Troublemaker ft Daddy!BTS

Suga Daddy

It wasn't that Yoongi doesn't trust his brothers in taking care of Jihoon.

Wait, scratch that. 

He definitely doesn't trust his brothers in taking care of Jihoon alone. With the exception of Seokjin. Although the guy has tendencies to be the king of narcissm most of the times (he was a model so it was pretty common for him to be so), he was surprisingly capable of taking care of a little child. The problem lies within the remaining five members. Namjoon at times tends to break things due to his strength. He also has the least idea of how to properly handle a kid. Next on the list was Hoseok, he's too bubbly and spoils Jihoon a lot which leads to a lot more trouble. He could say the same with Taehyung. 

Among them, Taehyung was the one who was certain that he wanted a child. BUT, Taehyung himself was a child trapped in a man's body. Chances were, you'd be taking care of both him and the kid. Then there was Jimin. The Jimin who nearly lost his son in a supermarket. 

The Jimin who made him see red until they found Jihoon in the dairy section almost five hours later.

And lastly, Jungkook. 

Jungkook was still in high school and was barely even able of taking care of himself. Heck! Jungkook was still living with his parents and would only join them on weekends. Besides, Jihoon could easily manipulate their youngest with giving him what he wants. Which mostly was about sweet related threats.

Jihoon can be a little bit overwhelming when he got too much sweets to eat.

With those reasons, Yoongi definitely doesn't trust his brothers with Jihoon.

But he wasn't sure if fate hates him or it's the other way around. Because, one day with the sky as gray as the old man's life, his professor thought it'd be a great idea to go to Jeju Islands for their project. And of course, he wasn't allowed to bring Jihoon along, meaning it was up to his brothers to take care of his precious son while he was away. He could have Seokjin to do the deed, but he was gone for a photoshoot in Japan.

So here he was, standing in front of a pouting Jihoon –who was being carried by Taehyung– and the rest of his brothers.

He had packed his necessities before hand and was only giving instructions to them as he leaves.

"So that's all," He checked his watch and saw that he was already late. He took his bag and slung it to his shoulder. "Remember," Yoongi squinted his eyes on all of the five boys. "If ever any of you messes up. You know what will happen." 

"You can trust us with Jihoonie, Hyung! We'll take good care of him!" Jimin boasted which only made Yoongi worry even further. For some reason, he found it suspicious that Jimin was TOO excited leaving Jihoon to them.

"Yeah," Hoseok chimed in, with a grin that nearly made Yoongi cringe. "It's only three days after all! Just enjoy your trip we won't let this cutie get lonely." Then he started baby talking and tickling Jihoon. To which the child responded by slapping his hands away.

"Appa!" He whined and started reaching out for Yoongi. "Can't I just go with you?"

"We already talked about this, Kid."

Jihoon pouted and crossed his arms. It wasn't that it was the first that he left Jihoon with his brothers but this was the first that he have to leave him for three days with them.

"Besides," He lightly pinched his son's chin. "I promised to buy you toys once I get back."

Jihoon was still pouting but nodded anyway. He really wanted to come with his father to Jeju. Seungkwan wouldn't shut up about his hometown after all. How can a three year old be that talkative?

Yoongi just sighed but gave him a pat on the head. He said his final reminders and left the door.

He's just hoping that they don't burn the apartment down until he returns.

Day 1

1:30 PM, Saturday 

Nothing disastrous happened that morning. They managed to make Jihoon a proper breakfast and for the rest of the morning, the kid just watched cartoons. And currently he was taking a nap on the living room, clutching his favorite shark and turtle plushie at the same time.

So with that, the rest of them decided to leave and buy some snacks. Well, aside from Jungkook. Someone has to guard the kid after all. But he was getting bored watching these noontime dramas. Jungkook ruffled his hair and got up from his spot on the couch. The youngest then made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he found nothing of his liking. There was some pizza but he wasn't in the mood for one. 

With that he closed the fridge and opened the cupboard. There was a box of chocolates and instantly his mouth watered. Yes, milk chocolates, just what he needed. Jungkook didn't even thought twice as he took one and unwrapped it. He was too engrossed in eating the sweet threat that he didn't even heard the tiny feet that made his way towards his direction. 

Jihoon was woken up by the crunching of the chocolate's wrapper. And he was more than happy when he saw Jungkook eating some. He loved chocolate much like most kids but Yoongi seldom gives him some, saying that it'll give him cavities and all. Still when it comes with Jungkook, Jihoon knows that he can have all the chocolates that he wants.

Yes, just the perfect person to manipulate and he knows just what to do.

"Grandpa Kookie..." Jungkook felt a tug on his jeans and nearly choked. Oh man holy . Was what instantly registered on his mind. As much as how he doesn't want to look down, he couldn't bring himself to just ignore the kid. So, with one huge gulp he did. The instant he regretted it. 

Jihoon was looking at him with cute upturned and begging eyes. "Can I have some?" 

"Umm..." Jungkook needed to think fast. It was one of Yoongi's reminders to not give Jihoon some chocolates. Disaster was bound to happen when Jihoon gets sugar high. And that was the last thing that they needed that very moment. "Yoon-hyung said... You..." 

Tears were now forming at the corner of Jihoon's eyes. He was guilt tripping him, Jungkook knew that much. But even still. When the child would look at him like that he couldn't help but to...

But to...

"Grandpa Kookie, please?" Jihoon said in a softest voice that he could muster. 


"Fine," He huffed and unwrapped another chocolate and gave it to him. 

A very wrong move.

Moments later, Namjoon and the rest rely to see a screaming Jihoon and a Jungkook wrapped up in tissue paper. Some of the furnitures had been knocked down. The fridge was left open and broken eggs scattered around the floor.

"What happened?" Namjoon stepped aside as the kid ran pass them. Taehyung tried catching him but he slid under his parted legs and ran towards Yoongi and Jimin's room.

"H-he ate some chocolates..." Jungkook stuttered. Whizzing some breath and he ended up falling on the floor. 

"He what?!" Jimin shreaked. 

"Jungkookie! You know he isn't allowed to eat chocolates!" Hoseok added. 

"I'm sorry! He was guilt tripping me and–" 

"How many did he ate?" Namjoon interjected. 

"I couldn't help but to– huh? T-three I guess." 

"You gave him three?!" The four boys shreaked in unison. Horrified by the confession of their youngest. 

The sudden excited shreak made them all turn their head to where Jihoon had ran off to. Only to see, although quite adorable, a more horrifying sight. Jihoon was wearing one of Yoongi's bonnet and shirt (which he never wore as it was a limited edition). Matching with the goggles that he bought using a very expensive amount. 

Yoongi was definitely going to kill them. 

"Look!" The child exclaimed while flailing his tiny arms around. "I'm Appa!"

"J-Jihoonie..." Jimin made his way towards Jihoon with careful steps. They need to rip those clothes off of him before any damage can be done. Jihoon merely tilted his head to the right. Jimin was so sure that the kid wasn't going to move. So imagine his shock when Jihoon sprinted passed them. 

"Catch him!" Hoseok screamed. 

"Jihoonie, wait!" Taehyung was the first one to follow the child. Jungkook had already got up and followed his brother. To which the remaining three had finally joined seconds later.

They chased the kid around the living room, successfully knocking more furnitures in the process. Jihoon screamed even louder, quite happy with being chased by his grandpas. On the other hand, the boys wasn't enjoying this a tiny bit. Thinking about what Yoongi and Seokjin's reaction upon knowing this made their blood run cold.

To make things worse, Jihoon decided to ran towards the kitchen. 

All five of them screamed in horror but continued the chase anyway.

Jihoon pulled up a chair and leaned it on the counter. He then climbed up to it, reaching out for the seasonings. Namjoon was about to grab him when he finally noticed that the kid managed to get ahold of the ketchup.

"Woah, woah... Min Jihoon..." He took a step back. Jihoon clutched the ketchup near to his chest. The lid was open and the five boys started sweating at the thought of Jihoon spilling it onto his father's shirt. Yoongi was definitely going to skin them alive. "Put that back to where you took it." 

Jihoon blinked. His eyes shifted from the ketchup to his grandpas. A loud scream was elicited from the five boys when Jihoon made a move of spilling that ketchup on the shirt. But was only rewarded by a loud cackle by Jihoon as he returned the ketchup back to its place. 

When they thought that the storm was over, Jihoon decided that it was yet again time for a good chase. 

But this time, he decided that outside their apartment was more of an ideal place.

"Don't let him get out!" Hoseok screamed. But it was too late as he managed to reach the knob –they as well was shock– and ran out. Taehyung hurriedly followed Jihoon out, bumping rather painfully to the wall on the hallway.

"Jihoon!" He screamed and started sprinting. Some heads pop their heads out of their rooms, witnessing the amusing sight of five young man chasing a kid around. 

Seriously, how hard was it to catch a kid that small? 

Well it was harder than it sounded. Especially if said kid managed to get to an open space. The real trouble had finally started.

"Where did he ran off to?" Hoseok ran his hand through his hair. Sweat rolling from his forehead to his chin. 

"I-I don't know... I lost sight of him when he entered the elevator." Taehyung rested his hands on his knees. He tried catching his breath but the thought of losing Jihoon made him choke on air. 

Namjoon cursed. "Jimin, you go that way. Taehyung and Jungkook check the cafe nearby. I'll go search over here and Hoseok go to that side."

"Jihoonieeeeeee! Where are youuuuu?" Jimin screamed and made his way to the direction Namjoon had instructed him to go. 

Nervous wasn't enough to describe what they felt. They were downright scared and probably wouldn't forgive themselves if something happened to Jihoon. They raised him after all and although they weren't blood related, they threat Jihoon as their own. 

Three hours had passed and yet there was still no sign of Jihoon. Hoseok wanted to cry at this point but stopped himself. Taehyung's legs were giving up on him. Jungkook was blaming himself, Namjoon's brain had stopped working despite his IQ. And Jimin was taking his all to stop the tears from falling.

Everything was a mess and it was all just because of some stupid chocolate.

Jungkook tiredly made his way towards the basketball court nearby, he was already losing hope. From the start, why would Jihoon be there anyway? What he saw on the other hand nearly made him cry in happiness.

Jihoon was sitting on the bench, watching as a group of boys played street basketball. He was in between two girls who were busy cheering for the playing teams. Jungkook didn't wasted anymore time and took his phone out, dialing  Namjoon's number in the process.

It only rang twice before the deep voice of his hyung greeted him. "I found him, Hyung!" 

"Where are you?" 

"At the court nearby." 

"Okay, okay. Make sure he doesn't ran again." Was Namjoon's last response before he hung up. Jungkook sighed of relief as he made his way to the still oblivious Jihoon. Both of the girls turned there heads to Jungkook but he paid them no in mind. "Jihoon ah." He cooed to which finally got Jihoon's attention.

Jihoon broke into a wide grin when he finally recognized Jungkook. "Grandpa Kookie! Look! Appa taught me that!"

Both of the girls stood up and bowed at Jungkook. "Hello, are you a family of Jihoonie?" The one with the short hair asked. Jungkook merely blushed and nodded. He wasn't good with talking with girls and that's all the response he could give to them. The girl just gave him a smile and moved to sit beside her friend. Jungkook then occupied her spot, not forgetting to mutter a quick thanks to the girl. He took Jihoon in his lap, just to make sure that the kid don't ran off again. 

"Jihoon ah. Don't ran again like that, okay? You had us worried..." 

"Worried?" He looked up. Jungkook just sighed and hugged him tighter. Not caring if he'll ruffle Yoongi's shirt at this point. What's more important was that he finally found Jihoon, he doesn't care anymore if Yoongi will skin them alive. He'd rather have his older brother do so than lose Jihoon again.

Minutes later, the rest of the boys had arrived. They tackled both of them, nearly breaking the bench at the act. Questions were bombarded, all of which the child only laughed at. 

Well, hell with the questions. On the other hand, a very valuable lesson was learned that day; 

Never ever feed Jihoon chocolates again. 


Look at that, I managed to write this long. <(‾︶‾)> I hope you'll like this ~ not much daddy!suga and baby!woozi moments. But have some Daddy!BTS instead. Minus Suga and Jin. ehehehe Thank you for commenting, subscribing, and upvoting! (*´▽`)ノノ Have a nice day! ♥


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY APPA YOONGI! I wish i could post the second part today as birthday present but alas it's not done yet. ;;; THANK U 4 EVRTHNG GUISE.


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Chapter 15: Re-reading this. Please do update.
21alynn #2
Chapter 15: I read it!!!???
Chapter 5: I just realized the song you used in here aftr rereading it.
One Ok Rock-Wherever You are
Siboletlet99 #4
Chapter 15: Miss this story. Update please ??
Lyraine #5
Chapter 15: Still reading it! I remember reading this until the most recent chapter and lost the link until now. I'm happy that you're continuing it!
Bubbaboo #6
Chapter 15: yeap. still readinf this
Chapter 15: Omg! I really love this >_<" I hope you want to continue this story ^^
Chokeychokey #8
Chapter 4: This fanfic is one of my favourite.. i really love suga and woozi father and son relationship.. they're so cute.. good work author-nim.. waiting for another chapter...
freegirl1234 #9
Chapter 16: Cant wait for more chapters!!! ❤❤❤❤
tsantoro18 #10
Chapter 16: Omg!! This is so cute!!