoped Seohyun would forgive him for letting Yeonae climbed by herself. "She's a girl!" Seohyun would said. "She's not supposed to do dangerous things." But Yonghwa didn't think of climbing a high chair as dangerous. 

He then sat in front of them, began eating his own food which was some rice, eggs, and kimchi. Oh how he missed Seohyun. 

"Guys, do you know what date is today?" Yonghwa asked.

Yoohyun kept eating his banana while Yeonae drank her milk. "Guys.."

"We don't know." Yoohyun shook, chewing his food. "What date is today, appa?"

"March 14th."

"Why?" Yeonae asked. 

"Do you remember last month, when eomma made cake for us, and she gave you cookies?"

"Cake!" of course little Yeonae would remember about the cake. 

For Valentine, Seohyun made a nice dinner for the whole family, with homemade chocolate cake and cookies for dessert. 

"Today is white day, which was the opposite of valentine. So, because eomma gave us cake and cookies, we have to return the favor by making something for her."

"Are we going to make a cake?"

"Do you guys want to?"

"Can we eat?" asked Yeonae.

"Of course we can."

"I want to make a cake!" Yoohyun yelled happily. 

"Me too!"


Yonghwa opened the back door of his range rover. He unbuckled Yoohyun's car seat seatbelt and let him out, then he unbuckled Yeonae's. 

"Where are we, appa?" Yoohyun asked as they walked to the building hand in hand. 

"This is where we're going to make a cake for eomma."

Yonghwa had searched the internet for a kids' cooking class, and this particular bakery in Apgujong has nice reviews. The place weren't that big, but cozy and they served numerous kinds of cakes. 

"Hello, we're here for the kids cooking class." Yonghwa greeted the woman behind the counter. 

"Oh, okay. What's yours and your kids name, sir?"

"It's Jung Yonghwa. They're Jung Yoohyun and Jung Yeonae. Yoohyun's four and Yeonae's three."

"Alright, I'll show you the waiting room, a chef will be with you shortly." the receptionist walked ahead of them and showed them a small waiting room with a brown sofa and a book shelf. 

"Look kids, they're cooking books." Yonghwa grabbed one and the three of them sat together at the sofa. 

"It's not like our books at home, appa. They don't have dinosaurs." said Yoohyun. 

"Of course not, Yoohyun, they're books about how to make cakes. Look, here's the step-by-step, here's the ingredients..." Yonghwa pointed at the pictures. 

"Are we going to make them all, appa?" asked Yeonae.

"Of course not, only the one eomma likes."

"Then it must be goguma cakes!" said Yoohyun. 

"Yes, goguma cakes!"

Yonghwa shook his head. "Well I don't think they made goguma cakes here." Looking around the bakery, he just realize it's a french bakery. No french bakery served goguma cakes. 

"Mr. Jung?" a man came from the door at the opposite room. "Hi, my name's chef Kim. I'll be with you and the kids today."

"Hi. I'm Yonghwa, this is Yoohyun and Yeonae." Yonghwa got up from his seat and the kids followed him. 

"Great, right this way, sir." the chef opened another door to the kitchen. It was a big kitchen specially made for kids cooking classes. All of the hardware were made with stainless steel, and they have cute paintings all over the wall. Chef Kim showed the way to a table at the center of the room. Ingredients were already placed neatly on top of it. 

Chef Kim gave each of them an apron and a chef's hat. Yonghwa helped the kids wear them. 

"Appa, I look funny!" giggled Yeonae, looking at her reflection at the refrigerator's door.

"I looked like the chef!" Yoohyun said. 

The cooking class began with the chef introducing Yonghwa to the ingredients and utensils. After that, they were choosing the menu, and they'd finally settled on strawberry cake and macaroons. 

The cooking class were easier than Yonghwa expected. Sure, there were troubles here and there because Yeonae kept dipping her little fingers to the dough and Yoohyun kept eating the strawberries, but the kids were having so much fun, and so did Yonghwa. He wondered when did the last time he had fun with the kids? He was so busy these days, preparing the new album and a reunion tour, so he hasn't been around his kids that much. 

Then again, Seohyun was always there. When Yeonae was born, Seohyun's mother suggested them to hire a nanny, because taking care of two kids would be such a hard work, but Seohyun refused. She knew she can handle being a professional singer and a mother at the same time, and she did. There were times when Yoohyun and Yeonae have to spend some nights at their grandparents house because both parents were busy, but after everything was done, Seohyun always made sure that Yoohyun and Yeonae knew that she will always be there for them, she did all the smallest act, even tucked them in bed or making them breakfast. She would bring them to the market to buy some groceries, just to spend some quality time with Yoohyun and Yeonae. 

Looking back, Yonghwa realized that he's missed so much. He's been to busy for the last two years; he has a few dramas and this year they were preparing a comeback after a long hiatus. He hasn't been around his kids too much. 

He looked at Yoohyun and Yeonae, both were putting the strawberries on top of the beautiful pink cake. All of a sudden, he felt a pang of guilt in his chest. Look at how fast they've grown. Yeonae has such beautiful long hair, and Yoohyun has grown a lot taller. I'm missing a lot of their growth, and I don't want to miss them anymore. Yonghwa thought. 

He then thought about how Seohyun handled everything; being a singer, a musical actress, a mom, a wife. His wife basically has four different jobs going on at the same time, and never was she complained about it. She's wonderful, she's the real superwoman here.

Again, for the hundredth time since the first time he kissed Seohyun, Yonghwa felt lucky to have her in his life. 


"Be careful with the cakes, Yeonae." Yonghwa said as the three of them (with the VJs following them) exited the elevator to to their apartment. 

Yonghwa was holding the big cake box and the bouquets while both Yoohyun and Yeonae has a small paper bag with the macaroons in it. The cakes was a big success. The tasted a small portion of it and Yeonae even said to call mommy here so they can all eat the cake right now. 

"Eomma will be here in 10 minutes." Yonghwa said, ending the call with Seohyun. She was actually just around the corner of their apartment building. 

Yonghwa hurriedly took off Yoohyun and Yeonae's clothes, then spirtz some perfume for them and himself. He then combed Yeonae's hair and fixed her small hairband. 

The kids insisted to help him arranged the table, so he told them to put the flower on a vase and placed the napkins while Yonghwa took out the cakes and arranged them on a plate. 

"Mommy's here!" came a voice from the houses entrance. 

"Eommaaa!" Yeonae jumped from the chair and ran to the entrance. Yonghwa put down the plate and looked at the table. "Is it beautiful, Yoohyun?" he asked Yoohyun who was still standing at the chair. Yoohyun nodded. "Of course it is!"

Yeonae grabbed Seohyun's hand and led her to the dining room. "We have a surprise for you, eomma."

Yonghwa and Yoohyun stood sid by side in front of the dining table. "Happy white day, Joohyun." Yonghwa said, shifting to his right so Seohyun could saw the cakes and flowers on the table. 

"Oh God." she whispered.

"Eomma, today we made cakes." said Yoohyun. 

"With appa and chef Kim." added Yeonae. 

Yonghwa took a step forward and hugged Seohyun. "Thank you, for everything you gave me; a beautiful family. Thank you for loving me, and being there for me. I know I could be a handful sometime, and I'm sorry. But I wanted to say thank you for taking me as I am." Yonghwa said. 

"Oppaa..." Seohyun hugged him back. "It's okay."

They sat down together at the dining table, Seohyun diligently sliced the strawberry cake and placed them on Yonghwa's plate first. "For daddy."

And her plate. "For mommy."

And Yoohyun and Yeonae's plates. "For my babies."

She then took a bit of her own cake. "This is so delicious!" she exclaimed. 

Yonghwa smiled. What good did I do in my past life, so God granted me this? He asked. He vowed to be a better man for Seohyun, and better dad for Yoohyun and Yeonae. 

Starting today


"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. It's really beautiful to see such a loving family.. aahh... now I want to go home and meet my kids, too. Guys, are you also preparing a surprise for me?"


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Chapter 6: Waiting :)
Chapter 6: such a sweet family ... time wf kids is indeed precious ...
Chapter 6: Please come back to us, author-nim. This story is so unique and interesting. hope you can update soon. Gomawo!
Universrun #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim very nice story really love it
Chapter 6: thankyou for update author-nim<3
Chapter 6: Much awaited update. So sweet that Yonghwa brought them to the farm during their WGM days. It was a success as their kids enjoyed the country side. I do hope he gets a house out there so they can enjoy nature and not be stuck in their concrete jungle. Despite their busy schedules they are doing their best to be better parents. Yonghwa is such a good dad noticing that his kids needed a vacation more than he does. Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Firacardosh #7
Chapter 6: First of all, I really down't know how this is happening. How could you guess it right author-nim? It's really hilarious sometimes to see that Goguma, especially the authors, have a interesting imagination. and somehow it became true! Llike this story, even though in reality Yong oppa just helping Rohee dad for one day. And he went with Jonghyun oppa instead Hyun unnie. But, sincerely I really hope I can see YongSeo couple in this TV Show with their adorable child. Let's praying together author-nim ^_^
I like this story, it feels so real! The way you write this story, very light but it also give me feels like you told they true story. I could see despite their busy schedule, YongSeo couple always tried their best for their Kids. I believe YongSeo couple will became a good parent's :)
Please continue this story author-nim, I'll be cheering for you. Fighting! Thank you for updating this story. Ii hope I'll see your next update soon :)
pinkblueys #8
Chapter 6: whoohoo, , , you are back dear authornim, , , im glad you continue this story, , , looking forward for the next chapter ^^
allussi #9
Chapter 6: Wooooowww...beautifull it authornim...please update soon...
AraDin90 #10
Chapter 6: awww.. <3 so sweet~ love it! ^_^