Chapter 2


A/N: Gwishin are vengeful ghosts, usually unmarried women or young girls, who haunt and terrorize; they often attach their souls to an article of their possession during life and haunt wherever that "thing" is.


A shiver ran down Jimin's spine as the thing in front of him slid closer to his cowering form. A pool of black sludge was forming on the ground, but the source was invisible under the school uniform and tangled black hair. The air smelled strongly of rotten flesh.

"This is a little intense for our first training session, don't you think?" Taehyung panted, snatching a broken pipe nearby. He slammed it against the monster's already-bloody head, but there was no reaction as the metal rebounded off her skull. She didn't even look at him.

"Nah, I was exorcising gwishin* when I was twelve," Hoseok barely glimpsed up from his phone, "plus, Jiminnie needs to get over that phobia of his."

"WELL, YOU'RE A ING SHAMAN!" A mortified wail squeezed out of said man as he scurried away from the dark figure. Managing to pick himself off the ground, he half-jumped into Taehyung's arms...Only to have Taehyung move out of the way immediately, leaving Jimin sprawled across the basement floor.

"Hoseok told us to get rid of her without the whole touching-equals-immediate-exorcism thing.."

'Yes, genius. That was the point.' He thought bitterly. Honestly, he was such a teacher's pet; Jimin was way more concerned about getting this nightmare over with than entertaining anyone. Although at this point, the ghost almost seemed amused. How fabulous.

Sneering at his best friend, the shorter male wracked his head for anything useful - had he read something about gwishin? Surely pop culture's obsession with the supernatural could help him somehow. He looked around carefully. Hoseok wouldn't have left them hanging. There must be a clue, a hint, somewhere. As he accidentally stepped on some old menus, a grin stretched across Jimin's face.

"Taehyung! Keep her distracted, alright? I have an idea!"

"Hey, don't use this as an excuse to run away!" Too late, Jimin was already up the stairs and way out of sight.

"." The spirit was done with games, it seemed. She rose her head slowly and Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat; her one visible eye was bloodshot and pitch black. A terrible screech left her decayed mouth as she began to slowly raise into the air. "JIMIN! STAY UP THERE!" Oh man, he was sure Jimin would piss his pants when he saw her.

"Too late, I'm bac - holy , holy , holy ," he was scared completely out of his wits, but at least now he knew what to do, "Taehyung, catch!"

When he instinctively raised his hand, what he got was an industrial size salt-shaker. He let out a laugh in disbelief.

"You son of a gun. All that Supernatural binging wasn't a waste, huh?"

Jimin shot him a 'you betcha' before tossing the salt onto the levitating ghost. Taehyung followed. Immediately, she began to writhe in pain, shrieking as the grains burned through her body. She was disappearing, but something didn't settle right with him. Taehyung felt guilty.

"Wait a second," he turned to Hoseok, "if I surround her with salt, she can't cross the barrier, right?"

The teacher's gaze was something akin to curious, but he only nodded in response.

"Jimin, toss a thick circle around her. I think I have an idea."

"What? She's already going away - "


He sighed, but Jimin did as his friend asked. When he was done, Taehyung stepped in front of the gwishin. He steeled himself internally before he smiled at her.

"Hi, Yein. My name is Taehyung."

She tilted her head slightly, hesitating.

"Hi." Her voice was soft and full of fear. If he looked away, Taehyung would've thought that he was talking to any high school girl.

"Yein," she was shivering slightly, "do you know where you are?"


"Do you know why you're here?"

Yein was on the ground now, and when she peered through her matted hair, it was obvious that she knew she was dead.

"I know," the girl tentatively turned to Jimin, frowning when he instinctively flinched, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She trailed off. What was she apologizing for? Being dead? A rush of remorse hit the other as he forced himself to face her completely. His dread was still there, but seeing her like this, cowering and broken - it was impossible to not feel for her. The salt shakers rolled off to the side somewhere, but he didn't care.

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for. But, you know, Yein, there's somewhere else you have to be."

She shook her head. "No, no. I don't want to go there alone. What if the people there hate me? I don't - I don't want to go through this again."

Never in his life did Taehyung think that ghosts cried. But as Yein wept, he saw her pain through every tear. A girl who had been blessed. The bullies that had envied her. They didn't know that it was going to flood. Locking her in the basement was his idea - no, it was her idea - no, it was his! It was supposed to be a joke. But no one was laughing.

"I miss my mom and dad," she sobbed quietly, as she had for so many years before, "and my brother...I should've given him the last pudding."

"You'll see them again, don't worry." Jimin's eyes grew wide as Taehyung reached his hand into the salt circle. He offered it to the girl kindly. "You don't have to be alone anymore. You can be happy."

Yein wiped away her tears before reaching out her own pale hand, tentatively hovering over his.



Her touch was deathly cold and when their fingers made contact, the girl slowly melted away. When Taehyung pulled out of the circle, all that was left was a small metal nametag.

Jimin gaped at him. "I can't believe you just did that...What exactly did you do?"

"I believe, Chim Chim, that Taehyung has purified his first spirit." Hoseok was beaming, grin stretching from ear to ear as he pat his student's back. "Good job, kid."

If he hadn't been so busy wiping away his own eyeball sweat (*cough* tears *cough*), Taehyung would've loved basking in the limelight, but he was a bit occupied with being the sweet mofo he was. Jimin chuckled slightly before glomping his best friend.

"Well, thanks to you, we discovered another set of weird, random powers," he joked pleasantly, "but is that whole sending-good-ghosts-to-heaven and empathizing thing just your ability?"

"What, jealous?"

Jimin stuck his tongue out at him.

"Just you wait, I bet I've got one that's cooler, like super-strength or something."

"Or you know," Hoseok flipped his hair out of his face, "super-salt-locating."

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So basically, the Yeoiju (Dragon Orb) is what connects them. So, obtaining Jimin/Taehyung = obtaining the Yeoiju's powers


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suga_baby #1
Chapter 8: wow, can't wait to read more of this story chapter. Please update it as soom as possible authornim
what_even_ #2
Chapter 8: This fic is awesome!!! Hopefully you'll find the inspiration to update it!
Mochi_Kookie_V #3
Chapter 6: Omg please update~ i totally want to see some jikook!
Chapter 6: AHH. this is amazing.
kmiqui #5
Chapter 5: I totally love this fic!
And you put Wendy here!!!, so cool!
Chapter 3: woah, i am loving it so far.
Chapter 3: This is very interesting!! As Vmin was a joined soul,that means they are very strong..right?! Hope jimin know that jungkook was actually evil~~
I hope the ending was Vmin!! ^^
jeonggukkie #8
Chapter 2: Wow this is a really amazing story! I'm hooked already; I can't wait for more!! :)
Chapter 2: *shrieks* I love this! Please update soon, this is am amazing story! ^^ I really liked how you kept us interested but also added humor, thanks!