Imperfect Marriage (Part I)

Monsta X's Shownu Oneshot Collection
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Requested by lilyblackpearl


You washed the dishes in the kitchen silently as you sighed for the umpteeth times, thinking about your troublesome marriage. You had been married a few months ago and it was a force arranged marriage. Why? First of all, you knew the both of you had been trapped at that one certain night and both of your parents force both of you to get married as they had arranged everything for you.

Having a well known father who was an international businessman is all about pride and money. Your father doesn't want to hear your explaination even for once. Same goes to him and his father.

You tried to forget about it... but...

Suddenly you heard footsteps coming from upstairs, going down and you knew who it was. You walked out from the kitchen, only to see your husband, Shownu with his sport attire. 

Isn't it weekend...?

"Oppa...why don't you have some breakfast first?", you said, timidly.

"Don't call me that.", he said, without looking you. "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that with your filthy mouth?", he still wasn't looking at you, but the door.

"I'm sorry..."

"I don't know how many times do I have to say this.", he said. "Leave me alone! I don't want to see your face.", he added more before walked out from the door.

"Why don't you give me a chance...?", you whispered as you looked down on the floor.





"Ay, what's up with that face?", a blonde haired guy sat beside Shownu, who was attempt to write lyrics for their next comeback but nothing get into his head and he got no inspiration at all. He gave up as he put down the pen and notebook. He turned around and saw his bestfriend giving him a tired look.

"Have you done practicing?", he asked in his leader tone. The blonde hissed and chuckled afterward. He looked at his bestfriend who had this trouble look on his face and he knew what's bother him.

"As expected from the leader.", the blonde nods. "I did. Thanks to Jooheon."

Shownu was a year apart from him but he's his best friend. Sure, Shownu is a guy with a few words and he was kind of awkward with people around him. He prefered to support s secretly and silently taking care of them. He had to admit that Shownu had that fatherly vibe and husband material but after the incident, he seems like changing into another person.

The incident which made him lose everything. He almost losing his career as an idol but managed to pull him back into the group.

"It's been months, right...?", the blonde slowly asked.

"Don't even dare bring that up, Minhyuk.", Shownu replied. Minhyuk had to admit that he sounds hurt.

"I'm sorry.", he paused. "You sounds...hurt but have you ever think that your wife had felt worst than you?", he added. Shownu keep silent as he looked forward.

"Do you know how long it was? She would carry your child right now. That's how long it was.", Minhyuk said. "Stop it, hyung. Stop holding grudge because you keep hurting yourself with it. She deserve chance to explain everything. Heck, everyone does. I mean look at you, you had so many chances. More than twice. Look at where are you now.", he paused and get closer to Shownu. "On the top of the mount."

"I don't know...Minhyuk.", Shownu paused. "It hurts. I feel mad everytime I saw her."

"You can throw that feeling away by forgiving."





"Oh, you're home?", you greeted him as soon as he stepped into the house. It was almost midnight and you knew it was his time to go home. You were in the kitchen, just finished cooking the dinner. However Shownu didn't say anything. He was trying to ignore her.

"Have you had your dinner?", she asked again, not giving up but received another cold shoulder from him again. He went upstairs, straight into his room before slamming the door shut.

"I'll take that as a yes...", you whispered and keep all the foods in the fridge, as always.



You hadn't give up, yet. Everyday, you would asking him for breakfast and dinner when he got home. Basically, you had done everything that normal wife should have do.

Until one night...

Shownu tiredly get into the house and threw himself on the couch. He breathe heavily as he laid himself on the couch. You, were in the kitchen as always poked your head out and saw Shownu was lying tiredly on the couch. You took a glass of cold water and put it on the coffee table.

"Here some cold water. Drink it.", she said. She looked down on him on the couch.

"Are you tired?"


"Have you had your dinner?"


"Do you have problems in works?"


"Do you want anything?"

"Oh my God! Shut the hell up, woman!", Shownu snapped. "When the hell are you going to leave me alone? I'm sick and tired of you.", he shouted and stood up. 

"Do I want anything?", he said a bit calm after the long pause. "I want to say a few things with you.", he added.

"I hate you so much and you already knew that. But you're too

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i just want to say i'm still here and reading your updates hehe like your stories, keep it up!
2038 streak #3
Chapter 23: Can we get a sequel for this? I mean them lovey-dovey or going out on dates or something like that. Hehehe XD nonetheless, I'm curious if why he always rushed out after their initial greetings. Was he shy or something? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 22: This chapter was so cute. He's such a sweet and caring boyfriend. I can totally imagine him doing that. And the Bungee jumping part at the end cracked me up. Anyway, I noticed that you have done double update but I will be back later to read the next one ^^
minsulchoi24 #5
Chapter 23: aaaahh part 2 please~👀
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 22: aaahh this chapter is so cute ♡ a caring boyfriend like son hyunwoo please ㅋㅋ that "can we do bungee jump next time" tho 😂
2038 streak #7
Chapter 21: That's really sad. Poor her and poor him too...

Anyway, hope to see another oneshot soon!
_violet10 #8
Chapter 8: Thanks a lot for shownu content
_violet10 #9
Chapter 16: Good one
Chapter 20: ?