Goodbye Chanyeol

Truth or Lies

In, the room is was dead quiet and icy cold. The feeling like you were put into a freezer, where your heart and brain would freeze forever.

There he was, covered it up in a white cloth.

I slowly grab the cloth from one end, and gently teared away with my heart pounding fasting at every sec. It feels like my heart has been stab, stabbing till the feeling where all my blood has flow out.

I stopped removing, when I was half way of his body. He has his eyes shut, he wasn't moving a inch, he was there dead still.


"Oppa...I have came." I said, "Please, open your eyes!" I slowly cried again


"Oppa, you broke your promise! You say you will take care of me, forever! Why, are you sleeping?"  I asked


"Oppa, please open your eyes!" I repeated, "Oppa,  please!"  I started to shake his body but his body will always return to its original state.


"Oppa, what happened to you? Who killed you?" I asked numerously


There was no sign of replied.  I grabbed his hand, it was still warm. Jimin, soon came into the room to check on me. 


He let out a small sigh, "Noona, let's head home! You need some rest!" He commented


"Jimin, Chanyeol oppa hand was warm. He didn't died not long ago." I continued


"Noona, its okay. Hyung, will always be remember in our hearts."  He replied, "Let's head home and rest."


I didn't say anything, I just kept staring at his body, until I was slowly moving away from his body.







Soon it was his funeral. At, the funeral I was sitting with Chanyeol parents and Jimin next to me, side by side. The whole event went by quick, not much words came out either from us. 


"Miss Park…." The priest called, I look up and saw the priest at my eye level.


"Yes?" I asked


"Its your turn to speak." He spoke softly


I nodded my head, and follow behind him to the front stage.


'Hi everyone, thank you for coming today, for the remembrance of Park Chanyeol. Sorry, this speech might be cheesy cause it’s kinda a life story of Oppa and I. So, I hope you guys can stand it.'


The coward gave out a small laugh.


'Oppa and I, have been dating quite awhile now to the stage that we're about to get married. On, the day he proposed to me I felt liked the luckiest girl ever until now I feel lucky.  Cause meeting Chanyeol change my life. He taught me what the meaning of life is. The meaning to appreciate other people. I, became an orphan when I was around 12, while my younger brother was 8 at that time I lost the meaning of life. I didn't understand the meaning to continue to lived anymore but after meeting him when I was around 15, we then had a friend-zone relationship for around 3 to 4 years. That's, when he finally confessed to me, cause he was a shy person. So, I was kinda surprised that he became a police, a successful one. But we can't judge, cause we all changed, I used to be a lousy person who doesn't care about life but meeting him changed my life. He  gave me the light, for me to find my own way like now I have successful went through college, opened up my own store, able to rent a house for my brother and I to live in. So, I would like to thank him, his effort and love he gave to me. Even though, he may be gone but he will always be in our hearts. He, may be gone but his presence has impacted us so much that we will always remember him.


Afterwards, the coward gave their applause, while my heart suddenly felt so light all the sudden.


"I am so proud of you." Chanyeol mum commented, "He will definitely receive your message."


I nodded my head, while Jimin was rubbing my shoulders to conform it.


"Noona, you did so well!" Jimin said, but my ears were block-out so I couldn't even picked up what he said.


Not far, Yongguk and the rest of the BAP mates were there at the funeral.


"Goodbye my friend, goodbye Park Chanyeol…" Yongguk said, "Let's leave now." he indicated to the BAP gang and they all nodded They left quietly without knowing by the big cowards, however EXO mates caught them.


"I wonder, why are they here?"  Baekhyun asked


"Who knows, probs here for their guiltiness." Tao said sarcastically


"Be quiet, its Chanyeol funeral, have some respect!" Suho said





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Chapter 2: Such a cute story, JiWoo and Chanyeol are sooo cute, wish he didn't have to die :( but good story so far, look forward to more updates!