Chapter Two

One Day at a Time

Jisoo could tell Soonyoung wanted to talk about something the moment he walked into the classroom, if him leaping up from his seat and rushing to Jisoo's side the second he entered was any indication.

"Choi Jisoo!" For some odd reason, Soonyoung liked saying his entire name, drawing out each syllable every chance he got. Soonyoung also liked no-holds-barred hugs, of which Jisoo was becoming a regular recipient - he let out a small 'oof' when Soonyoung barreled into him, arms outstretched.

"I have amazing, amazing news!" The other boy practically bounced with the force of his excitement, which unfortunately dragged Jisoo along as Soonyoung's arms were still wrapped tightly around his neck. "I got Lee Jihoon, the music club president, to give you an audition later this afternoon! Isn't that great?"

Soonyoung tended to close his eyes fully as he beamed, so he didn't catch the absolute look of horror that flashed over Jisoo's features.

"Co-come again?" Jisoo stuttered, praying he heard the other boy wrong. But Soonyoung repeated the exact words he feared, and as dread pooled low in his gut, Jisoo couldn't summon up his voice to say no.

All he managed was a pathetic, strangled squeak.

"Are you alright, Choi Jisoo?" Soonyoung asked concernedly after a few heartbeats, finally seeing the pale cast to his new friend's features, the way his face seemed frozen, staring at something over his shoulder...

...Soonyoung's expression was the very personification of a lit cartoon lightbulb as realization dawned. Shaking his head in amusement, the smile the blonde offered Jisoo was one of complete confidence. "Don't be nervous, Choi Jisoo! I'm sure you'll do a stellar job!"

Once again, due to the fact Soonyoung tended to smile with the entirety face, he missed Jisoo's look of pure incredulity.

Jisoo immediately ran to his brother as soon as the lunch bell rang, his eyes glassy and wide with panic - a look that had Seungcheol gripping his forearms in his hands, swearing up and down he'd kill whoever dared hurt his precious baby brother.

"It's not that, Seungcheol." Jisoo said exasperatedly when he couldn't get a word in edgewise of his brother's raving, for a moment his fear eclipsed by annoyance.

(sometimes, he thought Seungcheol could be a touch dramatic.)

"No one tried to hurt me, for goodness' sake - it's just..." At that moment Jisoo's throat decided to close up, the very thought so difficult to express his body seemed to suspend itself in time.

(Seungcheol was unfortunately used to such things, so he simply waited.)

"Seungcheol." Jisoo's eyes were haunted as he looked at him. "I have an audition later." He spoke with all the whispered gravity of a dire, dire proclamation.

Seungcheol blinked. Once. Twice.

(sometimes, he thought Jisoo could be a touch dramatic.)

"For the music club?" Seungcheol clarified, just in case he gotten the whole situation wrong (again.) After all, if Jisoo was auditioning for something like the drama club or heavens forbid the dance club, he could completely understand the other boy's trepidation.

"Of course the music club! What else could it be!" Jisoo wailed. This time it was he who was gripping Seungcheol's shoulders, shaking his brother for all he was worth. "What do I do Seungcheol?" He looked at his brother desperately.

"...try out?" He knew it would get him in trouble, if Jisoo's glaring, accompanied by his petulant pout was any indication, but in truth it was the only advice he could give. The only one he wanted to give.

"It wouldn't hurt Jisoo. This place is different - it's not going to be like old times. I promise." Sometimes Seungcheol wanted to go back in time (rather, back to America) and beat on those kids who made his brother this way.

Every stutter, every unconscious flinch, every time Jisoo would draw into himself when he was into new and foreign situations. Every time he'd second-guess each decision, doubt his capabilities, and look to his brother for a self-assurance Seungcheol couldn't give. Every time he'd pick up his guitar, run his hand down the strings when he thought the elder wasn't looking...

"...try out, Jisoo. Please." His tone was firm. Eyes completely sure. It clashed with the heartbreaking uncertainty in his brother's gaze, and Seungcheol didn't hesitate to reach out and wrap his arms around him, letting his chin rest against his shoulder. Jisoo's hand fisted into his shirtfront, and for a moment they just stood there.

"You can do this, Jisoo." Seungcheol's voice was soft as he spoke, though to Jisoo it seemed to echo in the silence of the hallway.

Jisoo made an inarticulate sound, and though he didn't say a word, Seungcheol knew the moment his brother came to a decision, the tension in his shoulders falling away-

-as if he was resigned to his fate.

And yet...though he couldn't be entirely sure, Seungcheol prayed the hope he saw in Jisoo's gaze as he faced him was real.

Seungcheol went back to class with a strange gravity to his demeanor, which caused Wonwoo's brow to furrow though he thought it best not to comment. Still, his eyes reflected concern as the other boy sat down - a look Seungcheol caught, and in turn he tried to reassure his new friend with a weak smile.

"I just met with my brother." Seungcheol said by way of explanation, a sigh escaping his lips. "He's..." He bit his lip, struggling to find the right words. "He's..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It's ok." Wonwoo interceded quietly, to which Seungcheol shook his head. "No, it's not that I don't want to." He explained softly, rocking back on his seat. "It's just...not my story to tell." Seungcheol let out a small grin of thanks when Wonwoo nodded in understanding.

"'re going to meet with Jeonghan later, right? For tryouts?" Seungcheol knew Wonwoo meant well, picking a topic of conversation he thought would lighten the mood, but it only served to stress Seungcheol out further.

He'd mentioned it to Jisoo last night that he was thinking of joining the team, hoping it would push his younger brother to audition for the music club on his own. He couldn't help but find it ironic that while he continuously encouraged Jisoo, he was having his own apprehensions about trying out in the first place - apprehensions he didn't understand, half of the time.

In fact, if Jisoo had ever heard of his reasons, Seungcheol was absolutely certain his brother would either scold him for his foolishness, or get unaccountably hurt - and while he could deal with the former, even thinking about the latter made his heart ache in his chest.

He would protect Jisoo from the world, even if he knew he couldn't.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He answered softly, and though Wonwoo heard the despondency in his tone, he respected Seungcheol's privacy and chose not to pry.

Jeonghan hurried to the gym as soon as classes ended, bursting with near-uncontainable excitement. Mingyu told him about Choi Seungcheol only yesterday, but even before that Jeonghan had already heard rumors about the star athlete from America.

Not only was the other boy poised to go professional after graduating, scouted by all sorts of teams and colleges, it was said he was the ultimate good luck charm of his school back in the States, leading them to victory after unopposed victory.

The thought of having such a brilliant player on his team, especially with the upcoming tournament against other local schools, made Jeonghan's grin nearly split his face.

They were going to massacre them.

(no he was never accused of being competitive. not at all.)

Nearly skipping into the locker room, all the while humming a song under his breath, Jeonghan quickly changed into his practice clothes, the speed of such an act a feat in itself. Soon, he found himself on the court, running through some drills, enjoying the light burn he felt in his muscles....

...all the while wondering how this meeting with Choi Seungcheol would go.


On the other side of school in the music club room, Jihoon was busy marking up a new piece with his notes, all the while waiting for this so-called musical prodigy Choi Jisoo to show up.

Soonyoung had talked his ear off the whole afternoon yesterday, telling him about his new classmate, the completely adorable (the blonde's words, not his) guitarist from America. In the midst of his gushing, Jihoon didn't have the heart to tell him he'd already done his research on the said boy, already considering him as a potential new member before Soonyoung had even suggested it.

Gifted in guitar from a tender age, a musical genius who's performance could move even the hardest of hearts - and those weren't even the nicest things said about him. Choi Jisoo, who entered a prestigious school for the arts on merit alone and would have taken America's musical world by storm...

...if he and his family hadn't moved to Korea. Now that bit Jihoon still couldn't figure out.

Still, he wasn't going to look a gift's horse in the mouth. While his capabilities were nothing to spit at, the addition of such a member would only elevate their ranks as performers, enrich their experiences as budding musicians.

Plus, it didn't hurt that the annual music competition (of which they'd gotten 1st runner up for part 3 years) was rolling around.

And this time, Lee Jihoon was determined to win.

Grabbing his own guitar from the corner, Jihoon began experimenting with the new chord progressions he just wrote down.

...all the while wondering how this meeting with Choi Jisoo would go.


Jisoo paced restlessly outside the gym, checking his watch for the hundredth time. Where in heaven's name was Seungcheol? Didn't he say he'd be at basketball tryouts at this time after class?

Somehow, Jisoo didn't find his exasperation with his brother ironic, when he himself wasn't in the place he was supposed to be at this time - a probably stuffy, probably suffocating clubroom on the other side of school, with a most likely judgmental club president who'd eventually resent him towards in the end...

Jisoo in a desperate breath, his heart hammering loudly in his chest, before he went back to pacing.

He just needed to talk to his brother. He just needed to see him once, and he'd be fine.

He'd considered the fact that Seungcheol might already be inside, but Jisoo knew his brother well and rarely did the elder do things early, exuding a just-in-the-nick-of-time kind of persona.

Still, his feet grounded to a halt - what if Seungcheol made an exception for this day? After all, he couldn't stop talking about tryouts last night...

...squaring his shoulders, he marched up to the gym doors and before he lost his nerve, threw them open-

-and Jisoo couldn't help but be rendered speechless by the person he saw on the other side.


Seungcheol found the music club room easily enough, and though he was already a few minutes late for his own tryouts, he couldn't deny his urge to check on his brother just one more time. Just take a peak through the doorway, to see if he was doing alright. Probably take a glance at well at the person who was holding the auditions, give him a few meaningful stares if he even looked at Jisoo the wrong way...

...It was just too bad the person in question was still not there.

It was pretty unlike Jisoo to be late for anything, even things he didn't want to do (hell, as a kid, the younger boy insisted on being early to every doctor's appointment, even if he was deathly scared of them), and Seungcheol couldn't help but pace outside in the hallway, his rubber shoes squeaking loudly on the linoleum floor every time he his heel. Where in hell could his brother be?

Seungcheol didn't realize that he had said those words out loud, nor did he notice the racket he was making simply by walking back and forth. His mind was far too preoccupied with worrying about his brother, that he wasn't prepared for what would happen next - not one bit, not at all.

Without warning, the doors to the music club room opened with a resounding bang-

-and Seungcheol couldn't help but be rendered speechless by the person he saw on the other side.


Jeonghan jogged up to the newcomer, tilting his head as the boy did nothing but stare at him.

Could this be?

"Choi Seungcheol?" He guessed, smiling brightly.


Jisoo swore he heard a choir of angels sing.


Jihoon glared at the newcomer, his hands moving to his hips and his foot tapping impatiently.

Could this be?

"Choi Jisoo?" He guessed, tone sour.


Seungcheol swore the ground gave way beneath his feet.


"It's so great to meet you! I'm Yoon Jeonghan, the captain of the basketball team!" Choosing to ignore the fact the other boy was still gaping (a cute enough sight, Jeonghan figured, so he'd let it go for now), he reached out and grabbed him by the wrist, tugging him into the gym. "You're here for basketball tryouts, right?" He threw a grin over his shoulder.


Jisoo didn't hear a word he said, too focused on the mesmerizing sway of the other boy's long ash blonde hair. He nodded dumbly.


"I guess I have to introduce myself then. Lee Jihoon, president of the music club." He raised a brow when the other boy did nothing but continue to gape at him (great, please don't tell him his musical genius was actually stupid), but he decided to give him a benefit of a doubt and gestured for him to come inside. "You're here for auditions, right?" He tilted his head as he regarded him.


Seungcheol didn't hear a word he said, too focused on the rosy tinge of the other boy's cheeks, the exact same shade as his hair. He nodded dumbly.


"Great!" Jeonghan proclaimed with a grin, taking a moment to study this Choi Seungcheol fully - the boy had yet to say a word to him, but Jeonghan generously put it down to nerves.

He seemed rather slender for an athlete. He'd perhaps need to build up some muscle, though at least he was relatively tall...but soon this thought flew to the farthest recesses of his mind once he met the other boy's eyes straight on - wide and clear, narrowing to a delicate point in the corners.



Jisoo was used to feeling awkward around strangers, but meeting this boy took it to another level altogether. Still, he couldn't help but smile stupidly back when the blonde grinned at him, then finally, seemingly eons later - the implications of the situation hit him full force.

He just told this Yoon Jeonghan he was indeed one Choi Seungcheol.

Oh dear lord.


"Alright then." Jihoon eyed him doubtfully, wondering why he still didn't say a word. Nerves, perhaps? Still, he took the brief opportunity his silence afforded to study this Choi Jisoo, his gaze unabashed as he took all of him in critically.

He was far...bigger, than he expected. Jihoon knew mostly everyone did, but this boy in particular seemed to tower over him, his presence almost larger than life.

Then he tripped on his feet, and Jihoon tried valiantly to hold back is snort of laughter.



Sometimes Seungcheol couldn't grasp why Jisoo had such a difficult time around strangers, but from the single meeting with this boy he could somewhat understand why. When he tripped forward, as if his feet suddenly didn't know how to move one in front of the other, that little snort Jihoon let escape, though he tried his best to stifle it - Seungcheol couldn't help but grin stupidly.

Because of that, it took a moment for the implication of the situation to hit him full force.

He just told this Lee Jihoon he was indeed one Choi Jisoo.

Oh it.


"Is there anything in particular you want me to call you, or will Seungcheol be fine?" Once again, it took a moment for Jeonghan's words to register, panic already overtaking his mind, so he blurted out the first thing he thought of.

"Joshua, please." At Jeonghan's curious gaze, he felt the need to explain, his tone meek. "It's a nickname my mom gave me. Like Joshua, from the Bible...

...She's a big fan of the Bible."


Jeonghan barely stifled his laugh at hearing such an odd reason, and from the way this...Joshua flushed (still prettily, he might add), his grin just grew another notch.

"Okay, Joshua it is then." He spoke easily.


"Is there anything in particular you want me to call you, or will Jisoo be fine?" Seungcheol caught the end of Jihoon's eye roll when he once again took a while to answer, and without even thinking he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

"S. Coups. I prefer that." At Jihoon's disbelieving stare, he felt the immediate need to explain, his laugh somewhat strangled. "It's a nickname my mom gave me. From the word Coup d'etat...

...She's a big fan of the French, you see."


Jihoon was quite certain his expression hit the borderline on rude when he heard such a ridiculous explanation, and he swore he'd get sainted for the patience he showed at that moment.

"Okay, S. Coups it is then." He spoke tightly.


"Shall we get started then?" Jeonghan's gaze was kind but expectant, and on the opposite side of the school, Jihoon's was a touch exasperated.

But the Choi brothers - now they on the other hand had perfectly identical expressions, their echoed thoughts matching down to the very last word.

What the hell am I going to do now? 

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Chapter 4: Almost 4 years later, I still can’t get over this story. ;u;
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 4: Ohgaaaahd this is soooo goood gaaaahd please update sooon this is really interesting I really love the flow of the story~~~ this is just soooo cuteeeeee I really can't get enough of this
Chapter 4: Literally this whole story is so in sync that it amazes me, and you get their personalities so well! /applauds
Brothership cheolsoo are really amazing hahaahh
They're really in sync omg
Take ur fault with u, u /talk to cheolsoo
How will happen after hoon and han found out abt them lying? Hahahahahaha
This comedy yet fluffy fic already made my day~~~~ hahahaha
Jisoo and jihoon omg they're really adorable ♡♡♡ and idiot cheol lmao xD and cheeky jeonghan haha all of the characters suit them well hahahaahaha I love this alot♡
choclatl #6
Chapter 4: These parallels and one-liners never get old, omg I love it. Looking forward to the potential mess of next chapter already. ~
Chapter 4: The parallels~ I love. <3 And blushing Jisoo is the best Jisoo. Jeonghan is doing a great thing for the world for making him so flustered aha. And Jihoon~~ no need to be so tsundere we all know you like Cheol aha. I'm interested to see what the brothers will do from here on out (and when they'll come clean honestly - they better do so soon or I can already predict the angst).
WAT #8
Chapter 4: This is so good! I love blushing flustered Jisoo and Jeonghan that purposefully makes him blush :D