
The beep on Jungkook's cell had him grimace - who had the nerve to text him that late, on a Sunday night on top of that? A low grumbling noise made its way through his lips as he gripped onto the device, his tired eyes squinting as he read the id on the screen. "Hoseok". 

It was a typoed invitation to a small party he had, one that apparently needed his presence and bottle of vodka. Because yes, Hoseok knew that Jungkook had an unopened bottle of sheer happiness in his possession. And, Hoseok also had had a bit too much to drink and had typed in Jungkook's mother's number in his phone, and could very easily call the woman and tell her about the late night activities her son enjoyed doing. 

Jungkook stabbed back a two worded reply to his "so called friend" before he pushed himself up, cursing under his breath as he gripped onto his pair of jeans and hurriedly fetched himself a t-shirt. The first thing Hoseok would recieve from him, he thought, would be a punch. 

He snuck outside and jogged on over to the school campus where the student apartments laid, and balled one hand into a fist as he knocked on the door of Hoseok's place, the latter pushing the door open almost immediately. 
"Jungkook!", he cheered. "You came! Come in, come in. And, did you bring the vodka?".

All Jungkook could do in reply was scoff as he pushed himself inside, meeting a pair of giggling girls, and boys he was sure he hadn't seen before. But then again, Hoseok had friends from all over, so it didn't really surprise him having the pairs of unknown faces greet him. 

As he sat down on the floor, where the others sat, he learned that one of them was named Seokjin, but went by the name of Jin since, Seokjin was a bit outdated. He was actually a fairly attractive man, Jungkook thought secretly as he shook hands with him. 
The other male had dyed his hair in an oddly attractive apricot kind of shade, one that suited him rather good too, and had oddly alluring features that reminded one of an adorable fetus. Not that he was, but still. Jungkook barely caught a glimpse of the boy as he hurriedly excused himself to the bathroom, and wobbled away before him. 

One of the girls wore a sleeveless tank top with tight skinny jeans that somehow looked odd on her skinny figure, but Jungkook kept that to himself. She had long raven hair that hung down her oval-shaped face in a dull manner; no shine, nor volume in the long locks whatsoever. She was also very flat chested, which to him was disappointing. But, he gave her a smile nonetheless, announcing a somewhat compliment that he forgot all about later.

The other girl wasn't much different to the first one - but, this one, - crap, her name had slipped his mind as well - wore clothes that complimented her in another way, and Jungkook was certain that underneath the navy blue silk, she wore a bomb shell bra, because there was no way that she had bigger s than an A, or maybe B-cup. And she'd had the decency in tying her jetblack hair up in a tight pony tail, exposing the beautiful white skin on her neck -

"Alright! Let's play a game since my precious little brother has joined us", Hoseok suddenly crooned and tugged one of the females up onto his lap and squeezed the giggling female in his arms. "How about truth or dare?".

Jin and the girls hurriedly cheered out a yes, and Jungkook rubbed his nape but agreed to join the game nevertheless.
"Okay, so. How about we do this; we either take a shot, or we do dares. Just to, make things a little more interesting", Hoseok snickered out and urged Jungkook on to pour up some shots into the glasses scattered sloppily over the floor. 

Oh boy, Jungkook thought to himself as he did as he was told, screwing up the kork and tipped the bottle to have the transparent liquid fill the small cups, a small voice in the back of his head reminding him to be cautious with the strong liqour ; it was a sunday after all. His peers on the other hand begged to differ as each one of them pulled the shot glass towards them, their eyes flickered to Hoseok once again for further instructions. 
Jungkook chewed onto his cheeks as Hoseok pointed at Jin, giv
ing the pretty boy a so called soft dare to begin with, as he was to make out with the short haired blond female, whom giggled in a way that probably was in an innocent manner but her body language and the willing way she opened her arms spoke of something else. 

And they all watched in utter awe as the man gripped onto the shotglass, chugging it down before he crawled closer to her and the two shared a heated kiss, the vodka shared between them. Jungkook scrunched up his nose in distaste. 
By that time, the tangerine colored haired boy had returned, taken a seat opposite of Jungkook and close to Hoseok, eyes curiously taking in the scene before him - ah, what a cutie, Jungkook thought to himself before he dipped his hands down to the floor to lean backwards. 

Hoseok must've noticed as he then turned to him, and mouthing out the alternative of taking a shot or doing a dare. 
Air hitched in his throat as his eyes landed upon the male with the naturally pouty lips, the tangerine strands of hair that hung so adorably on the top of his head, the glimmering pair of innocent orbs that shone of absolutely nothing but innocence. 
This was dumb, Jungkook thought as he shook his head stubbornly, his eyes then glaring at a grinning Hoseok, whom urged him to proceed with the dare that had been given him. 

But Jungkook couldn't bring himself to taint the boy, it somehow went against his religion, he thought and felt a pair of strong hands push him towards the older boy, whos cheeks were dusted with a vibrant pink. A pink that Jungkook couldn't help but find absolutely endearing. . 

"Come on now, it's not like you two are gonna make out or anything", Hoseok snickered and proceeded over to Jimin, his hands placed on the others shoulders and ever so firmly massaging the area all the while staring at Jungkook with a taunting look. 

The expression spread over the others caused a grunt to fall from Jungkook's lips as he rubbed his nape, his kneecap scraping over the floor as he reluctantly made his way over to Jimin. And somewhere, in the back of his head, he could hear a voice utter out indecent descriptive scenarios with him and the pouty lipped boy. 

He gulped down as he reached Jimin, the latter doing the same before his lips announced down a silent sentence along the lines of, "You don't have to if you don't want to, Jungkook", the thing was... Jungkook did want to proceed with the dare, and judging by the way the shy little fellow squirmed in his seat, along with the blushing cheeks - he wanted him to as well. 

So Jungkook placed his coldly sweaty fingers onto the olders shirt, his eyes locked onto the milky skin that hid underneath it, his digits curled around the thin material and gave it a gentle tug to expose to others neck. 

The sharp breath that was drawn from the other didn't go unnoticed to Jungkook, and he subconciously dragged the flat of his tongue across his lower lip before he dipped his head down, briefly casting the rosy cheeked male a look as his lips landed onto the firm skin just above his jugular spot, his other hand placed onto the mans thigh, gently caressing the area with the intention of soothing the trembling mess underneath him. 

But the stimulation on the latters thigh didn't do much soothing as a raspy gasp fell from his plumb lips, and somehow, having the male underneath him, so vulnerable, so squirmy... had a sense of possessive pride fill his insides, polluting the air around him as he applied more pressure into the kiss, his hand dragging upwards to the boy's hip, holding him in place as his other hand snuck around to the small of his back, habitually caressing the space in a circular motion, all the while pressing him closer to his own body. 

The laughter of the others in the room went unnoticed to Jungkook as he felt the boy's pulse race right there under his lips, and the suble quivering and deeper intakes of air... it was almost arousingly exciting to Jungkook. And he couldn't help his next actions for curiosity took over him.

His lips parted to leisurely drag the tip of his tongue upwards, to right under the latter's ear, a long stripe of shiny saliva gracing the milky flesh of his neck. Jungkook in a deeper breath before he placed his lips to the shell of the other's ear, mumbling out his name before he pulled away, grinning in a dumb fashion as he proceeded over to his spot. 

He couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride run through him as the boy's ears, and entire face shone a bright red of utter embarrassment, something that to Jungkook, looked adorable. The latter fiddled with his clothes to straighten them out after Jungkook's teasing, and Jungkook couldn't help but smirk at the other, wondering if his skin would taste similarly on other body parts.

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holy i have 6 subscribers i needa start writing asap.


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Chapter 2: OH MA GAWD I Can't wait ti see how this story escalates!!
Chapter 2: im so late on the update!!1! buUUUUT OH MY GOD JIKOOOKKKK ;__;
Chapter 1: asfdjskskh EMMA how come i just saw you updated!!! !! this chapter is angsty but beautiful ;~; yazleen is right youre an amazing writer, i always love your style in writing! cant wait for the next chapter ♡♡