Write our love story

Realizing your worth...

Write our love story

He still loves him even when the other wants to follow his dream first.

Jongin sighed as he looked at Kyungsoo crouching at the laptop again.

“Kyungsoo, don’t you want to watch a movie today?”

“I’m making a story for the magazine, Jongin. Maybe next time, okay?”

“But I haven’t seen you outside your room for 2 weeks!” Jongin whined.

“You know that this is my dream, Jongin. I want this. Don’t you want your friend to be happy?” Kyungsoo pouted.

“I want you to be happy but-“

“Then don’t disturb me and go look for Sehun instead. Luhan left to meet that basketball player again.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Why can’t Sehun just say it to Luhan?” Jongin groaned.

“He doesn’t want Luhan to worry, now go.”

Jongin looked down as he went outside Kyungsoo’s house.

It was the 6th time that Kyungsoo rejected Jongin’s offer to hang out and he’s seriously upset now.

So, he ended up at Joonmyeon’s office.

“Jongin, you know that Kyungsoo loves to write stories, right?”

“I know that but don’t I deserve even a second of his time? It’s just… it’s sad to think that Kyungsoo’s world revolves around stories other than us. Us that is his friends!” Jongin pouted as he leaned back on the office chair.

“He loves what he do. We can’t change Kyungsoo for who he is, Jongin. All we can do is accept him. We’re just his friends after all.” Joonmyeon shrugged.

“He didn’t even know what day it is tomorrow even.” Jongin sobbed.

“Don’t cry, Jongin.” Joonmyeon hugged Jongin.

The next day, Jongin held a deep breath as he waited.


Jongin walked to the stage as he receive his diploma.

Everyone was there even Baekhyun who was still broken without Chanyeol.

Chanyeol even greeted him on SNS and delivered a new pair of shoes from London for him.

Jongin’s still sad though because a certain person wasn’t there.

They arrived at the restaurant and Jongin just eat gloomily.

“Jongin, come on. Don’t be sad. You just graduated.” Luhan patted Jongin’s head.

“And that one person who promised to come, didn’t. It’s… so disappointing.” Jongin frowned.

What they didn’t know, Baekhyun was slowly getting angry at Kyungsoo.

As soon as Jongin came home, he called Chanyeol who’s one of his closest buddies.

“J-Jongin? It’s 3 o’clock in the morning here. Are you okay?”

“I-I’m sorry if I disturbed your sleep. I-I just need you right now.”

“What happened?”

“Kyungsoo… he didn’t come.” Jongin’s tears fell.

“I… it’s such a surprise. Kyungsoo doesn’t miss any of your celebration before.” Chanyeol mumbled but Jongin heard it nonetheless.

“I know… I don’t know if I can keep up with him any longer.”

“You love him, right? And when you love someone, you accept all of his imperfections.”

“Then why did you leave just because Baekhyun didn’t choose you?!”

Chanyeol sighed as this was getting out of hand and Jongin’s emotions are all over the place already.

“It’s for me. It’s to find myself and think of a lot of things.”

“For 3 years?”

“Jongin, it’s never easy for me to leave him too but I needed this. We both needed this.”

“Don’t you think that I should do that as well?”

“It depends, to be honest. You’re not one to leave a friend even when he makes you sad.” Chanyeol bit his lip.

Jongin nodded as he thinks it will be tough for him especially because he’s in love with Kyungsoo.

“Maybe… we needed time apart.” Jongin decided.

“I don’t know, Jongin. I think the two of you should talk it out. Let him know how you feel.” Chanyeol encouraged Jongin.

“I tried so many times. I always end up looking like a fool.” Jongin looked down as he remembered all those times.

“I’m still not sure with your decision but make sure that you’ll be okay.” Chanyeol pleaded, worried for his friend.

“Yeah. Thanks, Chanyeol.” Jongin chuckled.

“And one more thing, take care of Baekhyun. Please?”

Jongin nodded as he bit his lip.

Jongin didn’t want Chanyeol to know the horror of Baekhyun’s mind.

Speaking of Baekhyun…

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun was seated across each other at Kyungsoo’s house.

Kyungsoo was still on his laptop even though Baekhyun was staring at him intently.

“So what’s up? Did anything bad happened to you?”

“Not to me. But you might have to say sorry to Jongin though.”

“Huh? What do you mean? Did he whine to you about yesterday? I told him I’m working.” Kyungsoo face palmed.

“Look at your calendar, stupid.” Baekhyun glared as he stood up.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kyungsoo placed his laptop beside and stood in front of Baekhyun.

“So now you let go of your laptop?” Baekhyun scoffed.

“If you’re just here to be rude, then leave. I have lots more work to do than to mess around with you.” Kyungsoo glared.

“Okay. Don’t forget to check your calendar though because you really need it.” Baekhyun left while banging the door close.

Kyungsoo took his laptop and went to his room.

“What’s he talking about?” Kyungsoo mumbled as he searched his calendar.

Kyungsoo was horrified when he saw what day it is today.

It was Jongin’s graduation day.

“Kyungsoo, I’m going to graduate soon!” Jongin squealed.

“Good! You’ll do lots of stuff now that you’re out of school, huh?” Kyungsoo smirked.

“I won’t rebel, you know?” Jongin stuck his tongue out.

“Oh really?”

“Yup! Now you will go to the ceremony, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Kyungsoo pinched Jongin’s cheek.

“Jongin.” Kyungsoo mumbled as he hurriedly went out of the house.

Jongin was watching a replay of EXO Next Door when the doorbell rang.

“Weird. I’m not expecting anyone tonight.” Jongin mumbled to himself.

Jongin opened the door and revealed Kyungsoo who was catching his breath.

“Kyungsoo? What are you doing here? I don’t have any extra pencil if that’s what you’re asking.” Jongin looked down.

“I… I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo bit his lip.

“It’s okay. I understand.” Jongin smiled tight lipped.

“R-Really? You’re not mad?” Kyungsoo’s eyes widen.

“I was, to be honest. But I decided to put it behind me. I’m not as childish as I was before now, Kyungsoo.” Jongin scratched the back of his neck.

“You’ve matured well.” Kyungsoo chuckled as he patted Jongin’s head.

Jongin cursed as to why he’s still flustered with Kyungsoo when it’s so awkward.

“Should I treat you somewhere? You know, because I couldn’t attend it?”

“No, it’s fine. You need more time for that story you’re working on.” Jongin patted Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

“Whoa. You’re really maturing.” Kyungsoo laughed.

“Yeah. I’ll see you, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks again for giving me time for that story.” Kyungsoo chuckled as he waved goodbye.

“Maybe we both need time.” Jongin mumbled before the door shut closed.

Unfortunately, Kyungsoo heard it and froze.

What did Jongin mean?

The following week, Kyungsoo couldn’t find any inspiration.

Kyungsoo didn’t get to sleep every night because of him being inspiration deprived or maybe because of what Jongin said.

They needed time? For what?

Kyungsoo pouted as it’s already 1 pm and Jongin’s not there yet.

Jongin always come at lunch to eat Kyungsoo’s food but somehow this week’s really different.

“Maybe I should give him a call…” Kyungsoo mumbled as he grabbed his phone to dial the number he memorized by heart.

“Kyungsoo, what’s up?”

“Hey, Jongin. Umm, is there something wrong?” Kyungsoo bit his lip.

“Umm, of course not. Why?”

“Aren’t you coming today?”

“I don’t want to bother you. I’m taking care of Sehun. I’ll go there later.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Bye.” Jongin immediately ended the call, disappointing Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo pouted as he isn’t fond with him being alone during lunch.

Kyungsoo called Jongdae as he’s really feeling lonely now.

“What’s wrong, Kyungsoo?”

“I feel alone.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Oh. Should I come over?”

“Aren’t you going to ask me why?”

“Umm no.” Jongdae bit his lip.

Everyone except Kyungsoo knew that Jongin’s distancing himself from Kyungsoo.

“How come?”

“Jongin called me that Sehun called him that he feels really sick and so, he’s probably taking care of Sehun. I was about to come to Sehun and Luhan’s house a while ago so yeah, Jongin called.” Jongdae groaned internally.

Lying was really hard.

“Oh. Can I talk to you right now?”

“Sure, of course.”

“So, did you go to Baekhyun’s house? That Chanyeol is annoying me to look after Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

“He’s better than before but he’s still doing it.” Jongdae sighed.

“Argh, how can we say this to Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo groaned.

“I don’t know… We’ll just find a way.”

A few minutes of silence went by and Jongdae broke the silence.

“What’s really wrong, Kyungsoo? You seldom call me because of Baekhyun.”

“It’s Jongin.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“What about him?”

“Lately, he’s been really invisible in my life and I’m not used to it. I’m… I’m fond of him just being there. Just playing with my hair, reading the dialogues as if he’s the characters, doing anything with me seeing him! I don’t even know anymore. He comes at the evening when I’m sleepy and tells me everything about his day and then leaves. It’s not enough for me, Jongdae!”

“I don’t understand you, Do Kyungsoo.” Jongdae chuckled.

“What now?” Kyungsoo groaned at how okay Jongdae sounds when he’s suffering.

“He’s giving you time to finish that story of yours, can’t you see?”

“I’m actually having a writer’s block right now.” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Well, that .” Jongdae laughed slightly.

“I know. I… I just want to have Jongin with me.” Kyungsoo looked down on his lap as tears began pooling his eyes.

”Wait a second…” Jongdae said in a teasing voice.


“You’re in love with Jongin, aren’t you?”

“W-What?! N-Nonsense!”

“You do! That’s why the leading man’s mostly tanned skin or a dancer because it’s Jongin!”

“Shut up, Jongdae!” Kyungsoo blushed.

“Come on, Kyungsoo. Admit it! You love Jongin!”

“You’re being delusional!”

“Just admit, Kyungsoo. You love Jongin. You love Jongin. You love-“

“I do! I love him, is it okay now?!” Kyungsoo groaned.

“Then why can’t you say it?”

Kyungsoo gasped as he turned around and was relieved to see Baekhyun.


“You two are such cowards, aren’t you?” Baekhyun smirked.

“Jongdae! I thought you were taking care of Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo hissed at Jongdae.

“I haven’t visit him now! That was yesterday! Anyway, I have to go.” Jongdae ended the call.

“So, when do you plan to confess?” Baekhyun sat on Kyungsoo’s couch as he smiled.

“Let me see, umm, never.”

“Why not?” Baekhyun frowned.

“Jongin’s not the same anymore. What if… he just really treat me as a friend?”

“You two are the most stupid people I have ever known.” Baekhyun groaned.

“Hey, you hurt Chanyeol by dating another girl when he’s the one who first confessed to you. And you didn’t even reject him and made him hope.”

“This is not about me!” Baekhyun whined.

“Then stop calling me stupid.” Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out.

“I called you stupid because you don’t know how much pain you’ve been giving to Jongin ever since you became the head writer for that famous magazine.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“How dense can you be? First, you ignored his pleas of hanging out and the worst was you just forgot one of the special days in his life that you even promised to attend. He’s becoming insecure that he’s not worth your time at all. He needs your time, Kyungsoo but you never gave it to him. And so he thinks that maybe, you two needed time apart.”

“I… What is wrong with me?”

“Why don’t you go to him and find out?” Baekhyun chuckled.

“You’re right… Let’s go.”

Baekhyun squealed as they leave the house.

While Jongin, Jongdae has been telling him what Kyungsoo said.

“No way… Kyungsoo would never love me back. I mean, he wastes his time mostly on his stories.”

“And you know that his leading men are always tanned skin or a great dancer. He’s basically describing you.”

“I don’t know, Jongdae… It’s just that hard to believe.”

“Do you really want me to make him go there?” Jongdae whined frustratingly.

“Maybe I do need to hear it from him.” Jongin sighed as he ended the call.

“Is there something wrong?” Sehun tapped Jongin’s shoulder.

“Kyungsoo… Jongdae said he’s in love with me.”

“That’s great news!” Sehun chuckled.

“Is it? It doesn’t look like it. I just can’t believe that he loves me after all the time he didn’t spend with me. It’s too impossible.” Jongin groaned.

“What if he really does?” Sehun smirked teasingly.

“I don’t know.” Jongin smiled slightly.

“Hey, you’re smiling.” Sehun chuckled while wiping the snot off his nose.

“Shut up. You’re obviously sick but why are you bullying me?” Jongin glared playfully.

“If I’m obviously sick then he should’ve noticed and stayed…” Sehun smiled sadly.

“Sehun…” Jongin hugged the weak body of Sehun.

“Why do I always get sick?” Sehun sighed.

“You have low immune system, Sehun.”

Sehun just smiled tight-lipped.

“He might be a jerk but you can’t actually change anything about him, right?” Jongin chuckled sadly.

Sehun nodded absentmindedly.

“Because… you’re just a friend. You’re not supposed to change him but accept him.” Jongin smiled sadly as he remembered Joonmyeon’s words.

Soon, the doorbell rang.

Sehun went to the door as Jongin went to the kitchen to the water.

“Sehun? Is Jongin still here?”

Sehun chuckled as he nodded and pointed towards the kitchen.

Jongin was still drinking the water when Kyungsoo went behind him.


Jongin choked on his water and patted his chest heavily when he saw Kyungsoo.

“Are you okay?!” Kyungsoo helped Jongin.

“Y-Yeah, I’m okay now. So, what brought you here? I told you I’d go meet you la-“

“We need to talk, Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo looked down.

“Can’t it wait ‘til tonight?”

“I don’t want you to suffer any longer.” Kyungsoo boldly looked directly at Jongin’s eyes.

“W-What is it t-then?” Jongin wiped his wet palms unto his pants.

“I’m in love with you, Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo immediately covered his face because it’s turning red.

The silence last for a few seconds but Kyungsoo thought that an hour has passed so he let go of his face but didn’t dare to look at Jongin.

“I’m sor-“

Kyungsoo didn’t finish his words as Jongin’s lips crashed unto his.

Kyungsoo unlike before, wasted no time to respond and placed his arms around Jongin’s shoulders.

“I love you too, Do Kyungsoo. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you.” Jongin pecked Kyungsoo’s lips once more.

Kyungsoo cried with tears of joys as he hugged Jongin tight.

“Please don’t leave me ever again.”

“Never again.” Jongin chuckled and kissed Kyungsoo’s hair.

“You’re welcome, you stupid couple.” Baekhyun stuck his tongue out.

Kyungsoo and Jongin glared at Baekhyun.

The next day, Kyungsoo was laying down on the bed as he was finishing his story for the magazine.

“Kyungsoo!” Jongin entered the room with a bunch of movies in a plastic bag.

“Why?” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow.

“Stop that for a while and find inspiration in these movies.”

Kyungsoo stood up in front of Jongin and kissed Jongin’s lips.

Jongin just stood there, dumbfounded.

“I’m all inspired now, Jongin. I don’t need those movies. I only need my boyfriend, to be honest.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Jongin hugged Kyungsoo.

“Are you almost done?”

“Yeah, just a brilliant ending would do.”

Jongin saw his name on the laptop so he swiftly took a look.

“W-Wait, Jongin!” Kyungsoo tried to get his laptop but Jongin was too fast.

“Jongin maybe was a tanned popular hot guy but deep inside, he’s the dorkiest and lovable guy that Soo ever met.” Jongin grinned.

Kyungsoo managed to steal back the laptop and sat at the bed.

“So really? You’re using Soo as a disguise? Are you writing our love story or what?” Jongin laughed slightly.

“Any problem? I really want to write our love story.” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Nope. I’m just really happy that you think of me when you write your stories.” Jongin smiled as he sat next to the writing Kyungsoo.

“Really? You’re okay with me using your name?”

“I don’t really mind. I love how you describe me anyway. It’s so fluffy and you wrote like you’re really in love with me. Maybe next time you could really write our love story though.”

“I felt the need to tell you this…” Kyungsoo blushed.

“Tell me what?”

“Tell you why I was really into writing.” Kyungsoo looked at Jongin.

“Now that you mention it, I do wonder.” Jongin placed his chin on Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

“I thought that I don’t actually have any chance with you. That maybe I would only get my happy endings in my stories.”

“Well, you don’t need to worry about that then. Your reality is not that impossible like your happy ending anymore.” Jongin kissed Kyungsoo’s cheek.

“Yeah…” Kyungsoo laughed lightly.

“Now how about I put some more words for the ending?”

“Sure, I don’t mind.” Kyungsoo laughed.

Kyungsoo passed the laptop to Jongin.

Jongin maybe was a tanned popular hot guy but deep inside, he’s the dorkiest and lovable guy that Soo ever met.

And maybe Soo isn’t the best person out there but Jongin loves the imperfections of Soo because Jongin has many of those flaws as well.

They’re scarred, broken, hurt, and somehow rusty.

They’re mostly not what they look like. More damaged than what they look like.

But there’s one thing they believe.

They believe that flaws make a great thing flawless.

Two flaws makes one love flawless.

Their love is flawless.

“Whoa, you can write as well!”

“Learned from the best.” Jongin winked at Kyungsoo.

“But how did you manage to do that? You’re not one with literature.”

“The person I love loves literature so I guess, why not learn it for him?” Jongin shrugged.

“Stop the cheesiness.” Kyungsoo pushed Jongin away playfully.

“But in the story, it said that the girl loves it when the tanned male shows how much he loves her. I’m just showing you how much I love you, Kyungsoo.” Jongin smiled teasingly.

“Don’t tease me about my old fantasies!” Kyungsoo whined.

“Old? You don’t fancy them anymore?”

“Why should I when I have my fantasy as a reality now?” Kyungsoo brushed their noses together.

 “You’re so cute.” Jongin pecked Kyungsoo’s lips.

“And I love you too, my tanned dancer.” Kyungsoo closed his eyes as he near Jongin’s lips again.

“I’m seriously in love with you, my doe-eyed and beautiful writer.” Jongin smiled before his lips met with Kyungsoo’s.

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Chapter 3: Oooommmmgggg in love with it so cuttte
Anastasia9984 #2
Chapter 3: agshsnsvqjqnsbamsns
this was cute.