Coming home

Realizing your worth...

Coming home.

He had to take care of his first love even though he’s weaker than him.

“Sehun, Luhan is a new tenant. I want you to take care of him, okay?”

“Why me? I mean, there’s a lot of empty realtors nearby!” Sehun whined.

“I thought he’s your first love? You should be thanking me that I let him in here.” Minseok pouted.

“And you don’t need to worry much, Luhan’s not a pain in the .” Yixing smiled.

“But guys… he’s in a relationship, remember?” Sehun sighed.

The two guys bit their lips at the sudden realization.

“I don’t want to see them together. It would break my heart.”

“Sehun… we forgot about that.”

“But Sehun, you’re our only chance. You know that Luhan left Korea when he was 10 and he’s not familiar anymore.”

“You know Luhan the best out of all the people in this neighbourhood.”

“Why not Jongin, Kyungsoo, or even Joonmyeon?” Sehun sighed as he sat on the couch.

“They’re busier than you. You don’t have a lot of things to do and you could help him better.” Yixing patted Sehun’s crouched back.

“You know about my immune system, right?”

“I don’t actually get it.” Minseok pouted.

“Luhan trips over his own feet! How would you expect me to stay calm when I’m responsible for his well-being?!”

The two guys now scratched the back of their neck with another realization.

“Please, Sehun? For us?”

“As soon as I find a right time, I’ll make him move in with me.”

The two pleaded with puppy eyes that Sehun couldn’t help but just nod.

The two squealed as they hugged the poor Sehun.

The next day, Sehun took a deep breath as Luhan was already at the living room with his boyfriend.

“Sehun, you’ve grown tall enough!” Luhan hugged Sehun.

“Umm, yeah. You haven’t changed at some point.” Sehun chuckled awkwardly.

“Well then, here’s-“

“Your boyfriend, right?” Sehun smiled.

“Umm, no. He’s my childhood friend. He’s a basketball player, isn’t he cool?” Luhan squealed.

“Y-Yeah, really cool.”

“Well then! Let me just go put my bag at the room and let’s go.” Luhan faced his childhood friend.

The guy just nodded as Sehun disappeared to his room.

That night, Luhan called Sehun.

“Luhan? Why are you calling me this late already? Aren’t you home?”

“That’s the point, Sehun. I don’t remember the way home. Can you pick me up at Myeongdong Mall?”

“Stay there, okay?”

“Thanks, Sehun.”

Sehun ended the call as he looked outside and see the rain pouring.

Sehun’s sure he’s going to catch a cold.

Luhan pouted as Sehun’s taking too long.


Luhan saw Sehun who was dripping wet and ran to him.

“Sehun, why didn’t you bring any umbrella?!”

“I couldn’t find any umbrella that would fit us nor okay so I just called a taxi.”

“Let’s get inside the taxi! You’re soaking wet!”

The two hurriedly went inside the taxi and went home.

Sehun was sick the next day with a temperature of 38.7 degrees.

“Sehun, are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” Sehun tried to smile genuinely even though he felt sick.

“I’m just going to hang out with my childhood friend, yeah?”

“Sure, have fun.”

“Okay! Bye, Sehun!” Luhan closed the door.

Sehun groaned as he felt an headache coming its way.

“They just hung out yesterday…” Sehun mumbled as he weakly walked to his room.

Tao visited him to take care of him but he eventually left because of work.

Soon, Sehun’s phone vibrated, indicating a call.



It was Luhan’s childhood friend.

“Yeah, where’s Luhan though?”

“He just got hit by a volleyball!”

“What?!” Sehun sat up at what he heard.

“Please come right now! I have to leave because my sister needs me. Bye, Sehun.” The guy ended the call as Sehun hissed.

Sehun’s still sick for goodness sake!

Nonetheless, Sehun still went to the sports field.

There in the bleachers lay Luhan.

He looks beaten up with the purple color designing his cheek.

“Why are you so clumsy?” Sehun sighed.

“What do you mean? That player hit me!” Luhan pouted.

“Whatever, let’s just go. I need to do many things.”


The two walked home.

That night, Sehun was watching an episode of Boys over Flowers when Luhan sat next to him on the couch.

“I’m sorry, Sehun. I didn’t mean to burden you.”

“It’s fine.”

Luhan shook his head and kissed Sehun’s cheek.

“W-What’s that f-for?!” Sehun blushed.

“A sign of my gratitude.” Luhan smiled sheepishly.

“I told you that it’s fine.” Sehun mumbled.

“Still! I felt guilty, okay?” Luhan stuck his tongue out as he walked to his room.

Sehun smiled as he held his kissed cheek.

The past few weeks have been hell for Sehun.

Luhan was frequently unlucky.

And it was frustrating that his childhood friend is seldom there to take him home.

Like seriously?!

Sehun groaned as Kyungsoo put a hot towel on his head.

“What have you been doing in these past few weeks anyway? I’m actually the 7th one who’s going to take care of you. So it must’ve mean that you’ve been sick for 7 times already.”

“Luhan’s driving me nuts.”

“What do you mean?”

“He goes everywhere and calls me whenever he needs to go home, like seriously?!”

“You know how playful Luhan is. Give him more patience, okay?” Kyungsoo patted Sehun’s cheek.

Sehun just pouted.

“But… I’ve been wondering.” Kyungsoo bit his lip.

“What?” Sehun raised an eyebrow.

“Does… does Luhan take care of you when you’re sick?”

Sehun was taken aback.

Luhan never took care of Sehun, now that he realize.

It was always Sehun who looks after Luhan.

“Now that you mention it, he hasn’t.”

Kyungsoo frowned as a tear fell from Sehun’s eye.

“You still love him, don’t you?”

“I couldn’t stop.” Sehun smiled sadly.

Kyungsoo just hugged Sehun.

The next day, Luhan was about to go to a museum.

“Sehun, can you wait for me outside of the museum later?”


“Thanks! I’ll see you later.” Luhan closed the door.

Sehun sighed as he’s getting used to Luhan closing the door.

Jongin called Sehun.

“Jongin, what’s up?”

“Want to play video games at your house later?”

“What time?”

“Night, maybe. I have tutoring class in the afternoon.”

“Maybe next time. Luhan wanted me to get him later.”

“Oh, okay then. Maybe next time!”

Sehun ended the call as he leaned back the couch.

After a few hours of watching TV and writing about anything, Luhan messaged him.

Hey, Sehun. I’m almost done. Come and fetch me, yeah? Thank you!

-Luhan J

Sehun chuckled as he went to get an umbrella and gone outside.

20 minutes have passed…

Sehun is standing in front of the museum with only an umbrella and jacket to keep him warm.

“Where is he?” Sehun mumbled as he felt himself getting another cold.

And his question was answered when he saw Luhan waiting at the other side.

Sehun was about to go to him when the car of his childhood friend came to fetch him.

Luhan was excited as he went inside the car and they drove off, leaving Sehun in the rain.

Sehun absentmindedly let go of the umbrella as he knelt.

“W-Why am I never appreciated by y-you?” Sehun sobbed.

Sehun was wet but he doesn’t care. 

The pain in his head couldn’t be any greater than the pain in his heart.

Sehun went home feeling numb.


“I’m going to wash up.” Sehun went straight to the bathroom without looking at Luhan.

Luhan bit his lip as he stared at the closed bathroom door.

Sehun immediately locked his door after taking a hot bath as gathered all his thick blankets and laid on his bed.

Luhan knocked on the door in hopes to see Sehun.

“What do you want, Luhan?” Sehun tried to sound normal despite his throat getting itchy.

“C-Can we talk?”

“I’m tired, Luhan. Let’s just talk tomorrow, okay?”

“A-Are you mad at me?”

“No.” Sehun sighed.

Sehun is really love struck.

It was already 2 in the morning and Sehun is yet to sleep.

Sehun was wide awake and so, he called the first one to appear on his contacts.

“Sehun? Why are you up this late?”

“Sorry, Baekhyun. I’m sick.” Sehun coughed real bad to prove his point.

“Do you want me to come and take care of you?”

“No, I’m fine. I don’t want to burden you as much as I am now.” Sehun bit his lip.

“It’s okay, Sehun. You’re the strongest among us.” Baekhyun smiled softly.

“Strongest? More like weakest. I have the lowest immune system.” Sehun scoffed.

“You may be weak physically but you’re the strongest one. I’m sure of that.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Well, maybe the fact that Luhan ignores all your efforts and yet you still stay next to him.” Baekhyun smirked.

“Thanks for noticing that.” Sehun chuckled.

“Go try to go to sleep, yeah? I’ll go there early.”


Baekhyun ended the call.

It was 3:30 in the morning and Sehun decided to go outside to tire himself.

Sehun walked around the park with a jacket and thick blanket on his shoulders.

Sehun have been wandering around when he stopped by a house.

It was Kyungsoo’s house.

Sehun knocked on the door and fortunately, Kyungsoo opened it.

“Sehun! Why are you up?”

“Couldn’t sleep. How about you?”

“Still finishing an article for next month. Come in.”

Sehun sat on a couch, feeling relaxed.

“Your eye bags are getting bigger!” Sehun laughed lightly.

“Yeah, Jongin has actually been bugging me about it.” Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly.

“Don’t overwork yourself. Everyone’s going to get worried about you.”

“It’s my dream, Sehun. I’ll be fine.”

Sehun wanted to head to the kitchen when he suddenly collapsed on the floor.

“Sehun!” Kyungsoo gasped.

7 in the morning, Sehun didn’t expect to see his friends in the hospital with him on the bed.

There was Jongin who was comforting an uneasy Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun who was pacing back and forth.

Jongdae who was just looking at the floor.

Minseok who was talking to the doctor.

Yixing who was asleep, touching Sehun’s hand.

Joonmyeon who was asleep on the uncomfortable couch.

Yifan who was on his phone.

Tao who was at the other side of Sehun.


All 9 of them looked at Sehun in shock including Yixing who was asleep.

“Are you okay?!”

“Y-Yeah, I think I’m good.”

“Argh, why did you go outside? I told you to sleep.” Baekhyun whined.

“I just couldn’t. I needed to tire myself to get sleepy.”

“And yeah, you did sleep.” Jongin rolled his eyes.

Sehun smiled sheepishly.

“So what did the doctor say?”

“He said that Sehun lacks rest especially when he’s feeling unwell.”

Baekhyun suddenly scoffed loudly that made everyone in the room look at him.

“I blame Luhan.” Baekhyun looked at them with feigning innocence.

“Why?” Minseok frowned.

“Guys, Sehun has something to tell you actually.” Jongin slightly glared at Sehun when he realized something.

Only Baekhyun and Jongin knew about the happenings in the house.

“What is it?” Yixing tightened his grip on Sehun’s hand.

Sehun sighed as Jongin and Baekhyun kept glaring at him.

“Guys… I-I’ve been taking care of Luhan.”

“We know that.” Yifan raised an eyebrow.

“Well, Luhan has been too careless.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“What? Is it true, Sehun?”

Sehun remained mute which made Jongin groan.

“Guys. Sehun is always sick because he keeps on serving Luhan like some prince or so whatever. He keeps on fetching him even though it’s rainy these days. He keeps on waiting for him even when Sehun shouldn’t be exposed to dirty places for long. Luhan is too ignorant! And when Sehun does get sick, Luhan ignores him and just hang out with that childhood friend of his!” Jongin walked away as he finished talking.

Silence surrounded them until a phone rang.

It was Yixing’s.


“Yixing, Sehun’s not home yet!”

“L-Luhan… don’t worry. It’s okay.”

“What should I do?” Luhan silently sobbed.

“Luhan, calm down. He’s okay.”

“But… I led him on last night…” Luhan bit his lip.

“Let’s talk later, okay?” Yixing ended the call immediately.

“So what are we going to do?”

“Sehun will bed rest here.” Joonmyeon stood up.


“So he won’t stress much. Luhan… he’s mindless so I don’t know if I could entrust Sehun to him right now.”

The others nodded as Sehun looked down.

“Do you think that bad of Luhan?”

The 8 of them looked at Sehun.

“I know that Luhan was at fault but he’s not that bad.”

Baekhyun scoffed as he tried to stop himself from confronting Sehun with harshness.

“Sehun… we don’t think of Luhan like that. We just thought that you would need to rest. You can’t say no to Luhan at all and it won’t help you to be cured.” Tao patted Sehun’s head.

Sehun just nodded, not knowing what to answer back.

The next day, Luhan visited Jongin’s house.

“Luhan? What’s up?”

“I… Sehun’s not home yet. Do you happen to know where he might be?”

“Don’t know. Sorry, Luhan.” Jongin smiled tight-lipped.

“Thanks…” Luhan frowned and left.

Luhan went to Joonmyeon’s office.

“Oh, Luhan! How are you?”

“I’m not that dense, Joonmyeon. Tell me, where’s Sehun?”


“I know that I’ve been cruel to him and I’m finding him to apologize. Please, Joonmyeon. Let me see him.” Luhan pleaded.

It’s stupid how Joonmyeon couldn’t say no to his friends’ pleas.

So, Joonmyeon took Luhan to the hospital.

Sehun was counting the peas on his plate.


Sehun looked up to see Luhan and Joonmyeon.

“Luhan? Joonmyeon, it’s been less than 24 hours and you already broke your word?” Sehun raised his eyebrow.

“He’s… you know Luhan, Sehun.” Joonmyeon whined.

Sehun sighed as Joonmyeon left with a pout to leave Luhan and Sehun alone.

“Sehun, I’m sorry.” Luhan sat next to Sehun.

“It’s okay, Luhan.” Sehun smiled.

“Stop saying it’s okay!” Luhan shouted as tears fell on his cheeks.

“Luhan…” Sehun’s eyes widen.

“I’ve been a mindless friend. I’ve done nothing but burden you.”

“You didn’t know so it really is okay.” Sehun patted Luhan’s shoulder.

Luhan surprised Sehun with a hug.

“S-Sehun, I’m so sorry.”

“Luhan, it’s okay. I forgive you. You’re a friend of mine, right?”

“We’re supposed to be inseparable.”

Sehun chuckled.

“Luhan, why are you frowning?”

“I want a best friend!”

“How come?”

“They always stick to each other. They never experience loneliness.”

“Then let’s be inseparable as well!”


“Yeah! So don’t be sad anymore, okay?”

“I came back for you, Oh Sehun.”


“I have the best time of my life in China. Everyone could understand me and my culture. Everyone doesn’t bully me. It was soothing but… you weren’t there. All those times I was in China, I couldn’t think of anything but you. I’ve been waiting for the years. Years wherein I could earn money to go back. I yearned for you.”

“What are you implying?” Sehun raised an eyebrow as Luhan bit his lip.

“Oh Sehun, I love you.”

A moment of silence passed when…

“I love you too, Luhan.”

Luhan gasped as he was pulled into a tight hug.

“I’m so happy you felt the same!”


Sehun let go of Luhan to ask him.

“But… why did you hang out with that childhood friend of yours everyday?”

“Umm, it’s embarrassing.” Luhan chuckled.

“Come on, tell me.” Sehun whined.

“It’s… I wanted to confess to you with all those grand things!” Luhan blushed.

Sehun laughed while Luhan pouted.

“I just… it’s been years ever since we’ve seen each other and I just wanted you to remember all our memories.” Luhan bit his lip.

“I don’t need you to do all that. I’m okay with just being with you.”


“Of course! I’m not going to be in a relationship with the memories but with you, stupid.” Sehun chuckled.

“Then, I will take care of you from now on! Please don’t give up on me.”

“When did I?” Sehun chuckled as he kissed Luhan’s lips.

“I won’t give up on you either, Sehun. I love you so much.” Luhan pecked Sehun’s lips again.

“Joonmyeon, I’m coming home.” Sehun informed Joonmyeon who was watching them with a smile as he nodded.

“You’re coming home?” Luhan’s eyes widen.

“Yeah… I’m coming home to you.”

Luhan smiled as he kissed Sehun once again.

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Chapter 3: Oooommmmgggg in love with it so cuttte
Anastasia9984 #2
Chapter 3: agshsnsvqjqnsbamsns
this was cute.