A Friend In Help

Because Of The Paper

Kai: "I need to tell someone this is driving me crazy.......the members can't find out ....they don't need to find out..." *I was laying on my bed staring at the roof thinking about my problems*

BaekHyun: "KkamJong!! Breakfast time!" *Their room was messy with dirty clothes on the floor. Kai on his bed and the other bed there was a big emptiness. KyungSoo might've went out*

Suho: "Come one guys I cooked Ramen..." *BaekHyun had took to long bring Kai for breakfast*

Kai: *I looked through my contacts... I saw my latest contact contacted and Of course! I could tell her! She's such a supportive friend... We've shared everything! I should so talk to her*

Baekhyun: "Yah! Come on!!!" *He was so out of this world... I grabbed him by his hand but he stopped me*

Kai: "Let me make a call first..." *I clicked on that latest contact and call*

BaekHyun: "Okay but come out soon!" *I left him alone and walked out to the kitchen*


Other side of the phone: "Hello?..." *That beautiful girl's voice*

Kai: "Hey Naeun... It's me.. Kai. I need your help... There's... There's something I need to tell you.. Do you think we can meet?" *As I talked I cracked my right's thumb*

Other side of the phone: "Oh Oppa! Yeah of course... Why don't you come to my house.." *She said*

D.O: *I had come back from talking to the CEO and was about to walk to the room when I heard Kai talking on the phone*

Kai: "Okay I'll go to your house in about an hour?.... Ok.... Ok see you later.. Bye" *I hang up and put my white t-shirt that was on my bed*

D.O: *I had no idea who he was talking to but I really wanted to know... I mean he was gonna meet that person... IN their HOUSE!!!*

Kai: "Oh... You clean the room today and I'll clean it tomorrow...." *I told D.O as he walked in the room. Phew! I acted as normal as ever... today I was worry about something else and it wasn't being around him*

D.O: *He surpass me and made his way to the kitchen. Took a seat in the table in front of the plate Suho had served for him. I went to the kitchen as well and lean on the wall. Kai was eating faster than normal. He chocked three times with the water. He and Sehun were the only left to finish and all because they kept on talking*

Sehun: "Hyung... What you gonna do today? Practice? *I took a sip of the noodles and faced Kai*

D.O: *Kai was about to answered him but then turned to face me telling me to leave with his eyes. I walked out the kitchen and tried to listen at their conversation but Suho came and dragged me to help him on his room*

Kai: "Not practice this time...I'm meeting a girl..." *I said my last words and stood up placing the plate on the sink and running to the room to change*

Sehun: *I choked and stared at him running to his room*

D.O: *I finished helping Suho and walked to my room. Kai wasn't around so I walked calm and slow. I sat on my bed and something made me look at his bed... There was some Long Sleeve Jacket , Cotton Blend Casual and some Basic Relaxed Straight Jeans. I wondered where was he going to... practice maybe?*

Kai: *I walked to my room after taking a shower with my towel rubbing my hair. I stood still staring at my clothes on my bed then back at the closet. I hadn't notice D.O on his bed till he started humming a song... He and his habit. I ignored him and went back to my clothes, I only had 30 minutes left so I quickly took of my pants and changed fast. When there was 15 minutes left I sat on my bed and stared at the wall I closed my eyes tight I need to think of a way to tell her*

D.O: *I saw him sit still without looking at me, at all. I stood up from the bed and walked to his bed. He couldn't see me he was thinking deep, I stared at him for a long time till I lean closer and stood in a really really really really close distance. I was gonna lean MORE closer when his phone rang and he opened his eyes and I jumped back fast falling into the floor. Kai and answered his phone while I was scared as hell*

Kai: "Okay I'll be there in a bit.. Ok... Ok bye" * I grabbed my phone and answered staring at D.O on the floor. Why had he fallen?* "See yah later bro!" 

D.O: *Kai stood up from his bed quickly passing by me giving me a pat on my shoulder and then ran out the room down the stair' dorms. I stay still on the floor, Kai hadn't being nervous at all... This time my heart was the one beating hard*


The well formed guy walked out the EXO dorms without being aware some rude paparazzi was waiting for some EXO action. The paparazzi followed Kai to the downstairs parking lot and saw him get on his car. Kai drove to a 11th floor building. The paparazzi car that was behind him took a picture of him parking, getting out his car and walking inside the building. The paparazzi stood on his car waiting for Kai to come back.

Paparazzi: "Wow... This is Apink's dorms building..."~

Naeun: "Oppa! Annyeong!" *I saw Kai walking to the doors and waved at him*

Kai: "Annyeong... Have you been well?..." *I smiled as I saw her but the nervousness came back*

Naeun: "Oppa, I bought some sweet drinks for you since you don't like coffee..." *I pinched his cheek and dragged him inside the building*

Kai: "You know me so well!" *I surrounded her shoulder with my arm*

Paparazzi: "Is that Naeun?"~ 'Click' 


Lay: "Senshine! Where is Kai?" *I walked into the living room where Sehun, D.O and Chanyeol were watching TV*

Sehun: "He went out with a girl..." *I answered and put some popcorn in my mouth*

D.O: "He what?!!!!!" *Kai went WHERE AND WITH WHO? A GIRL?!!!!!*

Sehun: "A girl. He went with a girl..." *I went to the kitchen room and grabbed a water out the refrigerator*


Naeun: "So what's that that you need to tell me?" *We sat on the living room couch and I handed him a apple juice*

Kai: "Well you see... I... I think... I think I like man...." *The words could barely came out my mouth. I grabbed the apple juice she hands me and opened it the moment I finished telling her with pain in my words and watery eyes*

Naeun: *I froze. I stared at his y body, his flawless hair, his face so perfect... This man liked mans. I saw him how he was stuttering and how his hands were shaking as he talk. I smiled and bend a bit to give him a tight hug* "Don't worry about it... It's normal for this to happen... In front of me you don't have to hide it... You know I like you and I'm here for you..."

Kai: *I felt relieve that I had a friend like her who understand me and loved me however I was... I hugged her back*

Naeun: *We talked for a bit till he fall sleep on my lap. He was like a older brother I never had... I was caressing his head while I thought he was sleeping till he spoke*

Kai: "Naeun.... D.O is the guy I like..." *I said it fast cause I know that If didn't let it out it'll keep  on bothering me...*

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AleKai #1
Chapter 1: KaiSoo!!!! My baby Kai <3