U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

~Soohyun's Point Of View~

     During class today I had gotten a text from Jae Jung in class, I didn't want to open it at that moment because my teachers lecture was in full swing and I didn't want to miss a thing. The only thing I was looking forward to was opening that text. I like Jae Jung, but the guys think I'm romantically interested in her... Which I'm NOT! I'm not like that! All I want is to be the best friend that she should have! And I want her to be my best friend to but nooo, everyone has to think that I've gotten a crush on her, which I haven't! I walked out of my class in a hurry wanting to get home to finish my homework so that I could hand out with Eli after since we made plans. I grabbed my books from my locker and left in a hurry. I was to busy power walking home when I finally reached a stop light. 'Hm, looks like it's the perfect time to look at that text' I thought to myself. I flipped open my phone and opened Jae Jung's text. It was a picture message. She had doodled a picture of her Me, and the other guys on her math classwork. I smiled but pouted because the only way of getting Kiseop back for this morning was just drawing a simple retarded looking mustache on his face. I sighed in disbelief. 'Well, at least it was retarded looking instead of it being a nice cool one... ' I simply thought and crossed the street with the other people that wanted to cross to.

     I finally reached home, I ran into the door slipped off my shoes and traded them for house slippers and ran to the kitchen to find my Eomma. As expected she was in the kitchen having tea with Kiseop's Eomma. I bowed to them both. "Annyeong Eomma! I'm home!" I said simply. My Eomma warmly smiled at me and waved. "Annyeonghaseyo!" I said. Kiseop's Eomma smiled also and waved. I walked out of the kitchen and ran up to my room. I slung off my backpack went to my desk and quickly started my homework before I began to procrastinate on it. I didn't have much and I wanted to finish it fast so I could go out much earlier. Within thirty minutes later I finally finished my homework. I stretched in my chair and closed my book. I slipped my phone out from my pocket and dialed Eli's number. "Yaboseo?" I heard Eli from the other side of my phone. "Yo, Eli! Have you finished your homework?" I said. "Mhm. Yeah, I just finished. Wanna meet at the corner of the street right now?" "Yeah, sounds good! See you in a minute." I clicked the end button and got up on my feet and walked out my door. I jumped down each step on by one till I finally reached the door. I sat down and put on my shoes not even realizing that my Eomma was watching me. I turned my head to hear her laughing at me. "Uh, did I do something?" I asked her really confused. She started laughing harder causing me to raise my eyebrows in curiosity. "M-Mihanae Soohyun, It's just that you grow up so much and yet you still seem to act like a seven year old! Bwahaha!!" I pouted a bit, but that only made my Eomma's laughing become incontrollable.

     I stood up from the floor and looked at Eomma. "Eomma!!! I don't act like I'm Seven! I never have! But, I'm going to go hang out with Eli! I won't be out long Eomma!!!" I said heading towards the door. She nodded still laughing and I just walked out. I pouted once again as I left the house. "I do not act like a seven year old..." I said to myself walking along the sidewalk kicking a pine cone that was set astray on the pathway. I finally reached the corner of the street, there Eli was waiting for me looking at his watch. "Yah, Soohyun! When you say a minute you don't come till it's almost 10 minutes later? What took you so long?" Eli said pointing at his watch frantically. "Oh, My Eomma was to busy laughing at me and I was trying to figure out the reason why." I bluntly said not meeting his eye. "Oh, so why was she laughing at you?" Eli said with curiousity in his voice. "Because... She said I act like a seven year old." I mumbled. I didn't want Eli to hear this because like my Eomma, He'd for sure laugh at it to. "Ahh, Soohyun Hyung, I didn't hear that... What was that?" Eli inched closer with his hand at the back of his ear. I turned my head. "She said I acted like a seven year old." "Whaaat? I can't hear you!" "SHE SAID I ACT LIKE A SEVEN YEAR OLD!" I said once again and started rubbing the back of my head. Not even a millisecond later I hard Eli burst out laughing. "See... I knew you'd laugh." I said walking across the street, sure enough Eli followed. "Sorry Hyung, But I have to admit, your mom is right... You do act like your seven SOMETIMES" Eli said emphasis on the sometimes. I just ignored him and kept on walking.

     "Eh, Whatever." I said turning my head left and right as we walked down the street. "So Hyung! I have something to ask you!" Eli said Jumping onto a boulder in the grass and swiftly hoping off of it. I turned to look at him. "Ah, What?" I said. "Do you... Like Jae Jung?" My eyes turned wide. Really? Him to! Why is it that all the guys think that I like Jae Jung! "Not you to! Why are you asking that anyways?" I asked Eli trying to find his reasons as to why he asked if whether or not I liked Jae Jung or not. "Well because Hyung, you seem to focus your attention more to her nowa days! So, me and the guys think that you have a crush on her~ You've never acted like that when you were with another girl! In fact! You've only acted like that ever since you met Jae Jung!" Eli finally finished his logic and I started to laugh. "Dude, She's JUST my best friend! That's all I wanna be to her! Her best friend that she can trust with anything! And I actually want to be her best friend!" I said in a hurry. It was true, I wanted to be her best friend more than anything in the whole wide world! "I see I see... That still makes it seem like you like her." Eli said poking my arm. I snorted. "Just leave it at that. I only want to be her best friend and that's all. That's it! Nothing more!" I said to Eli. "Mhmm" Was all he could say now that I had told him what I really was thinking. Ever since the guys started asking me if I liked her, honestly, I couldn't help but wonder. 'Do I really like her?' I thought to myself. And this time, I wasn't actually shaking the thought out of my head. It was something I really had to think about although, I wasn't even thinking about it before. Now that the guys have been talking about all this I can't help but have these thoughts in my head. Their just stuck there.

     Things got quiet between me and Eli for a minute, we were at the park dribbling a basketball around not even playing a full game. It was basically a game of around the world. Awhile into our 'Around The World' game my phone started buzzing in my pocket I pulled out my phone to see that Hoon was calling me. I flipped open my phone and pressed the phone to my ear.



"Yeah, What's wrong?"

"You'll never guess what happened after school today?"

"I have no guesses, so tell me what happened? You seem angry? So, Something bad?"

"Yeah! It was something bad Soohyun Hyung! I was walking out of school and I saw that Haruka and her ty friends beating up on Jae Jung!!!!! I couldn't believe that they were doing that again!"


"Yeah, she said she was fine, she said their were no bruising on her ribs, so that was good. I swear if that Haruka girl pulls something like that again I swear I'll get her and it won't be pretty."

"Hoon, I know just the place to bury her! I got the boat, you just have to steer!"

"Whoa, Soohyun Hyung, I'm not planning on killing her, although I wish."

"Well, where is Jae Jung now?"

"She's at home, I took her there. I think she's alright"

"Okay good, I think I'll visit her later, Hoon, I gotta go, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, Later!"

     I clicked the end button and put my phone back into my pocket. I looked at Eli who looked jut as worried as I was. "What Happened to Jae Jung?!" Eli said walking over to me. "Haruka beat her up after school!" I said squeezing the ball really hard that was between my hands. Eli showed an angry look on his face as well. I mean who wouldn't be pissed?! That Haruka girl is waiting to get killed! "Is Jae Jung Alright?" Eli asked. I nodded. "Yeah, Hoon said she was alright, Haruka kicked her in the ribs once, but she said there wasn't any bruising on them." Eli sighed in relief. "Good, theirs no bruising. If there is another bruise on her I swear that Haruka girl will be in a world of hurt!" Eli said punching his fist into his hand. I nodded in agreement. "Eli, lets go to Jae Jung's house and see how she's holding up." Eli nodded and we started walking to Jae Jung's house.

~Jae Jung's Point Of View~

     I sat at my kitchen table working on homework while sipping on some sprite. My ribs were sore but i had checked to see if a bruise was going to form on the spot that Haruka had hit me. Luckily, there wasn't any sign of a forming bruise. I sat in the chair just looking at my math homework completely lost. My parents weren't home... again. And I had no one to ask for help. I sighed and gave up on it. I laid my head on the table and thought about today. It was going really great until Haruka had to ruin it for me. It wasn't right. I was having a good day and she just ruined it with a snap of a finger. It was that easy. I lifted my head and took a sip of my sprite and laid my head back down. I sighed and closed my eyes. I hadn't talked to Hyo in a while. He's been so busy with school he only sends me one text a day now saying how busy he is and that he misses me. Of course I miss him. "DING DONG" I opened my eyes. I looked around for a second and then got up from my seat taking my sprite with me I slowly walked to the door with no hurry in the world. I was sipping on my sprite when I opened the door to find Soohyun and Eli waiting at the front door. Soohyun sighed in relief and hugged me. "BEST FRIEND ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!" He said lightly hugging me. I stepped back and whined. "Can't you see I'm drinking this? And yes, I'm fine.. Why?" I asked him wonder about the sudden worrying. "Hoon told me about the incident with Haruka, Me and Eli were checking up to see if you were alright." Soohyun said to me. Augh, Hoon. I knew he would say something to them sooner or later. "Oh, that, yeah I'm fine, as long as I'm not damaged I'm good. You guys can come in if you wanna!" I stepped to the side and Eli and Soohyun slowly walked in.

     "Your parents aren't home again?" Soohyun asked messing with his hair. I nodded my head back and forth and walked into the living room sitting on the couch. Soohyun and Eli joined me and we started talking about everything random. Almost an hour later I found myself watching a scary movie with them both. "I can't believe you guys are making me watch this!" I said hiding between them both. "Well, you didn't protest! You said sure easily!" "Yeah, but I didn't think this movie would be that scary!!!!" I said covering my eyes. Throughout the movie I covered my eyes on the really scary parts, or I hid my face in Eli or Soohyun's arm without me even realizing it. Finally the movie ended. As the credits rolled onto the screen I sighed in relief. "Aigoo, than's to you guys I'm scared to even walk up the stairs!!!" I said crossing my arms. "Ah, you wanted to watch it! We all did! So, We did!" Eli said laughing at my terrified face. "Next time were watching a comedy! Got it?" I said pointing at Eli. He laughed again and then nodded. "Yup, I got it!" Eli and Soohyun stood up. "I think it's time we get going! Jae Jung, I'll see you in the morning tomorrow?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you in the morning!" I waved at Soohyun. Eli waved at me. "I'll see you at school tomorrow Jae Jung!!" I smiled and closed the door after them. I quickly grabbed my backpack sprites, and phone and ran up to my room without looking back. I closed my door the TV and plopped on my bed. "I must say, today was an okay day.." I said to myself.



Hey Guys! it's a 4am Update!

Merry Christmas Eve!!! :D lol I think I'll be up on Christmas day updating for you guys~

So how'd you like this chapter? :D

Hm, what do you think should happen next?




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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8