One happy family at home~!

A fairy tale from a so-not-happy life.

The day had came.

The wedding.


The wedding tradition in SM village:-


1)The village's headman will lead the wedding ceremony.

   Soo Man ahjushi walked with proud to our house,accompanied by Jonghyun appa.

 "I don't know there's such a small and poor house in the forest like this in my    village.." he said sarcastically.

 Jonghyun appa just smiled slightly.

 " Yes,maybe its small and poor,but I build it myself... with a lot of love.."he smiled  proudly.

 Soo Man wore an experessionless face,before his eyes widened brightly.

 " Ah,look! the groom is already  wait for me.He must be excited for the wedding..~!"

 Jonghyun appa looked up and saw Taemin was standing at the house compound with his wedding outfit.

 Onew oppa combed his hair happily.

Minho oppa just watching with a smile before said,

" Awh,the village's headman has arrived~!"

 Taemin gulped.

 " Are you ready for this?" Minho oppa asked him.

 He nodded nervously.


2)The wedding ceremony will start with the headman's speech.

   Now,everybody was at the house compound,waiting for me to walk out from the house.

  The door opened slowly..

  Key Umma appeared..

then,slowly,holding her hand,I walked out the house with my wedding dress.

 Everybody was like...


 "Well,there come the bride.Now,the bride and groom,please sit next to each other."

 We both sit on the chair in front of the headman.

Soo Man took a deep breath,

" This young couple is fated to be together,since they first met.The wind of fate had blew them love and the rope of destiny has tied them..the aura of their love has filled the air surrounded us today as the oxygen gives this young couple chances to have a life together....and now,the Promises.."

He turned to Jonghyun appa.

He gave him a letter.


3)There's a letter named The Promises,written by the bride's family.

   The purpose of the letter:To ensure the marriage's happiness.

Soo Man opened the letter and cleared his throat.

"The promises,created,to ensure the couple to have a good and happy life,written by Kim Jonghyun,ideas from Kim Kibum and helped by Choi Minho and Lee Jinki..

the first promise,the husband must live with his wife's family.."

Taemin nodded happily." I promise."

"the second one,the husband must treat his wife well,no harshness allowed."

Taemin nodded happily again," I promise."

"third,the husband must treat his wife's family as his own family,which mean,help them out if they are in trouble,laugh when they are making jokes,sleep together and etc.."

Taemin smiled," I promise."

"and the last one..don't ever leave the wife,even whatever happens"

I stared the ground shyly.

Taemin turned to me before answered," I promise."


4) The bride and the groom must sign out the promises letter,signing that they've already married.

    Carefully,I took the feather and signed out the letter.Taemin did the same thing.

   "Now,You've already married"

  "Yay~they've married~!!" all of the family jumped up and down with happy.

   Onew oppa raised an oxhide which had been written on it "JUST MARRIED"

   When they all squealed with joy,

  suddenly Taemin yelled," Guys~!!Closed your eyes now!!Its dangerous~!!"

   Everybody obeyed him with panic,thinking that there's had something dangerous.

   I closed my eyes too,thinking the same.

   ..when suddenly I felt someone's lip planted on my lip.

   I opened my eyes,and saw Taemin closed his eyes and kissed me.

   We kissed about three minutes,when suddenly Key umma's voice interrupted.

   "What??What happened??Why we must to close our eyes??Its there's a bomb or something??"

   We both startled before Taemin said,

  "Nothing..its nothing,you can open your eyes now..sorry.."

   All of them opened their eyes.

  " Aww,umma~!!why did you interrupted them??!! we had enjoyed it just now~such a disturb.." Onew oppa pouted.

   Taemin gasped aloud,"You guys saw it??how did you know my trick??"

   Jonghyun appa said "Tsk,I used the same trick in my marriage."

   Taemin and I both blushing.

   "Aww,lets go inside the house~! We'll show your room..and having our dinner together~!!!"All of us ran into the house.

   "Oh,Soo Man ahjushi,thanks for coming and lead the wedding ceremony.Thank you so much"

  Jonghyun appa said before ran into the house.

   Now,one happy family at home..



Minho oppa watched Taemin and me laughing from far,"Its good you're happy.."


"Onew hyung,the chickens are run away ~!!" Taemin shouted.

Onew smiled,"Never mind,they know how to return home before the dusk.."


Taemin smiled as he looked up at the stars in the sky,

"I love all of you as my own family..I reall--" 

"Kroohh~~" Jonghyun appa was snorring.

Taemin turned to them and found out that all of them had already fell asleep.

"Yah,I'm talking to no one.." he sighed.


"Arghh~!!!!" Key umma yelled.

"Why??what happened??" Jonghyun appa ran toward her.

you...someone had  kidnapped you\ !!!"

Onew knelt down the ground in disbelief.

The axe that Minho held fell to the ground.

Taemin fainted.

#end of teaser#



aww,no~!I wouldn't kill this cute cat even you don't comment..~!!

Don't worry~~!!

Okay,I'll be hiatus for a while.

but I promise,I'll continue this story as soon as I can.

Just pray the best for me~!!!

Love you all~!!

Please be patient,because all the SHINee's member love the patient person.

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OMG I love how you made Key the mom XD
Chapter 6: OMG.


omg i laughed so hard when i saw this ^^
kyoumi #4
*reads foreword* omo! k-kyoumi??? *clicks subscribe button*
I love its like a true fairy tale between me and taemin
Pls. update soon =))