
Junkook shot his eyes open, his lips parted to let out heavy heaps of breaths, his forehead adorned with tiny droplets of sweat that slowly made it's way down the sides of his face in a painstakingly slow manner.
He could feel the heavy thwacks of his heart within the strong bones of his ribcage, the violent thumps making his entire built to shake with every beat. He had just awoken from a nightmare, and the vivid images remained in his head where he laid on the bed, unaware of the tears streaming down his eyes. 

"T-taehyung", he whimpered in a hoarse voice, his hands gripping onto his duvet in a iron like hold, air getting stuck in his throat as a wave of utter dispair washes over him. Throwing him around in a whirlwind; his head throbbing in a sinful headache. He kicked the heavy duvet off of him and pushed himself up on the bed, slapping his two hands to cover his face in attempt to make the aching in his head seize, the blur of images that swirled inside him to vanish. But all of his weak, drowsy endeavors in vein, for it all were evidence of the utter emptiness that had consumed him and tortured him so harshly like that. 

He missed the older boy. And the mere thought of catching a glimpse of the pale skin, the pink cheeks and bright smile hurt him more than any fist fight he'd ever gotten himself into. Granted, those were limited, but still. Jungkook slid down his bed and leisurely made his way up to the large balcony and opened the metal handle on the white lacked door and stepped outside to the reiling, not minding the brisk wind that whipped him in the face and the bare chest of his. It was somehow soothing to him, the sharp coldness that had goosebumps appear all over his milky skin that offered a brief pause to the ache in his head and chest.  

He let out a shaky breath and dragged the back of his right hand across his eyes to wipe the wetness away, inwardly sobbing as he did so, noticing how clear his sight became after having done so. 
His eyes wandered over the beautiful night sky with the thousands of thousands stars, and he couldn't help but wonder if the boy who haunted his dreams were looking up at the same sky somewhere. Oh, how much he missed Taehyung. 




{ A/N. }   Alright! So, this is just a tease. Pretty much. And you get to see Kooks waking up from a nightmare. welps. 
First actual chapter will be posted soon!


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holy i have 6 subscribers i needa start writing asap.


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Chapter 2: OH MA GAWD I Can't wait ti see how this story escalates!!
Chapter 2: im so late on the update!!1! buUUUUT OH MY GOD JIKOOOKKKK ;__;
Chapter 1: asfdjskskh EMMA how come i just saw you updated!!! !! this chapter is angsty but beautiful ;~; yazleen is right youre an amazing writer, i always love your style in writing! cant wait for the next chapter ♡♡