Imperfect Marriage (Part II)

Monsta X's Shownu Oneshot Collection
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"What do you mean by she's gone?", your father asked, as he pinch the bridge of his nose. Shownu looked down on the floor, not knowing what he should say to his father in-law. "What happen?", he finally asks.

"We...had a big argument.", he slowly said. Your father heaved out a heavy sigh.

"Why am I not even surprise?", he said and looked away. 

"I'm sorry.", he said.

"Why are you sorry? It's her fault that you both caught in scandal.", he said, not even feeling worry about you even thought Shownu had informed him that you're missing.

"I'm sorry, because it's my mistake.", he said. "It's my mistake for accused her for something that she didn't do. It wasn't your daughther who set the trap on me but my own best friend, Jackson.", he added.

"J-Jackson?", your father's eyes widen. "You mean the son from The Wang?", he asked again and Shownu nods his head. 

" Why? What happen?", your father asked and Shownu began to explained the situation. Everything from the beginning.





Shownu walked into the practice room with a sullen face. As soon as saw him stepped inside the house, they quickly ran towards him. Wonho grabbed him and forced him to sit down on the bench in the practice room. Shownu don't have time to refuse but to follow Wonho's steps.

"How was it?", Jooheon asked. All exicted, curious and nervous. The members gulped down, waiting for his answer. Shownu let a heavy sigh before shaking his head and looking down. The boys sighs and look disappointed with his answer.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll find her.", Wonho said and he could just nod his head. He closed his eyes and laid back against the wall, trying to clear his mind. But then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to his side and saw Minhyuk was looking at him as he gave him a small smile.

"Are you okay?", he asked and Shownu shook his head. Minhyuk nods his head, understanding why he was not okay. "Don't worry okay? You'll find her one day.", he squeezed his shoulder tight and made his way out of the practice room. 





You closed your eyes and take a deep breath of the fresh air in the beautiful island. Though your mind weren't fully cleared, but you had peace in here. After you ran away from everyone from Seoul, you decided to go to Jeju. You're trying your best to move on and have your own life instead of being a puppet to your father and your ex-husband, should you say.

You had left the wedding ring behind and took all of your things with you. It had been almost three months sice you move in Jeju. You had two job, enough for you to make for living. By day, you work in the wet market and worked as a waiter in a seafood restaurant by night. People in Jeju were all nice. You managed to rent a small house, not too fansy and not too poor.

It was a lie if you hadn't thinking about Shownu in this past few three months. Of course you did.

Though you're not suppose to remind yourself how you got married to Shownu, but you did and you can't help with it. It suddenly came like that when you had a thought about him. It pained your heart when the culprit told you the truth. You did try to explain to Shownu but he's ego was so high that you couldn't climb onto it. That's why you gave up.





Shownu and s had been told that they will be filming their music video in Jeju for their summer concept. Everyone is cheering because they're going to Jeju except for this one person. Everybody had packed all their belongings two days earlier and they're ready to go to Jeju.

"Don't make that sad face. Smile a bit.", I.M. said and stretched his mouth but Shownu ignored him. He looked over Jooheon to take over since Jooheon sit beside him and he secretly nods over I.M.

"Daddy, smile please~", Jooheon trying to act cute in front of Shownu and hoping that it will work on him. Luckily it did. He let out a small laughed when Jooheon used his cuteness as weapon him.

"Good, good. Smile like that.", Jooheon laughed and showed him a thumb up. "Even if I had to this stupid thing on you, I don't mind because we need you to smile, daddy.", he put some pressures on that 'daddy' word.

"I'll try...", Shownu slowly said and looked away as his smile faded away.

"No!", Minhyuk cried. "You cannot try. You have to! You have to smile, please!", Minhyuk squeezed his shoulder again.

"You really obsess over his shoulders, aren't you?", Wonho laughed.

"Who the heck don't?", Minhyuk back off and protested.

"Me.", I.M. lifted up his hands.

"Why don't you?", Minhyuk asked, acting like a mad fangirl.

"Because I'm jealous..." he paused. "Because Shownu is sho good looking.", he made a cute voice which made everyone laughed including Shownu.

"Okay, I get it. I get it.", Shownu nods his head.





"Woah!!!", Minhyuk cried and runs towards the sea. "This is so, good!", he exclaimed and play with the water.

"Wow, are we really going to film at this beautiful place?", Hyungwon asked as he followed Minhyuk, running into the sea.

"To beautiful and it seems like a dream.", Wonho said. "Someone slap me.", within a second, a slap land on his cheek. "God, ouch! That's hurt, kiddo.", he hissed at I.M.

"I'm sorry but you asked me to slap you."

"I said anyone. Not certain name."

"But I'm the one who currently with you right now.", he pointed out. Wonho looked around and I.M. was right. Jooheon, Shownu and Kihyun had went somewhere else while Minhyuk and Hyungwon were in the sea, leaving I.M. with him.

"Damn, seriously.", he sighed and walked away. I.M. could only shrugs.




They were currently inside a famous seafood restaurant in the area, happily to eat seafood except for one person.

"Looks like the Western boy is upset.", Minhyuk joked and he earned a glares from the youngest which made Minhyuk gasped. "Watch it, Kihyun I'm still older than you.", he acted as if he was angry when ever

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i just want to say i'm still here and reading your updates hehe like your stories, keep it up!
2036 streak #3
Chapter 23: Can we get a sequel for this? I mean them lovey-dovey or going out on dates or something like that. Hehehe XD nonetheless, I'm curious if why he always rushed out after their initial greetings. Was he shy or something? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2036 streak #4
Chapter 22: This chapter was so cute. He's such a sweet and caring boyfriend. I can totally imagine him doing that. And the Bungee jumping part at the end cracked me up. Anyway, I noticed that you have done double update but I will be back later to read the next one ^^
minsulchoi24 #5
Chapter 23: aaaahh part 2 please~👀
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 22: aaahh this chapter is so cute ♡ a caring boyfriend like son hyunwoo please ㅋㅋ that "can we do bungee jump next time" tho 😂
2036 streak #7
Chapter 21: That's really sad. Poor her and poor him too...

Anyway, hope to see another oneshot soon!
_violet10 #8
Chapter 8: Thanks a lot for shownu content
_violet10 #9
Chapter 16: Good one
Chapter 20: ?