Chapter 18

Opposites Do Attract

Joon was waiting for Jiyeon to get out of class, since the two of them will be heading to Joon's place so Jiyeon could babysit Ji Young! 

Jiyeon was finally out and headed towards Joon ''YAH! Let's go.'' 

The car ride was awkward no one bothered to talk, all you can hear was heavy breathing and sighs.

Jiyeon got out of the car and was welcomed by Ji Young's loud cheerful voice ''Anyeong Unni!!!'' she ran towards Jiyeon and gave her a hug... Jiyeon hugged back and peck her forehead, Jiyeon is starting to have this bond with Ji Young. 

''Why don't you say hi to your oppa!'' Jiyeon whispered in Ji Young's ears

Ji Young pouted and shook her head ''Aniyo, oppa is a monster.''

Joon heard what Ji Young said and he glared at Ji Young and stuck his tongue out ''YAH! Lee Joon can you please act your age.... Don't do that to Ji Youngie!!!'' Jiyeon said

Joon rolled his eyes and went inside the house ''Is Omma home?'' Joon asked the maid

The maid shook their head ''She left 10 minutes ago sir.'' Joon just nodded and headed to his room.

Meanwhile Jiyeon and Ji Young headed to the kitchen since Jiyeon will be making Ji Young snacks

''Unni i'm happy that you're staying with me today and not that monster oppa!'' she smiled brightly

Jiyeon chuckled ''But isn't that too mean to be calling your Oppa a monster''

Ji Young pouted ''But.... He is a monster, he's mean to me!!! I was so excited to see my Oppa when Omma told me about having an older brother but when I finally met him.... He was so rude.'' 

''He's just like that because he's not used to having any siblings around... Don't worry your Oppa will learn how to love you one day!'' Jiyeon said

Joon's POV

I don't know why but I feel uneasy whenever Jiyeon is around, is it because I know about the past. Or what? I feel so confused with my feelings right now, there are times when I think i'm in love with her and there are other times when I'm so pissed at her that I just want her out of my life. I think i'm gonna go crazy.

''What's that smell?'' I muttered

It smells good. I went out of my room and followed that good aroma smell...

I headed downstairs and went inside the kitchen to find Jiyeon and Ji Young laughing and having cheerful smiles.... Unlike me.

I sighed, the two of them looks so beautiful smiling like that. I know i'm mean to Ji Young because I cannot accept her being my sister but I know one day i'll accept her as my sister. I'll have my arms wide open for her and for Jiyeon she's lovely when she smiles, it hurts me when I see her crying or having a frown because it makes me think that i'm the reason for those things.

''What are you doing here?''

Aish, I got caught....

''Just gonna go grab some water.'' I lied.

I went to go to the fridge and got a water bottle.. I checked on what Jiyeon made and it was cookies! They look delicious, I doubt i'll be able to taste them....

''Oppa do you want?'' Did Jiyeon call me Oppa????

.. Never mind it was only Ji Young, she offered me cookies. I cannot decline since I really want to taste the cookies

''It's yummy'' I exclaimed

Jiyeon just smilled while Ji Young was munching on the cookies like there is no tomorrow.

''Are the two of you alright down here?'' I asked

Jiyeon nodded ''No worries.'' she said cooly

I sighed ''Thanks for the cookies by the way, i'll be upstairs....'' then I headed up to my room again.

I wanna spend time with the 2 of them, I feel so lonely right now. By myself inside this lonely room!!!!

I took my laptop and started to play online games... Then a knock was heard on my door, it was one of the maid

''Sir, Jiyeon-ssi is calling you!'' she said

I nodded and got off my bed and headed downstairs ''What is it?'' I asked

Jiyeon's POV

I think i'm being too mean to Joon, I should give him a chance. Since the aura between us is very awkward, I need to loosen up.. I told one of the maids to call Joon since I want to spend some time with him, plus i'm also doing Ji Young a favor since she really wants to play with her Oppa.

''What is it?'' I heard Joon ask

''Come here.'' I patted the seat beside me.

He obediently came and sat down beside me, I whispered ''I'm not doing this because I'm gonna start having a soft side to you, because Ji Young wants to spend some time with his Oppa. Got it?''

Joon had a smile on his face and nodded ''Apsh, as if... You probably want to spend time with me also!!!'' Joon snickered

I rolled my eyes and smack his arm making him yelp ''Owwwww, what kind of hands do you have???''

Ji Young was laughing ''Ehehehhe!!! Unni you're doing great!!!'' she gave me a thumbs up

I smiled at her and we continued playing with Ji Young's dolls while Joon watches us

''O-oppa!'' Ji Young said slowly

Joon looked at Ji Young ''Do you want to play with me?'' she was holding her doll 

Joon slowly nodded and took the doll from Ji Young's hands and starts brushing the hair ''YAYYYYY!!!! Unni we made it, we made Joon Oppa play with me and he even brushed my doll!!!!! Kyaaaa!!!'' Ji Young said with a bright smile on her face.

I smiled at her, she's so charming and beautiful.


Ji Young is already fast asleep, she had too much fun today. It was a tiring day for her...

''You should stay for tonight.'' I heard Joon say

I shook my head ''No I should get going, my parents might be looking for me. I'll just take a cab.'' 

Joon grabbed my wrist ''Stay...'' he said

''I mean... Stay for the night... There's no cab around plus it's scary out there might be some old erted ahjussi lurking around.'' he said

I chuckled at his sillyness ''Arasso Mr. Lee Joon-ssi!!!'' I gave him a smile

''Where am I gonna sleep then?'' I asked him with my eyebrows raised

''Well... There's only 3 rooms.... 1 for me, 1 for my Omma and for the maids... Sleep with me!'' he said 

''MWO? Me sleep with you?'' I pointed at him

He nodded ''Yup, nothing's wrong with that.... The bed is pretty big, I promise I won't do anything bad... I'm not a ert like I used to be....'' 

I sighed, I don't want to argue anymore... I'm pretty tired, I had a long day I need a long rest....

''Ok fine.'' 

Hehehe, sorry it's not much... It's pretty boring...


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Chapter 36: I.Loved.It
andrearachela #2
Chapter 6: noooo.. jiyeon is natural beauty :(
btw i love the story
lihdya30 #3
hei I just finished this good story!
it is long story but I really like it ^^
I hope you make new ffs soon. I'll support you forever!!!!
Hello! Just read finish and its awesome ;)) Wahaha why didnt you use Hyuna like you wanted to? :o To be honest im not a fan if her but i thought she'd fit better. Nonetheless no matter, i enjoyed reading this
I like your storu A LOT kekeke Thumbs up ^^
claribelmiranda #7
awww.... i just finished reading it now :) nice story....
Hua...... i'm sad you end this story...... :( but you did good job. Fighting!!!!
yay..i love happy ending...thank u for making this fic :D