Chapter One

Love of Red Moon

She is pretty sure that they have successfully sneaked in the crypt as everything seems black, or nearly black now. Her teammates can no longer been seen. Only dripping sounds can be heard ahead of them. Even though she has a feeling that those are not water droplets, she still manages to move forward.

Kimkaaaa: light the torch first

Yeon16: I have asked my fellow guild members and they reminded me never lights anything in the crypt.

Kimkaaaa: you sure? what if theres monsta around?

Sringles: ya its too dangerous to explore the core without sight

Seulgi opens her inventory and activates the torch that she has just traded with Kai. She raises the luminous object and scans their surroundings. She's right, the liquid sounds are not water droplets, but the saliva from a sleeping ghoul, a huge one.

[You woke the Ghoul!]

The giant ghoul stands up from its bent position and greets them with its red eyes. Seulgi manages to calm herself and starts clicking her mouse furiously, following her fleeing teammates. Strong wind is accompanied by the howl of rage from the monster, which causes the flame being snuffed in a blink of an eye.

Seulgi whines at her shaking screen. It is most likely that she has been attacked by the ghoul. She keeps clicking while keeps an eye of the red gauge next to her avatar on the top left corner. She sighs in relief as the damage taken is not a big deal.

She is capable of enduring more hits until she spots the green bubbles start popping out from her body. A skull icon appears under her avatar and her gauge is suddenly close to empty. Seulgi quickly taps the hotkey for potions yet the speed of her running off health point is too overwhelming.

[Your team has been dismissed.]



“What the heck!” Seulgi yells and violently hits the keyboard with her fists, her action startles the dozed off friend which sits next to her.

“Is-is it already 5?” Her friend asks softly and rubs her eyes with her knuckles. Seulgi cannot help but playfully pinches her cheeks. “Sorry Wendy, it’s half past 3 only. You can go back to sleep now.”

The hamster like girl keeps shaking her head until Seulgi finally releases her grip.

“There’s no way I am able to go back to sleep after such harassment.” Wendy pouts and does some stretching exercises after standing up from her seat.

“Where are you going?”

“I will go find Mina unnie. Do you need some drink?”

“I will go with you.”



The duo walks side by side towards the bar until the shorter one gets hit by a brisk walking brunette. The stranger halts and turns back, placing her hand on Wendy’s shoulder.

“Sorry I didn’t see you. Are you alright?”

Seulgi takes time to examine the woman from head to toe. Her skin is equally pale with Wendy, which matches her chestnut brown coloured long curl very well. Her assets seem more outstanding in tight maroon leather top and miniskirt. She is a head above Wendy with her sky high thigh boots. Well just saying that her figure is appealing. “What a femme fatale.” She mutters under her breath. But those features are nothing compared to her eyes. Even though Seulgi watches her own eyesmile whenever she looks in the mirror, the crescent eyes she is witnessing now is definitely unbeatable.

“I-I am fine.” Wendy replies with a shrug and slowly pulls away from the brunette, unconsciously inching closer to her friend and hides behind her.

The brunette flashes them one more ultra-effective smile and excuses herself. Seulgi watches her retreating figure and suddenly something clicks in her mind.

“Wendy, do you know any feminine names which have been using for famous brand?”

“Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

“Answer me first.”

“Hmm…I can only think of Chloe, Joyce, Tiffany &-”

“Oh yes! Tiffany! That’s the girl’s name!”

“How do you know?”

“Taeyeon unnie has already told me that her girlfriend will pay a visit. She said it’s hard not to fall for her whenever you meet her eyes.”

“Seriously? Isn’t Taeyeon unnie dating with Jessica unnie?”

“Oh come on bro. They have broken up more than a month.”

“But I have never seen this girl before. How does she become the other woman?”

“They meet in game. I am one of the invitee of their wedding ceremony last week and I even got an epic weapon in lucky draw.”

“What the hell? How can you treat things in virtual world serious?”

“You are no fun Wendy. Two strangers, fall in love with each other, experienced a virtual marriage and now have developed to a real life couple. That’s a life goal!”

This is the first time Seulgi has left her best friend speechless.



The duo is halfway to the bar. They see Tiffany having a conversation with the only barista there. Seulgi slows down the pace and puts her arm on her shorter friend. She shows her a lopsided smile when the latter gives her a rather clueless look.

“Let’s make a bet Wendy.”

“On what?”

“Tiffany’s order. She’s talking to Mina right?”

“If I get it right, you need to quit that game at once.”

“Deal. If you lose, you have to join me.”




“Hey Mina!”

The pitch black twintail girl looks up with a frown. Annoyance is evident on her face.

“How many times did I tell you to call me unnie?”

“I am just few months younger! Plus it’s too weird to call you as my older sister!”

Wendy quickly joins their conversation before the barista gets mad. Truth to be told, she is eager to know the answer. As a kindhearted human being she always be, dragging her geumsappa friend away from the mad virtual world is a top priority.  

“Sorry Mina unnie. May I ask you a question?”

The barista turns to younger girl with a big grin. Irritation has dissolved into the thin air.

“Go ahead. UNNIE will tell you everything.”

“Did that girl order vanilla cappuccino?

“No, she didn’t order anything Seungwan. She’s curious about the whereabouts of Taeyeon unnie so I showed her the direction to the lounge.”

Before Wendy can reply a word, her same-aged friend already drags her away back to their booth. The loud roar of “Thanks for the information UNNIE!” lingered in the bar with a dumbfounded Mina.



Seulgi happily hops on her seat and types the password to unlock screen. Her character stands still next to the city guard. Whispers from her friend has invaded her chatbox.

From Yeon16: Seul?

From Yeon16: Have you revived yet? I can logon my sister’s account to revive you.

From Yeon16: Are you there?

She motions her sulking friend to click on the game icon on desktop while replying her ex-teammate.

To Yeon16: Sorry sis I was afk. It’s alright I have revived. I just leveled up to 42 last night so there’s not much exp deducted.

From Yeon16: Good to know that. Let’s form a more powerful team and visit it again someday.

From Yeon16: Anyway I gtg. Cya

“Seriously Seul, how did you know she’s not going to order anything?”

“Didn’t I tell you before? She just comes to meet Taeyeon unnie.”

“She could still order something while making her way to the lounge.”

“You think too much dear. Your imaginary friend is not that trustworthy as you expected.”



Wendy stares blankly at the progress bar on her screen, sincerely hoping that it will take a long time to finish updating. Obviously she has forgotten that this cyber café is best known of the fast and stable internet connection. This is also the reason why they two always stick here during free time.

Her screen turns black and some patches of cloud starts popping from the center. The clouds slowly turn pink and finally fade from sight. Instead a deep red full moon occupying the whole screen with words “Tales of Crimson Moon” beneath it.

“The graphic design looks great.” Wendy compliments while turning to her friend.

“The game plot is great too. Go get yourself a character.”

Wendy clicks on “Create Character” and starts adjusting her body proportion. She refines her character as an exact opposite of herself: A six-feet tan girl with navy short hair and blunt bangs. She chuckles at her own antic choices and moves her cursor to the right arrow icon.

“Wannie…” Seulgi purrs at her friend in an unusual form of address. The latter almost screams when she feels the hot soft breath tickling her ear.

“W-What’s wrong Seul?” The heat isn’t vanish anytime soon. It even spreads to every single part of her body.

“Mind making yourself a guy?”

“W-Why would I do that?”

“So I can marry you!”

“Nonsense! Why or earth will I marry you?”

Seulgi fakes a tear. “Alright I will go find some random guy as my spouse since married player has special power boost.”

“You are unbelievable.”

“I always am.” Seulgi cannot help but hooray victoriously when her friend chooses ♂ before proceeding to next step.



[Game Tips] There are 5 channels in total: World, Map, Team, Guild and Whisper.

[Game Tips] You can always disable [System Notice] in Game Settings.

[Game Tips] Team will be dismissed if team leader is dead or disconnect from the server.

[Game Tips] Take antidote in case you are poisoned.

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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hello???
qwertyuiopppp_ #2
Chapter 3: does seulgi like seungwan? o.op
Gr33nPow3r #3
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update! Hahaha love their usernames XD.
sone41 #4
Chapter 3: Finally they met ❤️❤️
youngandstars27 #5
Chapter 3: I love this! And i feel you about WendyxEric and RV comeback <333
sone41 #6
Chapter 1: Pls update soon lol its interesting
Chapter 1: Lol omfg I miss playing mmorpgs- if only I can legit play blade and soul-

But this is hyping me up. Seungwan can release her inner oppa.
ALKimC #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is really something. Alright I'll bite let's see what this story has in store. Player ALKimC has joined the game. ;)
Chapter 1: Aaaah, it's quite rare to see this kind of plot; as a gamer also, i'm really quite excited how this one goes. Can't wait for you to update soon :)