I'm Hustling, Hustling

Oh My Teacher!

A/N edit 07/30/15: Yes I combined two chapters and don't even ask about the chapter title. XD


A few weeks had passed since Sunggyu made Woohyun promise to never come over again but every day since then Woohyun had shown up on his doorstep promptly at six-thirty. Sunggyu reprimands him each time but it doesn’t deter the young man since Woohyun simply gives him a smile and pushes past him into his house and then proceeds to make a wonderfully delicious breakfast. They eat, talk and laugh and Sunggyu thinks that it’s all really nice but then he stops himself when he realizes that he really shouldn’t be thinking that. Woohyun ends up touching Sunggyu inappropriately (but still on purpose) and the teacher pushes him out the door and orders him to go to school. Woohyun always waits until Sunggyu comes out and walks with him.

It’s become a routine and Sunggyu wishes he actually did mind it. Today though, Woohyun broke the routine up a bit. They were in the middle of eating the Belgian waffles (Sunggyu didn't really know what exactly made them Belgian) that Woohyun made when the younger boy puts his fork down on his plate and looks at Sunggyu seriously. The teacher pushes some caramel colored hair out of his eyes and looks at his student curiously.

“Sunggyu,” Woohyun says softly and the other man nods at him to continue. “Well, I was thinking… Would you go on a date with me?” Woohyun gives him the puppy dog eyes that helped him to get that kiss last time but Sunggyu looks away immediately. He knew he couldn’t take that look and the minute he gazed into those deep brown eyes shimmering with sadness Sunggyu would break down and concede.

“I, um, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Woohyun.” Sunggyu says simply. It’s quiet for a moment and Sunggyu chances a glance at the student. Woohyun looks devastated and Sunggyu has to use every ounce of his strength not to shout that he was only kidding and he would absolutely love to go on a date.

“Oh… Okay.” Woohyun says; his voice full of hurt. Sunggyu squeezes his eyes shut as his hands clench in his lap, he feels like a complete .


Sunggyu stood at the front of his grim looking homeroom class. He was about to pass back the pop quiz he gave a few days ago over the Agriculture Revolution that he knew hardly anybody had paid attention to, Sunggyu found out that he was absolutely correct seeing that the test scores were…Far worse than subpar. Well, except for one…

“I’m very disappointed in all of you there is only one person in class that made a passing grade,” Sunggyu says as he passes out the tests, a groan of disappointment coming after when the student looks at their grade. Sunggyu was glad at least one person was listening and made a passing grade. Actually it was a tremendous ninety-eight percent; the student had only missed one question. Sunggyu walked over to where Myungsoo and Woohyun sat to give the final two papers back. The teacher’s eyes pass over Woohyun for a moment and receives a smirk in response but he quickly averts his eyes to Myungsoo and gives the young boy a smile.

“Congratulations on your near perfect mark, Myungsoo. I’m so happy you’re one of my students.” Sunggyu says, his head tilting to the side cutely as a pretty smile curves along his lips. Myungsoo freezes mid-movement of grabbing his paper from his teacher’s hand as he stares at Sunggyu with wide eyes. Sunggyu blinks, confused at the young man’s actions. Sunggyu watches as Myungsoo’s hands tremble and the pencil in his left hand snaps in half. Woohyun eyes Myungsoo warily.

“Sunggyu, you might want to step back.” Woohyun says, scooting away from Myungsoo in his chair. Sunggyu looks at Woohyun in puzzlement but heeds his words and takes a few steps back. Myungsoo doesn’t move for a moment and the whole class watches in fascination (Sunggyu is still confused as hell). Suddenly Myungsoo lets out something like a screech, takes his desk in his hands and flips it over. Sunggyu can only stand there in shock as Myungsoo breathes heavily, body shaking.

“You better now?” Woohyun asks and Myungsoo nods slowly. The brown haired boy gets up from where he scooted his chair a safe distance away and goes to pick up Myungsoo’s desk that he upended. He pats Myungsoo’s shoulder after he sets the desk and chair back in place and the other boy sits down calmly, face once again blank. It was like that small outburst of crazy didn’t even happen. Sunggyu stares, mouth open, trying to form words to ask what exactly went down.

“My apologies, seongsangnim. That was out of hand; I will try to control myself next time.” Myungsoo says and his tone as unemotional as usual. Sunggyu doesn’t know what the hell he was even talking about. He looks to Woohyun when the boy laughs.

“Yeah, Myungsoo can get like that sometimes. He can’t handle cute things, you see.” Sunggyu nods slowly, still not really understanding what had caused Myungsoo’s outburst. Of course the only light in Sunggyu’s dim world of teaching had to be flawed.

“What Woohyun means is that you are cute and do cute things and makes Myungsoo want to destroy inanimate objects.” Sungjong pipes in as he fixes his hair in his pink rhinestone embezzled hand mirror. Sunggyu blinks at his student before twisting back around to face Woohyun and Myungsoo.

“Me?” Sunggyu says quietly (not realizing his voice had heightened a bit making it sound cute), pointing to himself with a small pout (that he also didn’t realize was there) on his face. Myungsoo twitches at the sight and Woohyun sighs, scooting away again.

“Here we go…”


It was after lunch and Sunggyu was walking down the hall to get back to his classroom when he hears someone call his name. He turns to find Principal Nam waving to him to come over to where he is standing by the trophy case. Sunggyu walks over and bows politely, giving the older man a smile. Principal Nam pats him on the shoulder, laughing warmly.

“I remember I told you to lighten up, you don’t have to bow every time you see me!” The principal exclaims and Sunggyu gives a small nod in return. It was going to be hard to train himself not to do so but he’d try.

“The reason I called you over was for a favor, actually.” Sunggyu asks what he needed him to do, interested in what exactly it was.

“Well, Woohyun came to me today and showed me his latest test score in your class and it was… I think you know how bad it is. He was really upset that his score was so low.” Principal Nam said and Sunggyu could feel his heart sinking, he didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“He asked me if it would be alright if I asked you to tutor him. Of course I didn’t volunteer you but I know you would be the best candidate. I wouldn’t normally do this but he was seriously distraught with his grade. So what do you say?” Sunggyu felt numb for a moment and couldn’t feel himself nodding slowly in confirmation. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t say no to his boss. He had a bad feeling about it but how bad could it be? They’d be in a library or something where Woohyun would have to keep in check.

“Wonderful! Thank you so much. Could you start tonight? My wife is dragging me to the opera so you’ll have peace and quiet to study.” Sunggyu gulps, eyes widening considerably.

“Y-you mean at yo-your home?” Principal Nam blinks, eyebrows furrowing slightly. Sunggyu shakes his head quickly as he forces a laugh, saying that it would be absolutely fine to go over and tutor Woohyun that night. His boss claps him on the shoulder and gives him a smile, thanking him again.

“It’s no problem, sir.” Sunggyu says and the principal makes a small joke that Sunggyu says to force a laugh at before he excuses himself to go check up on the school’s gym teacher. Once Principal Nam leaves Sunggyu lets out a shaky breath, a hand coming up to clutch at the fabric of his dress shirt. He shivers slightly, feeling someone’s eyes on him. He twists around and catches Woohyun leaning against a locker, smirking at him. Sunggyu should have known that Woohyun gave up too easily when he declined the date. Woohyun pushes himself off of the locker and walks over to where Sunggyu was standing. When he passes by he doesn’t stop but slows down considerably.

“See you later, Gyu.” Woohyun says suggestively with a matching lecherous smirk adorning his lips and then makes his way down the hall leaving Sunggyu to stare after him in disbelief.



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I'll be gone for a little while (as in no writing/updating) because of personal reasons. I'm really sorry, especiall since I don't update much anyways.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 10: finished rereading again
Charu_19 #2
Chapter 10: Author nim , lovely story . Need an update soon, craving for it,.plssss.

Woogyu ,myungyeol are the best.
Will you continue,no update for a long time?
i love this?????
Gyu7812 #4
Omg!! I need an update.. please author-nim..
Sure no force. But i would love too.. -_^
Btw, u're amazing. I love your story sooo much!
I loved this story!! Please update author-nim!!!
Chapter 10: oh I need an update
Jinsoeb #7
Chapter 9: the story is really good!! hope you can continue it!! would look forward to how the story will go.. ^^
very_ship_them #8
Chapter 10: Omg its 1:30 am and I was so confused and scared over gyu being crazy and started to question my own sanity then everything started to clear up and IT WAS AMAZING
Sungjong got me dying man XDDD
very_ship_them #9
Taryn_burress #10
Chapter 10: This is so good and funny! Really hope you update it