Chapter Three

Love of Red Moon

Seulgi is amused that her versatile friend, who has almost mastered everything in life, is indeed an unskillful player. She lets her to play on her account before the beginner makes a final decision of what job she should choose.

The archer is all alone in Twilight Plain, waiting for the monsters to regenerate. 30 seconds later, a total of 8 golems respawned in different directions. Wendy moves her mouse, shoots an arrow to the farthest golem. She then un-selects the enemy and choose another target, provoking it with the same method. The clicking sound gets louder and more frequent as the character dashes all over the area, trying to dodge the bombarding monsters.

When all golems gathered together she presses the key for activating “Blast Rain”, the only AOE skill that Seulgi acquired. She expects the rainstorm-like arrows will wash the area clean. However in reality, there’s no signal of the upcoming occurrence. Instead, a silhouette of an eagle crowns her head, light green beams start emitting from her body. “Hawkeye” is indeed a good skill to increase player’s accuracy and critical hit rate. But it is recommended to be used before a fight.

The clay creatures soon begin soaking up the vitality of the vulnerable prey, and leave separately after the banquet. Wendy covers her face with both hands, slowly spreading her fingers and peeks from the gap of the digits. The well-dressed archer has become transparent and a window appears below the ghost character, asking for command: “Revive at the current spot” or “Revive at the latest recording point”.

“Well, at least you have eliminated one alternative out of 4 classes.” Seulgi raises a brow as she stated. She is glad that her experience bar hasn’t grown much ever since she accompanies her friend to deal with the seems-to-be-endless retraining quest. She swears she will definitely choose “unskilled player” if reporting function has introduced into the game.

“I prefer defense over attack. It’s not my style to initiate an assault.”

“Noted. I think warrior suits you. All you have to do is to stand still on the frontline, enduring the attack of the enemies. Long-ranger like archer or mage will kill them for you.”

“What’s the last one?”

“It’s priest. A boring but important role. Basically you just stay at the very back and keep healing your parties during every battle. High level priests can revive dead players. But it’s hard to level-up unless you have regular teammates. No attack skill can be obtained until player reaches level 50.”

Wendy listens carefully to her best friend’s words. She moves back to her seat and continues to collect herbs in Evergreen Forest.

“Do you need any potion or food?”

The younger one catches a glimpse of the nearby monitor. Her friend has already revived in town, currently purchasing consumables from the vagrant merchant.

“That ring is worth buying after 30% off.” She smirks while pointing at the shiny accessory on the trading page.

“Oh Wannie. Didn’t know that you are that desperate to be mine.”

“No. Isn’t that NPC appears once in a while? It surely saves you loads of money after the discount. Unless you are going to be forever alone like you already did in real life, I don’t see any reason not to take this chance for future planning.”

“Says the one who is also a member in NBSB club like me?”

“Well I am from NGSB society.” Wendy retorts as she flips her hair.

Seulgi laughs at their childishness. There’s no way she can win over this sharp-tongued hamster. She decides to focus on the game again but the pressure on her right wrist prevents her to do so.

“I won’t be your bride nor groom. But I will be your knight in shining armour.”

“W-Where is this sudden confession comes from?”

Wendy clicks on the scroll icon. The message of the current mission is green, indicating that the quest is completed.

“I finally have finished collecting 100 stupid plants in the forest. I am going to get back to the mentor and take the path of a warrior.”

“Great. I am free now!” The older one exclaims while raising her free arm to cheer.

The soon-to-be warrior wonders whether she has applied too much strength on her friend. Because right after she releases the grip, there’s a faint pink on the bear’s cheeks.



Irene has recently added “go travelling” to her hate list. She ranks it as the second. Loud sound, of course, is still unbeatable.

She has been travelling to different areas after the conversation with the mentor. Getting a job has never been that hard in her entire life.

Her journey begins again as she is told to visit the south of the town. She swears she will quit this game if this is not the final stage of her retraining mission. Irene keeps clicking the upper part of her map and reaches a new portal. The unexpected surrounding of the new area does surprise her.

She checks on her quest page and it clearly states that the elves living in the Evergreen Forest is waiting for her delivery. However judging to the withered branches and the field that split with cracks, this current map is more like an uninhabited bleak woods.

She wonders whether she is the only living creature here, until an animal walking in two feet casts a shadow against the deadwood. Another shadow immediately follows suit before she can registers its true identity. The animal then falls on the ground just by one hit from the latter.

Irene is scared but she walks to the scene of the murder nevertheless. It is not a very pleasant sight; an incredibly tall guy equipped with leather vest and trousers squats down while digging the werewolf’s corpse. She knows she is in danger as the opposite player’s name appears bloody red.

She is ready to ask Sooyoung for the long spell of resurrection until the stranger greets her with green texts instead of an assault.

Wanilla: hi

Irene moves her cursor and chooses the channel with matching colour, starting to chat with a “non-NPC” for the first time.

Missiren: HI

Wanilla: No offense but what are you going to do here?

Irene is irritated. How could it supposed to be no offense when it’s obviously offensive?

Wanilla: Let me rephrase. Which quest are you currently working on?


Wanilla: Elves? Nothing other than werewolves could be found in Eerie Woods.


Wanilla: I am afraid you have been to the wrong portal.


Wanilla: Chill Miss. Mind to disable caps lock?

Missiren: OKAY.

Missiren: Okay. Now what?

Wanilla: Evergreen Forest is the area below CrescentVille. I just finished a mission and I have to get back to town. You can join me if you like.

The blue haired warrior then inches closer. His action startles the petite adventurer.

Missiren: Stay!

He follows her order.

Missiren: Back off!

The player with a mace pulls off at once.

Wanilla: What’s wrong?

Missiren: Your name is in bloody red.

Wanilla: oh god. This is a compulsory PvP area.

Missiren: PvP?

Wanilla: Player versus player. It means that you can freely attack other players. Note the sword icon under your avatar?

Missiren: You are not going to attack me right?

Wanilla: geeez do I look like that kind of player? like noob abuse?

Missiren: Yes

Irene gives positive reply not only in the chat box, but also to the freshly popped-up team invitation window.



Wendy doesn’t stop by the town. She walks past the NPC who appointed the hunting quest to her and accompanies the jobless player to her destination.

Once they have arrived the lively forest, the petite player sprints to the house with a mushroom-like roof. Her action surely resembles a hopping bunny, leaving Wendy no choice but to smile unknowingly at her teammate’s behaviour.

They barely know each other. Yet she wants to get close with her already.

To Wendy, her newly meet acquaintance is similar to a little lamb, as she seems to easily getting lost on the way back. She may nag like a raging grandma, keep complaining about the inconveniences she has experienced. Sometimes she’s like an innocent kid eagerly to know everything. Wendy will not blame if she has to stick with her always.

The warrior takes the initiative to start the conversation again when the adventurer exits the elves’ house.

Wanilla: Which class are you interested?

Irene is taken aback of the sudden message. She doesn’t expect her temporary teammate is still there waiting for her.

She ignores his question and starts picking up herbs from the land. But the gigantic guy keeps tailing her. Irene rolls her eyes, muttering “why are you so obsessed with me” to herself.

Missiren: Any class that is opposite to you.

Wanilla: May I suggest to you to choose priest then?

Missiren: Sure you can. You have rights to give advice.

Missiren: I have no obligation to follow it though.

Wendy laughs at her response. From little lamb to grandma then to bunny and now meanie. This girl is getting more and more interesting. She would like to accompany her back to the mentor, but the digits 17:00 has shown on her phone when she unlocks it.  

Wanilla: I should go. Cya siren ;)

Team eventually dismissed as the leader has disappeared without trace, leaving a confused tiny player with her message unsent.



Gotta update this because 1. Wendy and Eric Nam's duet will be released tonight and 2. Our booyah kids will comeback this month!

Don't be shy. Share your thoughts with me.


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Favebolous #1
Chapter 3: Hello???
qwertyuiopppp_ #2
Chapter 3: does seulgi like seungwan? o.op
Gr33nPow3r #3
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update! Hahaha love their usernames XD.
sone41 #4
Chapter 3: Finally they met ❤️❤️
youngandstars27 #5
Chapter 3: I love this! And i feel you about WendyxEric and RV comeback <333
sone41 #6
Chapter 1: Pls update soon lol its interesting
Chapter 1: Lol omfg I miss playing mmorpgs- if only I can legit play blade and soul-

But this is hyping me up. Seungwan can release her inner oppa.
ALKimC #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is really something. Alright I'll bite let's see what this story has in store. Player ALKimC has joined the game. ;)
Chapter 1: Aaaah, it's quite rare to see this kind of plot; as a gamer also, i'm really quite excited how this one goes. Can't wait for you to update soon :)