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Noona's Diary
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Seungkwan: *record himself on a camera* Hey guys, it’s me Boo Seungkwan a.k.a Diva Boo. Now, I’m on a mission which is very hard and almost impossible to do. Only a skilled person like me can do it. *smirking* Alright, I’ll tell you where I am now. I’m currently in my noona’s room. It’s so dark and scary like her. She’s not at home because she’s staying in her own apartment near her college. Yes, she’s still studying at college. One day, I will study at the college too. Okay, the reason why I invaded her room is I want to search for her diary. I know it’s not nice to read other people’s diary but........it’s fun though. Besides, I’m not that nice too. I’m kinda a naughty boy and love to tease. Please don’t think dirty. I’m still underage. Now, let’s begin our search.

*30 minutes later*

Seungkwan: Tadaaa!!!! Ahahahahahah!!! This is the diary that we’ve been looking for. She’s really good at hiding it, but Diva Boo is easily found it. *self-bragged* My brothers and I are so curious about it. Noona never show it to us. Maybe she wrote something bad about us? Hmm... Let’s go see my brothers so we can read it together.

*a few minutes later*

Seungkwan: Hi! It’s Diva Boo again, but he’s not alone~~ he’s with his brothers!!! Well, we’re not real brothers. We’re not even related to each other.

Mingyu: *shouts at the back* Come on!!! Enough with all your craps and let’s read the diary!!! I can’t wait anymore!!!

Seungkwan: *rolls his eyes* Okay, one of my brothers is so impatient. So let’s get start, shall we?


Hi diary. My name is Park Soyul. A 20 year-old college student. I never write a diary before. So I tried to write one. It’s not wrong trying something new, right? Now, I’m having my holiday which is veeerrrryyy long. I know it’s fun. What’s more fun is tomorrow is my birthday! But my mum said there’s no birthday party. It’s okay, I don’t need a birthday party at all. I’ve already grown up. Also, my mum said she has a surprise for me tomorrow? I wonder what it is... Maybe birthday presents? Hmm..... Okay, it’s getting late now, I want to sleep. Good night!!!


Soonyoung: What a boring diary......

Seungkwan: Let’s just read the next one.


Dear diary,

I’m back.....yeah..... I have mixed feelings right now. Why? Well, today is my birthday and yesterday my mum said she has a surprise for me. So I expected it as a present like new laptop, headphones and some other gadgets since I favored them.............but I didn’t expected my presents are siblings. I repeat, SIBLINGS. With S. Not 2, not 3 and not even 5. But 13. All boys and they’re younger than me. First, I asked my mum who are they. She said that they are my new siblings. She just adopted them a few days ago at an orphanage. Well, I don’t mind that my mum wants to adopt children but......13 are too much. I didn’t say anything about it, afraid it will hurt their feelings. So, I welcomed them with a........slightly......open heart. Because 13 boys are too much to handle and I’m not used in taking care of younger siblings. *sigh* I just.........yeah......... I’m going to bed now. Bye and good night.


Seokmin: Oho.... Do you guys remember how her expression when meeting with us for the first time?


Wonwoo: Okay, read the next one. Maybe she wrote something about us.


Hey diary! I’m back! I’ve been busy on taking care of my new brothers so I don’t have time to write. And these days too I’ve learn about them. Wanna know???

Choi Seungcheol- the oldest one and more mature than the others. So I can depend on him of taking care the others. Well of course I would help him. I’m not that mean to ask him do it alone. Besides, he’s a responsible boy and obedient. I like him.


Mingyu: I hate it when she always praised Seungcheol hyung.

Seungcheol: Jealous~~~


Yoon Jeonghan- the prettiest among them. At first I thought he was a girl with his long hair and angelic face. But.......yeah.......everything is a lie. He’s same age as Seungcheol. By the way, his hair is gorgeous. I’m slightly jealous of it.


Jeonghan: Yup, noona. Everything is a lie. Can’t blame me though, I just love having long hair.

Jihoon: And you always use noona’s shampoo secretly.

Jeonghan: It makes my hair looks prettier.


Joshua Hong Jisoo- my mum said that his parents died because of accident in L.A. So his relatives brought him back to Korea and send him to the orphanage. Poor boy. His relatives didn’t want to take care of him. Don’t worry, your noona is here~~~ He’s really good and obedient boy.


Jisoo: Yeah... Noona is always taking care of me. She’s really kind.

Seungkwan: Kind for you... For me, she’s evil.

Jisoo: You’re more evil. You should drink holy water every day.


Wen Junhui- I was surprised to see that I have a Chinese sibling. Well it’s okay. Maybe he can teach me some Chinese. And also he can do martial art. Wow. My mum even decided to send him to a martial art class which made him super happy.


Junhui: I’m a pro now. I can protect all of us, especially our little Minghao.

Minghao: *blush*

Seokmin: Oh please.... No flirting here...


Kwon Soonyoung- a kid with 10:10 eyes. It looks cute though. I learn that he likes to dance especially to girl groups’ dances. Even I cannot dance like he does. He’s very close to Seokmin and Seungkwan. These trio are troublemakers. Especially THAT one. I will tell who.


Soonyoung: Hohoho... I think I know who is that... * looking at a certain diva*


Jeon Wonwoo- an emo kid, a blank kid, a never smile kid. Those were my first impressions when I talked to him. But then, those impressions changed when I saw him talking to Mingyu. He must be really close to him as he seems always with Mingyu.


Wonwoo: Am I?

All: YES.


Lee Jihoon- the shortest, cutest, smallest, adorablest (is that even a word?) kid that I’ve ever met. The moment I saw him, I just want to pinch his cheeks and keep in my pocket forever. I can’t believe it when he said he is 14 years old because I thought he is 10 years old, or maybe younger than that. The weird thing about him is I always saw him clinging to Seungcheol all the time. Are they a couple or what? They’re too young to be gays...! I want to tell him that but I was scared of his death glares. Yup, don’t judge a book by it’s cover.


Seungcheol: Hah! Even our noona scared of Jihoon.

Jihoon: *sitting on Seungcheol’s lap* *smirking*

Jeonghan: You guys are so disgusting... We’re still minors though.


Lee Seokmin- a bright and always smiling kid. He also has an amazing voice and he’s very close to Soonyoung and Seungkwan. Like I said before, these trio are troublemakers. And very hard to handle.


Seokmin: We’re just have too much energy.

Soonyoung: And we love to tease the others.

Seokmin & Soonyoung: *high five*


Kim Mingyu- the tallest among them. Not to mention he easily get sick. Very close to Wonwoo. He even insist on sharing room with him. Of course Wonwoo didn’t mind about it. He’s more than happy on sharing room with Mingyu.

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pcyswife #1
Chapter 1: im laughing hard at 10:00 PM at night reading this omg i will bookmarked this ofc
Eskimeo #2
Chapter 1: It's really cute, I love the idea of them pestering a noona haha ^.^ and the ships of course!!!!