Rumor Has It

Oh My Teacher!


"Sungjong!" The smaller boy jumps looking over to an uncharacteristically enraged Myungsoo who had just thrown open the main doors to the theatre. Woohyun is following close behind with a confused look on his face.

"I told you NOT to tell the whole school!" Woohyun blinks at that but then a look of realization dawns over his features, his brain connected all of the pieces together.

"I DIDN'T tell the whole school!" Myungsoo glares, "I just told Key." Sungjong gestures to the pretty man with wild colors in his hair. Key, also known as Kim Kibum but you wouldn’t catch anyone actually calling him that unless they wanted to end up on his list (the only exception would be his parents and even then it was pushing it). And you did not want to be on Key’s list, it was a really bad place to be. If anyone loved gossip more than Sungjong it would be Key and if anyone was better at spreading it around than Sungjong it would also be Key. The pretty man smirks, tossing his dark hair with bright highlights as he eyes Woohyun and Myungsoo.

"And I told the whole school. Hmm, I didn't think you had it in you Nam. Did you make poor Sunggyu-seongsangnim cry?" The look Woohyun gives Key made Sungjong and Myungsoo shudder. Key was pushing it. That was The Look. They had only The Look twice in their short lifetime, the first time they were in kindergarten and bully had taken away Woohyun’s new crayons. This was where The Look originated and well… The bully was so traumatized by what happened that he’s still in counseling for it.  The second time was when they were freshman in High School and Sungjong and Myungsoo were over at Woohyun’s on a Saturday. Well, there was an incident between the mailman and Woohyun’s mother and the mailman ended up calling Woohyun mom a “ing ” and Woohyun gave him The Look and they both stepped outside. They never saw that mailman again; he had quit his job that day and moved to Busan to become a hermit. They’d always seen The Look but never the confrontation after it and they always wondered what exactly Woohyun had done to those two. But then again… Maybe it was better that they didn’t know.

"Everyone, get out. Except Kibum." Everyone looked around warily wondering what to do, they could tell was about to go down. Woohyun had used Key’s real name, no one (maybe the only exception being Key’s parents but that was still pushing it. Key nods, motioning for his friends to leave but everyone was still pretty wary especially from the evil glint in Key’s eyes. The room slowly filtered out, leaving only Woohyun and Key. Though when they all get outside and firmly shut the door Sungjong immediately presses himself up against the door but he can’t hear anything but muffled voices. He pulls back with a pout, staring at the door like it would suddenly become invisible.

Sungjong jumps back when he hears a crash on the other side of the door. He looks up at Myungsoo with wide eyes and they hear another crash. There’s rustling and scraping and banging for a good five minutes before total silence. The people outside all stare at the door, waiting for something to happen. The door swings open and everyone jumps. Key walks out, running a hand through his hair with a clam expression on his face. Woohyun is following him with a content smile on his face.

“Well, then… The rumor will be shut down by the end of today. You have my word.” Key says, turning to Woohyun who nods back at him, smile still on his face. Myungsoo and Sungjong eye them oddly. Key never backed down from something that easily.

“What did you…Do?” Myungsoo asks slowly. Key and Woohyun turn to him with similar weird smiles. “Just talk.” Woohyun says and no one believes him.

“Yeah, I’m sure about that.” Woohyun ignores Sungjong’s mutter and traipses by him, waving at them as he bids them goodbye. Once he’s out of the main theatre doors, everyone turns to Key with a questioning gaze. Key shrugs, averting his eyes to the blue velvet stage curtains.

“Woohyun is scary as .”


It was Gym period of his class so Sunggyu finally has a period to himself though instead of doing his usual, grading homework, creating a lesson plan or making up a pop quiz he chooses to take a long walk around the school to sort out all the crazy things he has been thinking about lately.

Well, it was more like one crazy thing he has been thinking about lately, something that was really freaking him out. Seriously though, it when against everything he’s been preaching about thus far. If he goes back on that, wouldn’t it be a big I told you so

Sunggyu sighs and looks up to check his surroundings since he didn’t really pay attention to where he was going since he was so deep in thought. He blanches as he looks at the huge area in front of him, lined with two basketball goals and stadium seating. He was in the gym. His eyes widen in fear, this was not the place he wanted to be. He instantly turns around and tries to run but instead he slams into a body. The person he runs into grabs his arms to steady him but ends up losing balance as well and they both tumble to the ground, Sunggyu landing on top.

“You okay, Gyu-hyung?” A voice below him asks and Sunggyu freezes, all forms of grogginess from the impact gone from him. He slowly looks up from the chest that he’s faced with. Woohyun’s looking down at him with a grin that Sunggyu can’t help but melt at.

“Um..Gyu?” Woohyun questions after a long bout of silence. Sunggyu jerks back, blushing at the fact that he has just zoned out rather creepily on Woohyun’s face. Jesus, it is a big I told you so. Except he’s saying it to himself. Sunggyu tries to scramble up, wanting to get away from Woohyun. The student doesn’t let him go though; he tightens his grip around Sunggyu’s waist and rolls them around so that the older man was pressed against the floor with Woohyun looming over him.

Sunggyu freezes again, looking up into Woohyun dark brown eyes as he tries to push down the feeling that he actually likes this. Woohyun smirks at him, a devious grin curling along his lips and he leans closer and Sunggyu really thinks he’s going to kiss him and for some reason his brain is screaming at him to push the other away but all he wants to do is pull Woohyun closer. The student runs a hand through Sunggyu’s hair and pulls back, “You had something in your hair,” he says and stands up, pulling Sunggyu along with him. He pats the teacher’s head with a smile and Sunggyu feels light headed. He can’t take… This feeling. Whatever he’s feeling he can’t take it and he doesn’t know if he wants to push Woohyun down some stairs or pull him close again. So, Sunggyu turns his heel and proceeds to run the away.

Sunggyu ignores the calls of his name and doesn’t stop until he feels like he’s a good deal away. He ended up on the other side of the school in a part that isn’t used anymore because it needed major renovations. Sunggyu didn’t really know what was going on. Seriously, he feels weird and... Warm? Kind of bubbly. He didn't even know 'bubbly' was a feeling! Sure there was a song about it but he was pretty sure that girl was just making crap up.  He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knows that he… Likes Woohyun… Finds his student very, very attractive. He has a crush; it came to him a couple days ago during Woohyun’s strange behavior.  Sunggyu has felt that about a few people before but this time it just seems…Different. He’d never left like he just couldn’t go on anymore when he thought about letting those people go. But when he thinks about turning Woohyun away, never seeing him again, never being able to have his stupid obnoxious personality around… Letting that go, it really hurt him. He feels his chest tighten and a really heavy feeling pass over him. 

"I know what ails you," A voice sounds to Sunggyu's right and he jumps before twisting around to see who it is. A tall lanky guy decked out in a black magician’s robe is poking his head from a utility closet.

Sunggyu knew he shouldn't have come down the barely lit creepy hallway, why doesn't even ever listen to the smart part of his brain? Sunggyu smiles forcefully before backing up slowly so he can quickly turn tail and run away.

The guy is suddenly in front of him, like he magically teleported or something and Sunggyu lets out an unmanly scream. The tall lanky guy pulls his hood down and gives Sunggyu an odd look to which the teacher coughs into his hand and averts his eyes.

"Let's pretend I didn't just to that..." The guy in the robe nods slowly still eyeing him oddly. Sunggyu notices that he's even taller than Sungyeol, he has the same body type and they even kind of look similar. Sunggyu tries to rack his brain to see if any of Sungyeol's relatives go here or work here. But wait, who the hell was this guy? Student? Teacher? Creepy Janitor?

Well, probably the last one if the whole "coming out of the utility closet in a black velvet robe with a hood" is anything to go by. The tall guy clears his throat and Sunggyu is jolted back into reality.

"So, I know what is wrong with you," he says and Sunggyu's actually pretty interesting in what was wrong with him. He hopes he isn't dying or something like that. Because dying a would ... His mind suddenly supplies him with a vision of Nam Woohyun looming over him with a y smirk and Sunggyu wants to kick himself in the face. No! No! Totally not thinking about him right now, he has nothing to do with this situation.

"You're in love." Sunggyu blinks, trying to will away the blush he knows is on his cheeks.

“W-What? N-no! I-" The other person looks at him blandly and Sunggyu looks away.

"You're in love; I know these kinds of things." The taller man says sternly, looming over Sunggyu so the shorter shuffles back a bit, somewhat unsure of the guy still. Like really, he came out of a utility closet. How is that not a cause for concern?

"I'm really not but thanks for saying so." Sunggyu says curtly before turning his heel and walking away. The man shrugs, flipping his hood over his head again.

"You'll be back..." He pauses for a moment, trying to fight down the urge but he quickly overtakes him. "I'LL BE BACK!" He then proceeds to do the ‘running man’ back into the hallway closet from whence he came.


The day after Woohyun’s talk with Key the rumor was completely shut down, just like how the dark haired boy had promised. Woohyun was actually really happy about that fact since he really didn’t want to do all those things he threatened Key with. Kim Kibum was a good guy… Okay, not really. But he still didn’t want actually go through with his threats, he went a bit overboard with them this time.

Woohyun walks into the classroom and immediately goes to Sunggyu vacated desk, the teacher wasn’t there yet (he had recently taken up the habit of being at least three minutes late every day). He sets a nicely wrapped candy bar on the desk with a note he penned himself. He smiles at his present.

“What are you doing?” Woohyun jumps, startled at the voice that sounds behind him. He fumbles a bit as he twists around. Myungsoo and Sungjong stand directly behind him with strange looks on their faces. Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo stand a bit further back, just in front of the doorway.

“N-nothing!” Woohyun stutters and he tries to block the other’s view of the candy bar wrapped in a cute bow. Though Sungjong and Myungsoo could just easily peer over Woohyun’s head because of their monstrous height.  “Woohyun..Is that.. A present?” Sungjong asks slowly, blinking awkwardly at the older boy in front of him.

“You’re giving presents now? Who the are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Myungsoo demands.

“W-w-what, ?” Woohyun shouts out, quite offended. Myungsoo stares at him warily, like an alien will pop out of his head or something. Woohyun huffs, crossing his arms in indignation.

“What the hell has got you so freaking weird lately?” Sungjong asks and Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo close in. They all look worried and Woohyun rolls his eyes. He pauses for a moment though, tons of thoughts running through his mind. These were the kids he grew up with, been thru a lot with. Woohyun considered them his friends. So they would... Understand. Right?

"I.. Have something to tell you guys..." Woohyun says slowly, looking up at everyone in a reserved sort of way that was totally out of character for him.

Everyone stared at each other in an awkward silence. They were all still digesting the information they were just given, the right out of left field information that they were totally not expecting... Ever.

"You... What?" Myungsoo finally sputters; his words are slow to form on his tongue since his brain still can't process the information and is using all of its might to do so. Woohyun rolls his eyes. "It's not hard to understand. I'm-" He's cut off by Sungyeol's loud wail. "Noooo!! MY BABY IS ALL GROWN UP!!" He flails around a bit before flopping over on Myungsoo and proceeds to flail some more (affectively hitting Myungsoo in the face a couple times.

"Not this again Sungyeol." Sungjong states blandly as he pulls out a pocket compact mirror with his face on it and flips it open to inspect the neatness of his hair.

"Get off me you gigantic tower!" Myungsoo practically screams before pushing Sungyeol off of him. Hoya claps but doesn't look up from where he has a Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Addition nestled in his lap. "Congratulations Myungsoo, that's the most emotion you've used all week!" Myungsoo is about to snap a witty comeback at him but Sungjong leaning over Hoya's shoulder distracts him, the youngest points at one of the girls on the page in a scantily glad bikini. "Me gusta." Everyone looks at him strangely and he shrugs "What? I like me some Brazilian girls too. If I want to pick up the honeys, I'll need to be able to speak their language."

"Sungjong... People in Brazil speak Portuguese..." Dongwoo says slowly.

"Yes. Of course they do." Sungjong says patronizingly and he pats Dongwoo on the head like he's special. Woohyun stomps his foot in annoyance.

"Guys! Hello, remember me?"

"Uh… Who are you?" Sungyeol says, looking at the shorter boy oddly. Woohyun glares and flips them off "I hate you all," he grinds out before turning his heel and storming out. They wait until the echo of his footsteps down the hallway can’t be heard any more before they speak again.

"Uh thank god he's gone. I thought he was never going to leave!"

"Okay, so what are we going to do about this?"

"Help them get together, duh."


On their way outside Sungyeol abruptly pushes Myungsoo into some bushes near the entrance of the school. Sungyeol dives in after him, landing on the shorter boy with an oomph. Myungsoo hits his friends in the back of the head and curses at him. Sungyeol shushes him, pointing just over the top of the bushes that he’s peaking over. Myungsoo follows the finger and Sunggyu and a gigantic tower of a person comes into view. Myungsoo’s eyes narrow at how close they stand next to each other. Sunggyu had his neck craned up to stare the other man who basically the exact opposite of their teacher. He’s tall and tan with strong handsome features. Sunggyu pulls back with a laugh and nods. Myungsoo wonders what they’re talking about. The pair starts walking to the entrance of the school and the tall stranger wraps and arm around Sunggyu and pulls him close. Sungyeol shoots up, dragging Myungsoo with him.


“We’re following them!” Sungyeol exclaims, not letting go of Myungsoo and stalking after the couple ahead of them. Sungyeol was worried that this guy was a potential boyfriend material. And that wouldn’t bode well for Woohyun. He was attractive and all but… That tall guy with Sunggyu looked like an Adonis that could easily sweep their cute teacher off his feet.

“We need to learn about this dude!”

Twenty minutes later found themselves in a café, sitting in a booth adjacent to where Sunggyu and this Greek god of a guy sitting. They are fully decked out in camouflage suits and helmets with gigantic plants on top of them. Sungyeol is currently staring through a pair of binoculars at the couple across the café. Myungsoo leans back in his seat, wondering what the crap was going on and how exactly did Sungyeol get him in this stupid thing anyways. They hadn’t even gotten any information about this random guy.

 “Uh.. Sung-”

“AH! We are to use codenames, Agent KittenFresh! We are on a mission, so we have to use codenames. It’s a rule-Didn’t you read the handbook?”  There is a deep sigh.

“Alright MintToff-“


“Oh my…” There is a groan. “Fine. AGENT MintToffeeButtercup, why are we wearing camouflage and foliage on our heads when we’re in a café and why are you using binoculars when they are right across the room…”

“Well… I….” The other shoots him a look that urges him to go on.

“I’ve always wanted to use some on a stake out mission!” The one holding the binoculars gives the other a smile but only receives a deadpan stare in response.

“That’s it, I’m leaving.” He says as he stands up from the table and starts to make his way through the door. It wasn’t like Sunggyu couldn’t see them anyways, the just freaking waved at them five minutes ago. Why were they here if they are here only to be inconspicuous when they obviously weren’t? Seriously, being decked out in head to toe camo with a gigantic plant sprouting from your head wasn’t very covert.

“B-b-but Agent KittenFresh!”


--The next day, in first period--

“Sunggyu-songsaengnim has a boyfriend?”

“They were totally up in each other’s cool aid the whole time.” Sungyeol says with a nod, this Greek God guy was not good news at all.

“Well, that doesn’t mean anything. They could just be friends,” Dongwoo says with a frown. Sungyeol was probably just over exaggerating anyways. Sungyeol shakes his head.

“I saw leering okay! LEERING! That guy totally wants in Sunggyu’s pants.”

“Well, then we’re just going to have to get Woohyun to start up his game early.” Sungjong say and everyone nods in agreement with him. They were going to have to set everything into gear if someone else was vying for Sunggyu’s attention.

“What do you have in mind, Sungjong?” There’s an evil smile.


“Uh, Soo.. Where are we going?”
“I need to get some things out of the supplies closet. I need your help carrying some.” Woohyun nods, following behind the taller boy trustingly. Myungsoo opens the door and flicks the light, Woohyun peaks inside and his friend quickly moves behind him and shoves him inside quickly.

“WHOA, MYUNGSO-” The door slams shut behind him cuts off his scream, muffling this voice. Myungsoo dusts some imaginary dust off of himself, patting himself on the back for a job well done. He locks the door and flicks the light off as a habit and starts on his way back to the classroom. He pauses when he hears a rather girly scream from the closet; maybe he should turn the light back on… He blinks for a moment but shrugs. Woohyun would be okay. It wasn’t like he was afraid of the dark or anything.


“So what all do we need Sungjongie?” Sunggyu asks as the make their way down the hall. Sungjong runs through his head quickly for an answer, trying not to show anything on his face that would give away the situation.

“Oh pretty much…Uh, everything. Several too. Thanks for helping me, songsaengnim. No one else would.” Sungjong pouts cutely at his teacher, knowing it would lure Sunggyu even further into a false sense of security. The short teacher smiles brightly at his student. Sungjong turns his gaze back to look ahead of him, relief washing over his features. Seriously, Sunggyu and Woohyun were so stupid; they were a match made in heaven.

Sungjong quickly maneuvers behind Sunggyu when he opens the door of the supplies closet. “Sungjongie, are you going to turn on the light, I ca-” The student pushes Sunggyu into the closet before scrambling to close and lock the door. He lets out a sigh, preening a bit and the accomplishment. He turns and walks away but pauses when he hears a scream. He shrugs; they’ll be okay in there. It’s not like they were going to leave them in there all day.

Sunggyu stumbles forward when Sungjong pushes him further into the closet. He falls to his knees and falls forward again not being able to keep his balance and crashes into what he is really sure is a body. Sunggyu jumps back with a scream.

“OH GOD, DEAD BODY!” He shouts, flailing about with his mind whirling around with thoughts of how he just knew that his class was full of serial killers. They were going to kill him just like they killed the person already in the closet.

“G-gyu?” A familiar voice asks, really close to his ear. Hands grab his wrists and pull them down to his side. Sunggyu clams down a bit, blinking. That was Woohyun’s voice.

“Woo-woohyun?” Gyu’s voice comes out shaky and breathy and he wants to hit himself for sounding weak. The hands pull him against a broad chest and arms wrap around him immediately after. The body against him is trembling and Sunggyu is immediately worried.

“Woohyun, what’s wrong?” Sunggyu asks as he presses closer to the other, bringing his arms around the other and petting the younger boy’s hair in a soothing motion. Woohyun is still shaking and he presses even closer to Sunggyu. Burying his face in the older man’s hair and breathing in the sweet smell, hoping it would calm him down. Sunggyu presence was actually helping him a lot. Before the teacher was shoved in here he was on a verge of a breakdown.

“I…I’m..” Woohyun shakes his head, this was so stupid. He couldn’t believe that he was actually about to say this to Sunggyu of all people. He wanted to impress this man. Sunggyu was going to think he was a big baby.

“The—The dark..I..” Sunggyu shushes him, snuggling closer and Woohyun feels like he wants to cry.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say.” Sunggyu hums at him, still petting his hair lightly, fingers threading through the tresses. Woohyun relaxes against him, focusing on the soothing fingers and soft humming of the man he’s holding. He feels warm and the fear at the pit of his stomach seems to fade away as he focuses fully on Sunggyu. They stayed there, huddled close to each other. Sunggyu whispering softly in Woohyun’s ear to keep him calm. And oddly enough, Woohyun wouldn’t’ want to be anywhere else in this moment, even if that place was fully lit.


Myungsoo stops abruptly as he; Sungyeol and Sungjong walk past the front gates of the school. Sungjong looks at him oddly and Sungyeol asks him what the matter is. It was Friday and school is finally out, they just wanted to go get some ice-cream and hang out, not having to worry about school for the next two days.

“Guys… I think we forgot something…” Myungsoo says and it immediately hits Sungyeol what exactly they forgot. He throws his bag and Sungjong who yells at him, “I DON’T WANT TO HOLD YOUR STUPID BAG!” and runs to the closet that they had locked their teacher and fellow classmate in… All day. Hopefully Sunggyu wasn’t too pissed at them; he did have the ability to give them a lifetime of detention. Sungyeol throws open the door and flicks on the light right when Myungsoo and Sungjong come up behind him. Sungyeol clasps his hands together and coos at the sight of Sunggyu and Woohyun cuddled together, completely knocked out.

“Aww, aren’t they just darlin’?” Sungjong rolls his eyes, shoving the bag back at Sungyeol before he turns to leave. “I’m not going to wait until Sunggyu and Woohyun wake up.” Sungyeol nods and turns to Myungsoo to tell them that they should probably head out to before the two awaken and put their wrath upon them. But Myungsoo is busy taking pictures. Sungyeol blinks at him and questions why he’s doing that. Myungsoo snaps another photo and then puts his phone back in his pocket.

“You never know when you’ll need blackmail.”

--A few hours later—

“Oh, look! We have pets now!” At the voice Sunggyu groggily blinks open his eyes at stares at the two blurry figures in front of him. He shakes his head to try to clear his sleep ridden mind. He feels Woohyun move against him, burying his nose in his hair and tightening his hold on his waist. Sunggyu turns a bit in the hold to get a better view of the two.

“They’re so cute! Can we keep them?” The tall figure exclaims enthusiastically and Sunggyu swears he’s seen him before.

“We can’t keep humans, that’s kind of illegal.” The small figure says with a sigh, their height difference was actually really laughable. There was at least a ten centimeter difference between them, if not more. The tall one huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Sunggyu jumps, finally recognizing the tall one. It was the guy in the robe! Though, he wasn’t wearing one today. He was decked out in a tracksuit with a whistle hanging around his neck. Gym teacher? Sunggyu thinks, guess he was wrong about the janitor thing.

“You’re that guy, in the magician’s robe!” Sunggyu exclaims and the small guy next to creepy janitor-gym teacher raises an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t doing that anymore?” He asks.

“Only on Tuesdays.” The smaller one rolls his eyes and shoves the taller one. He walks over to Sunggyu and holds out a hand.

“I’m kind of curious as to why exactly you’re in this closet but I guess it’s not really my business.” Sunggyu blinks and remembers that he has several people he needs to put in a week detention for pulling this. And oh, are they in trouble.


Sungjong shudders violently, so hard he drops his ice-cream on the floor. Sungyeol looks down at it with a pout, such a waste of good ice-cream.

“I just had a huge sense of dread…” Sungjong whispers, looking at his two friends with wide eyes. Myungsoo and Sungyeol both shudder in unison. They had a bad feeling there were soon going to be in deep .


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I'll be gone for a little while (as in no writing/updating) because of personal reasons. I'm really sorry, especiall since I don't update much anyways.


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709 streak #1
Chapter 10: finished rereading again
Charu_19 #2
Chapter 10: Author nim , lovely story . Need an update soon, craving for it,.plssss.

Woogyu ,myungyeol are the best.
Will you continue,no update for a long time?
i love this?????
Gyu7812 #4
Omg!! I need an update.. please author-nim..
Sure no force. But i would love too.. -_^
Btw, u're amazing. I love your story sooo much!
I loved this story!! Please update author-nim!!!
Chapter 10: oh I need an update
Jinsoeb #7
Chapter 9: the story is really good!! hope you can continue it!! would look forward to how the story will go.. ^^
very_ship_them #8
Chapter 10: Omg its 1:30 am and I was so confused and scared over gyu being crazy and started to question my own sanity then everything started to clear up and IT WAS AMAZING
Sungjong got me dying man XDDD
very_ship_them #9
Taryn_burress #10
Chapter 10: This is so good and funny! Really hope you update it