What I Like About You Seven.

U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

     3:45am... 3:45am I should be asleep but really... I wasn't I sat at the end of my bed, hugging onto my unicorn pillow pet stairing off into space. I wasn't happy, I wasn't happy at all. I was agitated, sleepy, and confused. "Soohyun...AJ...Eli...Kevin...Hoon...Kiseop...Dongho... GET OUT OF MY DREAMS!" I said to myself. I fell onto my bed again and went into a fit of screams. Why are they there again? I don't even think about them! Never have, and I never will! I just won't! I sat there for a second letting the silence envelop my room for awhile until I finally stood up and walked to my closet. I put on a jacket and slipped on my converse. I walked down the stairs and quietly walked out the front door. 'Fresh air is all I need... That's all I need..' I thought to myself walking down the sidewalk. I had my phone with me just incase some was to start stalking me, so I decided to be extra careful. It was still dark outside, and it was cold. I watched every breath escape from my mouth. I stopped in my tracks and then turned around to look at my house. "What am I doing? Really! I've gotten to rebellious I'm trying to take a walk this late?" i said to myself and walked back to my house. Instead of walking around I stayed on the steps of my house just sitting their thinking. 'Why am I actually thinking of who I like more? This is insane! Jae Jung! They are only friends! Nothing more!' I thought putting my head between my knees. I didn't know what to do anymore. This was completely insane.

     It was finally about 4:30am and I was still outside trying to figure out what I should do. A moment later my front door opened. There was my Eomma, still dressed in her PJ's looking down at me. "Jae Jung, What's wrong? Why are you out here this early?" She said sitting down next to me. I slumped my shoulders. "Eomma... I'm having troubles." I mumbled to her looking at the sidewalk in front of me. "What kind of problems?" "Men problems." Eomma sat up a little bit, I could tell she was pleased that she could finally give me advise on guys because I have never asked her about it before till this moment. "What kind of problems honey?" I looked at her a little nervous to tell her, and I was becoming a bit more shy that what I was before. "Well, I have 7 friends now... And their all guys. Yesterday I took a nap and I dreamt about all seven of them saying 'Jae Jung-Ah who will you choose in the end? I hope you pick me!' ever since then it's been stuck in my head and now a while ago I dreamt of them again! What does that mean?" I had blurted everything out without taking a single breath. She looked at me and smiled a bit. She took my bangs out from my eyes. I looked down again and sighed. "Well, Honey... Looks like you have them all on your mind. I haven't been in this type of experience but it seems like you need some help." I nodded my head. I really did need help.

     "Well honey, I can only give you this advice and this only. I can tell that your starting to grow a liking to them all... But you can't have them all. You have to pick one that you really like. One that'll always be there for you, protect you, love you, make you happy, and will never leave you. But I can tell your probably going to end up saying 'But Eomma I don't want to think about this! I don't like them!'" She said doing a fail mimic of me. I laughed a bit and she continued talking. "Well honey, you'll eventually have to think about this, I know you don't want to now but it'll still be in the back of your head. You'll figure it out eventually... Don't worry." She said rubbing my back assuredly. i smiled and hugged her. "Eomma... I wish you were always here for me like this.." A tear escaped my eye. "Believe me, I wish I was here for you 24/7. I'll make you a promise." I let go of her and looked at her. "I promise that I'll make time for you... When you need advise I won't ignore it, I'll always answer, and if you ever need a day to spend time with me I'll take a day off of work to hang out with you..." I smiled and hugged her again. "Thank you Eomma! Thanks for being right here when I really needed you. It made me happy." I said to her truthfully. I really needed Eomma. And today, she actually was here. "Jae Jung, It's cold outside! Let's go inside and get some rest?" I nodded and we both stood up and entered the house. We walked up the stairs together and I walked into my room. My Eomma followed me. "Hop into bed sweetie." I did as told and my side. She tucked me in and I began to laugh.

     "Eomma! I'm a little to old to be getting tucked into bed!" I said to her slightly laughing. She smiled. "I barely did it when you were little.. So I'll do it now. Do you want me to read Goodnight Moon to you?" I thought about it for a second. "No, that's alright. you should go to bed Eomma, you have work to get to." I said to her. She nodded and stood up from my bed. "Okay Honey. I'll see you later okay?" I nodded my head. "I'll see you later Eomma. I love you." I said to her. She nodded. "I love you to! With all my heart!" She turned of my light and closed the door. I sat in the dark lying down. My eyes slowly began to droop and within moments later I fell into a dreamless sleep.

~ Hours Later ~

     Hours later I woke up from my sleep ecstatic that I didn't have a dream about the guys. I slowly rose from my bed and rubbed my eyes. "Thank goodness its the weekend." I said to myself. I looked at my phone to check the time. It was already 1 in the afternoon. I sighed to look at all the missed calls I had from the guys. "Wow... I have 10 missed calls from Soohyun ,One from Dongho, and Two from Kiseop." I laughed a bit and decided to text Soohyun trying to see what they wanted.

Soohyun! Mihanae for not calling back... I was asleep (/^o^)/ -Jae Jung~

     I closed my phone and slowly got dressed, not looking forward to anything that was about to happen today. I don't know why but today I feel really... Neutral. I put my IPod onto the iPod dock and 'Take Off'.  Not more than a moment later my phone began to move around on my desk from the violent vibrating. I clicked the screen and opened the new text message.

Sleeping? Till this late ;A;? Were you watching dramas till all hours of the night last night hmm?? *-* -Soohyun

What? No, I wasn't actually, I just woke up early this morning _ _ll Wish I didn't though.. -Jae Jung

What are you doing today Jae Jung? @(*0*)@ -Soohyun

Nothing that i know of.... -Jae Jung

Wanna hang out? -Soohyun

Maybe, I'm going to go! I'm going to take a shower~ :D -Jae Jung

mmkay Best Friend, Later! :D -Soohyun

     I closed my phone and threw it on the bed. I didn't want to hang out with them today. I needed to think about this. I walked down the stairs and grabbed something to eat. It was completely quiet in my house. My parents were gone, Hyo was off at Seoul National University, and here was I sitting at the dining room table feeling like a complete loner. The first thing that I was going to do was admit things that I liked about each and every one of the guys. I thought about who I should start with. And I decided to go from oldest to youngest, and the first was Soohyun. "Well.. What I like about Soohyun is how much he cares for me, and how he wants to be my best friend... He is cute I have to admit. And whenever he finds out I'm hurt he runs to my house without stopping just to see if I'm okay..." I laughed a bit. "Why am I admitting what I like about all these guys? I mean, I'm all alone! But.. I should keep going to see who I like more..?" I sighed and continued with what I was doing. "Kiseop. He's really nice, although he laughs when I cry at dramas I still can't help but find him really cute. He's weird but it works on him. And I like that he worries for me also."

     I poked my chin and though of who I should talk about next. Then I smiled wide. "Eli, He seems like he's some type of badass, although he is with his cool skills of kung fu, but when I really got to know him he's really caring and sweet, He cares for me a lot and doesn't want to see me alone ever again, and I like him for that... He's also... pretty y. WAIT NO CUTE!!!!! CUTE!" I slammed my head onto the table. I knew I had to keep going if I want to clear my feeling I have to keep going. "AJ... He's the most protective over me, he can't stand seeing me hurt, and I like that he cares for me so much. He's always there whenever I'm in distress, which makes me feel at ease when I walk around the school. When he sometimes wears his glasses I can't help but think how cute he looks in them, he's really cute, especially when his hair isn't in his eyes. Hoon, like AJ, he's protective over me and i like that about him. He's always there to talk to me whenever I need someone to talk to. I like the color of his eyes a lot.. Especially when they stand out the most on a sunny day. Whenever I need to talk to someone he's there. Kevin, he's really adorable. He and I can easily talk to each other and we study harder when were both around each other. Kevin is really tall and skinny but it works on him and only him. I can't help but like how he styles his hair to... Lastly, theirs Dongho. Dongho is super adorable... I like his chubby cheeks and the way he comes after me if I leave suddenly. Whenever I become quiet it doesn't feel awkward at all, because in the end we find something else to talk about. I especially like his looks when he becomes surprised."

     I thought more, trying to figure out if I had missed anything about any of them, but really I let out everything that I liked about them all. I let out a sigh. "I feel so much better!!!" i said with a smile on my face. Those real feelings about them were always bottled up inside and I never let them out. Now that I have I feel like a small weight had been lifted on my shoulders. I sat at the table quiet for a moment. I slumped my shoulders. "Why do I still feel a bit bugged? I said everything, shouldn't I feel all great and dandy??" I stood up and walked around the kitchen island singing my thoughts. "Why, Do, I feel no Saaatisfied? I I I I confessed my Feeeeelings! Feeelings!" i stopped. "This isn't working either?!" I poked my cheek a bit and then smiled. "Oh Oh Oh ppareul saranghae Ah ah ah ah manhi manhihae Sujubeuni jebal utji mayo Jinsim ini nollijido marayo Tto babogateun mal ppunya" I broke out into dancing 'Oh!' trying to take my mind off all of the things I had just said and everything that I did was unsuccessful. "I really need to find different methods to forgetting things..." I said to myself rubbing my head.

~ AJ's Point Of View ~

     I was sitting in front of the TV screen to busy playing games with Kevin. Jae Jung wasn't up for hanging out today and all the guys were trying to figure out something to do, so I invited Kevin over just to sit around my house and be lazy. "Oh! AJ Shoot it Shoot it!" Kevin said scooting up closer to the screen. "Yah! Kevin! I can't see where I'd be shooting since your head  is blocking my view!" I said from my desk. Kevin tilted his head a bit allowing me to see. I shot the target. "YOU DID IT AJ!" Kevin said happily laughing. I laughed a bit. "Yeah, I did." i said bluntly. Kevin was always this hyped when we played games like this. Don't know why but he always ended up like this. I guess that's why playing games with him are more entertaining than playing with the serious Dongho. Moments later I heard my phone ringing I turned to look at my phone to see that it was Jae Jung calling me. I smiled and answered the phone. "H-" Before I could even say Hello I noticed that Jae Jung was already talking. I wonder to who though? But when I listened to what she was saying I realized that she was talking to herself... About me and the other guys.

      "Well.. What I like about Soohyun is how much he cares for me, and how he wants to be my best friend... He is cute I have to admit. And whenever he finds out I'm hurt he runs to my house without stopping just to see if I'm okay... Why am I admitting what I like about all these guys? I mean, I'm all alone! But.. I should keep going to see who I like more..? Kiseop. He's really nice, although he laughs when I cry at dramas I still can't help but find him really cute. He's weird but it works on him. And I like that he worries for me also." I looked at my phone a bit shocked. I shouldn't be hearing this but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to hear what she had to say about me. "Eli, He seems like he's some type of badass, although he is with his cool skills of kung fu, but when I really got to know him he's really caring and sweet, He cares for me a lot and doesn't want to see me alone ever again, and I like him for that... He's also... pretty y. WAIT NO CUTE!!!!! CUTE!" I laughed a bit, because she called Eli y and completely denied it to the air.

     "AJ... He's the most protective over me, he can't stand seeing me hurt, and I like that he cares for me so much. He's always there whenever I'm in distress, which makes me feel at ease when I walk around the school. When he sometimes wears his glasses I can't help but think how cute he looks in them, he's really cute, especially when his hair isn't in his eyes." After she talked about me I began blushing like mad. I can't believe she actually thinks I'm cute! CUTE! I didn't expect that. After she talked about me I didn't hear what else she had to say about the other guys. I closed my phone before she could finally realize that she had -dialed me. I was felt so happy now that I had heard that. I should really keep it a secret from her. I shouldn't tell her that I know what she said... I should respect her privacy. "AJ.... .AJ.... AYYYYY JAYYYYY!" I quickly turned my head to the side to see that Kevin was waving his hands all around. I looked him up and down. "W-What??" "You blanked out... And your pink... Something happen?" I laughed nervously, rubbed my head and reached for my glasses on the desk. I slowly put them on and smiled at him. "Nothings wrong... Every things just fine!" I smiled at Kevin and went back to the game.

'I should start wearing my glasses more often...'



Yo Kiss Me's :3 You guys don't mind me calling you all 'Kiss-Me's' Right?? :33

Hope you liked this chapter!! I wanted to add something to make you go "OMO! HE KNOWS!"... Did it? :33

400 views now! GHANSAMNIDA! **Bows** You guys are so awesome~ I hope I get more  subscribers??

Oh, And I wanna say something to: Super-KissMe

ehehe Hey! When I looked at your comment and saw the " (/^o^)/" emoticon I just HAD to use it~ lol I'm weird... I know~ @(^0^)@




p.s. Do You guys like my new poster for this Story?? Capsule did it! I love her for doing it so great :DDD



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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8