Let's Make Up

I'd Miss You To Much

I spent all night and morning deciding what I should say to him. We were home alone, just the two of us which made it a lot easier to confront him, but harder to actually find the courage to talk to him. This must be Gongchan’s doing, evil dongseng. I was walking towards my room, still pondering on what I should say, when I was suddenly stopped by Baro. I was basically pined onto the wall. His arms were right next to my head, I could see his fists turn a ghostly white. At least I didn’t have to go to him…

“What the hell is going on Sandeul?” he asked with a heavy pain in his voice. “Why aren’t you talking to me? Why aren’t you paying any attention to me? Did I do something wrong?”

“Baro…” was all I said. He bit his lip and looked away, he threw his fists onto the wall, making a loud thudding noise.

“Damnit Sandeul!!” I could hear him whimper beneath his breath, he was in pain, it crushed me inside. But I didn’t know what to say, I just stared at his eyes which were now about to water. “Please, don’t do this, please, just tell me, what did I do wrong?” he sniffed as he let the tears roll down his eyes. I avoided eye contact, trying not to cry with him.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I lied.

“Then why?! Why are you doing this to me?! Why-”

“BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT,” I yelled, a moment of silence passed us before I continued my yelling “I was there that day when you went to the manager’s office!! I heard everything!!” Baro looked at me stunned, although it was hard to tell what look he had seeing as his eyes resembled some form of waterfall.

“Why didn’t you tell me, or anyone, that you were leaving B1A4?! And the fact that you KNEW it was coming makes it worse!! You didn’t even put up a fight!! Do you really not care about us?! I thought you were my friend as well, that friend that I could always depend on, the one I could trust!! MY BEST FRIEND!! So you tell me Baro, why?!” by the time I finished, tears were streaming down my eyes as well. I awaited a response, a response of anger? Shock? But instead, he smiled.

“How could you be smiling at a time like t-” I was interrupted as Baro lunged in and hugged me. For a second, the tears stopped, I was in a state of shock.

“Pabo you are Sandeul, pabo.” I could feel his tears drop down my back like delicate rain drops on a glass window. But I didn’t want to let go, even though I was angry at him.

“I’m not leaving permanently!” he took a moment to sniff and wipe his face, I looked up at him, slightly confused. “I’m going away for a week or so because they think that my sprain might get worse.”

“Sprain?!” a sudden jolt of panic flowed through my body.

“I got it whilst filming, I accidentally tripped over…hard and at first, it wasn’t bad but it eventually got worse. But don’t worry, it will heal in about another week and that’s why I have to take a break.”

“Oh…” was all I managed to say before I completely broke down in tears and started apologising. “I’m sorry Baro, sorry for everything, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! I’m sorry I hurt you the way I did.” I sniffed. We stayed hugging for a while, everything seemed happier, full of colour and warmth.

“I hate how I can’t stay mad at you Baro.” I eventually said as we let go of each other, a tear still running down my eye. He smiled at me, oh how I’ve missed that smile. “Please don’t ever leave me. You’re hugs, attitude, everything, there all the things that get me by every day.”

“Pabo Sandeul, I would never leave you, you know why?”


“Because I’d miss you too much.”

Ahhhhh noooo LAST CHAPTER T.T it all ended so quickly…..but how cheesy was the ending? =.= I know I know, horrible of me, feel free to bash me about it in the comments section T.T but…LAST CHAPTER :’(

the funniest part is….. all this drama, was over….a sprain XD (silly of me right?)

also, I honestly think I could’ve made this a oneshot….oh wells, what I have has been done :P

anywho, on a brighter note…I FINISHED ALL MY EXAMS :D this means I can work on MY NEW FANFIC that should be coming your way soon, so keep checking my profile for updates!! heads up, this fanfic is going to be ALL about 2PM. I tried including everyone but I guess theres only so much I can do >.<

lastly, I thank ALL the readers for bothering with my first fanfic and I especially thank the people who subscribed, commented and supported this fanfic, so, THANK YOU!! :’)


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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 5: Sequel please~~~~~~ Really love this story~~~although this is the first i leave a comment here,but i already read this story over 10... times~~~~^^ good job authornim~~~
aihuni #2
So this story needs more development, sequel?*0*
Awwwwwww~ its adorable XD
aihuni #4
Are you ever going to write more Badeul? Or a sequel to this???!!! I want their relationship to develop more romantically TT.TT. Please answer meee!!
- Your faithful fan and subscriber.
Yanikki #5
OMG this is such a cute and fluffy story! When I read at first that Baro will leave I didn't wanted to read further, but I'm glad I did it, haha :D Can't stand the think of it :P Thanks for sharing!! <3
aihuni #6
NO!!! You cant just end it like that!!! They have to share at least a kiss!! What about making a sequel?? Ehhh?? Pretty please??? <3 either that or make another story for this couple!!!
Caitlynheu #7
This story is nice I love baro