Chapter 2

Daughter of Almighty Key

I hate Mondays. It's the worst day of the week for me. Projects being dumped, the cheerleaders fan girling over the jocks, and a bunch of other crap. I find it hard to make friends to be honest. Not that I don't want any. I do, really. It's just hard to approach girls who waste their time fan girling.

I walk on over to my locker which was the end of all the other lockers. I open it up and take out a few books I needed for class. It was plain. Like I needed things to lighten it up. Uh, no thank you. I don't need those pink things or pictures to fill it up and take all of them off at the end of the school year. I liked it plain and simple.

As I'm about to leave, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and sighed. No Minwoo. The school body's president.

"~~~~~~~, you haven't joined any clubs yet," He stuttered. I roll my eyes. Like I would join clubs. I force myself to smile though and look at him. "Um, ~~~~~~~, the school rules state that you must join at least one club! There are many such as the----."

"Okay." I said, my voice uninterested and bored. I didn't to sound like that but I just didn't want to join any. I was going to become a doctor anyway. "I'll look over it."

Minwoo smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder again. "I hope you'll like them! I'm sure they'll be fun!" With that, he waved and ran off to the council room.

I sighed. Now, I had to join a club, I see. I went over to a bench and sat down looking over the list of clubs Minwoo had given me. Nope, nope, nope....nothing seemed to suit me.

I mean, come on. Flower-arrangment club, boxing club, sports club, and more. I sighed. I really missed Yoseob went to school here. I pushed up my bangs and looked again through the list.

Well, the best club there was the music club. I did play two instruments so why not? It sounded the least painful. I pushed myself up and ran my fingers through my hair. Eh, how bad could it be?

I shoved the list into one of my books and went straight to my classes. Classes were the usual. Ever so boring, not that I'm complaining. It's okay. I have to study hard though if I wanted to become a doctor. At the end of classes, I looked through the information of the music club.

Monday to Friday after school for an hour and a half. Not bad. I think I can go for the whole school year with that. I went to the music room. I had to admit, I was disappointed. It wasn't that big of a room and the instruments looked dusty. I went to the instruments and examined them. They looked old. Almost as if you dropped them, they could break like glass.

I blow off bit of the dust and picked up my favorite instrument. The violin. I had been playing it for quite a while now. I put the rosin on my bow and put the shoulder rest on my violin. I picked it up and cleaned it. My fingers fit perfectly on the bow as I pulled my violin up to me. I don't know what happened but all the sudden, my fingers just played by itself.

I hadn't played in a while so my fingers weren't moving as fast as it should be but the melody itself was fantastic. I always loved the sound of the violin, even when it made a mistake or when a string was off-tuned. It made me relax a bit.

As I finished a piece, I heard clapping behind me. I spun around quickly almost looking over an instrument. I put the violin and bow down as the man stopped clapping.

"Hey, you're not bad." He said while smiling. "I'm impressed."

"Uh, thanks?" I said. It sounded more like a question more than an answer. It's because I don't talk to people very much so I really don't know how to communicate. "Who are you?"

He didn't look Korean. Not that I'm Korean. I'm half. I look an ethnicity test after I was adopted so I knew what my ethnicity was but that's not the point right now.

"Me?" He said walking towards me and taking the violin and bow gently from me, his fingers brushing against my hand. I don't know what happened but I felt my face hot. Geez, this never happened before. "I'm just a guy."

He smiled as he began playing the violin. I'll admit, he sounded like a professional. It was perfect. His fingers running through the strings, the bow not once passing across the bridge. His fingers was like magic on the fingerboard. It was like magic.

It was perfect. The piece was perfect. The structure was perfect. The position was perfect. Everything was perfect. Damn, I'm jealous I'll admit.

When he finished, he laughed at me. Probably because my mouth was open. Still, there was urge inside me that wanted to beat this guy. Beat him and become better.

"I want a challenge." I accidently said. Oh God, it slipped out.

"I accept a challenge." He said, grabbing my hand to shake it. He winked at me and left through the door.

I was still standing there and it took me a whole 5 minutes to remember something. I had never gotten his name.

A/N: I'm sure you guys already know who the guy is~ <3 xDDDD

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leehomshineef4321 #1
is it henry?????
please update soon XD
Ooh, seems interesting :)<br />
Update soon >u<