


The first time Zhang Yixing meets Kim Joonmyun, he finds himself speechless.

In choosing music as an elective, it didn’t occur to him that his first class of the week could be at the grand time of 7:30AM. Nor did he realize his alarm clock was out by ten minutes – explaining why he found himself at the lecture theatre ten minutes earlier then he needed to be. This led him to sigh as he rested his head on the empty desk a few rows from the back which he’d decided would be his.

An angelic voice snapped him out of his doze minutes later, and he looked up to find deep brown eyes looking into his own, a soft smile plastered on his face. “Is this seat taken?” the person asked.

Yixing, it seemed, had lost all his knowledge of the Korean language as he found himself looking back, being utterly thrown off by how attractive this man was. All he could do was shake his head in a signal of no, it’s free, and the other boy sent him a grin before taking the seat – Yixing quickly moving back his arm which had managed to find the other boy’s side of the desk.

Lord almighty this is not what I needed at this time in the morning.

“I’m Kim Joonmyun – it’s nice to meet you.”

Yixing drew a blank, simply staring back. This was not how he expected the first day of semester to go. “Zhang Yixing,” he forced after too long, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Joonmyun cocked his head in confusion, and it was at this point that Yixing realized he said the whole sentence in Chinese. Korean, you’re in Korea. How on earth do I speak Korean? “I’m so sorry,” he said – the right language this time. “Zhang Yixing – it’s nice to meet you too.”

Joonmyun laughed whilst he nodded. Yixing thought he could die happy. “Don’t worry about it. Does it happen often?”

“More often than I’d like it too,” Yixing wasn’t lying. It didn’t happen often but this was certainly a circumstance where he didn’t want it to. Joonmyun was about to respond, but was cut off by the sound of the lecturer introducing themselves.

Yixing didn’t know whether to praise the gods or curse them.


. . .


Yixing found the next time he had his music elective, Joonmyun once again sat next to him. He wasn’t entirely sure how to feel.

“Hey, Yixing. How’re you?” Joonmyun asked, setting his bag on the floor underneath his chair. Yixing looked at his sprawled to the side of him between them, and felt a little self-conscious.

“Definitely better than Monday,” he replied. Their Thursday class was at the decent time of 2:15PM. He was thoroughly rested and awake this lesson. He’d also prepared himself for Joonmyun’s face and was fairly certain he’d speak only Korean. “Yourself?”

“Well, you haven’t said anything in Chinese yet, so it’s definitely been great.” Yixing went an embarrassing shade of red and Joonmyun laughed. “I’m just teasing – don’t worry about it.”

Yixing however, found himself worrying more about the Chinese that might come out of his mouth.


. . .


Luhan was startled out of his study by the loud banging of the door hitting the wall.

“I have a problem.”

“So do I,” Luhan sighed, “Open that door like a normal person and maybe we won’t have to pay to replace it because you broke it,”

Yixing frowned, sitting on his bed before sighing deeply. The chances of the older boy caring, it seemed, were second-to-none.

“Alright then, what is it?”

Yixing shot up instantly. Luhan had pulled through. “Kim Joonmyun – that’s what.”

“Never heard of him,” Luhan waved him arm dismissively, as if he expected the conversation to be over. It was not.

“Neither had I until Monday!”

“So you’ve known this problem for… four days?”

“Yes!” Yixing flopped back on his bed, hands covering his face. Joonmyun was on a large scale messing with his head.

“And why is he a problem?”

Yixing’s fingers moved so his eyes could peek out. “He’s so good looking!”

“Ah,” Luhan turned around, “That kind of problem. I can’t really help you there,”

“I just keep on embarrassing myself in front of him!”

“That’s not unusual.”

“Luhan!” Yixing rolled over to lay on his stomach, bed muffling his voice. He felt the mattress his body in, and felt it was awfully symbolic of the way his life was going. That being not his way. “I hate myself.”

“You need to calm down. You’ve known this kid for like four days. You don’t know anything about him.”

Yixing groaned. He really wanted to.


. . .


Yixing for the most part hated Monday mornings. Today was no exception – realizing he’d woken up half an hour late and finding he only had twenty minutes to not only get ready but to get to his morning lecture.

“Tough morning?” Joonmyun chuckled as the Yixing virtually fell into the seat next to him, dumping his bag on the floor through half closed eyes.

“I woke up twenty minutes ago,” was his reply, slowly leaning over to reach into his bag to grab paper. He whined when he came back up realizing he’d forgotten a pen, and Joonmyun laughed, pushing his own to Yixing’s side and swiftly getting another for himself.

“Thank you,” Yixing mumbled, “You a morning person?”

Joonmyun winked. “Just on Mondays,”

“You’re the worst,” the Chinese said. Finally, he’d found something that he could use against the other as a reason why he wasn’t perfect. So far he’d found no other leverage.

Yixing wanted to cry when the loud grumble of his stomach during the lecture drew the boy’s eyes to his own. He didn’t expect the tug of Joonmyun’s arm on his own once the lecture finished, and couldn’t help the tug on his heart as the Korean told him he was taking him for breakfast.


. . .


“Oh God, you’re one of those people,” Yixing looked on in horror as Joonmyun pulled him into a small café which only screamed of green. “I’m ninety percent certain I can’t afford this before looking at the menu,”

Joonmyun shrugged, looking at the chalkboard menu behind the counter. “Get whatever you want, I’m paying.”

Yixing looked up at the board, not missing the giant capital letters which stated 100% ORGANIC. Thank God it wasn’t vegan. Yixing was about to interject saying he couldn’t let Joonmyun do that, before noticing the prices. “Just this once,” he mumbled, more to himself than the boy with him.


“So you’re a coffee snob,” Yixing said once they’d sat down, looking at their receipt and the name of a coffee he really hoped the other had ordered. He wanted the caramel mocha too badly.

“I…” Joonmyun trailed off, “Yeah,” he settled for, smiling awkwardly. “I guess so.”

He didn’t even have the audacity to look embarrassed, Yixing thought – but he couldn’t say that.“We all have our Achilles heel,” he settled with, drawing circles on the table with his index finger, before pointing it at the other. “Just don’t tell me you drink that fancy poop coffee.”

The other boy looked down embarrassedly, and Yixing’s jaw dropped.

“You ing haven’t.

“A few times,” Joonmyun squeaked. “Not that often.”

“A few times? I’d be out of here if the food had come already.”

“It tastes good!”

“No coffee tastes good. Why pay for something that expensive if you’re just gonna bear with it for the buzz?”

“No wonder you think I’m a coffee snob. You don’t even like it,”

Yixing tipped his head, “I’ll still drink it if it tastes bad, at least. I bet you don’t,”

Joonmyun laughed softly, shoulders shaking. “Fair point.”


Over the course of the meal, Yixing learnt a lot about Joonmyun. The fact he was a coffee snob was rooted in the fact that the Korean’s family was minted. He was studying law, so it was no surprise that they’d never met before – Yixing himself studying zoology and generally being on the other side of campus. Joonmyun also lived in a shared apartment a ten minute walk from the dorms and even closer to the university. I should stop this friendship before it even begins, Yixing had said upon finding out, I don’t think country kids like me can associate with rich boys like you. Joonmyun had chuckled, saying that their friendship could be something he was willing to pay for.


Yixing began to find after a few weeks that he didn’t mind Monday mornings so much when Joonmyun bought him breakfast.


. . .


“Are you and this Joonmyun kid dating yet?”


“You go out for breakfast every week,” Luhan said, raising an eyebrow. “Sounds a little bit suss to me. Maybe he has false intentions,” He emphasised the last words. Joonmyun was not going to be his best friend’s pimp.

You’re just jealous because Sehun isn’t even old enough to be in college,”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “Incorrect. And at least I’m getting some ,”

“Does he even have a good ?”

“You bet,” Luhan bit his lip. Yixing wanted to throw up. “But it’s those hips I’m all about, they work damn well,”

Yixing was definitely going to throw up. “You’re disgusting.”

“Who’s the jealous one now?” the elder smirked, “Just let me meet this guy at least. I am your best friend.”

Ah, the best friend card. Yixing wouldn’t trust that for a second.


Much to Yixing’s chagrin, Luhan met Joonmyun not long after they had that conversation. He was fairly certain he’d followed them after their next Monday morning lecture, because Yixing was definitely certain Luhan wouldn’t ever enter a 100% ORGANIC café of his own volition. Or if Yixing begged. Which he wouldn’t ever.

“Oh, Yixing! I didn’t think I’d see you here,”

Yixing grit his teeth, turning his head to the source of the voice which he knew all too well. Joonmyun looked at him, eyes screaming confusion.

Luhan made his way over to them, pulling an unoccupied chair over to the table and sent a dazzling smile Joonmyun’s way. “I’m Luhan,” he introduced himself, bowing his head. “It’s nice to meet you,”

“Joonmyun,” the other replied, eyes widening in realization.

Luhan raised his eyebrows, reclining back into his chair. “Ahh, so you’re the one I’ve been hearing so much about recently. It is certainly nice to meet you then.”

Joonmyun laughed. “I’d hope so. I’ve heard a lot about you,”

Luhan turned to Yixing, who had sunk back into his chair and was sending him a stellar death glare. “Only nice things I hope, Yixing-ah?” he tilted his head in a way that looked endearing but in reality was meant to instil fear in the most malicious of enemies. In his opinion, Yixing should have been doing it to him.

Yixing wasn’t scared of him. “Plenty.”

“Well that makes the both of us then,” Luhan grinned at Joonmyun, ignoring the blatant sarcasm in Yixing’s voice.


“You’re unbelievable,”

“It went fine, Yixing. The kid likes me. He’s alright too,”


. . .


A few weeks passed and Yixing found Joonmyun had become a common occurrence in his life. Monday morning breakfasts turned into Monday mornings and study, Thursday classes turned into Thursday classes and lunch, and even Tuesday nights became let’s see how long we can keep Luhan awake before his Wednesday morning class time in Yixing’s and Luhan’s shared dorm.

When a Thursday afternoon presented them with a pair project, it was absolutely no surprise that Yixing and Joonmyun chose each other, and found themselves mulling what to do over in a Starbucks just off campus. Whilst Yixing had begrudgingly begun to admit he was kind of enjoying the chia seeds and goji-berries, there was only so much he could take until his body needed a hit of caramel, cream and a slice of cheesecake before he went off his rocker.

It wasn’t a high percentage grade, but Yixing couldn’t help but feel inspired as he sat with Joonmyun to do his absolute best in the few weeks they had to do it. “So you’ll sing, right?” he asked, fingers on his left hand thrumming out a random rhythm on the table.

“Unless you have anything that sounds good with violin than I suppose so,”

“I’ll play acoustic, then,”

Joonmyun smiled his half-moon smile that Yixing was getting far too fond of. “Sounds wonderful.”  


It was three in the morning on Saturday when Yixing was woken up by his phone vibrating next to him. He considered ignoring it but when he saw the image of Joonmyun accompanying it, he figured for him to call at this time in the morning it must be important. It was definitely not just because he liked him.

He looked to Luhan sleeping soundly on the opposite side of him, and sighed, rejecting the call but quickly sending a message in response.


To: Kim Joonmyun
What do you want?

A few seconds later he got a response.

From: Kim Joonmyun
Can you open your door? I’m out the front.


Yixing sighed, quietly tumbling out of his bed and towards the front door, combing a hand through his bed-hair in a weak attempt to try and tame it. If he’d been more awake, it’s likely he would have been much more self-conscious.

“Why’re you here?” he yawned rather unceremoniously, rubbing his eyes.

Joonmyun’s eyes widened, “I – did I wake you up? I’m so sorry! I can leave?”

Yixing shook his head to try and stop the rambling, yawning once more. “I’m up now,” he stumbled out the door to join Joonmyun, putting a hand on his shoulder to stabilise himself. “But let’s go outside – I don’t want to risk waking Luhan up,”

“I am so sorry, I didn’t think-”

“Do you even know what time it is?” Yixing asked it sarcastically, and the reaction of the other male surprised him.

“Twelve? You’re usually up now aren’t you?”

The Chinese groaned, “It’s three in the morning. What time’re you on?”

Joonmyun’s jaw dropped and he let out a small laugh in response. “I – the wrong one apparently. I’m so sorry. Can you uh – get your guitar though?”

Yixing raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask any questions, and he crept back inside to grab his acoustic and a hoodie before he and Joonmyun made their way outside of the dorms.

Spring was kicking in, and the temperature meant it was pleasant enough to be outdoors – Yixing having long reached the point of not caring about wearing his tracksuit pants outside of his room as he and Joonmyun sat on the grass, moon and lights illuminating them enough to be able to make out the words on the page that Joonmyun presented the other male quite sheepishly.

“I got an idea so I had to write and down and - I really couldn’t stop writing. I wanted to see what you thought?”

Yixing, who’d been getting his guitar out of his case turned around surprised. The spring air had awaken him slightly. “Already? That’s awesome!” he grinned, “You should sing it for me,”

“I don’t think it’s at that point,” he scratched his neck awkwardly, voice a little higher than usual. “I only have a few verses but I wanted to see with what you could come up with for it. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was so early,”

Yixing couldn’t bring himself to be mad when Joonmyun looked so cute – as if he was hiding his excitement, as if he was embarrassed to be hiding it. “Just sing it,” he said, shrugging, “We can change it anyway. Your respectful rich-kid attitude is coming out and it’s making me feel odd,”

Joonmyun laughed in response, before closing his eyes slowly, inhaling deeply, and beginning to sing.


With my old guitar
I’ll take all the confessions I couldn’t say
All the things I swallowed inside
And tell you right now as if I made it into a song
Just listen, I’ll sing for you


I love you so much but I don’t tell you that I love you
It’s awkward, my pride won’t allow me
I’ll take courage and tell you today
But just listen without much thought, I’ll sing for you


The way you cry, the way you smile
Do you know how much you mean to me?
Words I wanna say, words I lost
I’ll confess to you but just listen
I’ll sing for you, sing for you
Just listen and smile


Joonmyun stopped then, “That’s as far as I got,” he said, shrugging. “Thoughts?”

“I-” Yixing cut himself off, a little out of shock. “It’s pretty. Really pretty,” he wasn’t sure if he was talking about the song, or the voice which until now he’d only heard properly under the other male’s breath despite all the time they’d spent together. He smiled, “I think I can work with that.”

They spent the next few hours until the sun came up together, Yixing thinking of chord progressions to match whilst Joonmyun continued to write and tweak his lyrics.

Even Luhan was surprised when Yixing didn’t get out of bed until two in the afternoon.

“God, you’re whipped!”


. . .



As it turned out, whilst Joonmyun was amazing at writing lyrics he was not as amazing as getting the notes he was singing on to the page. Because of this, Yixing was spending far too much time with him, and far too much time listening to his voice through the music player on his phone as he sat by a piano. He’d also spent far too much time listening to it when his roommate was gone, chest heavy and hand wrapped around his as he pictured eyes scrunched into crescents and Colgate teeth.

 “I’m ed,” Yixing whined into Luhan’s pillow, the other boy staring at him incredulously. He’d hoped his infatuation with the Korean would end after a few days of sitting next to him or at least the progression of their friendship, but he’d only found himself becoming more enamoured with him as time went on.

“It’s just because he’s rich, isn’t it?”

Yixing flopped over to his back, staring blankly at the ceiling. “I wish,” he closed his eyes, seeing only Joonmyun behind them.


. . .


“So tell me,” Yixing started, head resting on his hand, “Who’s the song about?” it was something he’d been wondering since he’d first heard Joonmyun sing it. “Who’s the lucky lady?” he wriggled his eyebrows, lips upturning into a teasing smirk.

Joonmyun’s eyes widened, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. “Oh, not about anyone in particular,” he said. Yixing thought it looked like he was hiding something.

“You said you got an idea though,” Yixing wriggled his eyebrows once more, “What could have you been doing at that time of night to get one of those?”

Joonmyun’s jaw dropped, and he shook his head. “You’re gross,”

“You didn’t deny it,”

“I don’t have to! The idea just hit me!”

Yixing laughed, the smile on his face broadening definitely not due to the fact Joonmyun didn’t like someone else. Or at least, wouldn’t admit to it. So he wouldn’t act on it.

The lyrics were finished now, and all was left was for Yixing to figure out the final notes to complete it off and then for them to rehearse. Yixing couldn’t think of a time a group assessment had ever gone so well.

. . .


Yixing found out that he really, really liked rehearsing with Joonmyun. Much more than listening to him. The Chinese felt an odd sense of achievement as Joonmyun sang along to the tune he’d put with the song, and Yixing had long discovered the soft change to Joonmyun’s demeanour as he opened his mouth.

He was glad that Joonmyun looked outwards instead of towards him, because Yixing wasn’t sure how he was going to explain his staring, transfixed by pale skin and pink lips.


. . .


A soft squeeze of Joonmyun’s hand was all Yixing needed to calm his nerves as they performed their piece in front of their class and professor, and Yixing couldn’t help the grin that overtook his face as they finished knowing they’d both nailed it.

“Let’s go out somewhere tonight,” Joonmyun smiled, grabbing Yixing’s wrist as they left the lecture theatre.

Yixing rolled his eyes, “It’s a Thursday – don’t you have classes tomorrow?”

The elder frowned, dropping Yixing’s arm. “Not until the afternoon. Come on, Yixing! My treat, we have to celebrate!”

To say Yixing was a little concerned about getting drunk with Joonmyun would be an understatement. He had a habit of getting very touchy-feely and clingy when he drunk, and around Joonmyun he wasn’t sure what kind of situation he would find himself in. Whilst he wasn’t a lightweight he got the feeling that the other boy wasn’t either.

“It’s only an elective,”

“So?” Joonmyun grabbed Yixing’s free hand again, stopping him in his tracks, “Live a little!”

The face of earnest Joonmyun was giving him meant Yixing couldn’t refuse him any further if he tried.


They went to a few bars near the university, leaving each in a much different state to which they’d entered. As much as Yixing tried to interject with money for the tab, it was Joonmyun who pulled out his card every time, swiping and typing his pin perfectly no matter how many drinks he’d had. Whilst neither were sure who’d gotten drunk first, it was clear to see that Yixing was much more affected by the alcohol than Joonmyun was.

“Okay,” Yixing put his right hand on Joonmyun’s shoulder, looking at him seriously. “As a zoology major I have some solid advice for you,” he put his free hand on Joonmyun’s other shoulder. “Do you know why you should never trust big cats?” he asked.

Joonmyun shook his head – indeed he had no idea why.

“Because they’re always lion!” Yixing burst into laughter, and even Joonmyun in his drunken haze couldn’t stop his own chuckles. He’d give him that one. “Also, never play games with them. Do you know why?”

Joonmyun shook his head yet again, unsure of where the question was going.

“Because they’re all cheetas!” Yixing erupted into laughter once more, and Joonmyun wasn’t sure if he was laughing at the joke or at how pleased Yixing was with it.

It took Yixing a moment to compose himself before he spoke again, “Okay, I have a joke for you this time. Not advice,” he leant into the Korean’s ear, and Joonmyun couldn’t help but shiver as he felt Yixing’s breath hot on his skin. “What replaced the tape worm?” he paused to his lips, just in Joonmyun’s field of vision, and the male bit his own. “The CD worm,”

Yixing promptly burst into laughter once more, drawing the attention of the people around them onto the pair. Joonmyun laughed too, his much calmer in comparison to the boy now with his head between Joonmyun’s shoulder and neck, moving the other man as his body shook with giggles.

Whilst he could contain his laughter, Joonmyun couldn’t contain his smile.


The two finally stumbled out of the last bar as the clock hit two in the morning and Yixing had managed to trick Joonmyun into drinking two shots that the Chinese had bought once Joonmyun had paid the tab. They’d both deemed themselves too close to catch a taxi home, and as a result Joonmyun decided it’d be best to walk Yixing home.

“I’m not a girl, you know,” Yixing whined, arm wrapped around Joonmyun’s shoulders to help support himself. “I can walk back myself,”

“You’re too pretty,” Joonmyun slurred, pushing further into the younger. “You’ll get taken away,”

“I’ll fight them off with my quick reflexes!” as he said this, Yixing tripped over himself, pulling Joonmyun to the grass with him. Clearly he hadn’t noticed his lack of ability to even hold himself.

The two erupted into giggles, Yixing rolling around on the grass. It took a few attempts for them to stand up, each taking turns in grabbing the other’s offered hand and pulling them back down. It was when they finally got back to the outside of Yixing’s dormitory that they realized they’d made a fatal error.

“I – what if you walk home by yourself!” the Chinese said, shocked, “You might get stolen,”

“I’ll be fine,” Joonmyun swayed.

“But you’re rich!” Yixing continued, “They’ll want to steal your money! I have to walk you home! It’s for your safety!” before Joonmyun could argue, Yixing had gripped his hand and they’d begun to walk into the direction of Joonmyun’s apartment, the older soon having to lead the way.

A ten minute walk turned into a twenty minute one, and when they reached the building, Joonmyun rung the doorbell and was received by another man who looked like he’d just been woken up. To say the other hadn’t been expecting him was wrong, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to see the Korean in such a state.

“Christ Joonmyun, you look ed,”

“’Soo!” Joonmyun sung, “I just need to walk Yixing home and I’ll be back!”

“But you just walked me home!” Yixing interjected, pushing Joonmyun into the wall to stop him from moving. “And then I walked you home.”

Kyungsoo sighed. He could see exactly where this was going, and wondered how many trips back and forth it would take until they sobered up. He entertained the thought of letting them do it.

“But I can’t let you walk by yourself!”

“Let the boy in, Joonmyun. Yixing, stay the night here,”

Joonmyun looked at Kyungsoo like he was the smartest person in the universe. Kyungsoo had to stop himself from slapping him back into reality. Before Yixing could say a word, Joonmyun had pulled him into the house, and Kyungsoo had pushed the two into chairs at the kitchen bench. He handed them each a glass of water, before he sifted through the pantry and fridge, bringing out cereal and milk and pouring them a bowl.

“’Soo, you’re so cool. You’re the best. I love you,”

Yixing yawned, taking in the boy in front of him - he had no idea who he was. “Are you his boyfriend or his brother?” he asked brashly, taking a mouthful of cereal.

“Fortunately I’m not either,”

“Ouch!” Joonmyun slumped on the table, as if he’d been physically wounded by Kyungsoo’s words. “I’ve told you about him, Yixing,” he looked up and leant over to poke Kyungsoo’s face, “He’s Kyungsoo!” he stretched the end of the name, poking his face once more. If Joonmyun hadn’t been this drunk, Kyungsoo’s face would have been less amused and more murderous.

Yixing’s jaw fell agape, and his arm grabbed on to Joonmyun’s on the table in excitement. “He’s Kyungsoo?” his eyes widened and he looked to the man in question, “It’s so lovely to meet you! Joonmyun didn’t tell me you were Do Kyungsoo!” he looked almost lost for words, “It’s such an honour!”

“And this was not how I expected to meet you, Zhang Yixing,” he laughed.


Half an hour later, Kyungsoo had managed to usher the two into Joonmyun’s room, the Chinese refusing to let the Korean to sleep on the couch, and had given both clothes to change into. Whilst it was a queen sized bed the two managed to press up against each other, Yixing fitting himself to the curve of Joonmyun’s back, spooning him with one arm splayed over Joonmyun’s body.

They fell asleep easily, both sinking into the warmth the other provided.


It was when Yixing woke up to find himself cuddling a very asleep Joonmyun as the sun began to creep through the gaps between the curtains that he realized he might have made a mistake letting go the night before. Guilt filled him with the realization of the position he’d probably put Joonmyun in, and he tried to move his arm before realizing that Joonmyun had gripped it with his own, and wondered if he should stay awake to try and move before Joonmyun woke up.

The thought was gone in an instant as the Chinese boy’s eyes shut and he fell asleep once more, curling into the heat of the other man once more.


The next time Yixing awoke it was to an empty bed and the smell of something really, really good. Unsure of the layout of the unit, he followed the smell, landing himself in the kitchen/dining/lounge area.

Joonmyun turned around as the sound, and Kyungsoo looked over from the frypan. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Joonmyun winked, and Yixing groaned as he took the glass of water and tablet Kyungsoo handed to him, nodding in appreciation.

“What time is it?”

“Just past eleven,”

“Why am I even awake?” he groaned, leaning onto the marble tabletop. Joonmyun couldn’t help but notice the way Yixing’s filled out his sports shorts, and whilst he managed to avert his gaze before Yixing caught him he couldn’t help but catch the attention of Kyungsoo, who raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Bastard probably knew when he gave them to him, Joonmyun thought. “At least you don’t have a class,” he then grumbled to Yixing, resting his head on the cool granite, “I have many regrets,”

“It was your idea,”

“I don’t regret that, just how much I drank. I wish I was still asleep but I physically can’t,”

“Morning man Joonmyun strikes again,” Yixing said sarcastically, moving to sit next to him. He couldn’t believe that anyone could be a morning person. The thought was preposterous.

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in confusion, and Joonmyun smiled at Yixing cheekily.

“Just on Mondays,”

Oh, Kyungsoo thought, but before either himself or Yixing could respond, Joonmyun was offering coffee.

I ing hate coffee,” Yixing groaned as he nodded, Joonmyun laughing as he stood up and went through the pantry, taking some coffee beans which the Chinese had never heard the name of before putting them in a manual grinder. “God, you are a snob,” he whined, to which Joonmyun threw him a wink in response. Yixing tried to ignore the Korean's forearms, but found it difficult when they were so damned defined.

He tried to hide his interest as he watched Joonmyun expertly and accurately measure out water measurements and spoons of coffee, pulling out a manual drip machine as he waited for the water to boil. Joonmyun was silent as he set up the machine and coffee, putting the ground beans into a metal filter before slowly pouring the water in. Whilst Yixing didn't agree with being a coffee snob, he couldn't deny the tug at his heart that watching Joonmyun so dedicated to something. It was something he saw often when they were writing and rehearsing their piece, and something he didn't think he'd tire of. The minutes he spent pouring water weren't wasted on Yixing, watching with his head resting on his palm and a lack of snarky comments.

When Joonmyun finished he'd found that Kyungsoo had laid three clear coffee cups to the side of him, and he poured out three perfectly even drinks before handing the first to Yixing. "M'lady,"

Yixing rolled his eyes as he took it, trying to ignore the serious look of hope and expectation and the feeling that even if it was the worst thing he’d ever tasted he wouldn’t be able to admit it. "No sugar or milk?" he instead asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It won't need it, trust me,"

Yixing definitely didn’t but took a sip anyway, not being able to hide his look of surprise when it didn't taste terrible. Joonmyun couldn't contain his grin, and instead took to drinking his own cup.

"Either I am really hung over, or this coffee actually tastes good,"

"It's not the hangover," Kyungsoo said, "I hate coffee too, usually,"

"I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of faith you had in my coffee, Yixing,"

Yixing shrunk back a little bit, smiling embarrassedly. "I haven't had any good experiences, sorry. Maybe you're just a prodigy," he took another mouthful.

Joonmyun grinned, "This coffee normally tastes great anyway,”

Yixing had to stop himself from spitting it out when he realized what Joonmyun was insinuating. His expression turned sour as he swallowed, putting the cup down. “You didn’t!” he whined. Joonmyun and Kyungsoo began to laugh, and Yixing put his head in his hands. “You did, didn’t you?” The elder nodded, and Yixing wanted to cry. “You made me drink the poop coffee!” he wailed into his hands, and Joonmyun laughed even harder.

“And you enjoyed it, too!”

“You’re officially the worst person ever,”

“It was going to happen eventually,”

Yixing looked up, eyes narrowed, “You’re trying to turn me into a coffee snob, aren’t you?” he poked an accusatory finger at him. “I’m not falling for any of it,”

“Say that to the eighty-thousand won cup of coffee you’re enjoying,”

“Eighty-thousand won!?” Yixing thought he was going to faint. Joonmyun thought the pink flush on Yixing’s face was adorable.


. . .


A few more weeks passed, and Yixing found the rhythm to which his and Joonmyun’s lives had aligned worked too well for him. He also found himself spending more time at Joonmyun’s apartment with Kyungsoo, and even Luhan had come around a few times (but had adamantly refused to stoop to Yixing’s level and drink the poop coffee). It was infinitely more spacious and aesthetically pleasing than the dorms, and Yixing found himself wishing that Luhan or himself had got a high-end scholarship like Kyungsoo so they could have ended up somewhere a little bit nicer. Or that he could just move in, but he doubted Luhan would be too happy about having to find a new roommate.

Yixing and Joonmyun once found themselves at the too green coffee shop when the younger noticed something a little bit off about the Korean, and couldn’t help but ask if he was alright.

"Actually – uh,” for the first time since they’d met, it seemed that the usual confident Kim Joonmyun was nervous. He seemed to trying to hide behind his coffee cup, but Yixing thought his head was far too large for that. Probably because of his ego. “I wanted to ask you a question,” he paused for a moment and bit his lip before continuing. Something about the wall behind Yixing’s head sure must have been interesting. “There’s a… charity gala ball that my parents want me to go to Friday next week and I was wondering if you’d uh – if you’d come with me? If you want to? If you don’t want to I don’t mind it really doesn’t mat-”

Yixing didn’t see what all the nervous fuss was about, nodding in interest, “Why wouldn’t I?” he answered, cutting off the rambling.

“You’d uh-” Joonmyun looked down, his voice stuttering slightly, “Be my date. Is that – is that okay with you?”

Yixing’s eyes widened, and he had to supress a smile as he fought the blush staining his cheeks. Joonmyun’s date, he thought. I’ll be Joonmyun’s date. “That’d be grea- fine. I get it,” he cocked his head, “Will your parents – will they be okay with it though?” Yixing was a guy after all.

Joonmyun shrugged, and was that a blush Yixing detected? A blush on the face of Kim Joonmyun? Today was an odd day. “I think they expected it, to be honest,” the Korean said, “But they’re cool with it,”

If Yixing wasn’t himself so flustered he would have thoroughly enjoyed poking fun of the other boy. Instead he nodded and beamed. “Sounds like fun,”

He looked forward to next week more than he’d be willing to admit. That was, until he remembered he didn’t have a suit.


Yixing did not expect Joonmyun’s response to his lack of suit to be one of taking him out shopping. He also didn’t expect Joonmyun to pull him into the most expensive looking suit store in the city, Yixing cringing as he saw the prices. “Joonmyun, I know your tastes are a little expensive” he started, “But I really can’t afford this,”

Joonmyun turned around to face him, forehead creased. “What’re you talking about?” he asked, “You’re not paying,”

“You don’t have to-”

Yixing was cut off by the sound of another voice calling to Joonmyun, and the Korean boy turned to face him, smiling widely. “Mr. Lee, how are you?”

“You’re back so soon, boy! What brings you again?”

“My friend Yixing needs a suit,” he introduced him, smile blinding. “And I knew you were the man to come to,”

“I-” Yixing tried to interject, but was largely ignored as he was whisked by the old man to a stand, barely being able to get a word in as he and Joonmyun chatted.

“A milano style would suit this boy perfectly,”

“I thought so!”

“I have just the suit in mind,”

After what seemed like an eternity to Yixing of trying to angrily telepathize with the other man that he could certainly not buy him a suit which was worth more than his whole life, the fitting was finished and he found himself at the counter with Joonmyun, unknowing what the suit was going to look like before the other boy paid. Yixing looked at the price and wanted to cry. Joonmyun pulled out a black card and did it with a smile on his face.

“You’ve left me a little stressed for time, boy,” Mr. Lee said mock-grumpily, handing him the receipt. “I’ll have it done on the Thursday so come pick it up then, Yixing,”

The boy nodded, dazed, and it was only when they walked out of the store before he snapped back to reality. Joonmyun yelped as Yixing harshly punched his shoulder and coiled back, frowning. “What was that for?”

“You’re an idiot,”

“I invited you! I have to buy the suit at least!”

“It’s not like I’m only going to wear it once!”

“That’s not the point!” Joonmyun said.

 Yixing sighed, and the elder smiled.

“Well I’ve already bought it now and it’s not my size,” he said.

“I’m buying you lunch,”

Joonmyun frowned. “You don’t have to-”

“I’m not a goddamn charity case, Joonmyun.”


. . .


“Wait – so, let me get this straight. Loverboy invited you to some fancy- charity ball as his date,”

“Yeah,” Yixing replied, leaning over to get more beef. “Well, officially I’m his date,”

Luhan leant back into his chair, “Well if I didn’t already think he liked you I definitely would now,” he said thoughtfully as he chewed, tapping his foot.

The other boy cringed at his eating habits, “It’s not like that. I mean – we’re just friends,” he bit his lip, “To him, anyway,”

Luhan brought himself forward, his arms resting on the table and eyes peering into the other boy’s. “You’re an idiot, Yixing. An actual idiot. It’s only endearing to a point where it gets ing annoying and right now you’re there,”

“I think you’re overreacting a little-”

“Overreacting?” Luhan slammed his hands on the table. “My best friend is about to get laid for the first time since forever. How could I not overreact?”

He was too loud for Yixing’s liking, and he lowered his volume in attempt for the other to do the same. “I’m not going to get laid,”

“Why do you deny it?” Luhan sighed melodramatically, hand over his forehead. “He’s like your personal sugar-daddy,”

If anything, Luhan had gotten louder.

“He isn’t!”

“So where’d you go Monday afternoon then? You didn’t show up at the dorm usual time,”

Yixing shrunk back a little. He couldn’t lie to Luhan but the truth would not help his case. He was adamant that Joonmyun had no feelings for him aside from friendly ones. “I needed to buy a suit,” he said nervously, and Luhan’s eyes glimmered.

“Did Loverboy go with you?”


“Did Loverboy pay for you?”


“How much was it?”

The younger put his face in his hands. “I couldn’t say,” He wanted to cry again.

Luhan got the hint. “Jesus Christ ‘Xing! Are you sure you don’t like him because he’s rich?”

“Don’t make me feel even worse!” he wailed, “They had me fitted and he’d paid before I could even get a word in!”

Luhan rolled his eyes, “I hope he doesn’t expect you to pay him back in ual favours,” he paused, thinking for a moment, “Actually. Scratch that, take it back. I hope he does, because God knows you need it,”

“He’s probably just generous with his money! Kyungsoo drank the poop coffee like he was used to it,”

“You’re being ridiculous, Yixing,” Luhan said, leaning back into his chair. “I’m not even talking about the money! This kid has to like you,” Yixing tried to interject, but Luhan cut him off. “No – wait. Hear me out. His parents run Kim Industries, right? He’s got a lot riding on him,”

“Yeah, but he’s never gonna run it,”

Luhan shook his head, “That’s not the point, my point is that whether or not you’re his friend if you’re officially his date then in every business partner or opposition you’re his date and that makes him a target. We’re not exactly living in a liberal society here,”

Realization begun to sink into Yixing, and his heart begun to sink. What repercussions could there be for Joonmyun with Yixing’s acceptance of the offer?

“His parents must be cool with it but even so it’s a huge thing for them to let him ask you, let alone him ask you. The kid’s gotta be head over heels,”

Yixing realized with and increasing sense of dread and excitement that maybe Luhan had a point, but he still found it very much hard to believe him. He’d see the next week.


Much to Joonmyun’s chagrin, Yixing refused to show him the suit the day he bought it – picking it up in the morning before their class but refusing to let Joonmyun see it on him, let alone take a glimpse of it.

“I bought it for you!” the Korean whined at him during their lecture, trying his best to keep quiet.

Maybe if you’d let me buy my own suit you would’ve seen it already,”

“You’re cruel. I’m hurt,”

“I’m all about the surprise,” Yixing brushed him off, “But it looks good, if you were wondering,”

Joonmyun frowned, sulking as he went back to paying attention to the lecturer.

Yixing couldn’t stop his eyes wandering to Joonmyun, Luhan’s words circling around in his head.


. . .


To say that Yixing was star-struck when Joonmyun showed up to his dorm to pick him would be an understatement. Like the first time he’d met him, all the Korean left his mind as he stood face to face with the man who he didn’t think could’ve become any more attractive, but certainly had. Instead of having his hair natural he’d pushed it back and up, and had Yixing ever seen a forehead so fine? His suit was medium grey – almost the same colour as Yixing’s own - and it hugged him perfectly on every muscle, moving perfectly with it as he seemed to tense and relax his arm.

Joonmyun, however could say the same thing – himself almost left speechless as he stood at the door. “You – you look great,” Joonmyun shifted nervously, willing away the red flush he felt coming on. “Really great,”

Mr. Lee had certainly done a great job on the suit, the charcoal-grey complimenting his skin tone and the suit itself fitting like a glove. This had definitely been worth the wait.

Yixing bit his lip, “You too,” he said, not realizing he’d said it in Chinese before Joonmyun cocked his head and laughed. Yixing wanted to cry – out of all the times. “You too,” he tried again, in Korean this time, and Joonmyun smiled that same dazzling smile Yixing was definitely too fond of.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked, holding the door wide open for Yixing to come through.

Yixing nodded, turning around and calling out to Luhan that he was leaving. It was now Joonmyun noticed just how well the dress pants fit Yixing, hugging his in a way that could only be described as sinful. Hot damn.

“No on the first date!” the other Chinese called out in Mandarin, cackling to himself.

“I’m not like you, you stupid egg!”

Luhan erupted into laughter, and Yixing scowled as he shut the door. Joonmyun cocked his head and Yixing sighed. “It’s not worth explaining.”


Yixing did not realize that they would be getting there in a limousine. Nor did he realize they’d be the only ones in the said limousine.

“It’s a decent drive in this traffic,” Joonmyun shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“You’re unbelievable,”

Yixing couldn’t however disagree with the karaoke machine inside, him and Joonmyun belting out tune after tune until they arrived.


It wasn’t until they got to the venue that his nervousness kicked in. What if this ended badly for Joonmyun? What if Joonmyun’s parents didn’t even like Yixing? What if he spoke Chinese the whole time? He could only think of ways for the night to go wrong, and Joonmyun noticed as he stalled whilst they were walking.

“Are you okay?” he asked, grabbing Yixing’s arm.

Yixing could have melted on the spot from the concerned look in his eyes. He couldn’t lie to him. “I’m just – worried. About you,” he made a tutting noise as he thought of how to phrase it, stopping on the spot. “I just – is this okay?” he asked, voice and eyes filled with uncertainty.

“What do you mean?”

“Well your family owns a big company and I don’t want them getting a bad rep because,” he paused again, “Well, I’m not female am I?”

Joonmyun’s hand slid down Yixing’s arm as he chuckled, “If anyone were bothered about that you wouldn’t be here,” his hand stopped to squeeze Yixing’s own, “Plus, it’s a private event to raise money for youth homelessness – it’s a little more liberal here. Not like that had any impact on me asking you, though – but if you’re uncomfortable-”

“Oh no, no no no,” Yixing cut him off, smiling softlt “I just didn’t want anything bad to happen because of me,”

“That could never happen,” he replied. Yixing noticed Joonmyun didn’t move his hand from his own and bit back a grin as they walked in.


For lack of a better word, massive was all Yixing could come up with to describe the ballroom. It stood in a huge white palace-styled building surrounded by trees, flowers and a lake. It was safe to say that Yixing had never been in a room so lavish or expensive as Joonmyun led him by the hand into the front entrance.

There they spotted his parents, and Yixing couldn’t stop the paling of his face and Joonmyun brought him over to them, hand resting on his shoulder-blade to push him forward. “Mum, dad, this is Zhang Yixing,”

“It’s lovely to meet you,” he bowed, somehow even more nervous than before. “Thank you for inviting me,”

Joonmyun’s mother smiled, her hands clasping together as she looked at the boy, “Oh, this is the one we’ve heard so much about! The pleasure is ours,” catching him off-guard she enveloped him in a hug, “You’re so handsome, oh my,”

Joonmyun’s father sent Yixing a warm smile – one that he was all too familiar with. It was striking how much Joonmyun looked like the man in front of him. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang,”

Mr. Zhang? Yixing shook his hands in front of him, a little embarrassed. “Just call me Yixing, please, sir,” he said, making Joonmyun laugh.

“You didn’t say anything in Chinese, which is a plus,” the boy elbowed him slightly – something Yixing would have returned had the Kim’s been not directly in front of him. Or had Joonmyun not whispered in his ear, skin still tingling from the hot puffs of air.

“Help yourselves, boys,” Mrs. Kim said, “Champagne and food is everywhere and the bar is open too.”

Yixing wasn’t sure if it were a blessing or a curse.


“A dance, m’lady?” Joonmyun held out a hand to Yixing, charming smile plastered on his even more charming face.

Yixing finished and put down the flute of champagne he was holding. Joonmyun had been going around doing rounds of saying hello to people he knew and after a while of awkwardly following him Yixing had found a permanent spot close enough to one of the many food tables to not be too far away, but also not look suspicious. Luckily for him it was where Joonmyun’s mother had found him and locked him into conversation. It’d mostly been questions about himself, and whilst that wasn’t something Yixing particularly liked talking about her calm and inviting manner meant that he was enjoying her company.

Her love for champagne also meant that Yixing had consumed a bit more than he’d planned to by this point, but he was alright.

Mrs. Kim put her hand on Yixing’s upper back, encouraging him forward, and he took Joonmyun’s offered hand, following him into the crowd. “It’s about time,” he said teasingly, and Joonmyun looked a little guilty.

“I’m sorry – business called, I had to. I hope I haven’t disappointed you,”

“I was joking, Joonmyun,”

He smiled, grabbing Yixing by the waist with his left arm, and Yixing’s hand with his own right. “I sure hope you know how to waltz,”

Yixing laughed, putting his unoccupied hand on Joonmyun’s shoulder. “You forget I grew up in a country town. There isn’t a type of dance I don’t know,”

“Even line-dancing?” Joonmyun asked, joking as he begun to move.

Yixing followed with perfect timing. “You bet,” he quipped, winking. “Country town,”

“I’d like to see that one,”

“Maybe when I’ve had a little bit more to drink,”


Joonmyun wondered if Yixing could hear the thumping of his heartbeat when his head lay on his shoulder as he laughed, or his increased heartrate as he held his hand.


After a few hours and possibly a few too many more drinks, there were presentations. Yixing listened as Joonmyun’s father among others spoke of the charity they were supporting and their efforts to use their power to positively affect the community. At least, he tried to listen, but found himself very distracted as Joonmyun engaged him in a very intense battle of footsies under the table.

Maybe you shouldn’t be spending all that money on expensive coffee, Yixing whispered to Joonmyun, who’d just smirked in response. Or you know, listen, he added, kicking the other’s shin a little harder than usual to finish him.

They found that the music after the presentations changed from classical ballroom to something Yixing found much more appealing to dance to, but midway through his eighth (or was it ninth?) glass of champagne he wasn’t willing to have a dance break until it was done.

“But Yixing, Joonmyun whined – rather intoxicated himself, pulling the boy out of his seat, “It’s Queen!”

Yixing took another sip of the champagne, noticing there wasn’t much left. “Not until I finish this glass,” he said, shaking his head but not sitting back down.

In a flash, Joonmyun had plucked the glass out of his hand and had put it to his own lips to cheekily finish it off. He didn’t expect, however, for Yixing to respond the way he did – quickly taking the empty glass as he pulled Joonmyun’s lips to his own. He took advantage of the Korean’s mouth opening in shock, using his tongue to sweep up the champagne Joonmyun had not yet got around to swallowing.

Yixing’s lips may have lingered a little longer then they needed to, but his hand pulling Joonmyun’s arm out to the dance floor quickly snapped him out of any shock that he was in, following him blindly onto the dance floor.

She gives me hot and cold fever, then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat.

Joonmyun wasn’t sure if lyrics had ever applied so accurately to himself in the whole of his life.


Yixing, as it turned out, was an absolute dancing machine – something which Joonmyun had regrettably never known about. He seemed to be infinitely talented, and the way he moved those hips was downright sinful no matter how innocent the move. He’d also managed to charm all the old ladies in the building, dancing with them as they fawned over him, Joonmyun becoming a little jealous despite the attention that Yixing was giving him.

Yixing was all smiles and dimples tonight, and Joonmyun couldn’t deny it was something he wanted to see all the time.


Whilst his energy had seemed endless, it was Yixing who pulled Joonmyun off the dance floor, asking if they could take a breather outside because he was getting too warm. Joonmyun couldn’t help but feel glad, because as alcohol continued to diffuse into his cells he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep his hands off those moving thighs.

“It’s so pretty,” Yixing said in awe, looking up at the night sky. They’d gone out the back of the ballroom building and walked just short of a hundred metres to a part of the gardens with a little courtyard donning a round fountain, water cascading over the top.

“You’re pretty,” Joonmyun confessed, and Yixing nudged him slightly in response as Joonmyun’s face went noticeably pinker, despite the redness the alcohol had already put there.

The Chinese eyed the water. “You said you were hot too, right?”

Joonmyun replied with a yes, and no sooner had he said it then had Yixing pushed him into the fountain, bending over in peals of laughter as Joonmyun fell backwards onto his . No sooner had Joonmyun got soaked however that he stood up and pulled the younger by the arm into the water with him, them both falling backwards on top of the Korean, broad smiles on their faces as they laughed, Yixing’s thighs straddling his own.

Joonmyun opened his eyes to Yixing’s dimple too close to ignore, and Yixing didn’t miss the of Joonmyun’s lips. They couldn’t be sure who initiated it, but in an instant their lips were on each other’s, Yixing’s right hand fisted in Joonmyun’s suit jacket as his left one held his back and kissed him with more enthusiasm and urgency than he’d ever put into a kiss before.

Yixing pulled back grinning, his dimple setting ever deeper, and Joonmyun couldn’t stop the filling of his heart as Yixing pushed his now wet hair back, water droplets falling steadily down his face. Yixing felt the same, leaning back down to capture the lips he’d wanted to kiss ever since he laid eyes on them once more. It was less rushed this time – Joonmyun sitting up straighter and his right hand finding its way into Yixing’s hair, softly threading his fingers through the strands.

They both pulled apart for air, finding themselves with their foreheads resting against each other’s. “I-” Yixing gasped, unable to contain the smile he felt was now permanently etched across his face, “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,”

Joonmyun couldn’t contain his happiness either, staring back at him with full eyes. “You’re not the only one, though I didn’t expect it to happen in a fountain,”

“I wasn’t thinking,” he said guiltily, “I’ve probably ruined our suits,”

“They’ll survive,” Joonmyun replied, “This is priceless,” his hand came down from Yixing’s hair to his neck, and he leant up to kiss the same spot.

Yixing shivered and coiled in as he did so, and Joonmyun realized it was a sensitive spot, and decided to more and more kisses on the skin until Yixing was scrambling out of the pond and on to the grass next to it, whining.

Joonmyun crawled out and lay down next to him. Noticing his jacket was now uncomfortably wet he took it off, waiting until Yixing had done the same to attack his neck again, this time blowing on it.

“Stop!” Yixing squealed, finding the only way to stop the other male was to roll over and straddle him at his hips, “My neck’s sensitive!” he cried.

“I’ve noticed,” Joonmyun laughed, moonlight perfectly illuminating his face. “But I like it. I like you. A lot. For a long time. You were my inspiration for the song, actually,”

Yixing hoped Joonmyun liking him by this point was a given, but he couldn’t help but once again be rendered speechless in front of the other man. He’d confessed, and Yixing couldn’t be happier he felt the same way. The fact that he’d inspired Sing For You only made Yixing feel even more elated. “You too, I like you a lot,” he said, and it only took Joonmyun’s laughter to make him realize he’d once again spoken in Chinese.

“You never change,” he smiled, fingers sitting between the spaces of Yixing’s as they rest near his head. “At least I know what it means this time,”

Yixing sat in shock for a moment. “Luhan, the bastard,” he groaned, realization setting in. “I can’t tell him anything,”

“He didn’t tell me you like me, if that’s what you’re saying. Or else I would have told you a bit earlier,”

Yixing found he couldn’t be that mad with his best friend. He was too pleased. “Well,” he said, leaning down to kiss Joonmyun once more before thinking out what he was going to say thoroughly in Korean. “I do like you. I like you a lot,”

“It’s because I’m rich, isn’t it?” Joonmyun teased.

Yixing rolled over and off Joonmyun, deciding instead to lay his head on his chest, feeling the up and down of his breaths and the steady but fast beat of his heart. “I wish,” he whined, hand coming up to rest on Joonmyun’s stomach, creeping under his shirt to find a patch that wasn’t soaked.

Joonmyun laughed, the rumble sending vibrations through the other’s body which only filled his heart more.


. . .


Yixing hated mornings, but the breakfasts and kisses meant that he was kind of okay with them.

Just on Mondays.




//Authors Note//

Finally posted! Didn’t realize it’d been a little more than a few days since I posted the foreword so please forgive me. Life and procrastination got in the way of editing a little. I also hate editing.

I hope y’all enjoyed! I realized that if you’ve read another Sulay fic of mine the title may have been a little misleading so I hope that didn’t bother you ahaha haha haaa. I do love sugar daddy Joonmyun I'm not gonna lie here. Also I'd love to see Yixing line dance.

Thank you very much for all the subscriptions, upvotes and comments just from the foreword, it really means a lot and I hope that if you enjoyed it you let me know! It’s been so long I really don’t know anything about my writing anymore and of course I love to know your thoughts :) If you’re shy here you can always hit me up on twitter or tumblr. It's nice to know my efforts aren't going to waste :)

(It’s odd posting sulay without it’s been so long I hope I didn’t disappoint anyone here)

Thanks so much for reading! I hope it was worth the wait.

Much love


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iPriyalicious #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is too cute. I'm in love. The way you built Junmyeon and Yixing's characters.... it's just so beautiful. I LOVE THIS FIC. Thanks for writing it author-nim. You deserve thousand of upvotes for this one TT ♡
Penguinkyungsoo #2
Chapter 1: That's a masterpiece, indeed!
ikusabas #3
Chapter 1: Author-nim... you... thank you for writing this flufftastic masterpiece!
Chapter 1: wow!! excellent sulay fic, I love it!!
Jasgotlucky #6
I swear you make the best sulay fics.
jazzy3120 #7
Chapter 1: I don't get the just on Mondays part? Don't they see each other on like Thursday too?
Chapter 1: THSI IS SO SWEET <3 i loved it! missed your sulay stories even though im bot their biggest shipper ^^