
Please Don't Get Too Friendly

The plane landed, after what seemed like an eternity, in South Korea. Jung Ah and I talked some more while the Korean staff took away my packed stuff into the car we were going to use to go to the main company. We once again went through the security obligations and we got out of the busy place.

"How are you feeling, Amy?" asked my soon-to-be manager.

"A little bit tired," I sighed tiredly.

She raised an nicely arched eyebrow at me, a smile hidden at the corner of .

"Just a little bit?" she teased me.

To say the truth, I felt like I hadn't slept in ages. During the trip, I realised I couldn't fall asleep at all, for whatever damned reason. So for 12 hours, I just stared at the soft-looking clouds to my left and spoke to Jung Ah to my right. Surprisingly enough, we always had something new to talk about. I was mostly a quiet and shy person to strangers, but with her, I felt like opening my heart and mind to her like I had always known her. Maybe because she reminds me of my mom.
"Amy, I know you're pretty tired. You haven't slept for more than 12 hours, and you're not used to that," she suddenly said, disrupting my thoughts. "Let's get you to the company quickly so you can go sleep, okay?"

I nodded, too tired to speak. I let her lead me to the car and I slumped in my seat, getting more tired as time went by. After 2 hours of sitting in the car, we finally arrived at S.M. Entertainment. We went in and a kind and young secretary welcomed us, a big smile on her lips."Annyeonghaseyo," she greeted us. She asked us something in Korean I didn't quite get, since it had been a long time I hadn't practiced my natal language, and Jung Ah answered her, nodding. I stared at them but my mind was completely elsewhere. I was only thinking about a comfortable bed for me to sleep in and wander off in dream land. Jung Ah must have noticed becaue she then took my hand, bowed to the secretary and guided me out the building.

"Here," she handed me keys.

I stared at her, then the keys. As I was slowly reaching for them, she took them back and put them in her pocket.

"I guess you're too tired to do anything, so I'll keep them, okay? I'll open the door for you tonight," she said tenderly.

I nodded slightly then went back into the car again, this time for only 20 minutes. Unfortunately for me, no matter how tired I was, I still couldn't sleep. Jung Ah then took my arm and helped me out of the car. She led me to a building similar to an apartment, but it had at least 50 floors. Not like any apartment in America. It also looked really expensive and stylish, but for the moment I didn't really care. Anyways, because of the inheritance, I could definitely afford it. I hadn't spent much of it because my aunt that had supposedly adopted me sent me money every month for my expenses. We went into the elevator and it took us to the 28th floor, the one where my room was. We then walked to my apartment, number 289. Jung Ah told me something like: "It's because we're at the 28th floor, and it's the ninth room." But I was too tired too listen so I just made a little sound and waited for her to open the door. Seeing my state, she considered that it was better if I visited my place the next morning and led me to my bedroom, where I once again slumped upon. I had just enough energy to lift myself up so Jung Ah put the covers on me, and then I fell immediately asleep. The last thing I (vaguely) heard was my new friend telling me that she would come get me in the morning. Then, I wandered off to dream land, where the only thing I remembered from it the next morning was a deep, beautiful but sad voice said:

"I love you, Amy."

~~~Author's Notes~~~

Hey hey hey everyone!
Once again, thank you so much for reading this. I really hope you like it, I'm trying my best. Please do wait for the next chapter, which should be uploaded tomorrow or in two days, if I have time. And again, I'm sorry if this is too slow for you, I really just want to settle the story so it won't be rushed and incomprehensible. And if there are any errors, forgive me for those too, English isn't my first language. Anyways, thanks again so much.
Saranghae :) <3<3<3<3


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Veckyx #1
Chapter 27: Seriously that story is sooooo in my TOP5 and ive read looooooots of fics....
But woahhh that was so awfully cuuute!!!!
Thanks for posting it on this site~ ^^
kimsela #2
Chapter 27: Goood story woooowww I like it sooo much its well writing and the way u express the emotions and the moments its felts real ......looking for ur next one plz make a kai fanfic plzzzzzzz kaiXsela
kimsela #3
Chapter 19: Can I sleep in the same bed as kai?? I wouldn't mind
kimsela #4
Chapter 5: Cuuuuteeee
kimsela #5
Chapter 1: First chapter was good
kimsela #6
I'm ur first subscriber and the first comment I will give this story a chance and read it I have a good feeling about it.......fighting!!!!