Running For My Life.

U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

    “Finally! School has let out!” I said to myself as I walked out the door. I was a little bit nervous, knowing that I had just gotten out of the hospital yesterday, but I needed to see Dongho. Dongho was the only way the throb in my head could go away. We were meeting at a cafe near the school, and I was more than excited to see him and score a mug of chocolate milk. As I walked down the sidewalk I rubbed my hands against each other trying to gain warmth, it was a cold day and I didn’t bring gloves to wear. As I walked down the street, I realized that there was a construction area blocking the side walk not letting me be able to pass them. “Oh... I can’t pass... EXCUSE ME!” I yelled to the construction worker in the hard yellow hat. His head bobbed up and walked over to me.
    “May I help you?” He simply said, wiping off the beads of sweat that rolled down his forehead. “Ne, I need help, what are other ways to get around this construction sight? I’m meeting someone very important right now.” He straightened his back and looked at the surrounding around us. He knocked on his hat a bit and then he smiled. “I remember! You can go through that alley right there and it should lead you to the next street!” I smiled and bowed to him. “Ghansamnida! You were a big help!” He smiled at me. “It was no problem at all. Be safe!” He waved and went back to his work. I smiled and turned around going into the alley that lied before me. When I walked through I could feel my stomach drop. Although it was a scary place, I was looking at the end results of walking through. Being able to see Dongho. I kept that thought in my head and kept walking through the dark alleyway.
    I was finally at the end of the alleyway when the next thing I knew I heard someone calling my name. “Jae Jung! Is that you?” I froze. I knew that voice from anywhere, a voice I didn’t want to hear ever again. I turned slowly around to see that it was who I thought it was... Haruka. Haruka and her gang, but also the girl that told me to stay away from my best friends was tagging along with them. “Where are you headed off to? Not to see... One of the guys... Right?” The girls next to Haruka cooed. I gulped, bot sure of what to do. I didn’t want another hospital trip on my hands. “A-Anyah.” I said trying to lie. Haruka laughed. “She’s lying. Jae Jung, don’t you know you told me all your secrets... I know you can’t lie, I know you HATE to lie.” My eyes dropped and I looked at the ground for a second. “After my warning, you still are trying to see them? You really have some nerve.” She said clenching her fists together. “Looks like you are going to have to die. I really wasn’t kidding when I made that threat.” The girls all took out their pocket knives, and within an instant my face turned as white as a sheet. Haruka smiled and brought out one of her own.
    “Get Her.” She simply said. They started to walk forward, and before they could run, I did. I ran as if my life depended on it. My life wasn’t going to end here and I wasn’t going to end my life because they thought they were the superior ones of me. “RUN!” They said from behind me, and before I knew it I could hear 6 pairs of shoes stomping on the sidewalk floor. I skidded through the alleyways, huffing and puffing trying to las through this long agonizing run, but I didn’t care, I had to find a way to escape them before I really couldn’t breath. “STOP RUNNING! YOUR IN FOR IT NOW!” I heard them calling from behind me. My face began to show more and more fear, and right when I thought I had found a way out of the dreaded alleyways, I found a dead end. A dead end. My death was waiting for me now. I banged and thudded then fence with everything I had. “LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! SOMEONE HELP! HELP HELP!” I screamed as hot tears began to run down my face.
    As they got closer my screams got louder, just hoping for someone to hear me screaming. I didn’t want my life to be over. “DONGHO! DONGHO! HELP! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!” I called as I turned my head to see the group of girls just a few feet away from me. I panicked and slowly climbed up the fence that lay before me. “YOU CAN’T RUN ANYWHERE NOW! I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOR QUITE A WHILE!” Haruka screamed from behind me. After she said that my endurance to live was limitless. I climbed up the fence and struggled myself over. Unluckily, I fell on the hard rock floor, blocking my head from the blow with my arms. I slowly got up and saw the girls all running for the fence, I sat up quickly and ran out a different direction.
    I exited the alleyways and into a busy street, I breathed short breaths, I was dirty, hurt, and my hair was a mess. I didn’t know where to go, I had no idea where to run. But I knew only one person to run to... Dongho. I ran as fast as I could to the cafe and I saw him sitting there staring at his phone, and then the wall clock fervently waiting for me. I ran in. “Dongho!!” I yelled to him. He quickly looked up and saw the position I was in and quickly ran over to me. “WHAT HAPPENED JAE JUNG?! WHAT HAPPENED?!” He said as he grabbed a hold of my face. I started to cry even harder. “T-T-They were trying to kill me!!!!!” I finally managed to say as I looked out the cafe window. His eyes widened and he met eyes with me once again. “WHO WAS TRYING TO KILL YOU?!?!” I cried even harder as the thought of the girls came crawling back into my thoughts. “WHO?!” Dongho rose his voice even more. “HARUKA AND HER FRIENDS!” I snapped and went back to crying.
    Dongho stiffened, and I then looked up at him. His eyes showed hatred and despair. “Get up.” He said stepping up from the cafe floor holding a hand out. “W-What?” I said as I looked at his hand. “You heard me. Get Up.” I slowly put my hand in his and he lifted me up from the floor and we walked out of the cafe without looking back. “Where are we going?” I asked him as I looked around my surroundings paranoid thinking that Haruka and her friends would be somewhere near us. “Soohyun’s house.” “Waeyo?” I said sniffling wiping the tears away from my eyes with my cardigan sleeve. “Because we are!! Your not safe right now! Where else are you supposed to go?!?” He did have a point. We power walked to Soohyun’s house. We finally reached the front of his door and he knocked on it. Soohyun was standing in the doorway when his eyes shifted to me. He freaked out.
    “WHAT HAPPENED?! WHO DID THIS?! WHO!!!!!!!” He yelled as he checked my face, head, and arms. Dongho told him when I had told him and we all walked inside his house. “What happened Jae Jung.. From the beginning.” Soohyun said as he handed me a water bottle. I took it from his hands and then looked at him once more. “I have to tell you everything?” “Everything. Don’t leave ANYTHING out.” i nodded and began to explaining everything, from the date with dongho, to when I had been in the alley and to now. “That sick Bit-” Dongho covered his mouth before he could say anything further. “We all know what she is but lets not say things like that out loud.” Dongho said to him with a serious look plastered onto his face. “When are the other coming?” I asked them as I played with my fingers. “Soon.. But right now I need to take care of your wounds.” Soohyun said as he was walking out of the living room.
    I slowly nodded and took another sip of my water. “How are you feeling?” Dongho asked me as he watched me. “I’m... fine...” I managed to let out. “Really Jae Jung... How are you really?” Tears started to well up in my eyes, and I then looked at him. “I’m doing horrible. I didn’t expect to be facing life or death today. I could have been dead right now if I hadn’t of ran away from them. Knowing that I was so close to death today.... It scares me.” Dongho came over and hugged me. “Don’t worry, me and the others will deal with those es if it’s the last thing I do.” I nodded and cried harder into his chest.


Annyeong Kiss Me's!! I made you wait long again did I?

Well, You guys don't mind all the drama I've been adding right?


You have no idea how much it means to me!!! I really appreciate it!

I know, I'm freaking out over 1000 people.. But who wouldn't?!?!?






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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8