Chapter Four

One Day at a Time

A/N: Who's trash for not updating faster?


Hopefully, all the fluff makes up for it. Jihan and Jicheol's "date" part one! Hehe.

"Hong Jisoo?"

Soonyoung leaned forward and peered curiously at the dark-haired boy. If it wasn't for the rapid rise and fall of chest, he would have sworn he was frozen in place, his gaze trained straight ahead but the look in them blank.

Soonyoung checked his watch. He'd been like this for approximately ten minutes.

"Hong Jisoooo~" The blonde drew out his name, waving one hand in front of his face. "Hello, earth to Hong Jisoo~" He moved in even closer, to the point the pair of moles on the dark-haired boy's cheek came in full focus.

"Yah, Soonyoung leave the new kid alone." The blonde glanced up at his name, pouting cutely in the direction of the person who spoke. Sliding into the seat behind Jisoo's, the tall, brown-haired boy stretched his arms overhead (much to the appreciation of all their female classmates), his posture lazy as he leaned back and regarded his friend.

"I'm not bothering him, Junhui." Soonyoung spoke, tone whining. "We're friends!" He looked expectantly in Jisoo's direction, waiting for him to corroborate the statement, but to his misfortune the dark-haired boy still seemed oblivious to all that was going on around him.

"Do you think he's ok?" Soonyoung asked anxiously, already starting to worry. Junhui shrugged in response, tilting his head in a considering manner, before he spoke once more.

"Well, there's one way to find out."

Before Soonyoung could stop him, Junhui's leg shot out and knocked into the back of Jisoo's seat. Jisoo yelped in surprise, shooting upwards and whipping around, shock written on his features. Junhui merely winked at him.

"In a daze aren't we, dreamboat?" Junhui spoke teasingly. "Something...or someone preoccupying your thoughts?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

It was only meant to be a joke, a friendly jab (hell, Junhui hadn't even officially met the boy as he'd been absent for the past couple of days for an acting gig), but he and Soonyoung watched in surprise as Jisoo flushed an "adorable shade of pink", or at least that's what the blonde had squealed as he leaped forward and wrapped his arms around the dark-haired youth.

"You have a crush already?" Soonyoung exclaimed, practically vibrating in his eagerness. "Who? Where'd you meet? Can I help set you guys up?" Soonyoung's eyes crinkled up as he flashed Jisoo his gleaming, pearly whites.

"No, I don't!" Jisoo yelped, squirming in Soonyoung's hold, looking at Junhui desperately for assistance. The brunette merely raised a brow in response, a smirk lurking in the corners of his mouth. It was clear he was throughly amused with his predicament to offer any help. "Soonyoung-ah, I swear I don't have anyone I like!"

"Really? Then what was with that starstruck look in your eyes? Well, I would have thought it would appear after meeting me, but since that hadn't happened yet, only one thing can equal it." Jisoo stared in horror as the brunette leaned forward, grinning. "I think I'll call you loverboy instead of dreamboat from now on."

Jisoo barely suppressed a groan as Soonyoung squealed in excitement, nodding furiously at Junhui's statement.

"Good morning, Wonwoo-ah!"

Wonwoo let out an oomph, feeling a pair of arms circle around his neck from behind. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a shock of soft black hair and the edge of a smile that seemingly went on for days. He felt himself relax once he knew who it was.

"Good morning, Seungcheol-ah." Wonwoo murmured in reply, twisting his neck somewhat to get a better look at the other boy. "Particularly chipper today, aren't we?"

"I guess~" Seungcheol spoke easily, resting his chin more securely against the other boy's shoulder, all the while humming under his breath. "Today just seems like it'll be a really good day. A really good day." Then Seungcheol let out what could only be described as a blissful, blissful sigh.

Wonwoo, in turn, couldn't help but raise a brow at the joy practically radiating from the other boy. "Well, that's incredibly positive of you." Then he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And you just happened to be in a good mood because?"

"Oh nothing~" Seungcheol spoke in a sing-song tone, which made Wonwoo's brows go up even more. "I'm just an innately cheerful person. A literal ball of sunshine." Seungcheol grinned widely to emphasize his point, earning an eye roll and amused head shake from the other boy.

"Whatever you say, Seungcheol-ah. Whatever you say."

And Wonwoo was supposed to leave it at that, as he turned his attention back to the front (though Seungcheol's arms were still wrapped around his neck), when the other boy coughed, rather pointedly, in an attempt to regain his attention.

"That's it, then?" Seungcheol withdrew somewhat, tone clearly disappointed though he struggled to hide it. "You're not going to press the matter? Aren't you the least bit interested?"

He was so close to pouting that Wonwoo had to stifle a laugh.

"Well, I respect your privacy Seungcheol-ah." Wonwoo spoke easily, lips quirking up in the corners. "But if you want to tell me, then I'm all ears. Only if you want to though."

"Oh no no I wouldn't want to impose." Wonwoo refrained from rolling his eyes at such a transparent tactic. Seungcheol squirming added to the guise, and Wonwoo wondered if he practiced this on many unsuspecting friends before (somewhere, Jisoo let out a sudden sneeze). "I mean, I wouldn't want to bore you." The other boy's glance was meaningful and Wonwoo found himself at a crossroads between exasperation and growing affection.

"No, no. I'm interested really." Wonwoo turned in his seat to fully face the other boy. "Tell me, what's got you in such a good mood?" He clasped his hands together and fixed his expression to one of rapt attention.

"Can't!" Seungcheol announced cheerfully, eyes glittering with mischief. "It's a secret!"

The dark-haired boy sighed in satisfaction, seeing Wonwoo's mouth drop open in shock, before skipping over to his seat.

Today was a good day indeed.

Jeonghan was whistling as he came to class, ignoring the curious stares he got from the school entrance all the way there (it was everyday you see the intrepid basketball captain practically skipping through the hallways after all.)

In fact, he was in such a good mood that he didn't give any thought to the consequences as he ruffled Jihoon's hair as he walked past, much to the affront of the smaller boy.

"Yah, stop that!" Jihoon snapped, slapping the grinning blonde's hands away. "God, can you not be so annoying so early in the morning?" He grumbled as Jeonghan took his seat next to him, the blonde still whistling as he did so.

"And can you not be so grumpy?" Jeonghan countered easily, crossing his legs at the heels and resting his hands at the back of his head, his posture one of perfect, casual elegance. Jihoon rolled his eyes.

"I take it your blushing basketball boy said yes to the date." The pink-haired youth spoke dryly, adding air quotes to the word 'date'.

"Yes, as of a matter fact he did-" Jeonghan spoke airily "-and it's a real date." He added the last part rather smugly. He did not tell Jihoon that Joshua still looked a bit shell-shocked when he left him - he would have nearly run into a wall had Jeonghan not pulled him back in time.

"Sure, sure." Jihoon's tone was heavy with sarcasm. "Whatever you say, Jeonghan-ah."

"Well then-" Jeonghan's voice became challenging as he looked pointedly at the other boy "-what about your idiotic, which we know is a term of endearment from you by the way, guitar genius? Did you ask him out already?" He raised a brow.

"First of all-" Jihoon declared, raising one finger. "-idiotic is idiotic. There is no endearment there, in any way or form. Second of all-" Another finger shot up. "-I did not ask him out, I simply offered him some food as an apology. As you suggested." He did not tell Jeonghan that S. Coups insisted they exchange numbers, and when he typed his name in Jihoon's phone he added two little hearts on the end.

Jihoon had erased it.

"Sure, sure." Jeonghan spoke, mimicking Jihoon's earlier tone. "Whatever you say, Jihoon-ah."

Jisoo waited for Jeonghan near the school entrance after class, fiddling with the straps of his messenger bag between his fingers. His eyes darted back and forth, from face to face, and he fought not to fidget as the crowd ebbed and flowed around him.

No he wasn't nervous. He wasn't nervous at all.

"Joshua-ssi!" A voice called out, and Jisoo felt himself freeze on the spot.

You can do this, Jisoo. He told himself as he turned around slowly, in incremental motions, only to see Jeonghan jogging up towards him, blonde hair swinging back and forth in a low ponytail. Was he imagining things, or did time seem to slow down at that very moment? And did the sunlight shine just a bit brighter? Jisoo squinted, and would have shielded his eyes against the heavenly glow if he didn't suspect it was all a delusion in his mind.

He had some modicum of self-awareness, still.

"Joshua-ssi?" Too absorbed in his own thoughts, Jisoo didn't notice Jeonghan's face until it came perilously too close to his, and Jisoo prayed the other boy thought nothing of the fact that he jumped a little at the proximity.

"Penny for your thoughts, Joshua-ssi?" Jeonghan asked teasingly, lips quirking in amusement. Jisoo flushed, opening his mouth to speak, but all that left his lips was a wordless squeak.

Oh dear heavens, save me now.

Jisoo's blush deepened, if that were even possible, and this time Jeonghan couldn't resist as he reached up to lightly pinch the other boy's cheek, cooing somewhat as he did so.

"Cat got your tongue, Joshua-ssi?" Jeonghan's eyes glinted before he delivered his next statement.

"No worries. I'll steal it back eventually."

Jeonghan barely stifled his grin as the other boy visibly gulped at his words.

This was going to be fun.


Jihoon wondered if his smile was as stiff as it felt as he walked up to S. Coups, who was waving at him furiously from across the hallway.

"Jihoon-ssi!" S. Coups spoke happily, bounding over and meeting the pink-haired boy two-thirds of the way. "I thought I had gotten our meeting place wrong, but I guess not since here you are." The enthusiasm radiating from him was practically blinding, and Jihoon hoped his eyebrow didn't twitch as he struggled to keep all his comments at bay.

"Well, I'm here. So let's get going." Jihoon muttered, adjusting his backpack so it fit more securely on his shoulders. He was aware of the looks they were receiving - 'incredulous' seemed the nicest, most diplomatic way to describe them - and it took monumental effort on his part to not send a glare their way.

Jeonghan made him promise to be nice, so he'd be nice.

"So where are we headed?" S. Coups asked conversationally as they walked to the school entrance, Jihoon struggling to keep up with the taller boy's long strides. Damn, but he was fast! Too focused on his own feet, Jihoon didn't notice he was going to barrel into an unsuspecting student until it was too late...

...or it would have been, had a pair of arms not looped around his waist and effectively moved him out of the way.

"Hey!" Jihoon yelped, feeling himself get effortlessly lifted up. He struggled for a moment midair, the laughter hitting the back of his neck making his face warm, before he was placed once more on his feet.

Jihoon spun around, gaping at S. Coups' audaciousness, and the dark-haired boy had the nerve to wink in return.

"Can't have you falling so soon, Jihoon-ssi." S. Coups spoke easily, lips quirking up in a mischievous smile.

"After all, we haven't gotten to know each other yet." 

The taller boy's shoulders shook with mirth as Jihoon merely spun around and marched away in reply.

This was going to be fun.

"Well, you weren't kidding when you said you liked chocolate." Jeonghan spoke amusedly, watching Joshua order at least 3 chocolate-flavored confections off the menu.

Joshua ducked his head, and Jeonghan wondered if he should stop teasing him lest he ever faint from all the blood rushing to his face. Then the other boy risked a glance upwards, and the pink suffusing his cheeks was too adorable a sight that Jeonghan concluded he'd just give him mouth-to-mouth should such a terrible event ever occur.

Jeonghan was nothing if not practical.

"It's unhealthy, I know, but I can't resist." Joshua shrugged his shoulders, grinning shyly, his soft mouth quirking upwards at the corners.

Gaze focused somewhat on his lips, Jeonghan couldn't help but murmur his agreement.

"Did you ask for another order of pickled radish?" Jihoon spoke disbelievingly, as the waiter hurried off after S. Coups flagged him down for the 3rd time that day.

"I can't eat my food without it." The other boy replied in a tone too solemn for such a trivial matter, at least in Jihoon's opinion. "As if you can talk though - isn't that your third cup of coffee?" S. Coups challenged, looking pointedly at the pink-haired boy's recently refilled cup. "And all black, really? Just how old are you?"

"Before you lecture me, I know it isn't good for you, but it's hard kicking bad habits, ok?" Jihoon said defensively, lips pouting almost unconsciously, to the utter fascination of the dark-haired boy. "And so what if I happen to like bitter things?" He continued, muttering into his mug.

"Oh tell me about it." S. Coups murmured, cupping his chin and watching Jihoon drink. "Tell me about it."

"You did not." Jisoo's mouth dropped open while listening to Jeonghan's story, his doe brown eyes wide with shock.

"Yeah, we did-" Jeonghan leaned back lazily, grinning, and Jisoo refrained from squirming when he noticed how that move pulled his uniform tighter over his chest. "-we jumped the fence, sneaked around for a bit, almost got caught even." Jeonghan related in a dramatic stage whisper, earning a covered-mouth laugh from his dark-haired companion.

"Seriously though, Joshua-ssi-" Jeonghan moved forward once more as he spoke and Jisoo barely held back his sigh of relief. "-you act as if a couple of friends exploring the school at night is such a scandalous thing. Have you really done nothing so rebellious before?" Jeonghan asked teasingly, tilting his head to the side. A stray strand of hair escaped from his ponytail, and Jisoo's gaze couldn't help but be arrested by it for a moment as it swung slowly, back and forth.

"Hello? Joshua-ssi?" Jeonghan's eyes gleamed. He'd caught the trail end of the other boy's gaze. "Tell me, do I need to save your tongue again?" Jeonghan bared the edge of his teeth in a sharp grin.

And, as predicted, Jisoo blushed.

(he'd lost the number of times he'd already did in the space of that one afternoon.)

Wisely choosing to ignore Jeonghan's last comment (else he'd expire for just attempting to answer it), Jisoo opted to continue the earlier line of conversation instead.

"My school back in the States was pretty strict, I'm afraid. Honestly, you couldn't even sneeze in peace without getting reprimanded by the teacher." Jisoo joked weakly, his eyes flashing for a moment with an emotion Jeonghan couldn't quite place.

"The craziest thing I've ever done was use one of the rooms without permission, and that was only for thirty minutes-" Jisoo immediately held out a hand to stave off the blonde's comments. "-I know, I know. It's lame." The edges of his ears were pink at this point and Jeonghan had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning out loud.

This boy and his blushes were going to be the death of him.

"Huh, well then it seems I've arrived at just the right time in your life then." Jeonghan shook his head, falling back on what was beginning to be one of his favorite pastimes  - flustering one Choi Joshua.

(the fact that the boy was so endearingly clueless about it all just made it so much easier.)

"It'll be slow-going, but I'll definitely convert you by the end of it, Shua-ssi." Jeonghan's smile was alight with mischief.

"We'll make a rebel out of you yet."

"Well...that's impressive. I guess." Seungcheol had to bite back a smile, hearing the clear reluctance in Jihoon's voice as he spoke.

Heavens curse him, he really had a thing for tsunderes.

(a point made by his not-so-closet otaku brother who'd witnessed the twists and turns of all his past relationships.)

"Yeah, it is." Seungcheol agreed readily, though his animated tone didn't deliver the arrogance Jihoon initially expected. "It was really a class effort though, I just helped push everyone in the right direction. I mean, yeah I was the one who suggested it in the first place but all I did really was cheer everyone on. It's lucky that I had such talented classmates-"

"No-" Jihoon spoke softly, suddenly interrupting him. "-that's a college level competition, and the fact you qualified for finals as high school students is amazing. And you obviously played quite a big role in it." The pink-haired youth shifted uncomfortably as soon as he finished his statement, averting his gaze away from Seungcheol, and the taller boy wondered if he was already dying from the way his heart was stuttering in his chest.

"Well, that's nice of you to say-" Seungcheol began, but was once more cut off by other boy.

"I don't really work well with others." Jihoon furrowed his brow, and Seungcheol could see the struggle in his expression as he fought for the right words. "I either end up angering or hurting them, through no intention of my own, mind you, so group projects like yours..." He took a deep, bolstering breath. "...they always impress me."

Jihoon had his arms crossed over his chest at this point, studiously ignoring the weight of Seungcheol's eyes on him. "In case it wasn't clear, I'm somewhat of a loner." He shrugged lightly, seemingly uncaring. "Not that it matters much to me." He continued, somewhat defensively.

"Huh-" Seungcheol leaned back, cocking his head. "-well, then it seems I've arrived at just the right time in your life then." There it was - that statement had Jihoon's gaze snapping upwards, the look in them suspicious. That was clearly not the response he expected.

"Don't worry your head about it, Jihoon-ssi." Seungcheol announced cheerfully, knowing what he was about to say next was surely going to inflame the other boy’s temper, and strangely enough he looked forward to it. 

“Stick with me, and we'll make a social butterfly out of you yet."

"He's somewhat of a lovable idiot." Jisoo didn't know how they came to the topic of his brother, and he didn't know what possessed him to describe Seungcheol in such a manner, but the words just left his mouth and they were too truthful for him to take back.

"Really?" Jeonghan murmured, eyes twinkling. "Do tell."

“Ahhh…well, we’re stepbrothers actually. His dad married my mom when we were six years old.” Jisoo explained, the beginnings of a small smile tugging at his lips. “I honestly didn’t want a brother at first-” He looked slightly abashed at this statement. “-because I honestly thought he would be mean and pick on me, not that he didn’t of course.” Still, at the end, the humour in his tone was lined with clear affection.

“You know at first when you look at him, he’ll seem all tough and intimidating, but to tell you the truth he’s the biggest softie in the world.” There was a fond cast to Jisoo’s gaze as he continued. “In fact, one time when I had to leave for music camp for a week, he wouldn’t stop calling me every night ‘to see if I was surviving’” He rolled his eyes, adding air quotes to Seungcheol’s ludicrous claim back then. “-but when I got home my mom told me he kept on calling because that idiot was lonely.”

Then, he found himself shrugging lightly, suddenly embarrassed by his outpouring of emotion.

“He sounds amazing.” Jeonghan spoke encouragingly, and at that moment he couldn’t resist but reach out and lightly touch the other boy’s fingers, the soft pads of his brushing against his knuckles.

The smile the dark-haired boy flashed him was so blindingly sweet and did funny things to Jeonghan’s insides.

“That he really is. That he really is.”

"He's somewhat of a precious dork." Seungcheol grinned readily, using his usual description of Jisoo - an apt recounting of the entirety of his brother, or so he believed. “We’re actually the same age, being stepbrothers, but to me he’s still my adorable little sibling.” Memories of a tiny Jisoo flickered through his mind, and the full-cheeked grin that formed on his lips revealed the extent of their importance to him. 

“As you can probably tell, he’s the sweetheart of our family. Hell - I think my dad even likes him better on most days.” Despite his words, there was no rancour in his tone, just warm, open affection.

Jihoon at that moment had to look away.

“Yah, but you know, even if he seems timid and shy the first time you meet him, he’s actually one of the strongest persons I know.” Jihoon glanced upwards slowly, hearing the sudden softness in the other boy’s tone as he continued. “Many people think he can be pushed around so easily, and it’s true sometimes he doesn’t fight for himself-” There was a frustration to his voice that could be heard clearly, emphasised by the way his hands curled into fists. “-but if you hurt anyone he cares about, all bets are off.”

It was evident to Jihoon that there was more to the story than the taller boy let on, but he respected him enough not to pry, shifting uncomfortably in his seat when his immediate thought was that he’d probably reveal it in due time.

(as if he could envision more time with the other boy.)

“He sounds amazing.” Still, despite his own reservations, Jihoon couldn’t help but voice this and he felt somewhat comforted and the same time flummoxed seeing the radiant smile bloom on the other boy’s face.

“That he really is.” Seungcheol murmured. “That he really is.”

This were going well, so well in fact that Jisoo was beginning to relax completely, his gestures becoming more animated-

-and that's when the bell above the door tinkled and he heard a loud, familiar voice that sent his heart plummeting down into his stomach.

"Yah, I'm so excited for FOOD, let's go get a table Seokmin!"

Jisoo didn’t (couldn’t) think. All he could see was Jeonghan’s face looking at his with utter confusion, and why wouldn’t he given the sudden pale cast to his complexion? Jisoo refused to even glance past the blonde, knowing with one small movement, he could reveal himself to Soonyoung and all will be over.

He couldn’t let it be over.

“Uhh…Please excuse me. I have to go to the restroom.” Jisoo stood up so hastily that his knees banged against the table edge, earning an exclamation of concern from Jeonghan. Jisoo squeaked, taken aback by the pain, and yet still he waved off Jeonghan’s worry as he reached for him, fumbling with his words as he did.

“I’m fine, Jeonghan-ssi. But I just really have to pee.” Now at the very least his color turned normal (if you counted bright, painfully obvious pink as normal) and he scuttled, head-bowed, towards the back of the restaurant.

Jeonghan wondered if it talked about the state of his sanity as he didn’t mind Jisoo’s weirdness one bit.

This were going to well, so well in fact that Seungcheol was successfully getting Jihoon to mellow out somewhat, his expressions going from clearly annoyed to only somewhat exasperated-

-and that’s when the bell above the door tinkled and he heard a low, familiar voice that sent his heart plummeting down into his stomach.

“I will not pay for you this time, Kim Mingyu. You eat too much for it to be fair!”

Seungcheol froze in his seat, which was great in fact since if he moved one bit Wonwoo would have clearly seen him from his vantage point. He could see Jihoon staring at him as if he grew a second head, which was certainly a valid reaction, given how his mouth remained open in mid-sentence, his posture so stiff he'd probably topple over like a log if the wind so much as moved past him. 

Yet before Jihoon could even open his mouth and ask what’s wrong, Seungcheol stood up suddenly, though for some strange reason his head remained bowed, his bangs falling forward to cover his face.

“I think I have to go to the bathroom.” Seungcheol spoke in a low tone, as if his statement was some dangerous, clandestine mission and Jihoon couldn’t help but watch, wide-eyed, as the taller boy shuffled sideways towards the back of the restaurant.

He really needed to reflect on his sanity if he was even remotely considering interacting with this boy. 

Jisoo huddled in the back of the stall, his phone almost slipping out of his hands as he shakily scrolled through his contacts. His mind was constantly replaying different scenarios concerning what would happen if Soonyoung found out he was there with Jeonghan and unfortunately for him his imagination couldn’t come up with at least a single good one.

He was screwed, and he knew it.

Still, he felt some relief seeing the name he was looking for finally come up, and in hindsight he probably shouldn’t have pressed the contact number so violently but he was already desperate at this point.

It only took three rings before the person on the other end answered.


Seungcheol barged into the bathroom, an apology immediately falling from his lips when a startled customer glanced up from his business to look at him. And though he felt his face burn with embarrassment, he told himself to not mind it as he strode towards an empty stall, already pulling out his phone from his pocket.

He was all ready to unlock his phone as soon as the door closed behind him, but its sudden vibration caused him to yelp, and his heart stalled for another reason when he nearly dropped it into the toilet (thank the heavens for his superior reflexes.)

And though he knew he wouldn’t get out of this situation unscathed, he still felt somewhat relieved seeing the caller’s name. As soon as he pressed ‘accept’, he had the phone up to his ear, his voice practically a wail.


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Chapter 4: Almost 4 years later, I still can’t get over this story. ;u;
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 4: Ohgaaaahd this is soooo goood gaaaahd please update sooon this is really interesting I really love the flow of the story~~~ this is just soooo cuteeeeee I really can't get enough of this
Chapter 4: Literally this whole story is so in sync that it amazes me, and you get their personalities so well! /applauds
Brothership cheolsoo are really amazing hahaahh
They're really in sync omg
Take ur fault with u, u /talk to cheolsoo
How will happen after hoon and han found out abt them lying? Hahahahahaha
This comedy yet fluffy fic already made my day~~~~ hahahaha
Jisoo and jihoon omg they're really adorable ♡♡♡ and idiot cheol lmao xD and cheeky jeonghan haha all of the characters suit them well hahahaahaha I love this alot♡
choclatl #6
Chapter 4: These parallels and one-liners never get old, omg I love it. Looking forward to the potential mess of next chapter already. ~
Chapter 4: The parallels~ I love. <3 And blushing Jisoo is the best Jisoo. Jeonghan is doing a great thing for the world for making him so flustered aha. And Jihoon~~ no need to be so tsundere we all know you like Cheol aha. I'm interested to see what the brothers will do from here on out (and when they'll come clean honestly - they better do so soon or I can already predict the angst).
WAT #8
Chapter 4: This is so good! I love blushing flustered Jisoo and Jeonghan that purposefully makes him blush :D