Special Chapter: Taehyung's POV

He's a Young One

   The sky looked dark; maybe it’s going to rain one of these days, I randomly thought to myself as I took a sip of the Americano. Jimin was walking towards the table where I sat with his usual smile, Yoongi tagging along with him. Why is he so happy in the morning? I wish I could have his cheerfulness; I don’t even feel like smiling today.


Especially not after I realized the girl I’ve been crushing on for a year actually likes another guy.


“Yo, guess who got together with his long-time crush the other day~” Jimin sang out once he took a seat in front of me while wiggling his eyebrows for added effects. Yoongi and Namjoon only yawned at him as an answer, showing that they didn’t want to guess nor know about my non-existent love life either. Only Jimin was excited as he ignored our reaction to his words earlier and smiled widely at me.


On other times, I would’ve joined him in his little cheerful world but not this time. I don’t even have the spirit to even smile right now.


“Yah, you didn’t even tell us that you’re actually dating Yeoreum, you’ve been keeping this secret from us all this time, you jerk!” Before Jimin could even continue his little rant, I cut him off by saying the complete truth.


“We’re not even dating for real; I’m going to break it off with her soon.” That was my only answer as I took a sip of my Americano, trying to calm the hurricane inside my mind. My words earned a curious stare from all three of my housemates, demanding an explanation from my words earlier.


Namjoon actually stopped scrolling his Twitter timeline and stared at me before asking, “You’re breaking it off with Summer? It doesn’t make sense when you’ve liked her for so long,” before he took a sip on his coffee and stared at me worryingly.


I sighed heavily as if all of my frustrations would go away along with that sigh as I smiled bitterly at them before answering, “It doesn’t matter how long I’ve liked her when she likes someone else.”


To that, they only nodded in understanding while Yoongi patted my back to show his sympathy. We aren’t the type to discuss our love lives except in some situation, but even then we didn’t elaborate things like girls do.


At this point in time, I wasn’t even sure if what I felt for Yeoreum was only a mere crush; I think I’ve fallen in love with her. I wasn’t thinking straight when I offered myself to be her fake boyfriend; I should’ve controlled my feelings from going even deeper than it already was. For something that I’ve gotten myself into, this actually hurts a lot that I ever thought it would be.


I should’ve seen the way she looked at that boy, the way she smiled at him and the way she reacted to his words and actions.


His mere existence clearly affected Yeoreum so much; I was blinded by love and hope that I didn’t realize the fact that she likes him.


It took me only a few seconds staring at the way they looked at each other that particular night to realize that I should’ve let her go and forget my feelings towards her.


After a few minutes pondering over my decision, I dialled her number hoping that she would agree to go on a date with me.


Just one last date, I will let her go.




    Pulling over at the front of her gate, I saw Yeoreum waiting in front of the gate looking as beautiful as she has always been. If there’s one thing that caught my eyes the first time I looked at her, it would be her fashion sense. She always had great style and knows what kind of clothes fits her best.


I watched as she smiled at me and walked towards the passenger side of the car to get in.


“You’re quite early today; it’s like 5 more minutes before 10 a.m.,” She commented as she wore the seatbelts and took off the scarves wrapped around her neck. “Is it cold?” I asked as I the heater to a higher setting than I usually use. “What do you mean? It’s December, Kim Taehyung. Haven’t you looked at the calendar?” She mocked while clicking her tongue at me.


How can I even keep up with the months when all I’ve been thinking about is my feelings towards her?


I decided to keep my mouth shut and switched on the radio to lighten up my dark mood. After all, I will finally be breaking it off with her today since I know that she won’t do it; she may seem like a cold-hearted person but I know that she’s not someone who would hurt other people’s feelings so carelessly, which is why she haven’t broken the deal with me yet.


Just my luck, the song playing on the radio is a song called ‘Run’ by some new idol group I don’t remember the name of. The lyrics just describes what I’ve been feeling right now, I can’t even open up a good topic to talk about when the only thing running on my mind was how exactly I muster up my courage to break it off with her.


Truthfully, I don’t want to let her go.


But then, her heart wasn’t mine and never was mine to begin with.


“Hey, do you think there will be many people at the cinema today? I mean, I’ve seen great reviews for the movie so there’ll probably many people trying to watch it,” Yeoreum suddenly asked excitedly as she took the ticket I handed to her before we walked inside the mall. Since it’s winter and the only date we could do is going to the movies, I decided to buy a pair of tickets for ‘The Martian’ since we don’t really watch romance movies.


“I don’t know, people are probably going to watch ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ or something,” I replied to her question earlier and almost stiffen when I felt her taking my hand, entwining it together.


Kim Taehyung, you’re here to break it off with her, this is not a real date!


I scolded myself while picturing myself being slapped by anonymous hands from many angles to keep me from trailing off and forget about the real reason I asked her out today.


“Yah, let’s buy popcorns first, the movie won’t start until 10 minutes later anyways,” I said as we walked towards the counter selling popcorns and snacks. She nodded excitedly as she ordered a bucket of caramel popcorns and two soft drinks, before leaving me to pay for it with a wide smile. I clicked my tongue at her childishness; that’s what made me fell even deeper for her.


After I paid for the popcorn and bringing the purchase to her, I noticed that the smile on her face vanished like someone just took an eraser and erased the smiles off her face almost instantly. What happened while I was paying for the popcorns?


“Oh, you’re here! Give me my popcorns!” She exclaimed in a faked excited tone; a fake smile plastered on her face as she took the popcorn bucket from me.


Her actions made my curious level went up a notch; what has actually happened to her in that mere few minutes I left her?


When she suddenly hugged my free arm and rushed me to walk inside the theatre because she can’t wait to watch the movie, I was becoming even more curious. “Yah, what happened to you—” I couldn’t finish my sentences when my eyes caught a familiar figure at the corner of my eyes.


It was that Junhwe kid with a pretty girl beside him, laughing happily to each other. The girl looked familiar until I remembered that she was Chanwoo’s girlfriend’s seatmate. What was her name; it was Jihyo or something.


My heart suddenly boiled up with anger as I watched the scene; they were probably going to watch some romance movie from the looks of it. They were laughing and even held hands like a couple!


I tried to control myself from lashing out at the boy by tightening my jaw and looked at Yeoreum beside me; she was still faking her smiles. At that moment, I knew that she probably saw them while she was waiting for me earlier, which was why her expression suddenly changed.


“Don’t worry, Yeoreum, I’ll be here for you if you need me,” I whispered to her as I let go of her arm and her hair, not caring that she will hear my words.


I find myself at a crossroads; how can I leave her if I know that she would be crying over that boy later when she gets home?


I couldn’t even concentrate on the movie when I was still contemplating over my decision to break it off with her.


A/N: I know it's short, but the continuation will be on the next chapter! The next chapter will be updated within this week or Friday, I'm not quite sure. I'm sad that there are some of you that hate Taehyung though, he's my baby LOL please don't hate him, he's not a bad character ^^

Keeping up the drama until next chapter! 

P/S: Purposely put Jihyo there just because it's Twice's comeback and she's my bias hahaha 

Expected update: 29/4/2016

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Might be posting a special chapter soon as a small gift for everyone who subscribed and read "H's A Young One"! Thank you everyone!!


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Chapter 32: i finished this in one go and i'm very happy with the ending!!! i've been looking for some good june's fics and i'm so glad that i found yours! thank you for this <3
eleutheromaniac #2
Hi there! Your review is ready for pickup over at kodawari.

Chapter 32: Gushes with feels cuz can lol. Great story authornim!!!!!! \0/
SomedayStory33 #4
Chapter 32: OMG~ I forgot my acc, I forgot to checking update, and when I'm back, ta dah!!! This story was completed!! I really really love this story, authornim. ILYSM ❤❤❤❤
honeii #5
Chapter 32: Heol i cant believe this is the end!! ㅠㅠ you're so great authornim!! Thank you sooo much!! ㅠㅠ i thought i was going to read a scene but naaaah.. I LOVE JUNHOE in #WYD he's so perfect!! ♡♡
fruace #6
Chapter 32: epilouge: :,) thank u so much!! continue writing !!! eat well too!
Chapter 32: And the story is completed.... I'm so happy! That it turned out so amazingly! I had so much fun reading this story and it was really great to be so excited every time an update would happen. The ending was so cute and I really loved that Junhwe went to the military for some reason LOL...Thanks for writing such a cute and fun fic!!
laclaralala #8
Chapter 32: Thanks Lord youre not leaving me hangin on the "final" chapter hahahahhaa thanks for the story! I hope u can write other iKON's story
Chapter 32: This story was one heck of an emotional rollercoaster and I praise you for making it so damn satisfying for us thirsty fangirls lol ily so much
Chapter 32: I can die happily. This hoe is finally in love. How sweet, my baby is growing up (even tho he's older than me lol)